Mike Griese 43c469fc95
Add support for naming windows with the -w parameter (#9300)
This finishes the implementation of `--window` to also accept a string
as the "name" of the window. So you can say 

wt -w foo new-tab
wt -w foo split-pane

and have both those commands execute in the same window, the one named
"foo". This is just slightly more ergonomic than manually using the IDs
of windows. In the future, I'll be working on renaming windows, and
displaying these names. 

> #### `--window,-w <window-id>`
> Run these commands in the given Windows Terminal session. This enables opening
> new tabs, splits, etc. in already running Windows Terminal windows.
> * If `window-id` is `0`, run the given commands in _the current window_.
> * If `window-id` is a negative number, or the reserved name `new`, run the
>   commands in a _new_ Terminal window.
> * If `window-id` is the ID or name of an existing window, then run the
>   commandline in that window.
> * If `window-id` is _not_ the ID or name of an existing window, create a new
>   window. That window will be assigned the ID or name provided in the
>   commandline. The provided subcommands will be run in that new window.
> * If `window-id` is omitted, then obey the value of `windowingBehavior` when
>   determining which window to run the command in.

Before this PR, I think we didn't actually properly support assigning
the id with `wt -w 12345`. If `12345` didn't exist, it would make a new
window, but just assign it the next id, not assign it 12345.

## References
* #4472, #8135
* https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/projects/5

## Validation Steps Performed
Ran tests
Messed with naming windows, working as expected.

Closes https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/projects/5#card-51431478
2021-03-17 19:28:01 +00:00

83 lines
3.2 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
import "TerminalPage.idl";
import "ShortcutActionDispatch.idl";
import "IDirectKeyListener.idl";
namespace TerminalApp
struct InitialPosition
Int64 X;
Int64 Y;
[default_interface] runtimeclass FindTargetWindowResult
Int32 WindowId { get; };
String WindowName { get; };
[default_interface] runtimeclass AppLogic : IDirectKeyListener, IDialogPresenter
// For your own sanity, it's better to do setup outside the ctor.
// If you do any setup in the ctor that ends up throwing an exception,
// then it might look like TermApp just failed to activate, which will
// cause you to chase down the rabbit hole of "why is TermApp not
// registered?" when it definitely is.
void Create();
Boolean IsUwp();
void RunAsUwp();
Boolean IsElevated();
Int32 SetStartupCommandline(String[] commands);
Int32 ExecuteCommandline(String[] commands, String cwd);
String ParseCommandlineMessage { get; };
Boolean ShouldExitEarly { get; };
void LoadSettings();
Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement GetRoot();
String Title { get; };
Boolean FocusMode { get; };
Boolean Fullscreen { get; };
Boolean AlwaysOnTop { get; };
Windows.Foundation.Size GetLaunchDimensions(UInt32 dpi);
Boolean CenterOnLaunch { get; };
InitialPosition GetInitialPosition(Int64 defaultInitialX, Int64 defaultInitialY);
Windows.UI.Xaml.ElementTheme GetRequestedTheme();
Microsoft.Terminal.Settings.Model.LaunchMode GetLaunchMode();
Boolean GetShowTabsInTitlebar();
Boolean GetInitialAlwaysOnTop();
Single CalcSnappedDimension(Boolean widthOrHeight, Single dimension);
void TitlebarClicked();
void WindowCloseButtonClicked();
UInt64 GetLastActiveControlTaskbarState();
UInt64 GetLastActiveControlTaskbarProgress();
FindTargetWindowResult FindTargetWindow(String[] args);
// See IDialogPresenter and TerminalPage's DialogPresenter for more
// information.
Windows.Foundation.IAsyncOperation<Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.ContentDialogResult> ShowDialog(Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.ContentDialog dialog);
event Windows.Foundation.TypedEventHandler<Object, Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement> SetTitleBarContent;
event Windows.Foundation.TypedEventHandler<Object, String> TitleChanged;
event Windows.Foundation.TypedEventHandler<Object, LastTabClosedEventArgs> LastTabClosed;
event Windows.Foundation.TypedEventHandler<Object, Windows.UI.Xaml.ElementTheme> RequestedThemeChanged;
event Windows.Foundation.TypedEventHandler<Object, Object> FocusModeChanged;
event Windows.Foundation.TypedEventHandler<Object, Object> FullscreenChanged;
event Windows.Foundation.TypedEventHandler<Object, Object> AlwaysOnTopChanged;
event Windows.Foundation.TypedEventHandler<Object, Object> RaiseVisualBell;
event Windows.Foundation.TypedEventHandler<Object, Object> SetTaskbarProgress;