Carlos Zamora 24b8c13bd0
Add copyFormatting keybinding arg and array support (#6004)
Adds array support for the existing `copyFormatting` global setting.
This allows users to define which formats they would specifically like
to be copied.

A boolean value is still accepted and is translated to the following:
- `false` --> `"none"` or `[]`
- `true` --> `"all"` or `["html", "rtf"]`

This also adds `copyFormatting` as a keybinding arg for `copy`. As with
the global setting, a boolean value and array value is accepted.

CopyFormat is a WinRT enum where each accepted format is a flag.
Currently accepted formats include `html`, and `rtf`. A boolean value is
accepted and converted. `true` is a conjunction of all the formats.
`false` only includes plain text.

For the global setting, `null` is not accepted. We already have a
default value from before so no worries there.

For the keybinding arg, `null` (the default value) means that we just do
what the global arg says to do. Overall, the `copyFormatting` keybinding
arg is an override of the global setting **when using that keybinding**.

References #5212 - Spec for formatted copying
References #2690 - disable html copy

Validated behavior with every combination of values below:
- `copyFormatting` global: { `true`, `false`, `[]`, `["html"]` }
- `copyFormatting` copy arg:
  { `null`, `true`, `false`, `[]`, `[, "html"]`}

Closes #4191
Closes #5262
2020-08-14 18:02:24 -07:00

150 lines
3.6 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
namespace TerminalApp
interface IActionArgs
Boolean Equals(IActionArgs other);
String GenerateName();
interface IActionEventArgs
Boolean Handled;
IActionArgs ActionArgs { get; };
enum Direction
None = 0,
enum SplitState
Automatic = -1,
None = 0,
Vertical = 1,
Horizontal = 2
enum SplitType
Manual = 0,
Duplicate = 1
enum SettingsTarget
SettingsFile = 0,
[default_interface] runtimeclass NewTerminalArgs {
String Commandline;
String StartingDirectory;
String TabTitle;
String Profile; // Either a GUID or a profile's name if the GUID isn't a match
// ProfileIndex can be null (for "use the default"), so this needs to be
// a IReference, so it's nullable
Windows.Foundation.IReference<Int32> ProfileIndex { get; };
Boolean Equals(NewTerminalArgs other);
String GenerateName();
[default_interface] runtimeclass ActionEventArgs : IActionEventArgs
ActionEventArgs(IActionArgs args);
[default_interface] runtimeclass CopyTextArgs : IActionArgs
Boolean SingleLine { get; };
Windows.Foundation.IReference<Microsoft.Terminal.TerminalControl.CopyFormat> CopyFormatting { get; };
[default_interface] runtimeclass NewTabArgs : IActionArgs
NewTerminalArgs TerminalArgs { get; };
[default_interface] runtimeclass SwitchToTabArgs : IActionArgs
UInt32 TabIndex { get; };
[default_interface] runtimeclass ResizePaneArgs : IActionArgs
Direction Direction { get; };
[default_interface] runtimeclass MoveFocusArgs : IActionArgs
Direction Direction { get; };
[default_interface] runtimeclass AdjustFontSizeArgs : IActionArgs
Int32 Delta { get; };
[default_interface] runtimeclass SendInputArgs : IActionArgs
String Input { get; };
[default_interface] runtimeclass SplitPaneArgs : IActionArgs
SplitState SplitStyle { get; };
NewTerminalArgs TerminalArgs { get; };
SplitType SplitMode { get; };
[default_interface] runtimeclass OpenSettingsArgs : IActionArgs
SettingsTarget Target { get; };
[default_interface] runtimeclass SetColorSchemeArgs : IActionArgs
String SchemeName { get; };
[default_interface] runtimeclass SetTabColorArgs : IActionArgs
Windows.Foundation.IReference<UInt32> TabColor { get; };
[default_interface] runtimeclass RenameTabArgs : IActionArgs
String Title { get; };
[default_interface] runtimeclass ExecuteCommandlineArgs : IActionArgs
String Commandline;
[default_interface] runtimeclass CloseOtherTabsArgs : IActionArgs
UInt32 Index { get; };
[default_interface] runtimeclass CloseTabsAfterArgs : IActionArgs
UInt32 Index { get; };
[default_interface] runtimeclass ToggleTabSwitcherArgs : IActionArgs
Windows.System.VirtualKey AnchorKey { get; };