Mike Griese a544f56e17
Add an ENUM setting for disabling rendering "intense" text as bold (#10759)
## Summary of the Pull Request

This adds a new setting `intenseTextStyle`. It's a per-appearance, control setting, defaulting to `"all"`.
* When set to `"all"` or `["bold", "bright"]`, then we'll render text as both **bold** and bright (1.10 behavior)
* When set to `"bold"`, `["bold"]`, we'll render text formatted with `^[[1m` as **bold**, but not bright
* When set to `"bright"`, `["bright"]`, we'll render text formatted with `^[[1m` as bright, but not bold. This is the pre 1.10 behavior
* When set to `"none"`, we won't do anything special for it at all. 

## references
* I last did this in #10648. This time it's an enum, so we can add bright in the future. It's got positive wording this time.
* ~We will want to add `"bright"` as a value in the future, to disable the auto intense->bright conversion.~ I just did that now.
* #5682 is related

## PR Checklist
* [x] Closes #10576 
* [x] I seriously don't think we have an issue for "disable intense is bright", but I'm not crazy, people wanted that, right? https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/issues/2916#issuecomment-544880423 was the closest
* [x] I work here
* [x] Tests added/passed
* [x] https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/terminal/pull/381

## Validation Steps Performed

<!-- ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/18356694/125480327-07f6b711-6bca-4c1b-9a76-75fc978c702d.png) -->

Yea that works. Printed some bold text, toggled it on, the text was no longer bold. hooray.

### EDIT, 10 Aug

"intenseTextStyle": "none",
"intenseTextStyle": "bold",
"intenseTextStyle": "bright",
"intenseTextStyle": "all",
"intenseTextStyle": ["bold", "bright"],

all work now. Repro script:
printf "\e[1m[bold]\e[m[normal]\e[34m[blue]\e[1m[bold blue]\e[m\n"
2021-08-16 13:45:56 +00:00

2283 lines
84 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "precomp.h"
#include "DxRenderer.hpp"
#include "CustomTextLayout.h"
#include "../../interactivity/win32/CustomWindowMessages.h"
#include "../../types/inc/Viewport.hpp"
#include "../../inc/unicode.hpp"
#include "../../inc/DefaultSettings.h"
#include <VersionHelpers.h>
#include "ScreenPixelShader.h"
#include "ScreenVertexShader.h"
#include <DirectXMath.h>
#include <d3dcompiler.h>
#include <DirectXColors.h>
using namespace DirectX;
std::atomic<size_t> Microsoft::Console::Render::DxEngine::_tracelogCount{ 0 };
#pragma warning(suppress : 26477) // We don't control tracelogging macros
// {c93e739e-ae50-5a14-78e7-f171e947535d}
(0xc93e739e, 0xae50, 0x5a14, 0x78, 0xe7, 0xf1, 0x71, 0xe9, 0x47, 0x53, 0x5d), );
// Quad where we draw the terminal.
// pos is world space coordinates where origin is at the center of screen.
// tex is texel coordinates where origin is top left.
// Layout the quad as a triangle strip where the _screenQuadVertices are place like so.
// 2 0
// 3 1
struct ShaderInput
} const _screenQuadVertices[] = {
{ XMFLOAT3(1.f, 1.f, 0.f), XMFLOAT2(1.f, 0.f) },
{ XMFLOAT3(1.f, -1.f, 0.f), XMFLOAT2(1.f, 1.f) },
{ XMFLOAT3(-1.f, 1.f, 0.f), XMFLOAT2(0.f, 0.f) },
{ XMFLOAT3(-1.f, -1.f, 0.f), XMFLOAT2(0.f, 1.f) },
D3D11_INPUT_ELEMENT_DESC _shaderInputLayout[] = {
#pragma hdrstop
using namespace Microsoft::Console::Render;
using namespace Microsoft::Console::Types;
// Routine Description:
// - Constructs a DirectX-based renderer for console text
// which primarily uses DirectWrite on a Direct2D surface
#pragma warning(suppress : 26455)
// TODO GH 2683: The default constructor should not throw.
DxEngine::DxEngine() :
_pool{ til::pmr::get_default_resource() },
_invalidMap{ &_pool },
_allInvalid{ false },
_firstFrame{ true },
_presentParams{ 0 },
_presentReady{ false },
_presentScroll{ 0 },
_presentDirty{ 0 },
_presentOffset{ 0 },
_isEnabled{ false },
_isPainting{ false },
_foregroundColor{ 0 },
_backgroundColor{ 0 },
_haveDeviceResources{ false },
_swapChainHandle{ INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE },
_swapChainDesc{ 0 },
_swapChainFrameLatencyWaitableObject{ INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE },
_recreateDeviceRequested{ false },
_terminalEffectsEnabled{ false },
_retroTerminalEffect{ false },
_forceFullRepaintRendering{ false },
_softwareRendering{ false },
_defaultTextBackgroundOpacity{ 1.0f },
_hwndTarget{ static_cast<HWND>(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) },
_scale{ 1.0f },
_prevScale{ 1.0f },
_intenseIsBold{ true },
_chainMode{ SwapChainMode::ForComposition },
_customRenderer{ ::Microsoft::WRL::Make<CustomTextRenderer>() },
const auto was = _tracelogCount.fetch_add(1);
if (0 == was)
// Initialize our default selection color to DEFAULT_FOREGROUND, but make
// sure to set to to a D2D1::ColorF
_fontRenderData = std::make_unique<DxFontRenderData>(_dwriteFactory);
// Routine Description:
// - Destroys an instance of the DirectX rendering engine
const auto was = _tracelogCount.fetch_sub(1);
if (1 == was)
// Routine Description:
// - Sets this engine to enabled allowing painting and presentation to occur
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - Generally S_OK, but might return a DirectX or memory error if
// resources need to be created or adjusted when enabling to prepare for draw
// Can give invalid state if you enable an enabled class.
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT DxEngine::Enable() noexcept
return _EnableDisplayAccess(true);
// Routine Description:
// - Sets this engine to disabled to prevent painting and presentation from occurring
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - Should be OK. We might close/free resources, but that shouldn't error.
// Can give invalid state if you disable a disabled class.
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT DxEngine::Disable() noexcept
return _EnableDisplayAccess(false);
// Routine Description:
// - Helper to enable/disable painting/display access/presentation in a unified
// manner between enable/disable functions.
// Arguments:
// - outputEnabled - true to enable, false to disable
// Return Value:
// - Generally OK. Can return invalid state if you set to the state that is already
// active (enabling enabled, disabling disabled).
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT DxEngine::_EnableDisplayAccess(const bool outputEnabled) noexcept
// Invalid state if we're setting it to the same as what we already have.
RETURN_HR_IF(E_NOT_VALID_STATE, outputEnabled == _isEnabled);
_isEnabled = outputEnabled;
if (!_isEnabled)
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - Compiles a shader source into binary blob.
// Arguments:
// - source - Shader source
// - target - What kind of shader this is
// - entry - Entry function of shader
// Return Value:
// - Compiled binary. Errors are thrown and logged.
inline Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ID3DBlob>
std::string source,
std::string target,
std::string entry = "main")
return 0;
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ID3DBlob> code{};
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ID3DBlob> error{};
const HRESULT hr = D3DCompile(
if (FAILED(hr))
LOG_HR_MSG(hr, "D3DCompile failed with %x.", static_cast<int>(hr));
if (error)
LOG_HR_MSG(hr, "D3DCompile error\n%*S", static_cast<int>(error->GetBufferSize()), static_cast<PWCHAR>(error->GetBufferPointer()));
return code;
// Routine Description:
// - Checks if terminal effects are enabled.
// Arguments:
// Return Value:
// - True if terminal effects are enabled
bool DxEngine::_HasTerminalEffects() const noexcept
return _terminalEffectsEnabled && (_retroTerminalEffect || !_pixelShaderPath.empty());
// Routine Description:
// - Toggles terminal effects off and on. If no terminal effect is configured has no effect
// Arguments:
// Return Value:
// - Void
void DxEngine::ToggleShaderEffects()
_terminalEffectsEnabled = !_terminalEffectsEnabled;
// Routine Description:
// - Loads pixel shader source depending on _retroTerminalEffect and _pixelShaderPath
// Arguments:
// Return Value:
// - Pixel shader source code
std::string DxEngine::_LoadPixelShaderFile() const
// If the user specified the new pixel shader, it has precedence
if (!_pixelShaderPath.empty())
wil::unique_hfile hFile{ CreateFileW(_pixelShaderPath.c_str(),
nullptr) };
THROW_LAST_ERROR_IF(!hFile); // This will be caught below.
// fileSize is in bytes
const auto fileSize = GetFileSize(hFile.get(), nullptr);
std::vector<char> utf8buffer;
DWORD bytesRead = 0;
THROW_LAST_ERROR_IF(!ReadFile(hFile.get(), utf8buffer.data(), fileSize, &bytesRead, nullptr));
// convert buffer to UTF-8 string
std::string utf8string(utf8buffer.data(), fileSize);
return utf8string;
catch (...)
// If we ran into any problems during loading pixel shader, call to
// the warning callback to surface the file not found error
const auto exceptionHr = LOG_CAUGHT_EXCEPTION();
if (_pfnWarningCallback)
return std::string{};
else if (_retroTerminalEffect)
return std::string{ retroPixelShaderString };
return std::string{};
// Routine Description:
// - Setup D3D objects for doing shader things for terminal effects.
// Arguments:
// Return Value:
// - HRESULT status.
HRESULT DxEngine::_SetupTerminalEffects()
_pixelShaderLoaded = false;
const auto pixelShaderSource = _LoadPixelShaderFile();
if (pixelShaderSource.empty())
// There's no shader to compile. This might be due to failing to load,
// or because there's just no shader enabled at all.
// Turn the effects off for now.
_terminalEffectsEnabled = false;
return S_FALSE;
::Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ID3D11Texture2D> swapBuffer;
RETURN_IF_FAILED(_dxgiSwapChain->GetBuffer(0, __uuidof(ID3D11Texture2D), (LPVOID*)&swapBuffer));
// Setup render target.
RETURN_IF_FAILED(_d3dDevice->CreateRenderTargetView(swapBuffer.Get(), nullptr, &_renderTargetView));
// Setup _framebufferCapture, to where we'll copy current frame when rendering effects.
D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC framebufferCaptureDesc{};
WI_SetFlag(framebufferCaptureDesc.BindFlags, D3D11_BIND_SHADER_RESOURCE);
RETURN_IF_FAILED(_d3dDevice->CreateTexture2D(&framebufferCaptureDesc, nullptr, &_framebufferCapture));
// Setup the viewport.
vp.Width = _displaySizePixels.width<float>();
vp.Height = _displaySizePixels.height<float>();
vp.MinDepth = 0.0f;
vp.MaxDepth = 1.0f;
vp.TopLeftX = 0;
vp.TopLeftY = 0;
_d3dDeviceContext->RSSetViewports(1, &vp);
// Prepare shaders.
auto vertexBlob = _CompileShader(screenVertexShaderString, "vs_5_0");
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ID3DBlob> pixelBlob;
// As the pixel shader source is user provided it's possible there's a problem with it
// so load it inside a try catch, on any error log and fallback on the error pixel shader
// If even the error pixel shader fails to load rely on standard exception handling
pixelBlob = _CompileShader(pixelShaderSource, "ps_5_0");
catch (...)
// Call to the warning callback to surface the shader compile error
const auto exceptionHr = LOG_CAUGHT_EXCEPTION();
if (_pfnWarningCallback)
// If this fails, it'll return E_FAIL, which is terribly
// uninformative. Instead, raise something more useful.
return exceptionHr;
static_cast<const D3D11_INPUT_ELEMENT_DESC*>(_shaderInputLayout),
// Create vertex buffer for screen quad.
bd.Usage = D3D11_USAGE_DEFAULT;
bd.ByteWidth = sizeof(ShaderInput) * ARRAYSIZE(_screenQuadVertices);
bd.BindFlags = D3D11_BIND_VERTEX_BUFFER;
bd.CPUAccessFlags = 0;
InitData.pSysMem = static_cast<const void*>(_screenQuadVertices);
RETURN_IF_FAILED(_d3dDevice->CreateBuffer(&bd, &InitData, &_screenQuadVertexBuffer));
D3D11_BUFFER_DESC pixelShaderSettingsBufferDesc{};
pixelShaderSettingsBufferDesc.Usage = D3D11_USAGE_DEFAULT;
pixelShaderSettingsBufferDesc.ByteWidth = sizeof(_pixelShaderSettings);
pixelShaderSettingsBufferDesc.BindFlags = D3D11_BIND_CONSTANT_BUFFER;
_shaderStartTime = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA pixelShaderSettingsInitData{};
pixelShaderSettingsInitData.pSysMem = &_pixelShaderSettings;
RETURN_IF_FAILED(_d3dDevice->CreateBuffer(&pixelShaderSettingsBufferDesc, &pixelShaderSettingsInitData, &_pixelShaderSettingsBuffer));
// Sampler state is needed to use texture as input to shader.
D3D11_SAMPLER_DESC samplerDesc{};
samplerDesc.Filter = D3D11_FILTER_MIN_MAG_MIP_LINEAR;
samplerDesc.AddressU = D3D11_TEXTURE_ADDRESS_CLAMP;
samplerDesc.AddressV = D3D11_TEXTURE_ADDRESS_CLAMP;
samplerDesc.AddressW = D3D11_TEXTURE_ADDRESS_CLAMP;
samplerDesc.MipLODBias = 0.0f;
samplerDesc.MaxAnisotropy = 1;
samplerDesc.ComparisonFunc = D3D11_COMPARISON_ALWAYS;
samplerDesc.BorderColor[0] = 0;
samplerDesc.BorderColor[1] = 0;
samplerDesc.BorderColor[2] = 0;
samplerDesc.BorderColor[3] = 0;
samplerDesc.MinLOD = 0;
samplerDesc.MaxLOD = D3D11_FLOAT32_MAX;
// Create the texture sampler state.
RETURN_IF_FAILED(_d3dDevice->CreateSamplerState(&samplerDesc, &_samplerState));
_pixelShaderLoaded = true;
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - Puts the correct values in _pixelShaderSettings, so the struct can be
// passed the GPU and updates the GPU resource.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void DxEngine::_ComputePixelShaderSettings() noexcept
if (_HasTerminalEffects() && _d3dDeviceContext && _pixelShaderSettingsBuffer)
// Set the time (seconds since the shader was loaded)
_pixelShaderSettings.Time = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::duration<float>>(std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - _shaderStartTime).count();
// Set the UI Scale
_pixelShaderSettings.Scale = _scale;
// Set the display resolution
const float w = 1.0f * _displaySizePixels.width<UINT>();
const float h = 1.0f * _displaySizePixels.height<UINT>();
_pixelShaderSettings.Resolution = XMFLOAT2{ w, h };
// Set the background
DirectX::XMFLOAT4 background{};
background.x = _backgroundColor.r;
background.y = _backgroundColor.g;
background.z = _backgroundColor.b;
background.w = _backgroundColor.a;
_pixelShaderSettings.Background = background;
_d3dDeviceContext->UpdateSubresource(_pixelShaderSettingsBuffer.Get(), 0, nullptr, &_pixelShaderSettings, 0, 0);
// Method Description:
// - Use DCompositionCreateSurfaceHandle to create a swapchain handle. This API
// is only present in Windows 8.1+, so we need to delay-load it to make sure
// we can still load on Windows 7.
// - We can't actually hit this on Windows 7, because only the WPF control uses
// us on Windows 7, and they're using the ForHwnd path, which doesn't hit this
// at all.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - An HRESULT for failing to load dcomp.dll, or failing to find the API, or an
// actual failure from the API itself.
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT DxEngine::_CreateSurfaceHandle() noexcept
wil::unique_hmodule hDComp{ LoadLibraryEx(L"Dcomp.dll", nullptr, LOAD_LIBRARY_SEARCH_SYSTEM32) };
RETURN_LAST_ERROR_IF(hDComp.get() == nullptr);
auto fn = GetProcAddressByFunctionDeclaration(hDComp.get(), DCompositionCreateSurfaceHandle);
RETURN_LAST_ERROR_IF(fn == nullptr);
return fn(GENERIC_ALL, nullptr, &_swapChainHandle);
// Routine Description;
// - Creates device-specific resources required for drawing
// which generally means those that are represented on the GPU and can
// vary based on the monitor, display adapter, etc.
// - These may need to be recreated during the course of painting a frame
// should something about that hardware pipeline change.
// - Will free device resources that already existed as first operation.
// Arguments:
// - createSwapChain - If true, we create the entire rendering pipeline
// - If false, we just set up the adapter.
// Return Value:
// - Could be any DirectX/D3D/D2D/DXGI/DWrite error or memory issue.
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT DxEngine::_CreateDeviceResources(const bool createSwapChain) noexcept
if (_haveDeviceResources)
auto freeOnFail = wil::scope_exit([&]() noexcept { _ReleaseDeviceResources(); });
// clang-format off
// This causes problems for folks who do not have the whole DirectX SDK installed
// when they try to run the rest of the project in debug mode.
// As such, I'm leaving this flag here for people doing DX-specific work to toggle it
// only when they need it and shutting it off otherwise.
// Find out more about the debug layer here:
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/direct3d11/overviews-direct3d-11-devices-layers
// You can find out how to install it here:
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/uwp/gaming/use-the-directx-runtime-and-visual-studio-graphics-diagnostic-features
// clang-format on
const std::array<D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL, 5> FeatureLevels{ D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_11_1,
// Trying hardware first for maximum performance, then trying WARP (software) renderer second
// in case we're running inside a downlevel VM where hardware passthrough isn't enabled like
// for Windows 7 in a VM.
HRESULT hardwareResult = E_NOT_SET;
// If we're not forcing software rendering, try hardware first.
// Otherwise, let the error state fall down and create with the software renderer directly.
if (!_softwareRendering)
hardwareResult = D3D11CreateDevice(nullptr,
if (FAILED(hardwareResult))
_displaySizePixels = _GetClientSize();
// Get the other device types so we have deeper access to more functionality
// in our pipeline than by just walking straight from the D3D device.
RETURN_IF_FAILED(_d2dFactory->CreateDevice(_dxgiDevice.Get(), _d2dDevice.ReleaseAndGetAddressOf()));
// Create a device context out of it (supercedes render targets)
RETURN_IF_FAILED(_d2dDevice->CreateDeviceContext(D2D1_DEVICE_CONTEXT_OPTIONS_NONE, &_d2dDeviceContext));
if (createSwapChain)
_swapChainDesc = { 0 };
_swapChainDesc.Flags = 0;
// requires DXGI 1.3 which was introduced in Windows 8.1
WI_SetFlagIf(_swapChainDesc.Flags, DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_FLAG_FRAME_LATENCY_WAITABLE_OBJECT, IsWindows8Point1OrGreater());
_swapChainDesc.Format = DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM;
_swapChainDesc.BufferCount = 2;
_swapChainDesc.SampleDesc.Count = 1;
_swapChainDesc.Scaling = DXGI_SCALING_NONE;
switch (_chainMode)
case SwapChainMode::ForHwnd:
// use the HWND's dimensions for the swap chain dimensions.
RECT rect = { 0 };
RETURN_IF_WIN32_BOOL_FALSE(GetClientRect(_hwndTarget, &rect));
_swapChainDesc.Width = rect.right - rect.left;
_swapChainDesc.Height = rect.bottom - rect.top;
// We can't do alpha for HWNDs. Set to ignore. It will fail otherwise.
_swapChainDesc.AlphaMode = DXGI_ALPHA_MODE_IGNORE;
const auto createSwapChainResult = _dxgiFactory2->CreateSwapChainForHwnd(_d3dDevice.Get(),
if (FAILED(createSwapChainResult))
_swapChainDesc.Scaling = DXGI_SCALING_STRETCH;
case SwapChainMode::ForComposition:
if (!_swapChainHandle)
// Use the given target size for compositions.
_swapChainDesc.Width = _displaySizePixels.width<UINT>();
_swapChainDesc.Height = _displaySizePixels.height<UINT>();
// We're doing advanced composition pretty much for the purpose of pretty alpha, so turn it on.
// It's 100% required to use scaling mode stretch for composition. There is no other choice.
_swapChainDesc.Scaling = DXGI_SCALING_STRETCH;
if (IsWindows8Point1OrGreater())
::Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IDXGISwapChain2> swapChain2;
const HRESULT asResult = _dxgiSwapChain.As(&swapChain2);
if (SUCCEEDED(asResult))
_swapChainFrameLatencyWaitableObject = wil::unique_handle{ swapChain2->GetFrameLatencyWaitableObject() };
LOG_HR_MSG(asResult, "Failed to obtain IDXGISwapChain2 from swap chain");
if (_HasTerminalEffects())
const HRESULT hr = _SetupTerminalEffects();
if (FAILED(hr))
LOG_HR_MSG(hr, "Failed to setup terminal effects. Disabling.");
_terminalEffectsEnabled = false;
// With a new swap chain, mark the entire thing as invalid.
// This is our first frame on this new target.
_firstFrame = true;
_haveDeviceResources = true;
if (_isPainting)
// TODO: MSFT: 21169176 - remove this or restore the "try a few times to render" code... I think
freeOnFail.release(); // don't need to release if we made it to the bottom and everything was good.
// Notify that swap chain changed.
if (_pfn)
CATCH_LOG(); // A failure in the notification function isn't a failure to prepare, so just log it and go on.
_recreateDeviceRequested = false;
return S_OK;
static constexpr D2D1_ALPHA_MODE _dxgiAlphaToD2d1Alpha(DXGI_ALPHA_MODE mode) noexcept
switch (mode)
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT DxEngine::_PrepareRenderTarget() noexcept
// Pull surface out of swap chain.
RETURN_IF_FAILED(_dxgiSwapChain->GetBuffer(0, IID_PPV_ARGS(&_dxgiSurface)));
// Make a bitmap and bind it to the swap chain surface
const auto bitmapProperties = D2D1::BitmapProperties1(
D2D1::PixelFormat(_swapChainDesc.Format, _dxgiAlphaToD2d1Alpha(_swapChainDesc.AlphaMode)));
RETURN_IF_FAILED(_d2dDeviceContext->CreateBitmapFromDxgiSurface(_dxgiSurface.Get(), bitmapProperties, &_d2dBitmap));
// Assign that bitmap as the target of the D2D device context. Draw commands hit the context
// and are backed by the bitmap which is bound to the swap chain which goes on to be presented.
// (The foot bone connected to the leg bone,
// The leg bone connected to the knee bone,
// The knee bone connected to the thigh bone
// ... and so on)
// We need the AntialiasMode for non-text object to be Aliased to ensure
// that background boxes line up with each other and don't leave behind
// stray colors.
// See GH#3626 for more details.
_strokeStyleProperties = D2D1_STROKE_STYLE_PROPERTIES{
D2D1_CAP_STYLE_SQUARE, // startCap
D2D1_LINE_JOIN_MITER, // lineJoin
0.f, // miterLimit
D2D1_DASH_STYLE_SOLID, // dashStyle
0.f, // dashOffset
RETURN_IF_FAILED(_d2dFactory->CreateStrokeStyle(&_strokeStyleProperties, nullptr, 0, &_strokeStyle));
_dashStrokeStyleProperties = D2D1_STROKE_STYLE_PROPERTIES{
D2D1_CAP_STYLE_SQUARE, // startCap
D2D1_CAP_STYLE_FLAT, // dashCap
D2D1_LINE_JOIN_MITER, // lineJoin
0.f, // miterLimit
D2D1_DASH_STYLE_CUSTOM, // dashStyle
0.f, // dashOffset
// Custom dashes:
// # # # #
// 1234123412341234
static constexpr std::array<float, 2> hyperlinkDashes{ 1.f, 3.f };
RETURN_IF_FAILED(_d2dFactory->CreateStrokeStyle(&_dashStrokeStyleProperties, hyperlinkDashes.data(), gsl::narrow_cast<UINT32>(hyperlinkDashes.size()), &_dashStrokeStyle));
_hyperlinkStrokeStyle = _dashStrokeStyle;
// If in composition mode, apply scaling factor matrix
if (_chainMode == SwapChainMode::ForComposition)
DXGI_MATRIX_3X2_F inverseScale = { 0 };
inverseScale._11 = 1.0f / _scale;
inverseScale._22 = inverseScale._11;
::Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IDXGISwapChain2> sc2;
_prevScale = _scale;
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - Releases device-specific resources (typically held on the GPU)
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void DxEngine::_ReleaseDeviceResources() noexcept
_haveDeviceResources = false;
// Destroy Terminal Effect resources
if (nullptr != _d2dDeviceContext.Get() && _isPainting)
if (nullptr != _d3dDeviceContext.Get())
// To ensure the swap chain goes away we must unbind any views from the
// D3D pipeline
_d3dDeviceContext->OMSetRenderTargets(0, nullptr, nullptr);
// Routine Description:
// - Calculates whether or not we should force grayscale AA based on the
// current renderer state.
// Arguments:
// - <none> - Uses internal state of _antialiasingMode, _defaultTextBackgroundOpacity,
// _backgroundColor, and _defaultBackgroundColor.
// Return Value:
// - True if we must render this text in grayscale AA as cleartype simply won't work. False otherwise.
[[nodiscard]] bool DxEngine::_ShouldForceGrayscaleAA() noexcept
// GH#5098: If we're rendering with cleartype text, we need to always
// render onto an opaque background. If our background's opacity is
// 1.0f, that's great, we can use that. Otherwise, we need to force the
// text renderer to render this text in grayscale. In
// UpdateDrawingBrushes, we'll set the backgroundColor's a channel to
// 1.0 if we're in cleartype mode and the background's opacity is 1.0.
// Otherwise, at this point, the _backgroundColor's alpha is <1.0.
// Currently, only text with the default background color uses an alpha
// of 0, every other background uses 1.0
// DANGER: Layers slow us down. Only do this in the specific case where
// someone has chosen the slower ClearType antialiasing (versus the faster
// grayscale antialiasing)
const bool usingCleartype = _antialiasingMode == D2D1_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_MODE_CLEARTYPE;
const bool usingTransparency = _defaultTextBackgroundOpacity != 1.0f;
// Another way of naming "bgIsDefault" is "bgHasTransparency"
const auto bgIsDefault = (_backgroundColor.a == _defaultBackgroundColor.a) &&
(_backgroundColor.r == _defaultBackgroundColor.r) &&
(_backgroundColor.g == _defaultBackgroundColor.g) &&
(_backgroundColor.b == _defaultBackgroundColor.b);
const bool forceGrayscaleAA = usingCleartype &&
usingTransparency &&
return forceGrayscaleAA;
// Routine Description:
// - Helper to create a DirectWrite text layout object
// out of a string.
// Arguments:
// - string - The text to attempt to layout
// - stringLength - Length of string above in characters
// - ppTextLayout - Location to receive new layout object
// Return Value:
// - S_OK if layout created successfully, otherwise a DirectWrite error
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT DxEngine::_CreateTextLayout(
_In_reads_(stringLength) PCWCHAR string,
_In_ size_t stringLength,
_Out_ IDWriteTextLayout** ppTextLayout) noexcept
return _dwriteFactory->CreateTextLayout(string,
_fontRenderData->GlyphCell().height() != 0 ? _fontRenderData->GlyphCell().height<float>() : _displaySizePixels.height<float>(),
// Routine Description:
// - Sets the target window handle for our display pipeline
// - We will take over the surface of this window for drawing
// Arguments:
// - hwnd - Window handle
// Return Value:
// - S_OK
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT DxEngine::SetHwnd(const HWND hwnd) noexcept
_hwndTarget = hwnd;
_chainMode = SwapChainMode::ForHwnd;
return S_OK;
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT DxEngine::SetWindowSize(const SIZE Pixels) noexcept
_sizeTarget = Pixels;
return S_OK;
void DxEngine::SetCallback(std::function<void()> pfn)
_pfn = pfn;
void DxEngine::SetWarningCallback(std::function<void(const HRESULT)> pfn)
_pfnWarningCallback = pfn;
bool DxEngine::GetRetroTerminalEffect() const noexcept
return _retroTerminalEffect;
void DxEngine::SetRetroTerminalEffect(bool enable) noexcept
if (_retroTerminalEffect != enable)
// Enable shader effects if the path isn't empty. Otherwise leave it untouched.
_terminalEffectsEnabled = enable ? true : _terminalEffectsEnabled;
_retroTerminalEffect = enable;
_recreateDeviceRequested = true;
void DxEngine::SetPixelShaderPath(std::wstring_view value) noexcept
if (_pixelShaderPath != value)
// Enable shader effects if the path isn't empty. Otherwise leave it untouched.
_terminalEffectsEnabled = value.empty() ? _terminalEffectsEnabled : true;
_pixelShaderPath = { value };
_recreateDeviceRequested = true;
void DxEngine::SetForceFullRepaintRendering(bool enable) noexcept
if (_forceFullRepaintRendering != enable)
_forceFullRepaintRendering = enable;
void DxEngine::SetSoftwareRendering(bool enable) noexcept
if (_softwareRendering != enable)
_softwareRendering = enable;
_recreateDeviceRequested = true;
void DxEngine::SetIntenseIsBold(bool enable) noexcept
if (_intenseIsBold != enable)
_intenseIsBold = enable;
HANDLE DxEngine::GetSwapChainHandle()
if (!_swapChainHandle)
return _swapChainHandle.get();
void DxEngine::_InvalidateRectangle(const til::rectangle& rc)
const auto size = _invalidMap.size();
const auto topLeft = til::point{ 0, std::min(size.height(), rc.top()) };
const auto bottomRight = til::point{ size.width(), std::min(size.height(), rc.bottom()) };
_invalidMap.set({ topLeft, bottomRight });
bool DxEngine::_IsAllInvalid() const noexcept
return std::llabs(_invalidScroll.y()) >= _invalidMap.size().height();
// Routine Description:
// - Invalidates a rectangle described in characters
// Arguments:
// - psrRegion - Character rectangle
// Return Value:
// - S_OK
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT DxEngine::Invalidate(const SMALL_RECT* const psrRegion) noexcept
if (!_allInvalid)
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - Invalidates the cells of the cursor
// Arguments:
// - psrRegion - the region covered by the cursor
// Return Value:
// - S_OK
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT DxEngine::InvalidateCursor(const SMALL_RECT* const psrRegion) noexcept
return Invalidate(psrRegion);
// Routine Description:
// - Invalidates a rectangle describing a pixel area on the display
// Arguments:
// - prcDirtyClient - pixel rectangle
// Return Value:
// - S_OK
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT DxEngine::InvalidateSystem(const RECT* const prcDirtyClient) noexcept
if (!_allInvalid)
// Dirty client is in pixels. Use divide specialization against glyph factor to make conversion
// to cells.
_InvalidateRectangle(til::rectangle{ *prcDirtyClient }.scale_down(_fontRenderData->GlyphCell()));
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - Invalidates a series of character rectangles
// Arguments:
// - rectangles - One or more rectangles describing character positions on the grid
// Return Value:
// - S_OK
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT DxEngine::InvalidateSelection(const std::vector<SMALL_RECT>& rectangles) noexcept
if (!_allInvalid)
for (const auto& rect : rectangles)
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - Scrolls the existing dirty region (if it exists) and
// invalidates the area that is uncovered in the window.
// Arguments:
// - pcoordDelta - The number of characters to move and uncover.
// - -Y is up, Y is down, -X is left, X is right.
// Return Value:
// - S_OK
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT DxEngine::InvalidateScroll(const COORD* const pcoordDelta) noexcept
const til::point deltaCells{ *pcoordDelta };
if (!_allInvalid)
if (deltaCells != til::point{ 0, 0 })
// Shift the contents of the map and fill in revealed area.
_invalidMap.translate(deltaCells, true);
_invalidScroll += deltaCells;
_allInvalid = _IsAllInvalid();
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - Invalidates the entire window area
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - S_OK
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT DxEngine::InvalidateAll() noexcept
_allInvalid = true;
// Since everything is invalidated here, mark this as a "first frame", so
// that we won't use incremental drawing on it. The caller of this intended
// for _everything_ to get redrawn, so setting _firstFrame will force us to
// redraw the entire frame. This will make sure that things like the gutters
// get cleared correctly.
// Invalidating everything is supposed to happen with resizes of the
// entire canvas, changes of the font, and other such adjustments.
_firstFrame = true;
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - This currently has no effect in this renderer.
// Arguments:
// - pForcePaint - Always filled with false
// Return Value:
// - S_FALSE because we don't use this.
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT DxEngine::InvalidateCircling(_Out_ bool* const pForcePaint) noexcept
*pForcePaint = false;
return S_FALSE;
// Routine Description:
// - Gets the area in pixels of the surface we are targeting
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - X by Y area in pixels of the surface
[[nodiscard]] til::size DxEngine::_GetClientSize() const
switch (_chainMode)
case SwapChainMode::ForHwnd:
RECT clientRect = { 0 };
LOG_IF_WIN32_BOOL_FALSE(GetClientRect(_hwndTarget, &clientRect));
return til::rectangle{ clientRect }.size();
case SwapChainMode::ForComposition:
return _sizeTarget;
// Routine Description:
// - Helper to multiply all parameters of a rectangle by the font size
// to convert from characters to pixels.
// Arguments:
// - cellsToPixels - rectangle to update
// - fontSize - scaling factors
// Return Value:
// - <none> - Updates reference
void _ScaleByFont(RECT& cellsToPixels, SIZE fontSize) noexcept
cellsToPixels.left *= fontSize.cx;
cellsToPixels.right *= fontSize.cx;
cellsToPixels.top *= fontSize.cy;
cellsToPixels.bottom *= fontSize.cy;
// Routine Description:
// - This is unused by this renderer.
// Arguments:
// - pForcePaint - always filled with false.
// Return Value:
// - S_FALSE because this is unused.
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT DxEngine::PrepareForTeardown(_Out_ bool* const pForcePaint) noexcept
*pForcePaint = false;
return S_FALSE;
// Routine description:
// - Prepares the surfaces for painting and begins a drawing batch
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - Any DirectX error, a memory error, etc.
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT DxEngine::StartPaint() noexcept
RETURN_HR_IF(E_NOT_VALID_STATE, _isPainting); // invalid to start a paint while painting.
// If full repaints are needed then we need to invalidate everything
// so the entire frame is repainted.
if (_FullRepaintNeeded())
if (TraceLoggingProviderEnabled(g_hDxRenderProvider, WINEVENT_LEVEL_VERBOSE, TIL_KEYWORD_TRACE))
const auto invalidatedStr = _invalidMap.to_string();
const auto invalidated = invalidatedStr.c_str();
#pragma warning(suppress : 26477 26485 26494 26482 26446 26447) // We don't control TraceLoggingWrite
if (_isEnabled)
const auto clientSize = _GetClientSize();
const auto glyphCellSize = _fontRenderData->GlyphCell();
// If we don't have device resources or if someone has requested that we
// recreate the device... then make new resources. (Create will dump the old ones.)
if (!_haveDeviceResources || _recreateDeviceRequested)
else if (_displaySizePixels != clientSize || _prevScale != _scale)
// OK, we're going to play a dangerous game here for the sake of optimizing resize
// First, set up a complete clear of all device resources if something goes terribly wrong.
auto resetDeviceResourcesOnFailure = wil::scope_exit([&]() noexcept {
// Now let go of a few of the device resources that get in the way of resizing buffers in the swap chain
// Change the buffer size and recreate the render target (and surface)
RETURN_IF_FAILED(_dxgiSwapChain->ResizeBuffers(2, clientSize.width<UINT>(), clientSize.height<UINT>(), _swapChainDesc.Format, _swapChainDesc.Flags));
// OK we made it past the parts that can cause errors. We can release our failure handler.
// And persist the new size.
_displaySizePixels = clientSize;
if (const auto size = clientSize / glyphCellSize; size != _invalidMap.size())
_isPainting = true;
// Get the baseline for this font as that's where we draw from
RETURN_IF_FAILED(_fontRenderData->DefaultTextFormat()->GetLineSpacing(&spacing.method, &spacing.height, &spacing.baseline));
// Assemble the drawing context information
_drawingContext = std::make_unique<DrawingContext>(_d2dDeviceContext.Get(),
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - Ends batch drawing and captures any state necessary for presentation
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - Any DirectX error, a memory error, etc.
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT DxEngine::EndPaint() noexcept
RETURN_HR_IF(E_INVALIDARG, !_isPainting); // invalid to end paint when we're not painting
if (_haveDeviceResources)
_isPainting = false;
// If there's still a clip hanging around, remove it. We're all done.
hr = _d2dDeviceContext->EndDraw();
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
if (_invalidScroll != til::point{ 0, 0 })
// Copy `til::rectangles` into RECT map.
_presentDirty.assign(_invalidMap.begin(), _invalidMap.end());
// Scale all dirty rectangles into pixels
std::transform(_presentDirty.begin(), _presentDirty.end(), _presentDirty.begin(), [&](til::rectangle rc) {
return rc.scale_up(_fontRenderData->GlyphCell());
// Invalid scroll is in characters, convert it to pixels.
const auto scrollPixels = (_invalidScroll * _fontRenderData->GlyphCell());
// The scroll rect is the entire field of cells, but in pixels.
til::rectangle scrollArea{ _invalidMap.size() * _fontRenderData->GlyphCell() };
// Reduce the size of the rectangle by the scroll.
scrollArea -= til::size{} - scrollPixels;
// Assign the area to the present storage
_presentScroll = scrollArea;
// Pass the offset.
_presentOffset = scrollPixels;
// Now fill up the parameters structure from the member variables.
_presentParams.DirtyRectsCount = gsl::narrow<UINT>(_presentDirty.size());
_presentParams.pDirtyRects = _presentDirty.data();
_presentParams.pScrollOffset = &_presentOffset;
_presentParams.pScrollRect = &_presentScroll;
// The scroll rect will be empty if we scrolled >= 1 full screen size.
// Present1 doesn't like that. So clear it out. Everything will be dirty anyway.
if (IsRectEmpty(&_presentScroll))
_presentParams.pScrollRect = nullptr;
_presentParams.pScrollOffset = nullptr;
_presentReady = true;
_presentReady = false;
_allInvalid = false;
_invalidScroll = {};
return hr;
// Routine Description:
// - Copies the front surface of the swap chain (the one being displayed)
// to the back surface of the swap chain (the one we draw on next)
// so we can draw on top of what's already there.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - Any DirectX error, a memory error, etc.
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT DxEngine::_CopyFrontToBack() noexcept
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ID3D11Resource> backBuffer;
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ID3D11Resource> frontBuffer;
RETURN_IF_FAILED(_dxgiSwapChain->GetBuffer(0, IID_PPV_ARGS(&backBuffer)));
RETURN_IF_FAILED(_dxgiSwapChain->GetBuffer(1, IID_PPV_ARGS(&frontBuffer)));
_d3dDeviceContext->CopyResource(backBuffer.Get(), frontBuffer.Get());
return S_OK;
// Method Description:
// - When the shaders are on, say that we need to keep redrawing every
// possible frame in case they have some smooth action on every frame tick.
// It is presumed that if you're using shaders, you're not about performance...
// You're instead about OOH SHINY. And that's OK. But returning true here is 100%
// a perf detriment.
[[nodiscard]] bool DxEngine::RequiresContinuousRedraw() noexcept
// We're only going to request continuous redraw if someone is using
// a pixel shader from a path because we cannot tell if those are using the
// time parameter or not.
// And if they are using time, they probably need it to tick continuously.
// By contrast, the in-built retro effect does NOT need it,
// so let's not tick for it and save some amount of performance.
// Finally... if we're not using effects at all... let the render thread
// go to sleep. It deserves it. That thread works hard. Also it sleeping
// saves battery power and all sorts of related perf things.
return _terminalEffectsEnabled && !_pixelShaderPath.empty();
// Method Description:
// - Blocks until the engine is able to render without blocking.
// - See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/uwp/gaming/reduce-latency-with-dxgi-1-3-swap-chains.
void DxEngine::WaitUntilCanRender() noexcept
if (!_swapChainFrameLatencyWaitableObject)
const auto ret = WaitForSingleObjectEx(
1000, // 1 second timeout (shouldn't ever occur)
if (ret != WAIT_OBJECT_0)
LOG_WIN32_MSG(ret, "Waiting for swap chain frame latency waitable object returned error or timeout.");
// Routine Description:
// - Takes queued drawing information and presents it to the screen.
// - This is separated out so it can be done outside the lock as it's expensive.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - S_OK on success, E_PENDING to indicate a retry or a relevant DirectX error
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT DxEngine::Present() noexcept
if (_presentReady)
if (_HasTerminalEffects() && _pixelShaderLoaded)
const HRESULT hr2 = _PaintTerminalEffects();
if (FAILED(hr2))
_pixelShaderLoaded = false;
LOG_HR_MSG(hr2, "Failed to paint terminal effects. Disabling.");
bool recreate = false;
// On anything but the first frame, try partial presentation.
// We'll do it first because if it fails, we'll try again with full presentation.
if (!_firstFrame)
hr = _dxgiSwapChain->Present1(1, 0, &_presentParams);
// These two error codes are indicated for destroy-and-recreate
// If we were told to destroy-and-recreate, we're going to skip straight into doing that
// and not try again with full presentation.
// Log this as we actually don't expect it to happen, we just will try again
// below for robustness of our drawing.
if (FAILED(hr) && !recreate)
// If it's the first frame through, we cannot do partial presentation.
// Also if partial presentation failed above and we weren't told to skip straight to
// device recreation.
// In both of these circumstances, do a full presentation.
if (_firstFrame || (FAILED(hr) && !recreate))
hr = _dxgiSwapChain->Present(1, 0);
_firstFrame = false;
// These two error codes are indicated for destroy-and-recreate
// Now check for failure cases from either presentation mode.
if (FAILED(hr))
// If we were told to recreate the device surface, do that.
if (recreate)
// We don't need to end painting here, as the renderer has done it for us.
return E_PENDING; // Indicate a retry to the renderer.
// Otherwise, we don't know what to do with this error. Report it.
// If we are doing full repaints we don't need to copy front buffer to back buffer
if (!_FullRepaintNeeded())
// Finally copy the front image (being presented now) onto the backing buffer
// (where we are about to draw the next frame) so we can draw only the differences
// next frame.
_presentReady = false;
_presentOffset = { 0 };
_presentScroll = { 0 };
_presentParams = { 0 };
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - This is currently unused.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - S_OK
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT DxEngine::ScrollFrame() noexcept
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - This paints in the back most layer of the frame with the background color.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - S_OK
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT DxEngine::PaintBackground() noexcept
D2D1_COLOR_F nothing{ 0 };
if (_chainMode == SwapChainMode::ForHwnd)
// When we're drawing over an HWND target, we need to fully paint the background color.
nothing = _backgroundColor;
// If the entire thing is invalid, just use one big clear operation.
if (_invalidMap.all())
// Runs are counts of cells.
// Use a transform by the size of one cell to convert cells-to-pixels
// as we clear.
for (const auto& rect : _invalidMap.runs())
// Use aliased.
// For graphics reasons, it'll look better because it will ensure that
// the edges are cut nice and sharp (not blended by anti-aliasing).
// For performance reasons, it takes a lot less work to not
// do anti-alias blending.
_d2dDeviceContext->PushAxisAlignedClip(rect, D2D1_ANTIALIAS_MODE_ALIASED);
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - Places one line of text onto the screen at the given position
// Arguments:
// - clusters - Iterable collection of cluster information (text and columns it should consume)
// - coord - Character coordinate position in the cell grid
// - fTrimLeft - Whether or not to trim off the left half of a double wide character
// Return Value:
// - S_OK or relevant DirectX error
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT DxEngine::PaintBufferLine(gsl::span<const Cluster> const clusters,
COORD const coord,
const bool /*trimLeft*/,
const bool /*lineWrapped*/) noexcept
// Calculate positioning of our origin.
const D2D1_POINT_2F origin = til::point{ coord } * _fontRenderData->GlyphCell();
// Create the text layout
// Layout then render the text
RETURN_IF_FAILED(_customLayout->Draw(_drawingContext.get(), _customRenderer.Get(), origin.x, origin.y));
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - Paints lines around cells (draws in pieces of the grid)
// Arguments:
// - lines - Which grid lines (top, left, bottom, right) to draw
// - color - The color to use for drawing the lines
// - cchLine - Length of the line to draw in character cells
// - coordTarget - The X,Y character position in the grid where we should start drawing
// - We will draw rightward (+X) from here
// Return Value:
// - S_OK or relevant DirectX error
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT DxEngine::PaintBufferGridLines(GridLines const lines,
COLORREF const color,
size_t const cchLine,
COORD const coordTarget) noexcept
const auto existingColor = _d2dBrushForeground->GetColor();
const auto restoreBrushOnExit = wil::scope_exit([&]() noexcept { _d2dBrushForeground->SetColor(existingColor); });
const D2D1_SIZE_F font = _fontRenderData->GlyphCell();
const D2D_POINT_2F target = { coordTarget.X * font.width, coordTarget.Y * font.height };
const auto fullRunWidth = font.width * gsl::narrow_cast<unsigned>(cchLine);
const auto DrawLine = [=](const auto x0, const auto y0, const auto x1, const auto y1, const auto strokeWidth) noexcept {
_d2dDeviceContext->DrawLine({ x0, y0 }, { x1, y1 }, _d2dBrushForeground.Get(), strokeWidth, _strokeStyle.Get());
const auto DrawHyperlinkLine = [=](const auto x0, const auto y0, const auto x1, const auto y1, const auto strokeWidth) noexcept {
_d2dDeviceContext->DrawLine({ x0, y0 }, { x1, y1 }, _d2dBrushForeground.Get(), strokeWidth, _hyperlinkStrokeStyle.Get());
// NOTE: Line coordinates are centered within the line, so they need to be
// offset by half the stroke width. For the start coordinate we add half
// the stroke width, and for the end coordinate we subtract half the width.
const DxFontRenderData::LineMetrics lineMetrics = _fontRenderData->GetLineMetrics();
if (WI_IsAnyFlagSet(lines, (GridLines::Left | GridLines::Right)))
const auto halfGridlineWidth = lineMetrics.gridlineWidth / 2.0f;
const auto startY = target.y + halfGridlineWidth;
const auto endY = target.y + font.height - halfGridlineWidth;
if (WI_IsFlagSet(lines, GridLines::Left))
auto x = target.x + halfGridlineWidth;
for (size_t i = 0; i < cchLine; i++, x += font.width)
DrawLine(x, startY, x, endY, lineMetrics.gridlineWidth);
if (WI_IsFlagSet(lines, GridLines::Right))
auto x = target.x + font.width - halfGridlineWidth;
for (size_t i = 0; i < cchLine; i++, x += font.width)
DrawLine(x, startY, x, endY, lineMetrics.gridlineWidth);
if (WI_IsAnyFlagSet(lines, GridLines::Top | GridLines::Bottom))
const auto halfGridlineWidth = lineMetrics.gridlineWidth / 2.0f;
const auto startX = target.x + halfGridlineWidth;
const auto endX = target.x + fullRunWidth - halfGridlineWidth;
if (WI_IsFlagSet(lines, GridLines::Top))
const auto y = target.y + halfGridlineWidth;
DrawLine(startX, y, endX, y, lineMetrics.gridlineWidth);
if (WI_IsFlagSet(lines, GridLines::Bottom))
const auto y = target.y + font.height - halfGridlineWidth;
DrawLine(startX, y, endX, y, lineMetrics.gridlineWidth);
// In the case of the underline and strikethrough offsets, the stroke width
// is already accounted for, so they don't require further adjustments.
if (WI_IsAnyFlagSet(lines, GridLines::Underline | GridLines::DoubleUnderline | GridLines::HyperlinkUnderline))
const auto halfUnderlineWidth = lineMetrics.underlineWidth / 2.0f;
const auto startX = target.x + halfUnderlineWidth;
const auto endX = target.x + fullRunWidth - halfUnderlineWidth;
const auto y = target.y + lineMetrics.underlineOffset;
if (WI_IsFlagSet(lines, GridLines::Underline))
DrawLine(startX, y, endX, y, lineMetrics.underlineWidth);
if (WI_IsFlagSet(lines, GridLines::HyperlinkUnderline))
DrawHyperlinkLine(startX, y, endX, y, lineMetrics.underlineWidth);
if (WI_IsFlagSet(lines, GridLines::DoubleUnderline))
DrawLine(startX, y, endX, y, lineMetrics.underlineWidth);
const auto y2 = target.y + lineMetrics.underlineOffset2;
DrawLine(startX, y2, endX, y2, lineMetrics.underlineWidth);
if (WI_IsFlagSet(lines, GridLines::Strikethrough))
const auto halfStrikethroughWidth = lineMetrics.strikethroughWidth / 2.0f;
const auto startX = target.x + halfStrikethroughWidth;
const auto endX = target.x + fullRunWidth - halfStrikethroughWidth;
const auto y = target.y + lineMetrics.strikethroughOffset;
DrawLine(startX, y, endX, y, lineMetrics.strikethroughWidth);
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - Paints an overlay highlight on a portion of the frame to represent selected text
// Arguments:
// - rect - Rectangle to invert or highlight to make the selection area
// Return Value:
// - S_OK or relevant DirectX error.
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT DxEngine::PaintSelection(const SMALL_RECT rect) noexcept
// If a clip rectangle is in place from drawing the text layer, remove it here.
const auto existingColor = _d2dBrushForeground->GetColor();
const auto resetColorOnExit = wil::scope_exit([&]() noexcept { _d2dBrushForeground->SetColor(existingColor); });
const D2D1_RECT_F draw = til::rectangle{ Viewport::FromExclusive(rect).ToInclusive() }.scale_up(_fontRenderData->GlyphCell());
_d2dDeviceContext->FillRectangle(draw, _d2dBrushForeground.Get());
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - Does nothing. Our cursor is drawn in CustomTextRenderer::DrawGlyphRun,
// either above or below the text.
// Arguments:
// - options - unused
// Return Value:
// - S_OK
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT DxEngine::PaintCursor(const CursorOptions& /*options*/) noexcept
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - Paint terminal effects.
// Arguments:
// Return Value:
// - S_OK or relevant DirectX error.
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT DxEngine::_PaintTerminalEffects() noexcept
// Should have been initialized.
RETURN_HR_IF(E_NOT_VALID_STATE, !_framebufferCapture);
// Capture current frame in swap chain to a texture.
::Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ID3D11Texture2D> swapBuffer;
RETURN_IF_FAILED(_dxgiSwapChain->GetBuffer(0, IID_PPV_ARGS(&swapBuffer)));
_d3dDeviceContext->CopyResource(_framebufferCapture.Get(), swapBuffer.Get());
// Prepare captured texture as input resource to shader program.
srvDesc.ViewDimension = D3D11_SRV_DIMENSION_TEXTURE2D;
srvDesc.Texture2D.MostDetailedMip = 0;
srvDesc.Texture2D.MipLevels = desc.MipLevels;
srvDesc.Format = desc.Format;
::Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ID3D11ShaderResourceView> shaderResource;
RETURN_IF_FAILED(_d3dDevice->CreateShaderResourceView(_framebufferCapture.Get(), &srvDesc, &shaderResource));
// Render the screen quad with shader effects.
const UINT stride = sizeof(ShaderInput);
const UINT offset = 0;
_d3dDeviceContext->OMSetRenderTargets(1, _renderTargetView.GetAddressOf(), nullptr);
_d3dDeviceContext->IASetVertexBuffers(0, 1, _screenQuadVertexBuffer.GetAddressOf(), &stride, &offset);
_d3dDeviceContext->VSSetShader(_vertexShader.Get(), nullptr, 0);
_d3dDeviceContext->PSSetShader(_pixelShader.Get(), nullptr, 0);
_d3dDeviceContext->PSSetShaderResources(0, 1, shaderResource.GetAddressOf());
_d3dDeviceContext->PSSetSamplers(0, 1, _samplerState.GetAddressOf());
_d3dDeviceContext->PSSetConstantBuffers(0, 1, _pixelShaderSettingsBuffer.GetAddressOf());
_d3dDeviceContext->Draw(ARRAYSIZE(_screenQuadVertices), 0);
return S_OK;
[[nodiscard]] bool DxEngine::_FullRepaintNeeded() const noexcept
// If someone explicitly requested differential rendering off, then we need to invalidate everything
// so the entire frame is repainted.
// If terminal effects are on, we must invalidate everything for them to draw correctly.
// Yes, this will further impact the performance of terminal effects.
// But we're talking about running the entire display pipeline through a shader for
// cosmetic effect, so performance isn't likely the top concern with this feature.
return _forceFullRepaintRendering || _HasTerminalEffects();
// Routine Description:
// - Updates the default brush colors used for drawing
// Arguments:
// - textAttributes - Text attributes to use for the brush color
// - pData - The interface to console data structures required for rendering
// - usingSoftFont - Whether we're rendering characters from a soft font
// - isSettingDefaultBrushes - Lets us know that these are the default brushes to paint the swapchain background or selection
// Return Value:
// - S_OK or relevant DirectX error.
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT DxEngine::UpdateDrawingBrushes(const TextAttribute& textAttributes,
const gsl::not_null<IRenderData*> pData,
const bool /*usingSoftFont*/,
const bool isSettingDefaultBrushes) noexcept
// GH#5098: If we're rendering with cleartype text, we need to always render
// onto an opaque background. If our background's opacity is 1.0f, that's
// great, we can actually use cleartype in that case. In that scenario
// (cleartype && opacity == 1.0), we'll force the opacity bits of the
// COLORREF to 0xff so we draw as cleartype. In any other case, leave the
// opacity bits unchanged. PaintBufferLine will later do some logic to
// determine if we should paint the text as grayscale or not.
const bool usingCleartype = _antialiasingMode == D2D1_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_MODE_CLEARTYPE;
const bool usingTransparency = _defaultTextBackgroundOpacity != 1.0f;
const bool forceOpaqueBG = usingCleartype && !usingTransparency;
const auto [colorForeground, colorBackground] = pData->GetAttributeColors(textAttributes);
_foregroundColor = _ColorFFromColorRef(OPACITY_OPAQUE | colorForeground);
_backgroundColor = _ColorFFromColorRef((forceOpaqueBG ? OPACITY_OPAQUE : 0) | colorBackground);
// If this flag is set, then we need to update the default brushes too and the swap chain background.
if (isSettingDefaultBrushes)
_defaultForegroundColor = _foregroundColor;
_defaultBackgroundColor = _backgroundColor;
// If we have a swap chain, set the background color there too so the area
// outside the chain on a resize can be filled in with an appropriate color value.
/*if (_dxgiSwapChain)
const auto dxgiColor = s_RgbaFromColorF(_defaultBackgroundColor);
// If we have a drawing context, it may be choosing its antialiasing based
// on the colors. Update it if it exists.
// Also record whether we need to render the text with an italic font.
// We only need to do this here because this is called all the time on painting frames
// and will update it in a timely fashion. Changing the AA mode or opacity do affect
// it, but we will always hit updating the drawing brushes so we don't
// need to update this in those locations.
if (_drawingContext)
_drawingContext->forceGrayscaleAA = _ShouldForceGrayscaleAA();
_drawingContext->useBoldFont = _intenseIsBold && textAttributes.IsBold();
_drawingContext->useItalicFont = textAttributes.IsItalic();
if (textAttributes.IsHyperlink())
_hyperlinkStrokeStyle = (textAttributes.GetHyperlinkId() == _hyperlinkHoveredId) ? _strokeStyle : _dashStrokeStyle;
// Update pixel shader settings as background color might have changed
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - Updates the font used for drawing
// - This is the version that complies with the IRenderEngine interface
// Arguments:
// - pfiFontInfoDesired - Information specifying the font that is requested
// - fiFontInfo - Filled with the nearest font actually chosen for drawing
// Return Value:
// - S_OK or relevant DirectX error
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT DxEngine::UpdateFont(const FontInfoDesired& pfiFontInfoDesired, FontInfo& fiFontInfo) noexcept
return UpdateFont(pfiFontInfoDesired, fiFontInfo, {}, {});
// Routine Description:
// - Updates the font used for drawing
// Arguments:
// - pfiFontInfoDesired - Information specifying the font that is requested
// - fiFontInfo - Filled with the nearest font actually chosen for drawing
// - features - The map of font features to use
// - axes - The map of font axes to use
// Return Value:
// - S_OK or relevant DirectX error
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT DxEngine::UpdateFont(const FontInfoDesired& pfiFontInfoDesired, FontInfo& fiFontInfo, const std::unordered_map<std::wstring_view, uint32_t>& features, const std::unordered_map<std::wstring_view, float>& axes) noexcept
RETURN_IF_FAILED(_fontRenderData->UpdateFont(pfiFontInfoDesired, fiFontInfo, _dpi, features, axes));
// Prepare the text layout.
_customLayout = WRL::Make<CustomTextLayout>(_fontRenderData.get());
return S_OK;
[[nodiscard]] Viewport DxEngine::GetViewportInCharacters(const Viewport& viewInPixels) noexcept
const short widthInChars = base::saturated_cast<short>(viewInPixels.Width() / _fontRenderData->GlyphCell().width());
const short heightInChars = base::saturated_cast<short>(viewInPixels.Height() / _fontRenderData->GlyphCell().height());
return Viewport::FromDimensions(viewInPixels.Origin(), { widthInChars, heightInChars });
[[nodiscard]] Viewport DxEngine::GetViewportInPixels(const Viewport& viewInCharacters) noexcept
const short widthInPixels = base::saturated_cast<short>(viewInCharacters.Width() * _fontRenderData->GlyphCell().width());
const short heightInPixels = base::saturated_cast<short>(viewInCharacters.Height() * _fontRenderData->GlyphCell().height());
return Viewport::FromDimensions(viewInCharacters.Origin(), { widthInPixels, heightInPixels });
// Routine Description:
// - Sets the DPI in this renderer
// Arguments:
// - iDpi - DPI
// Return Value:
// - S_OK
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT DxEngine::UpdateDpi(int const iDpi) noexcept
_dpi = iDpi;
// The scale factor may be necessary for composition contexts, so save it once here.
_scale = _dpi / static_cast<float>(USER_DEFAULT_SCREEN_DPI);
// Update pixel shader settings as scale might have changed
return S_OK;
// Method Description:
// - Get the current scale factor of this renderer. The actual DPI the renderer
// is USER_DEFAULT_SCREEN_DPI * GetScaling()
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - the scaling multiplier of this render engine
float DxEngine::GetScaling() const noexcept
return _scale;
// Method Description:
// - This method will update our internal reference for how big the viewport is.
// Does nothing for DX.
// Arguments:
// - srNewViewport - The bounds of the new viewport.
// Return Value:
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT DxEngine::UpdateViewport(const SMALL_RECT /*srNewViewport*/) noexcept
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - Currently unused by this renderer
// Arguments:
// - pfiFontInfoDesired - <unused>
// - pfiFontInfo - <unused>
// - iDpi - <unused>
// Return Value:
// - S_OK
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT DxEngine::GetProposedFont(const FontInfoDesired& pfiFontInfoDesired,
FontInfo& pfiFontInfo,
int const iDpi) noexcept
DxFontRenderData fontRenderData(_dwriteFactory);
return fontRenderData.UpdateFont(pfiFontInfoDesired, pfiFontInfo, iDpi);
// Routine Description:
// - Gets the area that we currently believe is dirty within the character cell grid
// Arguments:
// - area - Rectangle describing dirty area in characters.
// Return Value:
// - S_OK
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT DxEngine::GetDirtyArea(gsl::span<const til::rectangle>& area) noexcept
area = _invalidMap.runs();
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - Gets the current font size
// Arguments:
// - pFontSize - Filled with the font size.
// Return Value:
// - S_OK
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT DxEngine::GetFontSize(_Out_ COORD* const pFontSize) noexcept
*pFontSize = _fontRenderData->GlyphCell();
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - Currently unused by this renderer.
// Arguments:
// - glyph - The glyph run to process for column width.
// - pResult - True if it should take two columns. False if it should take one.
// Return Value:
// - S_OK or relevant DirectWrite error.
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT DxEngine::IsGlyphWideByFont(const std::wstring_view glyph, _Out_ bool* const pResult) noexcept
const Cluster cluster(glyph, 0); // columns don't matter, we're doing analysis not layout.
RETURN_IF_FAILED(_customLayout->AppendClusters({ &cluster, 1 }));
UINT32 columns = 0;
*pResult = columns != 1;
return S_OK;
// Method Description:
// - Updates the window's title string.
// Arguments:
// - newTitle: the new string to use for the title of the window
// Return Value:
// - S_OK
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT DxEngine::_DoUpdateTitle(_In_ const std::wstring_view /*newTitle*/) noexcept
if (_hwndTarget != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
return PostMessageW(_hwndTarget, CM_UPDATE_TITLE, 0, 0) ? S_OK : E_FAIL;
return S_FALSE;
// Routine Description:
// - Helps convert a GDI COLORREF into a Direct2D ColorF
// Arguments:
// - color - GDI color
// Return Value:
// - D2D color
[[nodiscard]] D2D1_COLOR_F DxEngine::_ColorFFromColorRef(const COLORREF color) noexcept
// Converts BGR color order to RGB.
const UINT32 rgb = ((color & 0x0000FF) << 16) | (color & 0x00FF00) | ((color & 0xFF0000) >> 16);
switch (_chainMode)
case SwapChainMode::ForHwnd:
return D2D1::ColorF(rgb);
case SwapChainMode::ForComposition:
// Get the A value we've snuck into the highest byte
const BYTE a = ((color >> 24) & 0xFF);
const float aFloat = a / 255.0f;
return D2D1::ColorF(rgb, aFloat);
// Routine Description:
// - Updates the selection background color of the DxEngine
// Arguments:
// - color - GDI Color
// Return Value:
// - N/A
void DxEngine::SetSelectionBackground(const COLORREF color, const float alpha) noexcept
_selectionBackground = D2D1::ColorF(GetRValue(color) / 255.0f,
GetGValue(color) / 255.0f,
GetBValue(color) / 255.0f,
// Routine Description:
// - Changes the antialiasing mode of the renderer. This must be called before
// _PrepareRenderTarget, otherwise the renderer will default to
// Arguments:
// - antialiasingMode: a value from the D2D1_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_MODE enum. See:
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d2d1/ne-d2d1-d2d1_text_antialias_mode
// Return Value:
// - N/A
void DxEngine::SetAntialiasingMode(const D2D1_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_MODE antialiasingMode) noexcept
if (_antialiasingMode != antialiasingMode)
_antialiasingMode = antialiasingMode;
_recreateDeviceRequested = true;
// Method Description:
// - Update our tracker of the opacity of our background. We can only
// effectively render cleartype text onto fully-opaque backgrounds. If we're
// rendering onto a transparent surface (like acrylic), then cleartype won't
// work correctly, and will actually just additively blend with the
// background. This is here to support GH#5098.
// Arguments:
// - opacity: the new opacity of our background, on [0.0f, 1.0f]
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void DxEngine::SetDefaultTextBackgroundOpacity(const float opacity) noexcept
_defaultTextBackgroundOpacity = opacity;
// Make sure we redraw all the cells, to update whether they're actually
// drawn with cleartype or not.
// We don't terribly care if this fails.
// Method Description:
// - Updates our internal tracker for which hyperlink ID we are hovering over
// This is needed for UpdateDrawingBrushes to know where we need to set a different style
// Arguments:
// - The new link ID we are hovering over
void DxEngine::UpdateHyperlinkHoveredId(const uint16_t hoveredId) noexcept
_hyperlinkHoveredId = hoveredId;
// Method Description:
// - Informs this render engine about certain state for this frame at the
// beginning of this frame. We'll use it to get information about the cursor
// before PaintCursor is called. This enables the DX renderer to draw the
// cursor underneath the text.
// - This is called every frame. When the cursor is Off or out of frame, the
// info's cursorInfo will be set to std::nullopt;
// Arguments:
// - info - a RenderFrameInfo with information about the state of the cursor in this frame.
// Return Value:
// - S_OK
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT DxEngine::PrepareRenderInfo(const RenderFrameInfo& info) noexcept
_drawingContext->cursorInfo = info.cursorInfo;
return S_OK;