Michael Niksa a50c48cd60
Compensate for new warnings and STL changes in VS 16.7 (#7319)
New warnings were added in VS 16.7 and `std::map::erase` is now `noexcept`.
Update our code to be compatible with the new enforcement.

## PR Checklist
* [x] Closes broken audit in main after Agents updated over the weekend.
* [x] I work here.
* [x] Audit mode passes now
* [x] Am core contributor.

## Validation Steps Performed
* [x] Ran audit mode locally
2020-08-18 16:59:31 +00:00

504 lines
16 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#pragma once
class BitmapTests;
namespace til // Terminal Implementation Library. Also: "Today I Learned"
namespace details
class _bitmap_const_iterator
using iterator_category = typename std::input_iterator_tag;
using value_type = typename const til::rectangle;
using difference_type = typename ptrdiff_t;
using pointer = typename const til::rectangle*;
using reference = typename const til::rectangle&;
_bitmap_const_iterator(const dynamic_bitset<>& values, til::rectangle rc, ptrdiff_t pos) :
_bitmap_const_iterator& operator++()
_pos = _nextPos;
return (*this);
_bitmap_const_iterator operator++(int)
const auto prev = *this;
return prev;
constexpr bool operator==(const _bitmap_const_iterator& other) const noexcept
return _pos == other._pos && _values == other._values;
constexpr bool operator!=(const _bitmap_const_iterator& other) const noexcept
return !(*this == other);
constexpr bool operator<(const _bitmap_const_iterator& other) const noexcept
return _pos < other._pos;
constexpr bool operator>(const _bitmap_const_iterator& other) const noexcept
return _pos > other._pos;
constexpr reference operator*() const noexcept
return _run;
constexpr pointer operator->() const noexcept
return &_run;
const dynamic_bitset<>& _values;
const til::rectangle _rc;
ptrdiff_t _pos;
ptrdiff_t _nextPos;
const ptrdiff_t _end;
til::rectangle _run;
// Update _run to contain the next rectangle of consecutively set bits within this bitmap.
// _calculateArea may be called repeatedly to yield all those rectangles.
void _calculateArea()
// The following logic first finds the next set bit in this bitmap and the next unset bit past that.
// The area in between those positions are thus all set bits and will end up being the next _run.
// dynamic_bitset allows you to quickly find the next set bit using find_next(prev),
// where "prev" is the position _past_ which should be searched (i.e. excluding position "prev").
// If _pos is still 0, we thus need to use the counterpart find_first().
const auto nextPos = _pos == 0 ? _values.find_first() : _values.find_next(_pos - 1);
// If no next set bit can be found, npos is returned, which is SIZE_T_MAX.
// saturated_cast can ensure that this will be converted to PTRDIFF_T_MAX (which is greater than _end).
_nextPos = base::saturated_cast<ptrdiff_t>(nextPos);
// If we haven't reached the end yet...
if (_nextPos < _end)
// pos is now at the first on bit.
const auto runStart = _rc.point_at(_nextPos);
// We'll only count up until the end of this row.
// a run can be a max of one row tall.
const ptrdiff_t rowEndIndex = _rc.index_of(til::point(_rc.right() - 1, runStart.y())) + 1;
// Find the length for the rectangle.
ptrdiff_t runLength = 0;
// We have at least 1 so start with a do/while.
} while (_nextPos < rowEndIndex && _values[_nextPos]);
// Keep going until we reach end of row, end of the buffer, or the next bit is off.
// Assemble and store that run.
_run = til::rectangle{ runStart, til::size{ runLength, static_cast<ptrdiff_t>(1) } };
// If we reached the end _nextPos may be >= _end (potentially even PTRDIFF_T_MAX).
// ---> Mark the end of the iterator by updating the state with _end.
_pos = _end;
_nextPos = _end;
_run = til::rectangle{};
class bitmap
using const_iterator = details::_bitmap_const_iterator;
bitmap() noexcept :
bitmap(til::size sz) :
bitmap(sz, false)
bitmap(til::size sz, bool fill) :
if (fill)
constexpr bool operator==(const bitmap& other) const noexcept
return _sz == other._sz &&
_rc == other._rc &&
_bits == other._bits;
// _runs excluded because it's a cache of generated state.
constexpr bool operator!=(const bitmap& other) const noexcept
return !(*this == other);
const_iterator begin() const
return const_iterator(_bits, _sz, 0);
const_iterator end() const
return const_iterator(_bits, _sz, _sz.area());
const std::vector<til::rectangle>& runs() const
// If we don't have cached runs, rebuild.
if (!_runs.has_value())
_runs.emplace(begin(), end());
// Return a reference to the runs.
return _runs.value();
// optional fill the uncovered area with bits.
void translate(const til::point delta, bool fill = false)
if (delta.x() == 0)
// fast path by using bit shifting
translate_y(delta.y(), fill);
// FUTURE: PERF: GH #4015: This could use in-place walk semantics instead of a temporary.
til::bitmap other{ _sz };
for (auto run : *this)
// Offset by the delta
run += delta;
// Intersect with the bounds of our bitmap area
// as part of it could have slid out of bounds.
run &= _rc;
// Set it into the new bitmap.
// If we were asked to fill... find the uncovered region.
if (fill)
// Original Rect of As.
// X <-- origin
// A A A A
// A A A A
// A A A A
// A A A A
const auto originalRect = _rc;
// If Delta = (2, 2)
// Translated Rect of Bs.
// X <-- origin
// B B B B
// B B B B
// B B B B
// B B B B
const auto translatedRect = _rc + delta;
// Subtract the B from the A one to see what wasn't filled by the move.
// C is the overlap of A and B:
// X <-- origin
// A A A A 1 1 1 1
// A A A A 1 1 1 1
// A A C C B B subtract 2 2
// A A C C B B ---------> 2 2
// B B B B A - B
// B B B B
// 1 and 2 are the spaces to fill that are "uncovered".
const auto fillRects = originalRect - translatedRect;
for (const auto& f : fillRects)
// Swap us with the temporary one.
std::swap(other, *this);
void set(const til::point pt)
THROW_HR_IF(E_INVALIDARG, !_rc.contains(pt));
_runs.reset(); // reset cached runs on any non-const method
void set(const til::rectangle rc)
THROW_HR_IF(E_INVALIDARG, !_rc.contains(rc));
_runs.reset(); // reset cached runs on any non-const method
for (auto row = rc.top(); row < rc.bottom(); ++row)
_bits.set(_rc.index_of(til::point{ rc.left(), row }), rc.width(), true);
void set_all() noexcept
_runs.reset(); // reset cached runs on any non-const method
void reset_all() noexcept
_runs.reset(); // reset cached runs on any non-const method
// True if we resized. False if it was the same size as before.
// Set fill if you want the new region (on growing) to be marked dirty.
bool resize(til::size size, bool fill = false)
_runs.reset(); // reset cached runs on any non-const method
// Don't resize if it's not different
if (_sz != size)
// Make a new bitmap for the other side, empty initially.
auto newMap = bitmap(size, false);
// Copy any regions that overlap from this map to the new one.
// Just iterate our runs...
for (const auto& run : *this)
// intersect them with the new map
// so we don't attempt to set bits that fit outside
// the new one.
const auto intersect = run & newMap._rc;
// and if there is still anything left, set them.
if (!intersect.empty())
// Then, if we were requested to fill the new space on growing,
// find the space in the new rectangle that wasn't in the old
// and fill it up.
if (fill)
// A subtraction will yield anything in the new that isn't
// a part of the old.
const auto newAreas = newMap._rc - _rc;
for (const auto& area : newAreas)
// Swap and return.
std::swap(newMap, *this);
return true;
return false;
constexpr bool one() const noexcept
return _bits.count() == 1;
constexpr bool any() const noexcept
return !none();
constexpr bool none() const noexcept
return _bits.none();
constexpr bool all() const noexcept
return _bits.all();
constexpr til::size size() const noexcept
return _sz;
std::wstring to_string() const
std::wstringstream wss;
wss << std::endl
<< L"Bitmap of size " << _sz.to_string() << " contains the following dirty regions:" << std::endl;
wss << L"Runs:" << std::endl;
for (auto& item : *this)
wss << L"\t- " << item.to_string() << std::endl;
return wss.str();
void translate_y(ptrdiff_t delta_y, bool fill)
if (delta_y == 0)
const auto bitShift = delta_y * _sz.width();
#pragma warning(push)
// we can't depend on GSL here (some libraries use BLOCK_GSL), so we use static_cast for explicit narrowing
#pragma warning(disable : 26472)
const auto newBits = static_cast<size_t>(std::abs(bitShift));
#pragma warning(pop)
const bool isLeftShift = bitShift > 0;
if (newBits >= _bits.size())
if (fill)
if (isLeftShift)
// This operator doesn't modify the size of `_bits`: the
// new bits are set to 0.
_bits <<= newBits;
_bits >>= newBits;
if (fill)
if (isLeftShift)
_bits.set(0, newBits, true);
_bits.set(_bits.size() - newBits, newBits, true);
_runs.reset(); // reset cached runs on any non-const method
til::size _sz;
til::rectangle _rc;
dynamic_bitset<> _bits;
mutable std::optional<std::vector<til::rectangle>> _runs;
friend class ::BitmapTests;
#ifdef __WEX_COMMON_H__
namespace WEX::TestExecution
class VerifyOutputTraits<::til::bitmap>
static WEX::Common::NoThrowString ToString(const ::til::bitmap& rect)
return WEX::Common::NoThrowString(rect.to_string().c_str());
class VerifyCompareTraits<::til::bitmap, ::til::bitmap>
static bool AreEqual(const ::til::bitmap& expected, const ::til::bitmap& actual) noexcept
return expected == actual;
static bool AreSame(const ::til::bitmap& expected, const ::til::bitmap& actual) noexcept
return &expected == &actual;
static bool IsLessThan(const ::til::bitmap& expectedLess, const ::til::bitmap& expectedGreater) = delete;
static bool IsGreaterThan(const ::til::bitmap& expectedGreater, const ::til::bitmap& expectedLess) = delete;
static bool IsNull(const ::til::bitmap& object) noexcept
return object == til::bitmap{};