Carlos Zamora 24b8c13bd0
Add copyFormatting keybinding arg and array support (#6004)
Adds array support for the existing `copyFormatting` global setting.
This allows users to define which formats they would specifically like
to be copied.

A boolean value is still accepted and is translated to the following:
- `false` --> `"none"` or `[]`
- `true` --> `"all"` or `["html", "rtf"]`

This also adds `copyFormatting` as a keybinding arg for `copy`. As with
the global setting, a boolean value and array value is accepted.

CopyFormat is a WinRT enum where each accepted format is a flag.
Currently accepted formats include `html`, and `rtf`. A boolean value is
accepted and converted. `true` is a conjunction of all the formats.
`false` only includes plain text.

For the global setting, `null` is not accepted. We already have a
default value from before so no worries there.

For the keybinding arg, `null` (the default value) means that we just do
what the global arg says to do. Overall, the `copyFormatting` keybinding
arg is an override of the global setting **when using that keybinding**.

References #5212 - Spec for formatted copying
References #2690 - disable html copy

Validated behavior with every combination of values below:
- `copyFormatting` global: { `true`, `false`, `[]`, `["html"]` }
- `copyFormatting` copy arg:
  { `null`, `true`, `false`, `[]`, `[, "html"]`}

Closes #4191
Closes #5262
2020-08-14 18:02:24 -07:00

377 lines
11 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "pch.h"
#include "ActionArgs.h"
#include "ActionEventArgs.g.cpp"
#include "NewTerminalArgs.g.cpp"
#include "CopyTextArgs.g.cpp"
#include "NewTabArgs.g.cpp"
#include "SwitchToTabArgs.g.cpp"
#include "ResizePaneArgs.g.cpp"
#include "MoveFocusArgs.g.cpp"
#include "AdjustFontSizeArgs.g.cpp"
#include "SendInputArgs.g.cpp"
#include "SplitPaneArgs.g.cpp"
#include "OpenSettingsArgs.g.cpp"
#include "SetColorSchemeArgs.g.cpp"
#include "SetTabColorArgs.g.cpp"
#include "RenameTabArgs.g.cpp"
#include "ExecuteCommandlineArgs.g.cpp"
#include "ToggleTabSwitcherArgs.g.h"
#include "Utils.h"
#include <LibraryResources.h>
using namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::TerminalControl;
namespace winrt::TerminalApp::implementation
winrt::hstring NewTerminalArgs::GenerateName() const
std::wstringstream ss;
if (!_Profile.empty())
ss << fmt::format(L"profile: {}, ", _Profile);
else if (_ProfileIndex)
ss << fmt::format(L"profile index: {}, ", _ProfileIndex.Value());
if (!_Commandline.empty())
ss << fmt::format(L"commandline: {}, ", _Commandline);
if (!_StartingDirectory.empty())
ss << fmt::format(L"directory: {}, ", _StartingDirectory);
if (!_TabTitle.empty())
ss << fmt::format(L"title: {}, ", _TabTitle);
auto s = ss.str();
if (s.empty())
return L"";
// Chop off the last ", "
return winrt::hstring{ s.substr(0, s.size() - 2) };
winrt::hstring CopyTextArgs::GenerateName() const
std::wstringstream ss;
if (_SingleLine)
ss << RS_(L"CopyTextAsSingleLineCommandKey").c_str();
ss << RS_(L"CopyTextCommandKey").c_str();
if (_CopyFormatting != nullptr)
ss << L", copyFormatting: ";
if (_CopyFormatting.Value() == CopyFormat::All)
ss << L"all, ";
else if (_CopyFormatting.Value() == static_cast<CopyFormat>(0))
ss << L"none, ";
if (WI_IsFlagSet(_CopyFormatting.Value(), CopyFormat::HTML))
ss << L"html, ";
if (WI_IsFlagSet(_CopyFormatting.Value(), CopyFormat::RTF))
ss << L"rtf, ";
// Chop off the last ","
auto result = ss.str();
return winrt::hstring{ result.substr(0, result.size() - 2) };
return winrt::hstring{ ss.str() };
winrt::hstring NewTabArgs::GenerateName() const
winrt::hstring newTerminalArgsStr;
if (_TerminalArgs)
newTerminalArgsStr = _TerminalArgs.GenerateName();
if (newTerminalArgsStr.empty())
return RS_(L"NewTabCommandKey");
return winrt::hstring{
fmt::format(L"{}, {}", RS_(L"NewTabCommandKey"), newTerminalArgsStr)
winrt::hstring SwitchToTabArgs::GenerateName() const
return winrt::hstring{
fmt::format(L"{}, index:{}", RS_(L"SwitchToTabCommandKey"), _TabIndex)
winrt::hstring ResizePaneArgs::GenerateName() const
winrt::hstring directionString;
switch (_Direction)
case Direction::Left:
directionString = RS_(L"DirectionLeft");
case Direction::Right:
directionString = RS_(L"DirectionRight");
case Direction::Up:
directionString = RS_(L"DirectionUp");
case Direction::Down:
directionString = RS_(L"DirectionDown");
return winrt::hstring{
winrt::hstring MoveFocusArgs::GenerateName() const
winrt::hstring directionString;
switch (_Direction)
case Direction::Left:
directionString = RS_(L"DirectionLeft");
case Direction::Right:
directionString = RS_(L"DirectionRight");
case Direction::Up:
directionString = RS_(L"DirectionUp");
case Direction::Down:
directionString = RS_(L"DirectionDown");
return winrt::hstring{
winrt::hstring AdjustFontSizeArgs::GenerateName() const
// If the amount is just 1 (or -1), we'll just return "Increase font
// size" (or "Decrease font size"). If the amount delta has a greater
// absolute value, we'll include it like"
// * Decrease font size, amount: {delta}"
if (_Delta < 0)
return _Delta == -1 ? RS_(L"DecreaseFontSizeCommandKey") :
return _Delta == 1 ? RS_(L"IncreaseFontSizeCommandKey") :
winrt::hstring SendInputArgs::GenerateName() const
// The string will be similar to the following:
// * "Send Input: ...input..."
auto escapedInput = VisualizeControlCodes(_Input);
auto name = fmt::format(std::wstring_view(RS_(L"SendInputCommandKey")), escapedInput);
return winrt::hstring{ name };
winrt::hstring SplitPaneArgs::GenerateName() const
// The string will be similar to the following:
// * "Duplicate pane[, split: <direction>][, new terminal arguments...]"
// * "Split pane[, split: <direction>][, new terminal arguments...]"
// Direction will only be added to the string if the split direction is
// not "auto".
// If this is a "duplicate pane" action, then the new terminal arguments
// will be omitted (as they're unused)
std::wstringstream ss;
if (_SplitMode == SplitType::Duplicate)
ss << std::wstring_view(RS_(L"DuplicatePaneCommandKey"));
ss << std::wstring_view(RS_(L"SplitPaneCommandKey"));
ss << L", ";
// This text is intentionally _not_ localized, to attempt to mirror the
// exact syntax that the property would have in JSON.
switch (_SplitStyle)
case SplitState::Vertical:
ss << L"split: vertical, ";
case SplitState::Horizontal:
ss << L"split: horizontal, ";
winrt::hstring newTerminalArgsStr;
if (_TerminalArgs)
newTerminalArgsStr = _TerminalArgs.GenerateName();
if (_SplitMode != SplitType::Duplicate && !newTerminalArgsStr.empty())
ss << newTerminalArgsStr.c_str();
ss << L", ";
// Chop off the last ", "
auto s = ss.str();
return winrt::hstring{ s.substr(0, s.size() - 2) };
winrt::hstring OpenSettingsArgs::GenerateName() const
switch (_Target)
case SettingsTarget::DefaultsFile:
return RS_(L"OpenDefaultSettingsCommandKey");
case SettingsTarget::AllFiles:
return RS_(L"OpenBothSettingsFilesCommandKey");
return RS_(L"OpenSettingsCommandKey");
winrt::hstring SetColorSchemeArgs::GenerateName() const
// "Set color scheme to "{_SchemeName}""
if (!_SchemeName.empty())
return winrt::hstring{
return L"";
winrt::hstring SetTabColorArgs::GenerateName() const
// "Set tab color to #RRGGBB"
// "Reset tab color"
if (_TabColor)
til::color c{ _TabColor.Value() };
return winrt::hstring{
return RS_(L"ResetTabColorCommandKey");
winrt::hstring RenameTabArgs::GenerateName() const
// "Rename tab to \"{_Title}\""
// "Reset tab title"
if (!_Title.empty())
return winrt::hstring{
return RS_(L"ResetTabNameCommandKey");
winrt::hstring ExecuteCommandlineArgs::GenerateName() const
// "Run commandline "{_Commandline}" in this window"
if (!_Commandline.empty())
return winrt::hstring{
return L"";
winrt::hstring CloseOtherTabsArgs::GenerateName() const
// "Close tabs other than index {0}"
return winrt::hstring{
winrt::hstring CloseTabsAfterArgs::GenerateName() const
// "Close tabs after index {0}"
return winrt::hstring{
winrt::hstring ToggleTabSwitcherArgs::GenerateName() const
// If there's an anchor key set, don't generate a name so that
// it won't show up in the command palette. Only an unanchored
// tab switcher should be able to be toggled from the palette.
// TODO: GH#7179 - once this goes in, make sure to hide the
// anchor mode command that was given a name in settings.
if (_AnchorKey != Windows::System::VirtualKey::None)
return L"";
return RS_(L"ToggleTabSwitcherCommandKey");