Carlos Zamora bb0e1d3979
Redesign color schemes page (#9196)
This PR performs a large overall polish of the color schemes page:
- Ensures keyboard navigation is holistically improved (i.e. fully
  accessible, no lost focus, etc...)
- Adds tooltips and automation properties to all controls
- Redesigns the page according to @mdtauk's approved design
  Note, there are some minor modifications to the design that were
  approved by @cinnamon-msft.
- Automatically reflow's the color buttons when they do not fit in
  horizontal mode

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments
- Redesign
  - a data template was introduced to make color representation
    consistent and straightforward
  - `ContentControl` is used to hold a reference to the
    `ColorTableEntry` and represent it properly using the aforementioned
    data template.
  - The design is mainly a StackPanel holding two grids: color table &
    functional colors.
  - The color table is populated via code. After much thought, this
    seems to be the easiest way to correctly bind 16 controls that are
    very similar.
  - The functional colors are populated via XAML manually.
  - We need a grid to separate the text and the buttons. This allows for
    scenarios like "selection background is the longest string" to force
    the buttons and text to be aligned.
- Reflow
  - A `VisualStateManager` uses an `AdaptiveTrigger` to change the
    orientation of the color tables' stack panel. The adaptive trigger
    was carefully calculated to align with the navigation view's
- Keyboard Navigation
  - (a lesson from `SettingContainer`) `ContentControl` can be focused
    as opposed to the content inside of it. We don't want that, so we
    set `IsTabStop` to false on it. That basically fixes all of our
    keyboard navigation issues in this new design.
- Automation Properties and ToolTips
  - As in my previous PRs, I can't seem to figure out how to bind to a
    control's automation property to its own tooltip. So I had to do
    this in the code and add a few `x:Name` around.

## Validation Steps Performed
- Manually tested...
  - tab navigation
  - accessibility insights
  - NVDA
  - changing color schemes updates color table
- specific scenario:
  - change a color table color and a functional color
  - navigate to a different color scheme
  - navigate back to the first color scheme
  - if the colors persist, the changes were propagated to the settings model

References #8997 - Based on the work from @Chips1234
References #6800 - Settings UI Epic
Closes #8765 - Polish Color Schemes page
Closes #8899 - Automation Properties
Closes #8768 - Keyboard Navigation
2021-02-19 18:20:04 +00:00

42 lines
1.3 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
namespace Microsoft.Terminal.Settings.Editor
runtimeclass ColorSchemesPageNavigationState
Microsoft.Terminal.Settings.Model.CascadiaSettings Settings;
String LastSelectedScheme;
[default_interface] runtimeclass ColorSchemes : Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Page, Windows.UI.Xaml.Data.INotifyPropertyChanged
ColorSchemesPageNavigationState State { get; };
Boolean CanDeleteCurrentScheme { get; };
Boolean IsRenaming { get; };
// Terminal Colors
Windows.Foundation.Collections.IVector<ColorTableEntry> CurrentNonBrightColorTable { get; };
Windows.Foundation.Collections.IVector<ColorTableEntry> CurrentBrightColorTable { get; };
// System Colors
ColorTableEntry CurrentForegroundColor;
ColorTableEntry CurrentBackgroundColor;
ColorTableEntry CurrentCursorColor;
ColorTableEntry CurrentSelectionBackgroundColor;
Windows.Foundation.Collections.IObservableVector<Microsoft.Terminal.Settings.Model.ColorScheme> ColorSchemeList { get; };
[default_interface] runtimeclass ColorTableEntry : Windows.UI.Xaml.Data.INotifyPropertyChanged
String Name { get; };
IInspectable Tag;
Windows.UI.Color Color;