Carlos Zamora c53fe1c2bf
Fix failing UIA movement tests (#10991)
## Summary of the Pull Request
Follow-up for #10886. The new UIA movement tests found some failing cases. This PR fixes UiaTextRangeBase to have movement match that of MS Word. In total, this fixes 64 tests.

## PR Checklist
* [X] Closes #10924
* [X] Tests added/passed

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments
Root causes include...
1. if we were a non-degenerate range and we failed to move, we should still expand to enclose the unit
2. non-degenerate ranges are treated as if they already encompassed their given unit.
   - this one is a bit difficult to explain. Consider these examples:
      1. document movement
         - state: you have a 1-cell wide range on the buffer, and you try to move by document
         - result: move by 0 (there is no next/prev document), but the range now encompasses the entire document
      2. line movement
         - state: you have a 1-cell wide range on a line, and you try to move back by a line
         - result: you go to the previous line (not the beginning of this line)
   - conversely, a degenerate range successfully moves to the beginning/end of the current unit (i.e. document/line)
   - this (bizarre) behavior was confirmed using MS Word

As a bonus, occasionally, Narrator would get stuck when navigating by line. This issue now seems to be fixed.

## Updates to existing tests
- `CanMoveByCharacter`
   - `can't move backward from (0, 0)` --> misauthored, result should be one character wide.
   - `can't move past the last column in the last row` --> misauthored and already covered in generated tests
- `CanMoveByLine`
   - `can't move backward from top row` --> misauthored, end should be on next line. Already covered by generated tests
   - `can't move forward from bottom row` --> misauthored, end should be on next line
   - `can't move backward when part of the top row is in the range` --> misauthored, should expand
   - `can't move forward when part of the bottom row is in the range` --> misauthored, degenerate range moves to end of buffer
- `MovementAtExclusiveEnd`
   - populate the text buffer _before_ we do a move by word operation
   - update to match the now fixed behavior
2021-08-24 13:56:38 +00:00
GenerateTests.ps1 Improve UIA movement testing methodology (#10886) 2021-08-19 20:47:07 +00:00
README.md Improve UIA movement testing methodology (#10886) 2021-08-19 20:47:07 +00:00
UiaTests.csv Fix failing UIA movement tests (#10991) 2021-08-24 13:56:38 +00:00

author created on last updated
Carlos Zamora @carlos-zamora 2021-08-05 2021-08-05

Test Table Writer

The Test Table Writer was written as a method to generate UI Automation tests for OpenConsole. UI Automation has a lot of corner cases, so we developed this workflow to simplify storing and updating these test cases (particularly revolving around movement).

How to use it

  1. Update UiaTests.csv:
    • This file is used to store the tests in a compact format. The defined columns include...
      • Degenerate: is this a degenerate range?
      • Position: see the position chart below
      • TextUnit: what text unit to move by
      • MoveAmount: how many times to move
      • Start: the start endpoint of the text range. Represented by a variable name used to signify a position in the buffer. See the variable heuristics section below.
      • End: the start endpoint of the text range. Represented by a variable name used to signify a position in the buffer. See the variable heuristics section below.
      • Result_MoveAmount: the expected amount to have moved by
      • Result_Start: the expected position of the start endpoint after executing the move operation
      • Result_End: the expected position of the end endpoint after executing the move operation
      • Skip: skip the test. Can be used for failing tests.
    • Each row represents a new test in a compact format.
    • Use the position chart and the variable heuristics below to add more tests easily.
  2. Run GenerateTests.ps1
    • GenerateTests.ps1 will load UiaTests.csv and export the tests and any necessary variables to "src\interactivity\win32\ut_interactivity_win32\GeneratedUiaTextRangeMovementTests.g.cpp".
  3. Build and run the tests
    • Build UiaTextRangeTests
    • Go to bin\x64\Debug
    • Run clear; .\TE.exe /name:*UiaTextRangeTests*GeneratedMovementTests* .\Conhost.Interactivity.Win32.Unit.Tests.dll in PowerShell
  4. If the tests pass, upload any changes to UiaTests.csv and GeneratedUiaTextRangeMovementTests.g.cpp. Be sure to run the code formatter.

Helpful tips

  • How to verify a test is authored correctly
    • use MS Word to generate some text (try typing "=lorem(5,5)" then pressing enter to generate text)
    • use Accessibility Insights to run the UIA API on MS Word's ITextProvider
      • if you create a selection (or move the cursor), then tell Accessibility Insights to get the "Selection" range (or refresh it), you can easily set up a test case
  • Run the tests via Visual Studio
    • In the Solution Explorer, right-click Interactivity.Win32.Tests.Unit and select "Set as Startup Project"
    • right-click it again and select "Properties"
    • In the Debugging section, set..
      • "Command" --> $(OutDir)/TE.exe
      • "Command Arguments" --> $(TargetPath) /name:*uiatextrange*generated* /inproc

Position chart

The text buffer is assumed to be partially filled. Specifically, the top half of the text buffer contains text, and each row is filled with 9 segments of alternating text. For visualization, the ascii diagram below shows what the text buffer may look like.

|1XX   XXX   X2X   XXX   XXX|
|XXX   XXX   X3X   XXX   XXX|
|XXX   XXX   X4X   XXX   XX5|
|6                          |
|                           |
|             7             |
|                           |
|                          8|

The following positions are being tested:

  1. origin: buffer origin
  2. midTop: middle of the top line
  3. midHistory: middle of the history
  4. midDocEnd: middle of the last line of text
  5. lastCharPos: last character in the buffer
  6. docEnd: one past the last line of text
  7. midEmptySpace: middle of the empty space in the buffer
  8. bufferEnd: end of the buffer
  9. endExclusive: exclusive end of the buffer

This is intended to provide adequate testing coverage for GH#6986.

Variable Heuristics

Each position above already has a predefined variable name. However, a few heuristics are used to define new variables based on the standard variables above.

  • <name>Left: the left-most position on the same line as <name>
  • <name>P<number>C, <name>M<number>C:
    • <name>: start at the position of <name>
    • P (or M): move forwards (aka "plus") by a certain amount (M is used to move backwards [aka "minus"])
    • <number>: how much to move forwards by
    • C: move by character. For simplicity, assumes that each character is one-cell wide.
  • <name>P<number>L, <name>M<number>L:
    • same as above, except move by line. For simplicity, assumes that you won't hit a buffer boundary.

Helpful terms and concepts