James Holderness 90ff261c35
Add support for downloadable soft fonts (#10011)
This PR adds conhost support for downloadable soft fonts - also known as
dynamically redefinable character sets (DRCS) - using the `DECDLD`
escape sequence.

These fonts are typically designed to work on a specific terminal model,
and each model tends to have a different character cell size. So in
order to support as many models as possible, the code attempts to detect
the original target size of the font, and then scale the glyphs to fit
our current cell size.

Once a font has been downloaded to the terminal, it can be designated in
the same way you would a standard character set, using an `SCS` escape
sequence. The identification string for the set is defined by the
`DECDLD` sequence. Internally we map the characters in this set to code
points `U+EF20` to `U+EF7F` in the Unicode private use are (PUA).

Then in the renderer, any characters in that range are split off into
separate runs, which get painted with a special font. The font itself is
dynamically generated as an in-memory resource, constructed from the
downloaded character bitmaps which have been scaled to the appropriate

If no soft fonts are in use, then no mapping of the PUA code points will
take place, so this shouldn't interfere with anyone using those code
points for something else, as along as they aren't also trying to use
soft fonts. I also tried to pick a PUA range that hadn't already been
snatched up by Nerd Fonts, but if we do receive reports of a conflict,
it's easy enough to change.

## Validation Steps Performed

I added an adapter test that runs through a bunch of parameter
variations for the `DECDLD` sequence, to make sure we're correctly
detecting the font sizes for most of the known DEC terminal models.

I've also tested manually on a wide range of existing fonts, of varying
dimensions, and from multiple sources, and made sure they all worked
reasonably well.

Closes #9164
2021-08-06 20:41:02 +00:00

76 lines
2.6 KiB

Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
Licensed under the MIT license.
Module Name:
- IRenderer.hpp
- This serves as the entry point for console rendering activities.
- Michael Niksa (MiNiksa) 17-Nov-2015
#pragma once
#include "FontInfoDesired.hpp"
#include "IRenderEngine.hpp"
#include "IRenderTarget.hpp"
#include "../types/inc/viewport.hpp"
namespace Microsoft::Console::Render
class IRenderer : public IRenderTarget
~IRenderer() = 0;
IRenderer(const IRenderer&) = default;
IRenderer(IRenderer&&) = default;
IRenderer& operator=(const IRenderer&) = default;
IRenderer& operator=(IRenderer&&) = default;
[[nodiscard]] virtual HRESULT PaintFrame() = 0;
virtual void TriggerSystemRedraw(const RECT* const prcDirtyClient) = 0;
virtual void TriggerRedraw(const Microsoft::Console::Types::Viewport& region) = 0;
virtual void TriggerRedraw(const COORD* const pcoord) = 0;
virtual void TriggerRedrawCursor(const COORD* const pcoord) = 0;
virtual void TriggerRedrawAll() = 0;
virtual void TriggerTeardown() noexcept = 0;
virtual void TriggerSelection() = 0;
virtual void TriggerScroll() = 0;
virtual void TriggerScroll(const COORD* const pcoordDelta) = 0;
virtual void TriggerCircling() = 0;
virtual void TriggerTitleChange() = 0;
virtual void TriggerFontChange(const int iDpi,
const FontInfoDesired& FontInfoDesired,
_Out_ FontInfo& FontInfo) = 0;
virtual void UpdateSoftFont(const gsl::span<const uint16_t> bitPattern,
const SIZE cellSize,
const size_t centeringHint) = 0;
[[nodiscard]] virtual HRESULT GetProposedFont(const int iDpi,
const FontInfoDesired& FontInfoDesired,
_Out_ FontInfo& FontInfo) = 0;
virtual bool IsGlyphWideByFont(const std::wstring_view glyph) = 0;
virtual void EnablePainting() = 0;
virtual void WaitForPaintCompletionAndDisable(const DWORD dwTimeoutMs) = 0;
virtual void WaitUntilCanRender() = 0;
virtual void AddRenderEngine(_In_ IRenderEngine* const pEngine) = 0;
IRenderer() = default;
inline Microsoft::Console::Render::IRenderer::~IRenderer() {}