Mike Griese 3cf7677d17
Replace some of our macros to reduce confusion, increase success (#9376)
As mentioned in https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/issues/9354#issuecomment-790034728

`GETSET_SETTING` is too visually similar to `GETSET_PROPERTY`, but with a _VERY_ different meaning. I think that merely changing the name of the macro would make it harder for us to make this mistake again.
2021-03-04 11:27:03 -08:00

59 lines
1.6 KiB

Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
Licensed under the MIT license.
Module Name:
- EnumEntry.h
- An EnumEntry is intended to be used as a ViewModel for settings
that are an enum value. It holds an enum name and enum value
so that any data binding can easily associate one with the other.
- Leon Liang - October 2020
#pragma once
#include "EnumEntry.g.h"
#include "Utils.h"
namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Editor::implementation
template<typename T>
struct EnumEntryComparator
bool operator()(const Editor::EnumEntry& lhs, const Editor::EnumEntry& rhs) const
return lhs.EnumValue().as<T>() < rhs.EnumValue().as<T>();
template<typename T>
struct EnumEntryReverseComparator
bool operator()(const Editor::EnumEntry& lhs, const Editor::EnumEntry& rhs) const
return lhs.EnumValue().as<T>() > rhs.EnumValue().as<T>();
struct EnumEntry : EnumEntryT<EnumEntry>
EnumEntry(const winrt::hstring enumName, const winrt::Windows::Foundation::IInspectable& enumValue) :
_EnumName{ enumName },
_EnumValue{ enumValue } {}
hstring ToString()
return EnumName();
WINRT_CALLBACK(PropertyChanged, Windows::UI::Xaml::Data::PropertyChangedEventHandler);
WINRT_OBSERVABLE_PROPERTY(winrt::hstring, EnumName, _PropertyChangedHandlers);
WINRT_OBSERVABLE_PROPERTY(winrt::Windows::Foundation::IInspectable, EnumValue, _PropertyChangedHandlers);