PankajBhojwani 227ec3777a
Add a setting to flash the pane when BEL is emitted (#9270)
<!-- Enter a brief description/summary of your PR here. What does it fix/what does it change/how was it tested (even manually, if necessary)? -->
## Summary of the Pull Request
Adds a new bellStyle called `window`. When `window` is set and a BEL is emitted, we flash the pane that emitted it. 

Additionally, changes bellStyle in the SUI to a list of checkboxes instead of radio buttons, to match bellStyle being a flag-enum. Deprecates 'BellStyle::Visual' in the schema, but still allows it to be set in the json (it maps to `Window | Taskbar`)

<!-- Other than the issue solved, is this relevant to any other issues/existing PRs? --> 
## References

<!-- Please review the items on the PR checklist before submitting-->
## PR Checklist
* [ ] Closes #xxx
* [x] CLA signed. If not, go over [here](https://cla.opensource.microsoft.com/microsoft/Terminal) and sign the CLA
* [ ] Tests added/passed
* [ ] Documentation updated. If checked, please file a pull request on [our docs repo](https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/terminal) and link it here: #xxx
* [ ] Schema updated.
* [x] I work here

<!-- Describe how you validated the behavior. Add automated tests wherever possible, but list manual validation steps taken as well -->
## Validation Steps Performed
GIF in Teams
2021-05-24 22:51:03 +00:00

841 lines
34 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "pch.h"
#include "Profiles.h"
#include "PreviewConnection.h"
#include "Profiles.g.cpp"
#include "EnumEntry.h"
#include <LibraryResources.h>
using namespace winrt::Windows::UI::Text;
using namespace winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml;
using namespace winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::Controls;
using namespace winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::Data;
using namespace winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::Navigation;
using namespace winrt::Windows::Foundation;
using namespace winrt::Windows::Foundation::Collections;
using namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model;
static const std::array<winrt::guid, 2> InBoxProfileGuids{
winrt::guid{ 0x61c54bbd, 0xc2c6, 0x5271, { 0x96, 0xe7, 0x00, 0x9a, 0x87, 0xff, 0x44, 0xbf } }, // Windows Powershell
winrt::guid{ 0x0caa0dad, 0x35be, 0x5f56, { 0xa8, 0xff, 0xaf, 0xce, 0xee, 0xaa, 0x61, 0x01 } } // Command Prompt
// Function Description:
// - This function presents a File Open "common dialog" and returns its selected file asynchronously.
// Parameters:
// - customize: A lambda that receives an IFileDialog* to customize.
// Return value:
// (async) path to the selected item.
template<typename TLambda>
static winrt::Windows::Foundation::IAsyncOperation<winrt::hstring> OpenFilePicker(HWND parentHwnd, TLambda&& customize)
auto fileDialog{ winrt::create_instance<IFileDialog>(CLSID_FileOpenDialog) };
DWORD flags{};
THROW_IF_FAILED(fileDialog->SetOptions(flags | FOS_FORCEFILESYSTEM | FOS_NOCHANGEDIR | FOS_DONTADDTORECENT)); // filesystem objects only; no recent places
auto hr{ fileDialog->Show(parentHwnd) };
if (!SUCCEEDED(hr))
co_return winrt::hstring{};
winrt::com_ptr<IShellItem> result;
wil::unique_cotaskmem_string filePath;
THROW_IF_FAILED(result->GetDisplayName(SIGDN_FILESYSPATH, &filePath));
co_return winrt::hstring{ filePath.get() };
// Function Description:
// - Helper that opens a file picker pre-seeded with image file types.
static winrt::Windows::Foundation::IAsyncOperation<winrt::hstring> OpenImagePicker(HWND parentHwnd)
static constexpr COMDLG_FILTERSPEC supportedImageFileTypes[] = {
{ L"All Supported Bitmap Types (*.jpg, *.jpeg, *.png, *.bmp, *.gif, *.tiff, *.ico)", L"*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.png;*.bmp;*.gif;*.tiff;*.ico" },
{ L"All Files (*.*)", L"*.*" }
static constexpr winrt::guid clientGuidImagePicker{ 0x55675F54, 0x74A1, 0x4552, { 0xA3, 0x9D, 0x94, 0xAE, 0x85, 0xD8, 0xF2, 0x7A } };
return OpenFilePicker(parentHwnd, [](auto&& dialog) {
auto pictureFolderShellItem{ winrt::capture<IShellItem>(&SHGetKnownFolderItem, FOLDERID_PicturesLibrary, KF_FLAG_DEFAULT, nullptr) };
CATCH_LOG(); // non-fatal
THROW_IF_FAILED(dialog->SetFileTypes(ARRAYSIZE(supportedImageFileTypes), supportedImageFileTypes));
THROW_IF_FAILED(dialog->SetFileTypeIndex(1)); // the array is 1-indexed
namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Editor::implementation
Windows::Foundation::Collections::IObservableVector<Editor::Font> ProfileViewModel::_MonospaceFontList{ nullptr };
Windows::Foundation::Collections::IObservableVector<Editor::Font> ProfileViewModel::_FontList{ nullptr };
ProfileViewModel::ProfileViewModel(const Model::Profile& profile, const Model::CascadiaSettings& appSettings) :
_profile{ profile },
_originalProfileGuid{ profile.Guid() },
_ShowAllFonts{ false },
_appSettings{ appSettings }
// Add a property changed handler to our own property changed event.
// This propagates changes from the settings model to anybody listening to our
// unique view model members.
PropertyChanged([this](auto&&, const PropertyChangedEventArgs& args) {
const auto viewModelProperty{ args.PropertyName() };
if (viewModelProperty == L"BackgroundImagePath")
// notify listener that all background image related values might have changed
// We need to do this so if someone manually types "desktopWallpaper"
// into the path TextBox, we properly update the checkbox and stored
// _lastBgImagePath. Without this, then we'll permanently hide the text
// box, prevent it from ever being changed again.
_NotifyChanges(L"UseDesktopBGImage", L"BackgroundImageSettingsVisible");
else if (viewModelProperty == L"IsBaseLayer")
// we _always_ want to show the background image settings in base layer
else if (viewModelProperty == L"StartingDirectory")
// notify listener that all starting directory related values might have changed
// NOTE: this is similar to what is done with BackgroundImagePath above
_NotifyChanges(L"UseParentProcessDirectory", L"UseCustomStartingDirectory");
else if (viewModelProperty == L"FontFace")
// notify listener that all font face related values might have changed
if (!UsingMonospaceFont())
_ShowAllFonts = true;
_NotifyChanges(L"ShowAllFonts", L"UsingMonospaceFont");
// Cache the original BG image path. If the user clicks "Use desktop
// wallpaper", then un-checks it, this is the string we'll restore to
// them.
if (BackgroundImagePath() != L"desktopWallpaper")
_lastBgImagePath = BackgroundImagePath();
// Do the same for the starting directory
if (!StartingDirectory().empty())
_lastStartingDirectoryPath = StartingDirectory();
// generate the font list, if we don't have one
if (!_FontList || !_MonospaceFontList)
Model::TerminalSettings ProfileViewModel::TermSettings() const
return Model::TerminalSettings::CreateWithProfileByID(_appSettings, _profile.Guid(), nullptr).DefaultSettings();
// Method Description:
// - Updates the lists of fonts and sorts them alphabetically
void ProfileViewModel::UpdateFontList() noexcept
// initialize font list
std::vector<Editor::Font> fontList;
std::vector<Editor::Font> monospaceFontList;
// get a DWriteFactory
com_ptr<IDWriteFactory> factory;
// get the font collection; subscribe to updates
com_ptr<IDWriteFontCollection> fontCollection;
THROW_IF_FAILED(factory->GetSystemFontCollection(fontCollection.put(), TRUE));
for (UINT32 i = 0; i < fontCollection->GetFontFamilyCount(); ++i)
// get the font family
com_ptr<IDWriteFontFamily> fontFamily;
THROW_IF_FAILED(fontCollection->GetFontFamily(i, fontFamily.put()));
// get the font's localized names
com_ptr<IDWriteLocalizedStrings> localizedFamilyNames;
// construct a font entry for tracking
if (const auto fontEntry{ _GetFont(localizedFamilyNames) })
// check if the font is monospaced
com_ptr<IDWriteFont> font;
// add the font name to our list of monospace fonts
const auto castedFont{ font.try_as<IDWriteFont1>() };
if (castedFont && castedFont->IsMonospacedFont())
// add the font name to our list of all fonts
// sort and save the lists
std::sort(begin(fontList), end(fontList), FontComparator());
_FontList = single_threaded_observable_vector<Editor::Font>(std::move(fontList));
std::sort(begin(monospaceFontList), end(monospaceFontList), FontComparator());
_MonospaceFontList = single_threaded_observable_vector<Editor::Font>(std::move(monospaceFontList));
Editor::Font ProfileViewModel::_GetFont(com_ptr<IDWriteLocalizedStrings> localizedFamilyNames)
// used for the font's name as an identifier (i.e. text block's font family property)
std::wstring nameID;
UINT32 nameIDIndex;
// used for the font's localized name
std::wstring localizedName;
UINT32 localizedNameIndex;
// use our current locale to find the localized name
BOOL exists{ FALSE };
wchar_t localeName[LOCALE_NAME_MAX_LENGTH];
if (GetUserDefaultLocaleName(localeName, LOCALE_NAME_MAX_LENGTH))
hr = localizedFamilyNames->FindLocaleName(localeName, &localizedNameIndex, &exists);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && !exists)
// if we can't find the font for our locale, fallback to the en-us one
// Source: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/dwrite/nf-dwrite-idwritelocalizedstrings-findlocalename
hr = localizedFamilyNames->FindLocaleName(L"en-us", &localizedNameIndex, &exists);
if (!exists)
// failed to find the correct locale, using the first one
localizedNameIndex = 0;
// get the localized name
UINT32 nameLength;
THROW_IF_FAILED(localizedFamilyNames->GetStringLength(localizedNameIndex, &nameLength));
THROW_IF_FAILED(localizedFamilyNames->GetString(localizedNameIndex, localizedName.data(), nameLength + 1));
// now get the nameID
hr = localizedFamilyNames->FindLocaleName(L"en-us", &nameIDIndex, &exists);
if (FAILED(hr) || !exists)
// failed to find it, using the first one
nameIDIndex = 0;
// get the nameID
THROW_IF_FAILED(localizedFamilyNames->GetStringLength(nameIDIndex, &nameLength));
THROW_IF_FAILED(localizedFamilyNames->GetString(nameIDIndex, nameID.data(), nameLength + 1));
if (!nameID.empty() && !localizedName.empty())
return make<Font>(nameID, localizedName);
return nullptr;
IObservableVector<Editor::Font> ProfileViewModel::CompleteFontList() const noexcept
return _FontList;
IObservableVector<Editor::Font> ProfileViewModel::MonospaceFontList() const noexcept
return _MonospaceFontList;
// Method Description:
// - Searches through our list of monospace fonts to determine if the settings model's current font face is a monospace font
// - NOTE: This is information stored from DWrite in _UpdateFontList()
bool ProfileViewModel::UsingMonospaceFont() const noexcept
bool result{ false };
const auto currentFont{ FontFace() };
for (const auto& font : _MonospaceFontList)
if (font.LocalizedName() == currentFont)
result = true;
return result;
// Method Description:
// - Determines whether we should show the list of all the fonts, or we should just show monospace fonts
bool ProfileViewModel::ShowAllFonts() const noexcept
// - _ShowAllFonts is directly bound to the checkbox. So this is the user set value.
// - If we are not using a monospace font, show all of the fonts so that the ComboBox is still properly bound
return _ShowAllFonts || !UsingMonospaceFont();
void ProfileViewModel::ShowAllFonts(const bool& value)
if (_ShowAllFonts != value)
_ShowAllFonts = value;
winrt::guid ProfileViewModel::OriginalProfileGuid() const noexcept
return _originalProfileGuid;
bool ProfileViewModel::CanDeleteProfile() const
const auto guid{ Guid() };
if (IsBaseLayer())
return false;
else if (std::find(std::begin(InBoxProfileGuids), std::end(InBoxProfileGuids), guid) != std::end(InBoxProfileGuids))
// in-box profile
return false;
else if (!Source().empty())
// dynamic profile
return false;
return true;
bool ProfileViewModel::UseDesktopBGImage()
return BackgroundImagePath() == L"desktopWallpaper";
void ProfileViewModel::UseDesktopBGImage(const bool useDesktop)
if (useDesktop)
// Stash the current value of BackgroundImagePath. If the user
// checks and un-checks the "Use desktop wallpaper" button, we want
// the path that we display in the text box to remain unchanged.
// Only stash this value if it's not the special "desktopWallpaper"
// value.
if (BackgroundImagePath() != L"desktopWallpaper")
_lastBgImagePath = BackgroundImagePath();
// Restore the path we had previously cached. This might be the
// empty string.
bool ProfileViewModel::UseParentProcessDirectory()
return StartingDirectory().empty();
// This function simply returns the opposite of UseParentProcessDirectory.
// We bind the 'IsEnabled' parameters of the textbox and browse button
// to this because it needs to be the reverse of UseParentProcessDirectory
// but we don't want to create a whole new converter for inverting a boolean
bool ProfileViewModel::UseCustomStartingDirectory()
return !UseParentProcessDirectory();
void ProfileViewModel::UseParentProcessDirectory(const bool useParent)
if (useParent)
// Stash the current value of StartingDirectory. If the user
// checks and un-checks the "Use parent process directory" button, we want
// the path that we display in the text box to remain unchanged.
// Only stash this value if it's not empty
if (!StartingDirectory().empty())
_lastStartingDirectoryPath = StartingDirectory();
// Restore the path we had previously cached as long as it wasn't empty
// If it was empty, set the starting directory to %USERPROFILE%
// (we need to set it to something non-empty otherwise we will automatically
// disable the text box)
if (_lastStartingDirectoryPath.empty())
bool ProfileViewModel::BackgroundImageSettingsVisible()
return IsBaseLayer() || BackgroundImagePath() != L"";
void ProfilePageNavigationState::DeleteProfile()
auto deleteProfileArgs{ winrt::make_self<DeleteProfileEventArgs>(_Profile.Guid()) };
_DeleteProfileHandlers(*this, *deleteProfileArgs);
Profiles::Profiles() :
_ColorSchemeList{ single_threaded_observable_vector<ColorScheme>() },
_previewControl{ Control::TermControl(Model::TerminalSettings{}, make<PreviewConnection>()) }
INITIALIZE_BINDABLE_ENUM_SETTING(CursorShape, CursorStyle, winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Core::CursorStyle, L"Profile_CursorShape", L"Content");
INITIALIZE_BINDABLE_ENUM_SETTING_REVERSE_ORDER(BackgroundImageStretchMode, BackgroundImageStretchMode, winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::Media::Stretch, L"Profile_BackgroundImageStretchMode", L"Content");
INITIALIZE_BINDABLE_ENUM_SETTING(AntiAliasingMode, TextAntialiasingMode, winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Control::TextAntialiasingMode, L"Profile_AntialiasingMode", L"Content");
INITIALIZE_BINDABLE_ENUM_SETTING_REVERSE_ORDER(CloseOnExitMode, CloseOnExitMode, winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::CloseOnExitMode, L"Profile_CloseOnExit", L"Content");
INITIALIZE_BINDABLE_ENUM_SETTING(ScrollState, ScrollbarState, winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Control::ScrollbarState, L"Profile_ScrollbarVisibility", L"Content");
// manually add Custom FontWeight option. Don't add it to the Map
INITIALIZE_BINDABLE_ENUM_SETTING(FontWeight, FontWeight, uint16_t, L"Profile_FontWeight", L"Content");
_CustomFontWeight = winrt::make<EnumEntry>(RS_(L"Profile_FontWeightCustom/Content"), winrt::box_value<uint16_t>(0u));
// manually keep track of all the Background Image Alignment buttons
_BIAlignmentButtons.at(0) = BIAlign_TopLeft();
_BIAlignmentButtons.at(1) = BIAlign_Top();
_BIAlignmentButtons.at(2) = BIAlign_TopRight();
_BIAlignmentButtons.at(3) = BIAlign_Left();
_BIAlignmentButtons.at(4) = BIAlign_Center();
_BIAlignmentButtons.at(5) = BIAlign_Right();
_BIAlignmentButtons.at(6) = BIAlign_BottomLeft();
_BIAlignmentButtons.at(7) = BIAlign_Bottom();
_BIAlignmentButtons.at(8) = BIAlign_BottomRight();
// apply automation properties to more complex setting controls
for (const auto& biButton : _BIAlignmentButtons)
const auto tooltip{ ToolTipService::GetToolTip(biButton) };
Automation::AutomationProperties::SetName(biButton, unbox_value<hstring>(tooltip));
const auto startingDirCheckboxTooltip{ ToolTipService::GetToolTip(StartingDirectoryUseParentCheckbox()) };
Automation::AutomationProperties::SetFullDescription(StartingDirectoryUseParentCheckbox(), unbox_value<hstring>(startingDirCheckboxTooltip));
const auto backgroundImgCheckboxTooltip{ ToolTipService::GetToolTip(UseDesktopImageCheckBox()) };
Automation::AutomationProperties::SetFullDescription(UseDesktopImageCheckBox(), unbox_value<hstring>(backgroundImgCheckboxTooltip));
const auto showAllFontsCheckboxTooltip{ ToolTipService::GetToolTip(ShowAllFontsCheckbox()) };
Automation::AutomationProperties::SetFullDescription(ShowAllFontsCheckbox(), unbox_value<hstring>(showAllFontsCheckboxTooltip));
Automation::AutomationProperties::SetName(DeleteButton(), RS_(L"Profile_DeleteButton/Text"));
IInspectable Profiles::CurrentFontFace() const
// look for the current font in our shown list of fonts
const auto& profileVM{ State().Profile() };
const auto profileFontFace{ profileVM.FontFace() };
const auto& currentFontList{ profileVM.ShowAllFonts() ? profileVM.CompleteFontList() : profileVM.MonospaceFontList() };
IInspectable fallbackFont;
for (const auto& font : currentFontList)
if (font.LocalizedName() == profileFontFace)
return box_value(font);
else if (font.LocalizedName() == L"Cascadia Mono")
fallbackFont = box_value(font);
// we couldn't find the desired font, set to "Cascadia Mono" since that ships by default
return fallbackFont;
void Profiles::FontFace_SelectionChanged(IInspectable const& /*sender*/, SelectionChangedEventArgs const& e)
// NOTE: We need to hook up a selection changed event handler here instead of directly binding to the profile view model.
// A two way binding to the view model causes an infinite loop because both combo boxes keep fighting over which one's right.
const auto selectedItem{ e.AddedItems().GetAt(0) };
const auto newFontFace{ unbox_value<Editor::Font>(selectedItem) };
void Profiles::OnNavigatedTo(const NavigationEventArgs& e)
_State = e.Parameter().as<Editor::ProfilePageNavigationState>();
// generate the font list, if we don't have one
if (!_State.Profile().CompleteFontList() || !_State.Profile().MonospaceFontList())
const auto& colorSchemeMap{ _State.Schemes() };
for (const auto& pair : colorSchemeMap)
const auto& biAlignmentVal{ static_cast<int32_t>(_State.Profile().BackgroundImageAlignment()) };
for (const auto& biButton : _BIAlignmentButtons)
biButton.IsChecked(biButton.Tag().as<int32_t>() == biAlignmentVal);
// Set the text disclaimer for the text box
hstring disclaimer{};
const auto guid{ _State.Profile().Guid() };
if (std::find(std::begin(InBoxProfileGuids), std::end(InBoxProfileGuids), guid) != std::end(InBoxProfileGuids))
// load disclaimer for in-box profiles
disclaimer = RS_(L"Profile_DeleteButtonDisclaimerInBox");
else if (!_State.Profile().Source().empty())
// load disclaimer for dynamic profiles
disclaimer = RS_(L"Profile_DeleteButtonDisclaimerDynamic");
// Check the use parent directory box if the starting directory is empty
if (_State.Profile().StartingDirectory().empty())
// Subscribe to some changes in the view model
// These changes should force us to update our own set of "Current<Setting>" members,
// and propagate those changes to the UI
_ViewModelChangedRevoker = _State.Profile().PropertyChanged(winrt::auto_revoke, [=](auto&&, const PropertyChangedEventArgs& args) {
const auto settingName{ args.PropertyName() };
if (settingName == L"CursorShape")
_PropertyChangedHandlers(*this, PropertyChangedEventArgs{ L"CurrentCursorShape" });
_PropertyChangedHandlers(*this, PropertyChangedEventArgs{ L"IsVintageCursor" });
else if (settingName == L"BackgroundImageStretchMode")
_PropertyChangedHandlers(*this, PropertyChangedEventArgs{ L"CurrentBackgroundImageStretchMode" });
else if (settingName == L"AntialiasingMode")
_PropertyChangedHandlers(*this, PropertyChangedEventArgs{ L"CurrentAntiAliasingMode" });
else if (settingName == L"CloseOnExit")
_PropertyChangedHandlers(*this, PropertyChangedEventArgs{ L"CurrentCloseOnExitMode" });
else if (settingName == L"BellStyle")
_PropertyChangedHandlers(*this, PropertyChangedEventArgs{ L"IsBellStyleFlagSet" });
else if (settingName == L"ScrollState")
_PropertyChangedHandlers(*this, PropertyChangedEventArgs{ L"CurrentScrollState" });
else if (settingName == L"FontWeight")
_PropertyChangedHandlers(*this, PropertyChangedEventArgs{ L"CurrentFontWeight" });
_PropertyChangedHandlers(*this, PropertyChangedEventArgs{ L"IsCustomFontWeight" });
else if (settingName == L"ColorSchemeName")
_PropertyChangedHandlers(*this, PropertyChangedEventArgs{ L"CurrentColorScheme" });
else if (settingName == L"FontFace" || settingName == L"CurrentFontList")
_PropertyChangedHandlers(*this, PropertyChangedEventArgs{ L"CurrentFontFace" });
else if (settingName == L"BackgroundImageAlignment")
// Navigate to the pivot in the provided navigation state
// There is a possibility that the control has not fully initialized yet,
// so wait for it to initialize before updating the settings (so we know
// that the renderer is set up)
_previewControl.Initialized([&](auto&& /*s*/, auto&& /*e*/) {
void Profiles::OnNavigatedFrom(const NavigationEventArgs& /*e*/)
ColorScheme Profiles::CurrentColorScheme()
const auto schemeName{ _State.Profile().ColorSchemeName() };
if (const auto scheme{ _State.Schemes().TryLookup(schemeName) })
return scheme;
// This Profile points to a color scheme that was renamed or deleted.
// Fallback to Campbell.
return _State.Schemes().TryLookup(L"Campbell");
void Profiles::CurrentColorScheme(const ColorScheme& val)
bool Profiles::IsBellStyleFlagSet(const uint32_t flag)
return (WI_EnumValue(_State.Profile().BellStyle()) & flag) == flag;
void Profiles::SetBellStyleAudible(winrt::Windows::Foundation::IReference<bool> on)
auto currentStyle = State().Profile().BellStyle();
WI_UpdateFlag(currentStyle, Model::BellStyle::Audible, winrt::unbox_value<bool>(on));
void Profiles::SetBellStyleWindow(winrt::Windows::Foundation::IReference<bool> on)
auto currentStyle = State().Profile().BellStyle();
WI_UpdateFlag(currentStyle, Model::BellStyle::Window, winrt::unbox_value<bool>(on));
void Profiles::SetBellStyleTaskbar(winrt::Windows::Foundation::IReference<bool> on)
auto currentStyle = State().Profile().BellStyle();
WI_UpdateFlag(currentStyle, Model::BellStyle::Taskbar, winrt::unbox_value<bool>(on));
void Profiles::DeleteConfirmation_Click(IInspectable const& /*sender*/, RoutedEventArgs const& /*e*/)
auto state{ winrt::get_self<ProfilePageNavigationState>(_State) };
fire_and_forget Profiles::BackgroundImage_Click(IInspectable const&, RoutedEventArgs const&)
auto lifetime = get_strong();
const auto parentHwnd{ reinterpret_cast<HWND>(_State.WindowRoot().GetHostingWindow()) };
auto file = co_await OpenImagePicker(parentHwnd);
if (!file.empty())
fire_and_forget Profiles::Icon_Click(IInspectable const&, RoutedEventArgs const&)
auto lifetime = get_strong();
const auto parentHwnd{ reinterpret_cast<HWND>(_State.WindowRoot().GetHostingWindow()) };
auto file = co_await OpenImagePicker(parentHwnd);
if (!file.empty())
fire_and_forget Profiles::Commandline_Click(IInspectable const&, RoutedEventArgs const&)
auto lifetime = get_strong();
static constexpr COMDLG_FILTERSPEC supportedFileTypes[] = {
{ L"Executable Files (*.exe, *.cmd, *.bat)", L"*.exe;*.cmd;*.bat" },
{ L"All Files (*.*)", L"*.*" }
static constexpr winrt::guid clientGuidExecutables{ 0x2E7E4331, 0x0800, 0x48E6, { 0xB0, 0x17, 0xA1, 0x4C, 0xD8, 0x73, 0xDD, 0x58 } };
const auto parentHwnd{ reinterpret_cast<HWND>(_State.WindowRoot().GetHostingWindow()) };
auto path = co_await OpenFilePicker(parentHwnd, [](auto&& dialog) {
auto folderShellItem{ winrt::capture<IShellItem>(&SHGetKnownFolderItem, FOLDERID_ComputerFolder, KF_FLAG_DEFAULT, nullptr) };
CATCH_LOG(); // non-fatal
THROW_IF_FAILED(dialog->SetFileTypes(ARRAYSIZE(supportedFileTypes), supportedFileTypes));
THROW_IF_FAILED(dialog->SetFileTypeIndex(1)); // the array is 1-indexed
if (!path.empty())
fire_and_forget Profiles::StartingDirectory_Click(IInspectable const&, RoutedEventArgs const&)
auto lifetime = get_strong();
const auto parentHwnd{ reinterpret_cast<HWND>(_State.WindowRoot().GetHostingWindow()) };
auto folder = co_await OpenFilePicker(parentHwnd, [](auto&& dialog) {
static constexpr winrt::guid clientGuidFolderPicker{ 0xAADAA433, 0xB04D, 0x4BAE, { 0xB1, 0xEA, 0x1E, 0x6C, 0xD1, 0xCD, 0xA6, 0x8B } };
auto folderShellItem{ winrt::capture<IShellItem>(&SHGetKnownFolderItem, FOLDERID_ComputerFolder, KF_FLAG_DEFAULT, nullptr) };
CATCH_LOG(); // non-fatal
DWORD flags{};
THROW_IF_FAILED(dialog->SetOptions(flags | FOS_PICKFOLDERS)); // folders only
if (!folder.empty())
IInspectable Profiles::CurrentFontWeight() const
// if no value was found, we have a custom value
const auto maybeEnumEntry{ _FontWeightMap.TryLookup(_State.Profile().FontWeight().Weight) };
return maybeEnumEntry ? maybeEnumEntry : _CustomFontWeight;
void Profiles::CurrentFontWeight(const IInspectable& enumEntry)
if (auto ee = enumEntry.try_as<Editor::EnumEntry>())
if (ee != _CustomFontWeight)
const auto weight{ winrt::unbox_value<uint16_t>(ee.EnumValue()) };
const Windows::UI::Text::FontWeight setting{ weight };
// Profile does not have observable properties
// So the TwoWay binding doesn't update on the State --> Slider direction
_PropertyChangedHandlers(*this, PropertyChangedEventArgs{ L"IsCustomFontWeight" });
bool Profiles::IsCustomFontWeight()
// Use SelectedItem instead of CurrentFontWeight.
// CurrentFontWeight converts the Profile's value to the appropriate enum entry,
// whereas SelectedItem identifies which one was selected by the user.
return FontWeightComboBox().SelectedItem() == _CustomFontWeight;
void Profiles::BIAlignment_Click(IInspectable const& sender, RoutedEventArgs const& /*e*/)
if (const auto& button{ sender.try_as<Primitives::ToggleButton>() })
if (const auto& tag{ button.Tag().try_as<int32_t>() })
// Update the Profile's value and the control
// Method Description:
// - Resets all of the buttons to unchecked, and checks the one with the provided tag
// Arguments:
// - val - the background image alignment (ConvergedAlignment) that we want to represent in the control
void Profiles::_UpdateBIAlignmentControl(const int32_t val)
for (const auto& biButton : _BIAlignmentButtons)
if (const auto& biButtonAlignment{ biButton.Tag().try_as<int32_t>() })
biButton.IsChecked(biButtonAlignment == val);
bool Profiles::IsVintageCursor() const
return _State.Profile().CursorShape() == Core::CursorStyle::Vintage;
void Profiles::Pivot_SelectionChanged(Windows::Foundation::IInspectable const& /*sender*/,
RoutedEventArgs const& /*e*/)