Dustin L. Howett 10992b77a0
Only iterate panes one time when updating settings (#10997)
The original code for settings reload iterated the entire tree of panes
for every profile in the new settings (O(mn)) and constructed a
TerminalSettings object for every profile even if it later went unused.

This implementation:

1. Collects all new profiles keyed by guid
1.a. Adds the "defaults" profile to the map
2. Iterates every pane, just once, and updates its profile if it shows
   up in the list by GUID.

I've merged all of the per-tab code into a single loop.

Because of 1.a., this code can now update panes that are hosting the
"base" profile.
2021-08-23 19:20:08 +00:00

2735 lines
110 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "pch.h"
#include "Pane.h"
#include "AppLogic.h"
#include <Mmsystem.h>
using namespace winrt::Windows::Foundation;
using namespace winrt::Windows::Graphics::Display;
using namespace winrt::Windows::UI;
using namespace winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml;
using namespace winrt::Windows::UI::Core;
using namespace winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::Media;
using namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model;
using namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Control;
using namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::TerminalConnection;
using namespace winrt::TerminalApp;
using namespace TerminalApp;
static const int PaneBorderSize = 2;
static const int CombinedPaneBorderSize = 2 * PaneBorderSize;
// WARNING: Don't do this! This won't work
// Duration duration{ std::chrono::milliseconds{ 200 } };
// Instead, make a duration from a TimeSpan from the time in millis
// 200ms was chosen because it's quick enough that it doesn't break your
// flow, but not too quick to see
static const int AnimationDurationInMilliseconds = 200;
static const Duration AnimationDuration = DurationHelper::FromTimeSpan(winrt::Windows::Foundation::TimeSpan(std::chrono::milliseconds(AnimationDurationInMilliseconds)));
winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::Media::SolidColorBrush Pane::s_focusedBorderBrush = { nullptr };
winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::Media::SolidColorBrush Pane::s_unfocusedBorderBrush = { nullptr };
Pane::Pane(const Profile& profile, const TermControl& control, const bool lastFocused) :
_control{ control },
_lastActive{ lastFocused },
_profile{ profile }
_connectionStateChangedToken = _control.ConnectionStateChanged({ this, &Pane::_ControlConnectionStateChangedHandler });
_warningBellToken = _control.WarningBell({ this, &Pane::_ControlWarningBellHandler });
// On the first Pane's creation, lookup resources we'll use to theme the
// Pane, including the brushed to use for the focused/unfocused border
// color.
if (s_focusedBorderBrush == nullptr || s_unfocusedBorderBrush == nullptr)
// Use the unfocused border color as the pane background, so an actual color
// appears behind panes as we animate them sliding in.
// Register an event with the control to have it inform us when it gains focus.
_gotFocusRevoker = control.GotFocus(winrt::auto_revoke, { this, &Pane::_ControlGotFocusHandler });
_lostFocusRevoker = control.LostFocus(winrt::auto_revoke, { this, &Pane::_ControlLostFocusHandler });
// When our border is tapped, make sure to transfer focus to our control.
// LOAD-BEARING: This will NOT work if the border's BorderBrush is set to
// Colors::Transparent! The border won't get Tapped events, and they'll fall
// through to something else.
_border.Tapped([this](auto&, auto& e) {
// Method Description:
// - Update the size of this pane. Resizes each of our columns so they have the
// same relative sizes, given the newSize.
// - Because we're just manually setting the row/column sizes in pixels, we have
// to be told our new size, we can't just use our own OnSized event, because
// that _won't fire when we get smaller_.
// Arguments:
// - newSize: the amount of space that this pane has to fill now.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Pane::ResizeContent(const Size& newSize)
const auto width = newSize.Width;
const auto height = newSize.Height;
if (_splitState == SplitState::Vertical)
const auto paneSizes = _CalcChildrenSizes(width);
const Size firstSize{ paneSizes.first, height };
const Size secondSize{ paneSizes.second, height };
else if (_splitState == SplitState::Horizontal)
const auto paneSizes = _CalcChildrenSizes(height);
const Size firstSize{ width, paneSizes.first };
const Size secondSize{ width, paneSizes.second };
// Method Description:
// - Recalculates and reapplies sizes of all descendant panes.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Pane::Relayout()
// Method Description:
// - Adjust our child percentages to increase the size of one of our children
// and decrease the size of the other.
// - Adjusts the separation amount by 5%
// - Does nothing if the direction doesn't match our current split direction
// Arguments:
// - direction: the direction to move our separator. If it's down or right,
// we'll be increasing the size of the first of our children. Else, we'll be
// decreasing the size of our first child.
// Return Value:
// - false if we couldn't resize this pane in the given direction, else true.
bool Pane::_Resize(const ResizeDirection& direction)
if (!DirectionMatchesSplit(direction, _splitState))
return false;
float amount = .05f;
if (direction == ResizeDirection::Right || direction == ResizeDirection::Down)
amount = -amount;
// Make sure we're not making a pane explode here by resizing it to 0 characters.
const bool changeWidth = _splitState == SplitState::Vertical;
const Size actualSize{ gsl::narrow_cast<float>(_root.ActualWidth()),
gsl::narrow_cast<float>(_root.ActualHeight()) };
// actualDimension is the size in DIPs of this pane in the direction we're
// resizing.
const auto actualDimension = changeWidth ? actualSize.Width : actualSize.Height;
_desiredSplitPosition = _ClampSplitPosition(changeWidth, _desiredSplitPosition - amount, actualDimension);
// Resize our columns to match the new percentages.
return true;
// Method Description:
// - Moves the separator between panes, as to resize each child on either size
// of the separator. Tries to move a separator in the given direction. The
// separator moved is the separator that's closest depth-wise to the
// currently focused pane, that's also in the correct direction to be moved.
// If there isn't such a separator, then this method returns false, as we
// couldn't handle the resize.
// Arguments:
// - direction: The direction to move the separator in.
// Return Value:
// - true if we or a child handled this resize request.
bool Pane::ResizePane(const ResizeDirection& direction)
// If we're a leaf, do nothing. We can't possibly have a descendant with a
// separator the correct direction.
if (_IsLeaf())
return false;
// Check if either our first or second child is the currently focused leaf.
// If it is, and the requested resize direction matches our separator, then
// we're the pane that needs to adjust its separator.
// If our separator is the wrong direction, then we can't handle it.
const bool firstIsFocused = _firstChild->_IsLeaf() && _firstChild->_lastActive;
const bool secondIsFocused = _secondChild->_IsLeaf() && _secondChild->_lastActive;
if (firstIsFocused || secondIsFocused)
return _Resize(direction);
// If neither of our children were the focused leaf, then recurse into
// our children and see if they can handle the resize.
// For each child, if it has a focused descendant, try having that child
// handle the resize.
// If the child wasn't able to handle the resize, it's possible that
// there were no descendants with a separator the correct direction. If
// our separator _is_ the correct direction, then we should be the pane
// to resize. Otherwise, just return false, as we couldn't handle it
// either.
if ((!_firstChild->_IsLeaf()) && _firstChild->_HasFocusedChild())
return _firstChild->ResizePane(direction) || _Resize(direction);
if ((!_secondChild->_IsLeaf()) && _secondChild->_HasFocusedChild())
return _secondChild->ResizePane(direction) || _Resize(direction);
return false;
// Method Description:
// - Attempt to navigate from the sourcePane according to direction.
// - If the direction is NextInOrder or PreviousInOrder, the next or previous
// leaf in the tree, respectively, will be returned.
// - If the direction is {Up, Down, Left, Right} then the visually-adjacent
// neighbor (if it exists) will be returned. If there are multiple options
// then the first-most leaf will be selected.
// Arguments:
// - sourcePane: the pane to navigate from
// - direction: which direction to go in
// Return Value:
// - The result of navigating from source according to direction, which may be
// nullptr (i.e. no pane was found in that direction).
std::shared_ptr<Pane> Pane::NavigateDirection(const std::shared_ptr<Pane> sourcePane, const FocusDirection& direction)
// Can't navigate anywhere if we are a leaf
if (_IsLeaf())
return nullptr;
// If the MRU previous pane is requested we can't move; the tab handles MRU
if (direction == FocusDirection::None || direction == FocusDirection::Previous)
return nullptr;
// Check if we in-order traversal is requested
if (direction == FocusDirection::NextInOrder)
return NextPane(sourcePane);
if (direction == FocusDirection::PreviousInOrder)
return PreviousPane(sourcePane);
// We are left with directional traversal now
// If the focus direction does not match the split direction, the source pane
// and its neighbor must necessarily be contained within the same child.
if (!DirectionMatchesSplit(direction, _splitState))
if (auto p = _firstChild->NavigateDirection(sourcePane, direction))
return p;
return _secondChild->NavigateDirection(sourcePane, direction);
// Since the direction is the same as our split, it is possible that we must
// move focus from from one child to another child.
// We now must keep track of state while we recurse.
const auto paneNeighborPair = _FindPaneAndNeighbor(sourcePane, direction, { 0, 0 });
if (paneNeighborPair.source && paneNeighborPair.neighbor)
return paneNeighborPair.neighbor;
return nullptr;
// Method Description:
// - Attempts to find the succeeding pane of the provided pane.
// - NB: If targetPane is not a leaf, then this will return one of its children.
// Arguments:
// - targetPane: The pane to search for.
// Return Value:
// - The next pane in tree order after the target pane (if found)
std::shared_ptr<Pane> Pane::NextPane(const std::shared_ptr<Pane> targetPane)
// if we are a leaf pane there is no next pane.
if (_IsLeaf())
return nullptr;
std::shared_ptr<Pane> firstLeaf = nullptr;
std::shared_ptr<Pane> nextPane = nullptr;
bool foundTarget = false;
auto foundNext = WalkTree([&](auto pane) {
// In case the target pane is the last pane in the tree, keep a reference
// to the first leaf so we can wrap around.
if (firstLeaf == nullptr && pane->_IsLeaf())
firstLeaf = pane;
// If we've found the target pane already, get the next leaf pane.
if (foundTarget && pane->_IsLeaf())
nextPane = pane;
return true;
// Test if we're the target pane so we know to return the next pane.
if (pane == targetPane)
foundTarget = true;
return false;
// If we found the desired pane just return it
if (foundNext)
return nextPane;
// If we found the target pane, but not the next pane it means we were the
// last leaf in the tree.
if (foundTarget)
return firstLeaf;
return nullptr;
// Method Description:
// - Attempts to find the preceding pane of the provided pane.
// Arguments:
// - targetPane: The pane to search for.
// Return Value:
// - The previous pane in tree order before the target pane (if found)
std::shared_ptr<Pane> Pane::PreviousPane(const std::shared_ptr<Pane> targetPane)
// if we are a leaf pane there is no previous pane.
if (_IsLeaf())
return nullptr;
std::shared_ptr<Pane> lastLeaf = nullptr;
bool foundTarget = false;
WalkTree([&](auto pane) {
if (pane == targetPane)
foundTarget = true;
// If we were not the first leaf, then return the previous leaf.
// Otherwise keep walking the tree to get the last pane.
if (lastLeaf != nullptr)
return true;
if (pane->_IsLeaf())
lastLeaf = pane;
return false;
// If we found the target pane then lastLeaf will either be the preceding
// pane or the last pane in the tree if targetPane is the first leaf.
if (foundTarget)
return lastLeaf;
return nullptr;
// Method Description:
// - Attempts to find the parent pane of the provided pane.
// Arguments:
// - pane: The pane to search for.
// Return Value:
// - the parent of `pane` if pane is in this tree.
std::shared_ptr<Pane> Pane::_FindParentOfPane(const std::shared_ptr<Pane> pane)
if (_IsLeaf())
return nullptr;
if (_firstChild == pane || _secondChild == pane)
return shared_from_this();
if (auto p = _firstChild->_FindParentOfPane(pane))
return p;
return _secondChild->_FindParentOfPane(pane);
// Method Description:
// - Attempts to swap the location of the two given panes in the tree.
// Searches the tree starting at this pane to find the parent pane for each of
// the arguments, and if both parents are found, replaces the appropriate
// child in each.
// Arguments:
// - first: A pointer to the first pane to switch.
// - second: A pointer to the second pane to switch.
// Return Value:
// - true if a swap was performed.
bool Pane::SwapPanes(std::shared_ptr<Pane> first, std::shared_ptr<Pane> second)
// If there is nothing to swap, just return.
if (first == second || _IsLeaf())
return false;
std::unique_lock lock{ _createCloseLock };
// Recurse through the tree to find the parent panes of each pane that is
// being swapped.
std::shared_ptr<Pane> firstParent = _FindParentOfPane(first);
std::shared_ptr<Pane> secondParent = _FindParentOfPane(second);
// We should have found either no elements, or both elements.
// If we only found one parent then the pane SwapPane was called on did not
// contain both panes as leaves, as could happen if the tree was modified
// after the pointers were found but before we reached this function.
if (firstParent && secondParent)
// Swap size/display information of the two panes.
std::swap(first->_borders, second->_borders);
// Replace the old child with new one, and revoke appropriate event
// handlers.
auto replaceChild = [](auto& parent, auto oldChild, auto newChild) {
// Revoke the old handlers
if (parent->_firstChild == oldChild)
parent->_firstChild = newChild;
else if (parent->_secondChild == oldChild)
parent->_secondChild = newChild;
// Clear now to ensure that we can add the child's grid to us later
// Make sure that the right event handlers are set, and the children
// are placed in the appropriate locations in the grid.
auto updateParent = [](auto& parent) {
// Make sure they have the correct borders, and also that they are
// placed in the right location in the grid.
// This mildly reproduces ApplySplitDefinitions, but is different in
// that it does not want to utilize the parent's border to set child
// borders.
if (parent->_splitState == SplitState::Vertical)
Controls::Grid::SetColumn(parent->_firstChild->GetRootElement(), 0);
Controls::Grid::SetColumn(parent->_secondChild->GetRootElement(), 1);
else if (parent->_splitState == SplitState::Horizontal)
Controls::Grid::SetRow(parent->_firstChild->GetRootElement(), 0);
Controls::Grid::SetRow(parent->_secondChild->GetRootElement(), 1);
// If the firstParent and secondParent are the same, then we are just
// swapping the first child and second child of that parent.
if (firstParent == secondParent)
std::swap(firstParent->_firstChild, firstParent->_secondChild);
// Replace both children before updating display to ensure
// that the grid elements are not attached to multiple panes
replaceChild(firstParent, first, second);
replaceChild(secondParent, second, first);
// For now the first pane is always the focused pane, so re-focus to
// make sure the cursor is still in the terminal since the root was moved.
return true;
return false;
// Method Description:
// - Given two panes, test whether the `direction` side of first is adjacent to second.
// Arguments:
// - first: The reference pane.
// - second: the pane to test adjacency with.
// - direction: The direction to search in from the reference pane.
// Return Value:
// - true if the two panes are adjacent.
bool Pane::_IsAdjacent(const std::shared_ptr<Pane> first,
const Pane::PanePoint firstOffset,
const std::shared_ptr<Pane> second,
const Pane::PanePoint secondOffset,
const FocusDirection& direction) const
// Since float equality is tricky (arithmetic is non-associative, commutative),
// test if the two numbers are within an epsilon distance of each other.
auto floatEqual = [](float left, float right) {
return abs(left - right) < 1e-4F;
// When checking containment in a range, the range is half-closed, i.e. [x, x+w).
// If the direction is left test that the left side of the first element is
// next to the right side of the second element, and that the top left
// corner of the first element is within the second element's height
if (direction == FocusDirection::Left)
auto sharesBorders = floatEqual(firstOffset.x, secondOffset.x + gsl::narrow_cast<float>(second->GetRootElement().ActualWidth()));
auto withinHeight = (firstOffset.y >= secondOffset.y) && (firstOffset.y < secondOffset.y + gsl::narrow_cast<float>(second->GetRootElement().ActualHeight()));
return sharesBorders && withinHeight;
// If the direction is right test that the right side of the first element is
// next to the left side of the second element, and that the top left
// corner of the first element is within the second element's height
else if (direction == FocusDirection::Right)
auto sharesBorders = floatEqual(firstOffset.x + gsl::narrow_cast<float>(first->GetRootElement().ActualWidth()), secondOffset.x);
auto withinHeight = (firstOffset.y >= secondOffset.y) && (firstOffset.y < secondOffset.y + gsl::narrow_cast<float>(second->GetRootElement().ActualHeight()));
return sharesBorders && withinHeight;
// If the direction is up test that the top side of the first element is
// next to the bottom side of the second element, and that the top left
// corner of the first element is within the second element's width
else if (direction == FocusDirection::Up)
auto sharesBorders = floatEqual(firstOffset.y, secondOffset.y + gsl::narrow_cast<float>(second->GetRootElement().ActualHeight()));
auto withinWidth = (firstOffset.x >= secondOffset.x) && (firstOffset.x < secondOffset.x + gsl::narrow_cast<float>(second->GetRootElement().ActualWidth()));
return sharesBorders && withinWidth;
// If the direction is down test that the bottom side of the first element is
// next to the top side of the second element, and that the top left
// corner of the first element is within the second element's width
else if (direction == FocusDirection::Down)
auto sharesBorders = floatEqual(firstOffset.y + gsl::narrow_cast<float>(first->GetRootElement().ActualHeight()), secondOffset.y);
auto withinWidth = (firstOffset.x >= secondOffset.x) && (firstOffset.x < secondOffset.x + gsl::narrow_cast<float>(second->GetRootElement().ActualWidth()));
return sharesBorders && withinWidth;
return false;
// Method Description:
// - Given the source pane, and its relative position in the tree, attempt to
// find its visual neighbor within the current pane's tree.
// The neighbor, if it exists, will be a leaf pane.
// Arguments:
// - direction: The direction to search in from the source pane.
// - searchResult: the source pane and its relative position.
// - sourceIsSecondSide: If the source pane is on the "second" side (down/right of split)
// relative to the branch being searched
// - offset: the offset of the current pane
// Return Value:
// - A tuple of Panes, the first being the focused pane if found, and the second
// being the adjacent pane if it exists, and a bool that represents if the move
// goes out of bounds.
Pane::PaneNeighborSearch Pane::_FindNeighborForPane(const FocusDirection& direction,
PaneNeighborSearch searchResult,
const bool sourceIsSecondSide,
const Pane::PanePoint offset)
// Test if the move will go out of boundaries. E.g. if the focus is already
// on the second child of some pane and it attempts to move right, there
// can't possibly be a neighbor to be found in the first child.
if ((sourceIsSecondSide && (direction == FocusDirection::Right || direction == FocusDirection::Down)) ||
(!sourceIsSecondSide && (direction == FocusDirection::Left || direction == FocusDirection::Up)))
return searchResult;
// If we are a leaf node test if we adjacent to the focus node
if (_IsLeaf())
if (_IsAdjacent(searchResult.source, searchResult.sourceOffset, shared_from_this(), offset, direction))
searchResult.neighbor = shared_from_this();
return searchResult;
auto firstOffset = offset;
auto secondOffset = offset;
// The second child has an offset depending on the split
if (_splitState == SplitState::Horizontal)
secondOffset.y += gsl::narrow_cast<float>(_firstChild->GetRootElement().ActualHeight());
secondOffset.x += gsl::narrow_cast<float>(_firstChild->GetRootElement().ActualWidth());
auto sourceNeighborSearch = _firstChild->_FindNeighborForPane(direction, searchResult, sourceIsSecondSide, firstOffset);
if (sourceNeighborSearch.neighbor)
return sourceNeighborSearch;
return _secondChild->_FindNeighborForPane(direction, searchResult, sourceIsSecondSide, secondOffset);
// Method Description:
// - Searches the tree to find the source pane, and if it exists, the
// visually adjacent pane by direction.
// Arguments:
// - sourcePane: The pane to find the neighbor of.
// - direction: The direction to search in from the focused pane.
// - offset: The offset, with the top-left corner being (0,0), that the current pane is relative to the root.
// Return Value:
// - The (partial) search result. If the search was successful, the pane and its neighbor will be returned.
// Otherwise, the neighbor will be null and the focus will be null/non-null if it was found.
Pane::PaneNeighborSearch Pane::_FindPaneAndNeighbor(const std::shared_ptr<Pane> sourcePane, const FocusDirection& direction, const Pane::PanePoint offset)
// If we are the source pane, return ourselves
if (this == sourcePane.get())
return { shared_from_this(), nullptr, offset };
if (_IsLeaf())
return { nullptr, nullptr, offset };
// Search the first child, which has no offset from the parent pane
auto firstOffset = offset;
auto secondOffset = offset;
// The second child has an offset depending on the split
if (_splitState == SplitState::Horizontal)
secondOffset.y += gsl::narrow_cast<float>(_firstChild->GetRootElement().ActualHeight());
secondOffset.x += gsl::narrow_cast<float>(_firstChild->GetRootElement().ActualWidth());
auto sourceNeighborSearch = _firstChild->_FindPaneAndNeighbor(sourcePane, direction, firstOffset);
// If we have both the focus element and its neighbor, we are done
if (sourceNeighborSearch.source && sourceNeighborSearch.neighbor)
return sourceNeighborSearch;
// if we only found the focus, then we search the second branch for the
// neighbor.
if (sourceNeighborSearch.source)
// If we can possibly have both sides of a direction, check if the sibling has the neighbor
if (DirectionMatchesSplit(direction, _splitState))
return _secondChild->_FindNeighborForPane(direction, sourceNeighborSearch, false, secondOffset);
return sourceNeighborSearch;
// If we didn't find the focus at all, we need to search the second branch
// for the focus (and possibly its neighbor).
sourceNeighborSearch = _secondChild->_FindPaneAndNeighbor(sourcePane, direction, secondOffset);
// We found both so we are done.
if (sourceNeighborSearch.source && sourceNeighborSearch.neighbor)
return sourceNeighborSearch;
// We only found the focus, which means that its neighbor might be in the
// first branch.
if (sourceNeighborSearch.source)
// If we can possibly have both sides of a direction, check if the sibling has the neighbor
if (DirectionMatchesSplit(direction, _splitState))
return _firstChild->_FindNeighborForPane(direction, sourceNeighborSearch, true, firstOffset);
return sourceNeighborSearch;
return { nullptr, nullptr, offset };
// Method Description:
// - Called when our attached control is closed. Triggers listeners to our close
// event, if we're a leaf pane.
// - If this was called, and we became a parent pane (due to work on another
// thread), this function will do nothing (allowing the control's new parent
// to handle the event instead).
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Pane::_ControlConnectionStateChangedHandler(const winrt::Windows::Foundation::IInspectable& /*sender*/,
const winrt::Windows::Foundation::IInspectable& /*args*/)
std::unique_lock lock{ _createCloseLock };
// It's possible that this event handler started being executed, then before
// we got the lock, another thread created another child. So our control is
// actually no longer _our_ control, and instead could be a descendant.
// When the control's new Pane takes ownership of the control, the new
// parent will register it's own event handler. That event handler will get
// fired after this handler returns, and will properly cleanup state.
if (!_IsLeaf())
const auto newConnectionState = _control.ConnectionState();
const auto previousConnectionState = std::exchange(_connectionState, newConnectionState);
if (newConnectionState < ConnectionState::Closed)
// Pane doesn't care if the connection isn't entering a terminal state.
if (previousConnectionState < ConnectionState::Connected && newConnectionState >= ConnectionState::Failed)
// A failure to complete the connection (before it has _connected_) is not covered by "closeOnExit".
// This is to prevent a misconfiguration (closeOnExit: always, startingDirectory: garbage) resulting
// in Terminal flashing open and immediately closed.
if (_profile)
const auto mode = _profile.CloseOnExit();
if ((mode == CloseOnExitMode::Always) ||
(mode == CloseOnExitMode::Graceful && newConnectionState == ConnectionState::Closed))
// Method Description:
// - Plays a warning note when triggered by the BEL control character,
// using the sound configured for the "Critical Stop" system event.`
// This matches the behavior of the Windows Console host.
// - Will also flash the taskbar if the bellStyle setting for this profile
// has the 'visual' flag set
// Arguments:
// - <unused>
void Pane::_ControlWarningBellHandler(const winrt::Windows::Foundation::IInspectable& /*sender*/,
const winrt::Windows::Foundation::IInspectable& /*eventArgs*/)
if (!_IsLeaf())
if (_profile)
// We don't want to do anything if nothing is set, so check for that first
if (static_cast<int>(_profile.BellStyle()) != 0)
if (WI_IsFlagSet(_profile.BellStyle(), winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::BellStyle::Audible))
// Audible is set, play the sound
const auto soundAlias = reinterpret_cast<LPCTSTR>(SND_ALIAS_SYSTEMHAND);
if (WI_IsFlagSet(_profile.BellStyle(), winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::BellStyle::Window))
// raise the event with the bool value corresponding to the taskbar flag
_PaneRaiseBellHandlers(nullptr, WI_IsFlagSet(_profile.BellStyle(), winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::BellStyle::Taskbar));
// Event Description:
// - Called when our control gains focus. We'll use this to trigger our GotFocus
// callback. The tab that's hosting us should have registered a callback which
// can be used to mark us as active.
// Arguments:
// - <unused>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Pane::_ControlGotFocusHandler(winrt::Windows::Foundation::IInspectable const& /* sender */,
RoutedEventArgs const& /* args */)
// Event Description:
// - Called when our control loses focus. We'll use this to trigger our LostFocus
// callback. The tab that's hosting us should have registered a callback which
// can be used to update its own internal focus state
void Pane::_ControlLostFocusHandler(winrt::Windows::Foundation::IInspectable const& /* sender */,
RoutedEventArgs const& /* args */)
// Method Description:
// - Fire our Closed event to tell our parent that we should be removed.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Pane::Close()
// Fire our Closed event to tell our parent that we should be removed.
_ClosedHandlers(nullptr, nullptr);
// Method Description:
// - Prepare this pane to be removed from the UI hierarchy by closing all controls
// and connections beneath it.
void Pane::Shutdown()
// Lock the create/close lock so that another operation won't concurrently
// modify our tree
std::unique_lock lock{ _createCloseLock };
if (_IsLeaf())
// Method Description:
// - Get the root UIElement of this pane. There may be a single TermControl as a
// child, or an entire tree of grids and panes as children of this element.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - the Grid acting as the root of this pane.
Controls::Grid Pane::GetRootElement()
return _root;
// Method Description:
// - If this is the last focused pane, returns itself. Returns nullptr if this
// is a leaf and it's not focused. If it's a parent, it returns nullptr if no
// children of this pane were the last pane to be focused, or the Pane that
// _was_ the last pane to be focused (if there was one).
// - This Pane's control might not currently be focused, if the tab itself is
// not currently focused.
// Return Value:
// - nullptr if we're a leaf and unfocused, or no children were marked
// `_lastActive`, else returns this
std::shared_ptr<Pane> Pane::GetActivePane()
if (_IsLeaf())
return _lastActive ? shared_from_this() : nullptr;
auto firstFocused = _firstChild->GetActivePane();
if (firstFocused != nullptr)
return firstFocused;
return _secondChild->GetActivePane();
// Method Description:
// - Gets the TermControl of this pane. If this Pane is not a leaf, this will return nullptr.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - nullptr if this Pane is a parent, otherwise the TermControl of this Pane.
TermControl Pane::GetTerminalControl()
return _IsLeaf() ? _control : nullptr;
// Method Description:
// - Recursively remove the "Active" state from this Pane and all it's children.
// - Updates our visuals to match our new state, including highlighting our borders.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Pane::ClearActive()
_lastActive = false;
if (!_IsLeaf())
// Method Description:
// - Sets the "Active" state on this Pane. Only one Pane in a tree of Panes
// should be "active", and that pane should be a leaf.
// - Updates our visuals to match our new state, including highlighting our borders.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Pane::SetActive()
_lastActive = true;
// Method Description:
// - Returns nullptr if no children of this pane were the last control to be
// focused, or the profile of the last control to be focused (if there was
// one).
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - nullptr if no children of this pane were the last control to be
// focused, else the profile of the last control to be focused
Profile Pane::GetFocusedProfile()
auto lastFocused = GetActivePane();
return lastFocused ? lastFocused->_profile : nullptr;
// Method Description:
// - Returns true if this pane was the last pane to be focused in a tree of panes.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - true iff we were the last pane focused in this tree of panes.
bool Pane::WasLastFocused() const noexcept
return _lastActive;
// Method Description:
// - Returns true iff this pane has no child panes.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - true iff this pane has no child panes.
bool Pane::_IsLeaf() const noexcept
return _splitState == SplitState::None;
// Method Description:
// - Returns true if this pane is currently focused, or there is a pane which is
// a child of this pane that is actively focused
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - true if the currently focused pane is either this pane, or one of this
// pane's descendants
bool Pane::_HasFocusedChild() const noexcept
// We're intentionally making this one giant expression, so the compiler
// will skip the following lookups if one of the lookups before it returns
// true
return (_control && _lastActive) ||
(_firstChild && _firstChild->_HasFocusedChild()) ||
(_secondChild && _secondChild->_HasFocusedChild());
// Method Description:
// - Update the focus state of this pane. We'll make sure to colorize our
// borders depending on if we are the active pane or not.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Pane::UpdateVisuals()
_border.BorderBrush(_lastActive ? s_focusedBorderBrush : s_unfocusedBorderBrush);
// Method Description:
// - Focuses this control if we're a leaf, or attempts to focus the first leaf
// of our first child, recursively.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Pane::_FocusFirstChild()
if (_IsLeaf())
// Originally, we would only raise a GotFocus event here when:
// if (_root.ActualWidth() == 0 && _root.ActualHeight() == 0)
// When these sizes are 0, then the pane might still be in startup,
// and doesn't yet have a real size. In that case, the control.Focus
// event won't be handled until _after_ the startup events are all
// processed. This will lead to the Tab not being notified that the
// focus moved to a different Pane.
// However, with the ability to execute multiple actions at a time, in
// already existing windows, we need to always raise this event manually
// here, to correctly inform the Tab that we're now focused. This will
// take care of commandlines like:
// `wtd -w 0 mf down ; sp`
// `wtd -w 0 fp -t 1 ; sp`
// Method Description:
// - Updates the settings of this pane, presuming that it is a leaf.
// Arguments:
// - settings: The new TerminalSettings to apply to any matching controls
// - profile: The profile from which these settings originated.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Pane::UpdateSettings(const TerminalSettingsCreateResult& settings, const Profile& profile)
_profile = profile;
auto controlSettings = _control.Settings().as<TerminalSettings>();
// Update the parent of the control's settings object (and not the object itself) so
// that any overrides made by the control don't get affected by the reload
auto unfocusedSettings{ settings.UnfocusedSettings() };
if (unfocusedSettings)
// Note: the unfocused settings needs to be entirely unchanged _except_ we need to
// set its parent to the settings object that lives in the control. This is because
// the overrides made by the control live in that settings object, so we want to make
// sure the unfocused settings inherit from that.
// Method Description:
// - Attempts to add the provided pane as a split of the current pane.
// Arguments:
// - pane: the new pane to add
// - splitType: How the pane should be attached
// Return Value:
// - the new reference to the child created from the current pane.
std::shared_ptr<Pane> Pane::AttachPane(std::shared_ptr<Pane> pane, SplitState splitType)
// Splice the new pane into the tree
const auto [first, _] = _Split(splitType, .5, pane);
// If the new pane has a child that was the focus, re-focus it
// to steal focus from the currently focused pane.
if (pane->_HasFocusedChild())
pane->WalkTree([](auto p) {
if (p->_lastActive)
return true;
return false;
return first;
// Method Description:
// - Attempts to find the parent of the target pane,
// if found remove the pane from the tree and return it.
// - If the removed pane was (or contained the focus) the first sibling will
// gain focus.
// Arguments:
// - pane: the pane to detach
// Return Value:
// - The removed pane, if found.
std::shared_ptr<Pane> Pane::DetachPane(std::shared_ptr<Pane> pane)
// We can't remove a pane if we only have a reference to a leaf, even if we
// are the pane.
if (_IsLeaf())
return nullptr;
// Check if either of our children matches the search
const auto isFirstChild = _firstChild == pane;
const auto isSecondChild = _secondChild == pane;
if (isFirstChild || isSecondChild)
// Keep a reference to the child we are removing
auto detached = isFirstChild ? _firstChild : _secondChild;
// Remove the child from the tree, replace the current node with the
// other child.
detached->_borders = Borders::None;
// Trigger the detached event on each child
detached->WalkTree([](auto pane) {
return false;
return detached;
if (const auto detached = _firstChild->DetachPane(pane))
return detached;
return _secondChild->DetachPane(pane);
// Method Description:
// - Closes one of our children. In doing so, takes the control from the other
// child, and makes this pane a leaf node again.
// Arguments:
// - closeFirst: if true, the first child should be closed, and the second
// should be preserved, and vice-versa for false.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Pane::_CloseChild(const bool closeFirst)
// Lock the create/close lock so that another operation won't concurrently
// modify our tree
std::unique_lock lock{ _createCloseLock };
// If we're a leaf, then chances are both our children closed in close
// succession. We waited on the lock while the other child was closed, so
// now we don't have a child to close anymore. Return here. When we moved
// the non-closed child into us, we also set up event handlers that will be
// triggered when we return from this.
if (_IsLeaf())
auto closedChild = closeFirst ? _firstChild : _secondChild;
auto remainingChild = closeFirst ? _secondChild : _firstChild;
// If the only child left is a leaf, that means we're a leaf now.
if (remainingChild->_IsLeaf())
// When the remaining child is a leaf, that means both our children were
// previously leaves, and the only difference in their borders is the
// border that we gave them. Take a bitwise AND of those two children to
// remove that border. Other borders the children might have, they
// inherited from us, so the flag will be set for both children.
_borders = _firstChild->_borders & _secondChild->_borders;
// take the control, profile and id of the pane that _wasn't_ closed.
_control = remainingChild->_control;
_connectionState = remainingChild->_connectionState;
_profile = remainingChild->_profile;
_id = remainingChild->Id();
// Add our new event handler before revoking the old one.
_connectionStateChangedToken = _control.ConnectionStateChanged({ this, &Pane::_ControlConnectionStateChangedHandler });
_warningBellToken = _control.WarningBell({ this, &Pane::_ControlWarningBellHandler });
// Revoke the old event handlers. Remove both the handlers for the panes
// themselves closing, and remove their handlers for their controls
// closing. At this point, if the remaining child's control is closed,
// they'll trigger only our event handler for the control's close.
// If either of our children was focused, we want to take that focus from
// them.
_lastActive = _firstChild->_lastActive || _secondChild->_lastActive;
// Remove all the ui elements of the remaining child. This'll make sure
// we can re-attach the TermControl to our Grid.
// Reset our UI:
// Reattach the TermControl to our grid.
// Make sure to set our _splitState before focusing the control. If you
// fail to do this, when the tab handles the GotFocus event and asks us
// what our active control is, we won't technically be a "leaf", and
// GetTerminalControl will return null.
_splitState = SplitState::None;
// re-attach our handler for the control's GotFocus event.
_gotFocusRevoker = _control.GotFocus(winrt::auto_revoke, { this, &Pane::_ControlGotFocusHandler });
_lostFocusRevoker = _control.LostFocus(winrt::auto_revoke, { this, &Pane::_ControlLostFocusHandler });
// If we're inheriting the "last active" state from one of our children,
// focus our control now. This should trigger our own GotFocus event.
if (_lastActive)
// See GH#7252
// Manually fire off the GotFocus event. Typically, this is done
// automatically when the control gets focused. However, if we're
// `exit`ing a zoomed pane, then the other sibling isn't in the UI
// tree currently. So the above call to Focus won't actually focus
// the control. Because Tab is relying on GotFocus to know who the
// active pane in the tree is, without this call, _no one_ will be
// the active pane any longer.
// Release our children.
_firstChild = nullptr;
_secondChild = nullptr;
// Find what borders need to persist after we close the child
auto remainingBorders = _GetCommonBorders();
// First stash away references to the old panes and their tokens
const auto oldFirstToken = _firstClosedToken;
const auto oldSecondToken = _secondClosedToken;
const auto oldFirst = _firstChild;
const auto oldSecond = _secondChild;
// Steal all the state from our child
_splitState = remainingChild->_splitState;
_firstChild = remainingChild->_firstChild;
_secondChild = remainingChild->_secondChild;
// Set up new close handlers on the children
// Revoke the old event handlers on our new children
// Revoke event handlers on old panes and controls
// Reset our UI:
// Copy the old UI over to our grid.
// Start by copying the row/column definitions. Iterate over the
// rows/cols, and remove each one from the old grid, and attach it to
// our grid instead.
while (remainingChild->_root.ColumnDefinitions().Size() > 0)
auto col = remainingChild->_root.ColumnDefinitions().GetAt(0);
while (remainingChild->_root.RowDefinitions().Size() > 0)
auto row = remainingChild->_root.RowDefinitions().GetAt(0);
// Remove the child's UI elements from the child's grid, so we can
// attach them to us instead.
// Propagate the new borders down to the children.
_borders = remainingBorders;
// If the closed child was focused, transfer the focus to it's first sibling.
if (closedChild->_lastActive)
// Release the pointers that the child was holding.
remainingChild->_firstChild = nullptr;
remainingChild->_secondChild = nullptr;
winrt::fire_and_forget Pane::_CloseChildRoutine(const bool closeFirst)
auto weakThis{ shared_from_this() };
co_await winrt::resume_foreground(_root.Dispatcher());
if (auto pane{ weakThis.get() })
// This will query if animations are enabled via the "Show animations in
// Windows" setting in the OS
winrt::Windows::UI::ViewManagement::UISettings uiSettings;
const auto animationsEnabledInOS = uiSettings.AnimationsEnabled();
const auto animationsEnabledInApp = Media::Animation::Timeline::AllowDependentAnimations();
// GH#7252: If either child is zoomed, just skip the animation. It won't work.
const bool eitherChildZoomed = pane->_firstChild->_zoomed || pane->_secondChild->_zoomed;
// If animations are disabled, just skip this and go straight to
// _CloseChild. Curiously, the pane opening animation doesn't need this,
// and will skip straight to Completed when animations are disabled, but
// this one doesn't seem to.
if (!animationsEnabledInOS || !animationsEnabledInApp || eitherChildZoomed)
// Setup the animation
auto removedChild = closeFirst ? _firstChild : _secondChild;
auto remainingChild = closeFirst ? _secondChild : _firstChild;
const bool splitWidth = _splitState == SplitState::Vertical;
Size removedOriginalSize{
Size remainingOriginalSize{
// Remove both children from the grid
// Add the remaining child back to the grid, in the right place.
if (_splitState == SplitState::Vertical)
Controls::Grid::SetColumn(remainingChild->GetRootElement(), closeFirst ? 1 : 0);
else if (_splitState == SplitState::Horizontal)
Controls::Grid::SetRow(remainingChild->GetRootElement(), closeFirst ? 1 : 0);
// Create the dummy grid. This grid will be the one we actually animate,
// in the place of the closed pane.
Controls::Grid dummyGrid;
// It should be the size of the closed pane.
// Put it where the removed child is
if (_splitState == SplitState::Vertical)
Controls::Grid::SetColumn(dummyGrid, closeFirst ? 0 : 1);
else if (_splitState == SplitState::Horizontal)
Controls::Grid::SetRow(dummyGrid, closeFirst ? 0 : 1);
// Add it to the tree
// Set up the rows/cols as auto/auto, so they'll only use the size of
// the elements in the grid.
// * For the closed pane, we want to make that row/col "auto" sized, so
// it takes up as much space as is available.
// * For the remaining pane, we'll make that row/col "*" sized, so it
// takes all the remaining space. As the dummy grid is resized down,
// the remaining pane will expand to take the rest of the space.
if (_splitState == SplitState::Vertical)
auto firstColDef = Controls::ColumnDefinition();
auto secondColDef = Controls::ColumnDefinition();
firstColDef.Width(!closeFirst ? GridLengthHelper::FromValueAndType(1, GridUnitType::Star) : GridLengthHelper::Auto());
secondColDef.Width(closeFirst ? GridLengthHelper::FromValueAndType(1, GridUnitType::Star) : GridLengthHelper::Auto());
else if (_splitState == SplitState::Horizontal)
auto firstRowDef = Controls::RowDefinition();
auto secondRowDef = Controls::RowDefinition();
firstRowDef.Height(!closeFirst ? GridLengthHelper::FromValueAndType(1, GridUnitType::Star) : GridLengthHelper::Auto());
secondRowDef.Height(closeFirst ? GridLengthHelper::FromValueAndType(1, GridUnitType::Star) : GridLengthHelper::Auto());
// Animate the dummy grid from its current size down to 0
Media::Animation::DoubleAnimation animation{};
animation.From(splitWidth ? removedOriginalSize.Width : removedOriginalSize.Height);
// This easing is the same as the entrance animation.
Media::Animation::Storyboard s;
s.SetTarget(animation, dummyGrid);
s.SetTargetProperty(animation, splitWidth ? L"Width" : L"Height");
// Start the animation.
std::weak_ptr<Pane> weakThis{ shared_from_this() };
// When the animation is completed, reparent the child's content up to
// us, and remove the child nodes from the tree.
animation.Completed([weakThis, closeFirst](auto&&, auto&&) {
if (auto pane{ weakThis.lock() })
// We don't need to manually undo any of the above trickiness.
// We're going to re-parent the child's content into us anyways
// Method Description:
// - Adds event handlers to our children to handle their close events.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Pane::_SetupChildCloseHandlers()
_firstClosedToken = _firstChild->Closed([this](auto&& /*s*/, auto&& /*e*/) {
_secondClosedToken = _secondChild->Closed([this](auto&& /*s*/, auto&& /*e*/) {
// Method Description:
// - Sets up row/column definitions for this pane. There are three total
// row/cols. The middle one is for the separator. The first and third are for
// each of the child panes, and are given a size in pixels, based off the
// available space, and the percent of the space they respectively consume,
// which is stored in _desiredSplitPosition
// - Does nothing if our split state is currently set to SplitState::None
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Pane::_CreateRowColDefinitions()
const auto first = _desiredSplitPosition * 100.0f;
const auto second = 100.0f - first;
if (_splitState == SplitState::Vertical)
// Create two columns in this grid: one for each pane
auto firstColDef = Controls::ColumnDefinition();
firstColDef.Width(GridLengthHelper::FromValueAndType(first, GridUnitType::Star));
auto secondColDef = Controls::ColumnDefinition();
secondColDef.Width(GridLengthHelper::FromValueAndType(second, GridUnitType::Star));
else if (_splitState == SplitState::Horizontal)
// Create two rows in this grid: one for each pane
auto firstRowDef = Controls::RowDefinition();
firstRowDef.Height(GridLengthHelper::FromValueAndType(first, GridUnitType::Star));
auto secondRowDef = Controls::RowDefinition();
secondRowDef.Height(GridLengthHelper::FromValueAndType(second, GridUnitType::Star));
// Method Description:
// - Sets the thickness of each side of our borders to match our _borders state.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Pane::_UpdateBorders()
double top = 0, bottom = 0, left = 0, right = 0;
Thickness newBorders{ 0 };
if (_zoomed)
// When the pane is zoomed, manually show all the borders around the window.
top = bottom = right = left = PaneBorderSize;
if (WI_IsFlagSet(_borders, Borders::Top))
top = PaneBorderSize;
if (WI_IsFlagSet(_borders, Borders::Bottom))
bottom = PaneBorderSize;
if (WI_IsFlagSet(_borders, Borders::Left))
left = PaneBorderSize;
if (WI_IsFlagSet(_borders, Borders::Right))
right = PaneBorderSize;
_border.BorderThickness(ThicknessHelper::FromLengths(left, top, right, bottom));
// Method Description:
// - Find the borders for the leaf pane, or the shared borders for child panes.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
Borders Pane::_GetCommonBorders()
if (_IsLeaf())
return _borders;
return _firstChild->_GetCommonBorders() & _secondChild->_GetCommonBorders();
// Method Description:
// - Sets the row/column of our child UI elements, to match our current split type.
// - In case the split definition or parent borders were changed, this recursively
// updates the children as well.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Pane::_ApplySplitDefinitions()
if (_splitState == SplitState::Vertical)
Controls::Grid::SetColumn(_firstChild->GetRootElement(), 0);
Controls::Grid::SetColumn(_secondChild->GetRootElement(), 1);
_firstChild->_borders = _borders | Borders::Right;
_secondChild->_borders = _borders | Borders::Left;
_borders = Borders::None;
else if (_splitState == SplitState::Horizontal)
Controls::Grid::SetRow(_firstChild->GetRootElement(), 0);
Controls::Grid::SetRow(_secondChild->GetRootElement(), 1);
_firstChild->_borders = _borders | Borders::Bottom;
_secondChild->_borders = _borders | Borders::Top;
_borders = Borders::None;
// Method Description:
// - Create a pair of animations when a new control enters this pane. This
// should _ONLY_ be called in _Split, AFTER the first and second child panes
// have been set up.
void Pane::_SetupEntranceAnimation()
// This will query if animations are enabled via the "Show animations in
// Windows" setting in the OS
winrt::Windows::UI::ViewManagement::UISettings uiSettings;
const auto animationsEnabledInOS = uiSettings.AnimationsEnabled();
const auto animationsEnabledInApp = Media::Animation::Timeline::AllowDependentAnimations();
const bool splitWidth = _splitState == SplitState::Vertical;
const auto totalSize = splitWidth ? _root.ActualWidth() : _root.ActualHeight();
// If we don't have a size yet, it's likely that we're in startup, or we're
// being executed as a sequence of actions. In that case, just skip the
// animation.
if (totalSize <= 0 || !animationsEnabledInOS || !animationsEnabledInApp)
const auto [firstSize, secondSize] = _CalcChildrenSizes(::base::saturated_cast<float>(totalSize));
// This is safe to capture this, because it's only being called in the
// context of this method (not on another thread)
auto setupAnimation = [&](const auto& size, const bool isFirstChild) {
auto child = isFirstChild ? _firstChild : _secondChild;
auto childGrid = child->_root;
auto control = child->_control;
// Build up our animation:
// * it'll take as long as our duration (200ms)
// * it'll change the value of our property from 0 to secondSize
// * it'll animate that value using a quadratic function (like f(t) = t^2)
// * IMPORTANT! We'll manually tell the animation that "yes we know what
// we're doing, we want an animation here."
Media::Animation::DoubleAnimation animation{};
if (isFirstChild)
// If we're animating the first pane, the size should decrease, from
// the full size down to the given size.
// Otherwise, we want to show the pane getting larger, so animate
// from 0 to the requested size.
// Now we're going to set up the Storyboard. This is a unit that uses the
// Animation from above, and actually applies it to a property.
// * we'll set it up for the same duration as the animation we have
// * Apply the animation to the grid of the new pane we're adding to the tree.
// * apply the animation to the Width or Height property.
Media::Animation::Storyboard s;
s.SetTarget(animation, childGrid);
s.SetTargetProperty(animation, splitWidth ? L"Width" : L"Height");
// We're animating the width or height of our child pane's grid.
// We DON'T want to change the size of the control itself, because the
// terminal has to reflow the buffer every time the control changes size. So
// what we're going to do there is manually set the control's size to how
// big we _actually know_ the control will be.
// We're also going to be changing alignment of our child pane and the
// control. This way, we'll be able to have the control stick to the inside
// of the child pane's grid (the side that's moving), while we also have the
// pane's grid stick to "outside" of the grid (the side that's not moving)
if (splitWidth)
// If we're animating the first child, then stick to the top/left of
// the parent pane, otherwise use the bottom/right. This is always
// the "outside" of the parent pane.
childGrid.HorizontalAlignment(isFirstChild ? HorizontalAlignment::Left : HorizontalAlignment::Right);
control.Width(isFirstChild ? totalSize : size);
// When the animation is completed, undo the trickiness from before, to
// restore the controls to the behavior they'd usually have.
animation.Completed([childGrid, control](auto&&, auto&&) {
// If we're animating the first child, then stick to the top/left of
// the parent pane, otherwise use the bottom/right. This is always
// the "outside" of the parent pane.
childGrid.VerticalAlignment(isFirstChild ? VerticalAlignment::Top : VerticalAlignment::Bottom);
control.Height(isFirstChild ? totalSize : size);
// When the animation is completed, undo the trickiness from before, to
// restore the controls to the behavior they'd usually have.
animation.Completed([childGrid, control](auto&&, auto&&) {
// Start the animation.
// TODO: GH#7365 - animating the first child right now doesn't _really_ do
// anything. We could do better though.
setupAnimation(firstSize, true);
setupAnimation(secondSize, false);
// Method Description:
// - This is a helper to determine if a given Pane can be split, but without
// using the ActualWidth() and ActualHeight() methods. This is used during
// processing of many "split-pane" commands, which could happen _before_ we've
// laid out a Pane for the first time. When this happens, the Pane's don't
// have an actual size yet. However, we'd still like to figure out if the pane
// could be split, once they're all laid out.
// - This method assumes that the Pane we're attempting to split is `target`,
// and this method should be called on the root of a tree of Panes.
// - We'll walk down the tree attempting to find `target`. As we traverse the
// tree, we'll reduce the size passed to each subsequent recursive call. The
// size passed to this method represents how much space this Pane _will_ have
// to use.
// * If this pane is a leaf, and it's the pane we're looking for, use the
// available space to calculate which direction to split in.
// * If this pane is _any other leaf_, then just return nullopt, to indicate
// that the `target` Pane is not down this branch.
// * If this pane is a parent, calculate how much space our children will be
// able to use, and recurse into them.
// Arguments:
// - target: The Pane we're attempting to split.
// - splitType: The direction we're attempting to split in.
// - availableSpace: The theoretical space that's available for this pane to be able to split.
// Return Value:
// - nullopt if `target` is not this pane or a child of this pane, otherwise
// true iff we could split this pane, given `availableSpace`
// Note:
// - This method is highly similar to Pane::PreCalculateAutoSplit
std::optional<bool> Pane::PreCalculateCanSplit(const std::shared_ptr<Pane> target,
SplitState splitType,
const float splitSize,
const winrt::Windows::Foundation::Size availableSpace) const
if (_IsLeaf())
if (target.get() == this)
const auto firstPrecent = 1.0f - splitSize;
const auto secondPercent = splitSize;
// If this pane is a leaf, and it's the pane we're looking for, use
// the available space to calculate which direction to split in.
const Size minSize = _GetMinSize();
if (splitType == SplitState::None)
return { false };
else if (splitType == SplitState::Vertical)
const auto widthMinusSeparator = availableSpace.Width - CombinedPaneBorderSize;
const auto newFirstWidth = widthMinusSeparator * firstPrecent;
const auto newSecondWidth = widthMinusSeparator * secondPercent;
return { newFirstWidth > minSize.Width && newSecondWidth > minSize.Width };
else if (splitType == SplitState::Horizontal)
const auto heightMinusSeparator = availableSpace.Height - CombinedPaneBorderSize;
const auto newFirstHeight = heightMinusSeparator * firstPrecent;
const auto newSecondHeight = heightMinusSeparator * secondPercent;
return { newFirstHeight > minSize.Height && newSecondHeight > minSize.Height };
// If this pane is _any other leaf_, then just return nullopt, to
// indicate that the `target` Pane is not down this branch.
return std::nullopt;
// If this pane is a parent, calculate how much space our children will
// be able to use, and recurse into them.
const bool isVerticalSplit = _splitState == SplitState::Vertical;
const float firstWidth = isVerticalSplit ?
(availableSpace.Width * _desiredSplitPosition) - PaneBorderSize :
const float secondWidth = isVerticalSplit ?
(availableSpace.Width - firstWidth) - PaneBorderSize :
const float firstHeight = !isVerticalSplit ?
(availableSpace.Height * _desiredSplitPosition) - PaneBorderSize :
const float secondHeight = !isVerticalSplit ?
(availableSpace.Height - firstHeight) - PaneBorderSize :
const auto firstResult = _firstChild->PreCalculateCanSplit(target, splitType, splitSize, { firstWidth, firstHeight });
return firstResult.has_value() ? firstResult : _secondChild->PreCalculateCanSplit(target, splitType, splitSize, { secondWidth, secondHeight });
// We should not possibly be getting here - both the above branches should
// return a value.
// Method Description:
// - Split the focused pane in our tree of panes, and place the given
// TermControl into the newly created pane. If we're the focused pane, then
// we'll create two new children, and place them side-by-side in our Grid.
// Arguments:
// - splitType: what type of split we want to create.
// - profile: The profile to associate with the newly created pane.
// - control: A TermControl to use in the new pane.
// Return Value:
// - The two newly created Panes
std::pair<std::shared_ptr<Pane>, std::shared_ptr<Pane>> Pane::Split(SplitState splitType,
const float splitSize,
const Profile& profile,
const TermControl& control)
if (!_IsLeaf())
if (_firstChild->_HasFocusedChild())
return _firstChild->Split(splitType, splitSize, profile, control);
else if (_secondChild->_HasFocusedChild())
return _secondChild->Split(splitType, splitSize, profile, control);
return { nullptr, nullptr };
auto newPane = std::make_shared<Pane>(profile, control);
return _Split(splitType, splitSize, newPane);
// Method Description:
// - Toggle the split orientation of the currently focused pane
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - true if a split was changed
bool Pane::ToggleSplitOrientation()
// If we are a leaf there is no split to toggle.
if (_IsLeaf())
return false;
// Check if either our first or second child is the currently focused leaf.
// If they are then switch the split orientation on the current pane.
const bool firstIsFocused = _firstChild->_IsLeaf() && _firstChild->_lastActive;
const bool secondIsFocused = _secondChild->_IsLeaf() && _secondChild->_lastActive;
if (firstIsFocused || secondIsFocused)
// Switch the split orientation
_splitState = _splitState == SplitState::Horizontal ? SplitState::Vertical : SplitState::Horizontal;
// then update the borders and positioning on ourselves and our children.
_borders = _GetCommonBorders();
// Since we changed if we are using rows/columns, make sure we remove the old definitions
return true;
return _firstChild->ToggleSplitOrientation() || _secondChild->ToggleSplitOrientation();
// Method Description:
// - Converts an "automatic" split type into either Vertical or Horizontal,
// based upon the current dimensions of the Pane.
// - If any of the other SplitState values are passed in, they're returned
// unmodified.
// Arguments:
// - splitType: The SplitState to attempt to convert
// Return Value:
// - None if splitType was None, otherwise one of Horizontal or Vertical
SplitState Pane::_convertAutomaticSplitState(const SplitState& splitType) const
// Careful here! If the pane doesn't yet have a size, these dimensions will
// be 0, and we'll always return Vertical.
if (splitType == SplitState::Automatic)
// If the requested split type was "auto", determine which direction to
// split based on our current dimensions
const Size actualSize{ gsl::narrow_cast<float>(_root.ActualWidth()),
gsl::narrow_cast<float>(_root.ActualHeight()) };
return actualSize.Width >= actualSize.Height ? SplitState::Vertical : SplitState::Horizontal;
return splitType;
// Method Description:
// - Does the bulk of the work of creating a new split. Initializes our UI,
// creates a new Pane to host the control, registers event handlers.
// Arguments:
// - splitType: what type of split we should create.
// - splitSize: what fraction of the pane the new pane should get
// - newPane: the pane to add as a child
// Return Value:
// - The two newly created Panes
std::pair<std::shared_ptr<Pane>, std::shared_ptr<Pane>> Pane::_Split(SplitState splitType,
const float splitSize,
std::shared_ptr<Pane> newPane)
if (splitType == SplitState::None)
return { nullptr, nullptr };
auto actualSplitType = _convertAutomaticSplitState(splitType);
// Lock the create/close lock so that another operation won't concurrently
// modify our tree
std::unique_lock lock{ _createCloseLock };
// revoke our handler - the child will take care of the control now.
_connectionStateChangedToken.value = 0;
_warningBellToken.value = 0;
// Remove our old GotFocus handler from the control. We don't what the
// control telling us that it's now focused, we want it telling its new
// parent.
_splitState = actualSplitType;
_desiredSplitPosition = 1.0f - splitSize;
// Remove any children we currently have. We can't add the existing
// TermControl to a new grid until we do this.
// Create two new Panes
// Move our control, guid into the first one.
// Move the new guid, control into the second.
_firstChild = std::make_shared<Pane>(_profile, _control);
_firstChild->_connectionState = std::exchange(_connectionState, ConnectionState::NotConnected);
_profile = nullptr;
_control = { nullptr };
_secondChild = newPane;
// Register event handlers on our children to handle their Close events
_lastActive = false;
// Clear out our ID, only leaves should have IDs
_id = {};
return { _firstChild, _secondChild };
// Method Description:
// - Recursively attempt to "zoom" the given pane. When the pane is zoomed, it
// won't be displayed as part of the tab tree, instead it'll take up the full
// content of the tab. When we find the given pane, we'll need to remove it
// from the UI tree, so that the caller can re-add it. We'll also set some
// internal state, so the pane can display all of its borders.
// Arguments:
// - zoomedPane: This is the pane which we're attempting to zoom on.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Pane::Maximize(std::shared_ptr<Pane> zoomedPane)
if (_IsLeaf())
_zoomed = (zoomedPane == shared_from_this());
if (zoomedPane == _firstChild || zoomedPane == _secondChild)
// When we're zooming the pane, we'll need to remove it from our UI
// tree. Easy way: just remove both children. We'll re-attach both
// when we un-zoom.
// Always recurse into both children. If the (un)zoomed pane was one of
// our direct children, we'll still want to update it's borders.
// Method Description:
// - Recursively attempt to "un-zoom" the given pane. This does the opposite of
// Pane::Maximize. When we find the given pane, we should return the pane to our
// UI tree. We'll also clear the internal state, so the pane can display its
// borders correctly.
// - The caller should make sure to have removed the zoomed pane from the UI
// tree _before_ calling this.
// Arguments:
// - zoomedPane: This is the pane which we're attempting to un-zoom.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Pane::Restore(std::shared_ptr<Pane> zoomedPane)
if (_IsLeaf())
_zoomed = false;
if (zoomedPane == _firstChild || zoomedPane == _secondChild)
// When we're un-zooming the pane, we'll need to re-add it to our UI
// tree where it originally belonged. easy way: just re-add both.
// Always recurse into both children. If the (un)zoomed pane was one of
// our direct children, we'll still want to update it's borders.
// Method Description:
// - Retrieves the ID of this pane
// - NOTE: The caller should make sure that this pane is a leaf,
// otherwise the ID value will not make sense (leaves have IDs, parents do not)
// Return Value:
// - The ID of this pane
std::optional<uint32_t> Pane::Id() noexcept
return _id;
// Method Description:
// - Sets this pane's ID
// - Panes are given IDs upon creation by TerminalTab
// Arguments:
// - The number to set this pane's ID to
void Pane::Id(uint32_t id) noexcept
_id = id;
// Method Description:
// - Recursive function that focuses a pane with the given ID
// Arguments:
// - The ID of the pane we want to focus
bool Pane::FocusPane(const uint32_t id)
if (_IsLeaf() && id == _id)
// Make sure to use _FocusFirstChild here - that'll properly update the
// focus if we're in startup.
return true;
if (_firstChild && _secondChild)
return _firstChild->FocusPane(id) ||
return false;
// Method Description:
// - Focuses the given pane if it is in the tree.
// This deliberately mirrors FocusPane(id) instead of just calling
// _FocusFirstChild directly.
// Arguments:
// - the pane to focus
// Return Value:
// - true if focus was set
bool Pane::FocusPane(const std::shared_ptr<Pane> pane)
if (_IsLeaf() && this == pane.get())
// Make sure to use _FocusFirstChild here - that'll properly update the
// focus if we're in startup.
return true;
if (_firstChild && _secondChild)
return _firstChild->FocusPane(pane) ||
return false;
// Method Description:
// - Recursive function that finds a pane with the given ID
// Arguments:
// - The ID of the pane we want to find
// Return Value:
// - A pointer to the pane with the given ID, if found.
std::shared_ptr<Pane> Pane::FindPane(const uint32_t id)
if (_IsLeaf())
if (id == _id)
return shared_from_this();
if (auto pane = _firstChild->FindPane(id))
return pane;
if (auto pane = _secondChild->FindPane(id))
return pane;
return nullptr;
// Method Description:
// - Gets the size in pixels of each of our children, given the full size they
// should fill. Since these children own their own separators (borders), this
// size is their portion of our _entire_ size. If specified size is lower than
// required then children will be of minimum size. Snaps first child to grid
// but not the second.
// Arguments:
// - fullSize: the amount of space in pixels that should be filled by our
// children and their separators. Can be arbitrarily low.
// Return Value:
// - a pair with the size of our first child and the size of our second child,
// respectively.
std::pair<float, float> Pane::_CalcChildrenSizes(const float fullSize) const
const auto widthOrHeight = _splitState == SplitState::Vertical;
const auto snappedSizes = _CalcSnappedChildrenSizes(widthOrHeight, fullSize).lower;
// Keep the first pane snapped and give the second pane all remaining size
return {
fullSize - snappedSizes.first
// Method Description:
// - Gets the size in pixels of each of our children, given the full size they should
// fill. Each child is snapped to char grid as close as possible. If called multiple
// times with fullSize argument growing, then both returned sizes are guaranteed to be
// non-decreasing (it's a monotonically increasing function). This is important so that
// user doesn't get any pane shrank when they actually expand the window or parent pane.
// That is also required by the layout algorithm.
// Arguments:
// - widthOrHeight: if true, operates on width, otherwise on height.
// - fullSize: the amount of space in pixels that should be filled by our children and
// their separator. Can be arbitrarily low.
// Return Value:
// - a structure holding the result of this calculation. The 'lower' field represents the
// children sizes that would fit in the fullSize, but might (and usually do) not fill it
// completely. The 'higher' field represents the size of the children if they slightly exceed
// the fullSize, but are snapped. If the children can be snapped and also exactly match
// the fullSize, then both this fields have the same value that represent this situation.
Pane::SnapChildrenSizeResult Pane::_CalcSnappedChildrenSizes(const bool widthOrHeight, const float fullSize) const
if (_IsLeaf())
// First we build a tree of nodes corresponding to the tree of our descendant panes.
// Each node represents a size of given pane. At the beginning, each node has the minimum
// size that the corresponding pane can have; so has the our (root) node. We then gradually
// expand our node (which in turn expands some of the child nodes) until we hit the desired
// size. Since each expand step (done in _AdvanceSnappedDimension()) guarantees that all the
// sizes will be snapped, our return values is also snapped.
// Why do we do it this, iterative way? Why can't we just split the given size by
// _desiredSplitPosition and snap it latter? Because it's hardly doable, if possible, to also
// fulfill the monotonicity requirement that way. As the fullSize increases, the proportional
// point that separates children panes also moves and cells sneak in the available area in
// unpredictable way, regardless which child has the snap priority or whether we snap them
// upward, downward or to nearest.
// With present way we run the same sequence of actions regardless to the fullSize value and
// only just stop at various moments when the built sizes reaches it. Eventually, this could
// be optimized for simple cases like when both children are both leaves with the same character
// size, but it doesn't seem to be beneficial.
auto sizeTree = _CreateMinSizeTree(widthOrHeight);
LayoutSizeNode lastSizeTree{ sizeTree };
while (sizeTree.size < fullSize)
lastSizeTree = sizeTree;
_AdvanceSnappedDimension(widthOrHeight, sizeTree);
if (sizeTree.size == fullSize)
// If we just hit exactly the requested value, then just return the
// current state of children.
return { { sizeTree.firstChild->size, sizeTree.secondChild->size },
{ sizeTree.firstChild->size, sizeTree.secondChild->size } };
// We exceeded the requested size in the loop above, so lastSizeTree will have
// the last good sizes (so that children fit in) and sizeTree has the next possible
// snapped sizes. Return them as lower and higher snap possibilities.
return { { lastSizeTree.firstChild->size, lastSizeTree.secondChild->size },
{ sizeTree.firstChild->size, sizeTree.secondChild->size } };
// Method Description:
// - Adjusts given dimension (width or height) so that all descendant terminals
// align with their character grids as close as possible. Snaps to closes match
// (either upward or downward). Also makes sure to fit in minimal sizes of the panes.
// Arguments:
// - widthOrHeight: if true operates on width, otherwise on height
// - dimension: a dimension (width or height) to snap
// Return Value:
// - A value corresponding to the next closest snap size for this Pane, either upward or downward
float Pane::CalcSnappedDimension(const bool widthOrHeight, const float dimension) const
const auto [lower, higher] = _CalcSnappedDimension(widthOrHeight, dimension);
return dimension - lower < higher - dimension ? lower : higher;
// Method Description:
// - Adjusts given dimension (width or height) so that all descendant terminals
// align with their character grids as close as possible. Also makes sure to
// fit in minimal sizes of the panes.
// Arguments:
// - widthOrHeight: if true operates on width, otherwise on height
// - dimension: a dimension (width or height) to be snapped
// Return Value:
// - pair of floats, where first value is the size snapped downward (not greater then
// requested size) and second is the size snapped upward (not lower than requested size).
// If requested size is already snapped, then both returned values equal this value.
Pane::SnapSizeResult Pane::_CalcSnappedDimension(const bool widthOrHeight, const float dimension) const
if (_IsLeaf())
// If we're a leaf pane, align to the grid of controlling terminal
const auto minSize = _GetMinSize();
const auto minDimension = widthOrHeight ? minSize.Width : minSize.Height;
if (dimension <= minDimension)
return { minDimension, minDimension };
float lower = _control.SnapDimensionToGrid(widthOrHeight, dimension);
if (widthOrHeight)
lower += WI_IsFlagSet(_borders, Borders::Left) ? PaneBorderSize : 0;
lower += WI_IsFlagSet(_borders, Borders::Right) ? PaneBorderSize : 0;
lower += WI_IsFlagSet(_borders, Borders::Top) ? PaneBorderSize : 0;
lower += WI_IsFlagSet(_borders, Borders::Bottom) ? PaneBorderSize : 0;
if (lower == dimension)
// If we happen to be already snapped, then just return this size
// as both lower and higher values.
return { lower, lower };
const auto cellSize = _control.CharacterDimensions();
const auto higher = lower + (widthOrHeight ? cellSize.Width : cellSize.Height);
return { lower, higher };
else if (_splitState == (widthOrHeight ? SplitState::Horizontal : SplitState::Vertical))
// If we're resizing along separator axis, snap to the closest possibility
// given by our children panes.
const auto firstSnapped = _firstChild->_CalcSnappedDimension(widthOrHeight, dimension);
const auto secondSnapped = _secondChild->_CalcSnappedDimension(widthOrHeight, dimension);
return {
std::max(firstSnapped.lower, secondSnapped.lower),
std::min(firstSnapped.higher, secondSnapped.higher)
// If we're resizing perpendicularly to separator axis, calculate the sizes
// of child panes that would fit the given size. We use same algorithm that
// is used for real resize routine, but exclude the remaining empty space that
// would appear after the second pane. This will be the 'downward' snap possibility,
// while the 'upward' will be given as a side product of the layout function.
const auto childSizes = _CalcSnappedChildrenSizes(widthOrHeight, dimension);
return {
childSizes.lower.first + childSizes.lower.second,
childSizes.higher.first + childSizes.higher.second
// Method Description:
// - Increases size of given LayoutSizeNode to match next possible 'snap'. In case of leaf
// pane this means the next cell of the terminal. Otherwise it means that one of its children
// advances (recursively). It expects the given node and its descendants to have either
// already snapped or minimum size.
// Arguments:
// - widthOrHeight: if true operates on width, otherwise on height.
// - sizeNode: a layout size node that corresponds to this pane.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Pane::_AdvanceSnappedDimension(const bool widthOrHeight, LayoutSizeNode& sizeNode) const
if (_IsLeaf())
// We're a leaf pane, so just add one more row or column (unless isMinimumSize
// is true, see below).
if (sizeNode.isMinimumSize)
// If the node is of its minimum size, this size might not be snapped (it might
// be, say, half a character, or fixed 10 pixels), so snap it upward. It might
// however be already snapped, so add 1 to make sure it really increases
// (not strictly necessary but to avoid surprises).
sizeNode.size = _CalcSnappedDimension(widthOrHeight, sizeNode.size + 1).higher;
const auto cellSize = _control.CharacterDimensions();
sizeNode.size += widthOrHeight ? cellSize.Width : cellSize.Height;
// We're a parent pane, so we have to advance dimension of our children panes. In
// fact, we advance only one child (chosen later) to keep the growth fine-grained.
// To choose which child pane to advance, we actually need to know their advanced sizes
// in advance (oh), to see which one would 'fit' better. Often, this is already cached
// by the previous invocation of this function in nextFirstChild and nextSecondChild
// fields of given node. If not, we need to calculate them now.
if (sizeNode.nextFirstChild == nullptr)
sizeNode.nextFirstChild = std::make_unique<LayoutSizeNode>(*sizeNode.firstChild);
_firstChild->_AdvanceSnappedDimension(widthOrHeight, *sizeNode.nextFirstChild);
if (sizeNode.nextSecondChild == nullptr)
sizeNode.nextSecondChild = std::make_unique<LayoutSizeNode>(*sizeNode.secondChild);
_secondChild->_AdvanceSnappedDimension(widthOrHeight, *sizeNode.nextSecondChild);
const auto nextFirstSize = sizeNode.nextFirstChild->size;
const auto nextSecondSize = sizeNode.nextSecondChild->size;
// Choose which child pane to advance.
bool advanceFirstOrSecond;
if (_splitState == (widthOrHeight ? SplitState::Horizontal : SplitState::Vertical))
// If we're growing along separator axis, choose the child that
// wants to be smaller than the other, so that the resulting size
// will be the smallest.
advanceFirstOrSecond = nextFirstSize < nextSecondSize;
// If we're growing perpendicularly to separator axis, choose a
// child so that their size ratio is closer to that we're trying
// to maintain (this is, the relative separator position is closer
// to the _desiredSplitPosition field).
const auto firstSize = sizeNode.firstChild->size;
const auto secondSize = sizeNode.secondChild->size;
// Because we rely on equality check, these calculations have to be
// immune to floating point errors. In common situation where both panes
// have the same character sizes and _desiredSplitPosition is 0.5 (or
// some simple fraction) both ratios will often be the same, and if so
// we always take the left child. It could be right as well, but it's
// important that it's consistent: that it would always go
// 1 -> 2 -> 1 -> 2 -> 1 -> 2 and not like 1 -> 1 -> 2 -> 2 -> 2 -> 1
// which would look silly to the user but which occur if there was
// a non-floating-point-safe math.
const auto deviation1 = nextFirstSize - (nextFirstSize + secondSize) * _desiredSplitPosition;
const auto deviation2 = -1 * (firstSize - (firstSize + nextSecondSize) * _desiredSplitPosition);
advanceFirstOrSecond = deviation1 <= deviation2;
// Here we advance one of our children. Because we already know the appropriate
// (advanced) size that given child would need to have, we simply assign that size
// to it. We then advance its 'next*' size (nextFirstChild or nextSecondChild) so
// the invariant holds (as it will likely be used by the next invocation of this
// function). The other child's next* size remains unchanged because its size
// haven't changed either.
if (advanceFirstOrSecond)
*sizeNode.firstChild = *sizeNode.nextFirstChild;
_firstChild->_AdvanceSnappedDimension(widthOrHeight, *sizeNode.nextFirstChild);
*sizeNode.secondChild = *sizeNode.nextSecondChild;
_secondChild->_AdvanceSnappedDimension(widthOrHeight, *sizeNode.nextSecondChild);
// Since the size of one of our children has changed we need to update our size as well.
if (_splitState == (widthOrHeight ? SplitState::Horizontal : SplitState::Vertical))
sizeNode.size = std::max(sizeNode.firstChild->size, sizeNode.secondChild->size);
sizeNode.size = sizeNode.firstChild->size + sizeNode.secondChild->size;
// Because we have grown, we're certainly no longer of our
// minimal size (if we've ever been).
sizeNode.isMinimumSize = false;
// Method Description:
// - Get the absolute minimum size that this pane can be resized to and still
// have 1x1 character visible, in each of its children. If we're a leaf, we'll
// include the space needed for borders _within_ us.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - The minimum size that this pane can be resized to and still have a visible
// character.
Size Pane::_GetMinSize() const
if (_IsLeaf())
auto controlSize = _control.MinimumSize();
auto newWidth = controlSize.Width;
auto newHeight = controlSize.Height;
newWidth += WI_IsFlagSet(_borders, Borders::Left) ? PaneBorderSize : 0;
newWidth += WI_IsFlagSet(_borders, Borders::Right) ? PaneBorderSize : 0;
newHeight += WI_IsFlagSet(_borders, Borders::Top) ? PaneBorderSize : 0;
newHeight += WI_IsFlagSet(_borders, Borders::Bottom) ? PaneBorderSize : 0;
return { newWidth, newHeight };
const auto firstSize = _firstChild->_GetMinSize();
const auto secondSize = _secondChild->_GetMinSize();
const auto minWidth = _splitState == SplitState::Vertical ?
firstSize.Width + secondSize.Width :
std::max(firstSize.Width, secondSize.Width);
const auto minHeight = _splitState == SplitState::Horizontal ?
firstSize.Height + secondSize.Height :
std::max(firstSize.Height, secondSize.Height);
return { minWidth, minHeight };
// Method Description:
// - Builds a tree of LayoutSizeNode that matches the tree of panes. Each node
// has minimum size that the corresponding pane can have.
// Arguments:
// - widthOrHeight: if true operates on width, otherwise on height
// Return Value:
// - Root node of built tree that matches this pane.
Pane::LayoutSizeNode Pane::_CreateMinSizeTree(const bool widthOrHeight) const
const auto size = _GetMinSize();
LayoutSizeNode node(widthOrHeight ? size.Width : size.Height);
if (!_IsLeaf())
node.firstChild = std::make_unique<LayoutSizeNode>(_firstChild->_CreateMinSizeTree(widthOrHeight));
node.secondChild = std::make_unique<LayoutSizeNode>(_secondChild->_CreateMinSizeTree(widthOrHeight));
return node;
// Method Description:
// - Adjusts split position so that no child pane is smaller then its
// minimum size
// Arguments:
// - widthOrHeight: if true, operates on width, otherwise on height.
// - requestedValue: split position value to be clamped
// - totalSize: size (width or height) of the parent pane
// Return Value:
// - split position (value in range <0.0, 1.0>)
float Pane::_ClampSplitPosition(const bool widthOrHeight, const float requestedValue, const float totalSize) const
const auto firstMinSize = _firstChild->_GetMinSize();
const auto secondMinSize = _secondChild->_GetMinSize();
const auto firstMinDimension = widthOrHeight ? firstMinSize.Width : firstMinSize.Height;
const auto secondMinDimension = widthOrHeight ? secondMinSize.Width : secondMinSize.Height;
const auto minSplitPosition = firstMinDimension / totalSize;
const auto maxSplitPosition = 1.0f - (secondMinDimension / totalSize);
return std::clamp(requestedValue, minSplitPosition, maxSplitPosition);
// Function Description:
// - Attempts to load some XAML resources that the Pane will need. This includes:
// * The Color we'll use for active Panes's borders - SystemAccentColor
// * The Brush we'll use for inactive Panes - TabViewBackground (to match the
// color of the titlebar)
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Pane::_SetupResources()
const auto res = Application::Current().Resources();
const auto accentColorKey = winrt::box_value(L"SystemAccentColor");
if (res.HasKey(accentColorKey))
const auto colorFromResources = res.Lookup(accentColorKey);
// If SystemAccentColor is _not_ a Color for some reason, use
// Transparent as the color, so we don't do this process again on
// the next pane (by leaving s_focusedBorderBrush nullptr)
auto actualColor = winrt::unbox_value_or<Color>(colorFromResources, Colors::Black());
s_focusedBorderBrush = SolidColorBrush(actualColor);
// DON'T use Transparent here - if it's "Transparent", then it won't
// be able to hittest for clicks, and then clicking on the border
// will eat focus.
s_focusedBorderBrush = SolidColorBrush{ Colors::Black() };
const auto unfocusedBorderBrushKey = winrt::box_value(L"UnfocusedBorderBrush");
if (res.HasKey(unfocusedBorderBrushKey))
winrt::Windows::Foundation::IInspectable obj = res.Lookup(unfocusedBorderBrushKey);
s_unfocusedBorderBrush = obj.try_as<winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::Media::SolidColorBrush>();
// DON'T use Transparent here - if it's "Transparent", then it won't
// be able to hittest for clicks, and then clicking on the border
// will eat focus.
s_unfocusedBorderBrush = SolidColorBrush{ Colors::Black() };
int Pane::GetLeafPaneCount() const noexcept
return _IsLeaf() ? 1 : (_firstChild->GetLeafPaneCount() + _secondChild->GetLeafPaneCount());
// Method Description:
// - This is a helper to determine which direction an "Automatic" split should
// happen in for a given pane, but without using the ActualWidth() and
// ActualHeight() methods. This is used during the initialization of the
// Terminal, when we could be processing many "split-pane" commands _before_
// we've ever laid out the Terminal for the first time. When this happens, the
// Pane's don't have an actual size yet. However, we'd still like to figure
// out how to do an "auto" split when these Panes are all laid out.
// - This method assumes that the Pane we're attempting to split is `target`,
// and this method should be called on the root of a tree of Panes.
// - We'll walk down the tree attempting to find `target`. As we traverse the
// tree, we'll reduce the size passed to each subsequent recursive call. The
// size passed to this method represents how much space this Pane _will_ have
// to use.
// * If this pane is a leaf, and it's the pane we're looking for, use the
// available space to calculate which direction to split in.
// * If this pane is _any other leaf_, then just return nullopt, to indicate
// that the `target` Pane is not down this branch.
// * If this pane is a parent, calculate how much space our children will be
// able to use, and recurse into them.
// Arguments:
// - target: The Pane we're attempting to split.
// - availableSpace: The theoretical space that's available for this pane to be able to split.
// Return Value:
// - nullopt if `target` is not this pane or a child of this pane, otherwise the
// SplitState that `target` would use for an `Automatic` split given
// `availableSpace`
std::optional<SplitState> Pane::PreCalculateAutoSplit(const std::shared_ptr<Pane> target,
const winrt::Windows::Foundation::Size availableSpace) const
if (_IsLeaf())
if (target.get() == this)
//If this pane is a leaf, and it's the pane we're looking for, use
//the available space to calculate which direction to split in.
return availableSpace.Width > availableSpace.Height ? SplitState::Vertical : SplitState::Horizontal;
// If this pane is _any other leaf_, then just return nullopt, to
// indicate that the `target` Pane is not down this branch.
return std::nullopt;
// If this pane is a parent, calculate how much space our children will
// be able to use, and recurse into them.
const bool isVerticalSplit = _splitState == SplitState::Vertical;
const float firstWidth = isVerticalSplit ? (availableSpace.Width * _desiredSplitPosition) : availableSpace.Width;
const float secondWidth = isVerticalSplit ? (availableSpace.Width - firstWidth) : availableSpace.Width;
const float firstHeight = !isVerticalSplit ? (availableSpace.Height * _desiredSplitPosition) : availableSpace.Height;
const float secondHeight = !isVerticalSplit ? (availableSpace.Height - firstHeight) : availableSpace.Height;
const auto firstResult = _firstChild->PreCalculateAutoSplit(target, { firstWidth, firstHeight });
return firstResult.has_value() ? firstResult : _secondChild->PreCalculateAutoSplit(target, { secondWidth, secondHeight });
// We should not possibly be getting here - both the above branches should
// return a value.
// Method Description:
// - Returns true if the pane or one of its descendants is read-only
bool Pane::ContainsReadOnly() const
return _IsLeaf() ? _control.ReadOnly() : (_firstChild->ContainsReadOnly() || _secondChild->ContainsReadOnly());
// Method Description:
// - If we're a parent, place the taskbar state for all our leaves into the
// provided vector.
// - If we're a leaf, place our own state into the vector.
// Arguments:
// - states: a vector that will receive all the states of all leaves in the tree
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Pane::CollectTaskbarStates(std::vector<winrt::TerminalApp::TaskbarState>& states)
if (_IsLeaf())
auto tbState{ winrt::make<winrt::TerminalApp::implementation::TaskbarState>(_control.TaskbarState(),
_control.TaskbarProgress()) };
DEFINE_EVENT(Pane, GotFocus, _GotFocusHandlers, winrt::delegate<std::shared_ptr<Pane>>);
DEFINE_EVENT(Pane, LostFocus, _LostFocusHandlers, winrt::delegate<std::shared_ptr<Pane>>);
DEFINE_EVENT(Pane, PaneRaiseBell, _PaneRaiseBellHandlers, winrt::Windows::Foundation::EventHandler<bool>);
DEFINE_EVENT(Pane, Detached, _PaneDetachedHandlers, winrt::delegate<std::shared_ptr<Pane>>);