Carlos Zamora 9294ecc8e5
Bugfix: serialize iterable commands (#10373)
## Summary of the Pull Request
Fixes a bug where top-level iterable commands were not serialized.

## PR Checklist
* [X] Closes #10365 
* [X] Tests added/passed

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments
- `Command::ToJson`:
   - iterable commands deserve the same treatment as nested commands
- `ActionMap`:
   - Similar to how we store nested commands, iterable commands need to be handled separately from standard commands. Then, when generating the name map, we make sure we export the iterable commands at the same time we export the nested commands.
2021-06-10 18:25:27 +00:00

641 lines
25 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "pch.h"
#include "Command.h"
#include "Command.g.cpp"
#include "ActionAndArgs.h"
#include "KeyChordSerialization.h"
#include <LibraryResources.h>
#include "TerminalSettingsSerializationHelpers.h"
using namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model;
using namespace winrt::Windows::Foundation::Collections;
using namespace ::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model;
namespace winrt
namespace MUX = Microsoft::UI::Xaml;
namespace WUX = Windows::UI::Xaml;
static constexpr std::string_view NameKey{ "name" };
static constexpr std::string_view IconKey{ "icon" };
static constexpr std::string_view ActionKey{ "command" };
static constexpr std::string_view ArgsKey{ "args" };
static constexpr std::string_view IterateOnKey{ "iterateOn" };
static constexpr std::string_view CommandsKey{ "commands" };
static constexpr std::string_view KeysKey{ "keys" };
static constexpr std::string_view ProfileNameToken{ "${profile.name}" };
static constexpr std::string_view ProfileIconToken{ "${profile.icon}" };
static constexpr std::string_view SchemeNameToken{ "${scheme.name}" };
namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::implementation
com_ptr<Command> Command::Copy() const
auto command{ winrt::make_self<Command>() };
command->_name = _name;
command->_ActionAndArgs = *get_self<implementation::ActionAndArgs>(_ActionAndArgs)->Copy();
command->_keyMappings = _keyMappings;
command->_iconPath = _iconPath;
command->_IterateOn = _IterateOn;
command->_originalJson = _originalJson;
command->_nestedCommand = _nestedCommand;
if (HasNestedCommands())
command->_subcommands = winrt::single_threaded_map<winrt::hstring, Model::Command>();
for (auto kv : NestedCommands())
const auto subCmd{ winrt::get_self<Command>(kv.Value()) };
command->_subcommands.Insert(kv.Key(), *subCmd->Copy());
return command;
IMapView<winrt::hstring, Model::Command> Command::NestedCommands() const
return _subcommands ? _subcommands.GetView() : nullptr;
// Function Description:
// - reports if the current command has nested commands
// - This CANNOT detect { "name": "foo", "commands": null }
bool Command::HasNestedCommands() const
return _subcommands ? _subcommands.Size() > 0 : false;
// Function Description:
// - reports if the current command IS a nested command
// - This CAN be used to detect cases like { "name": "foo", "commands": null }
bool Command::IsNestedCommand() const noexcept
return _nestedCommand;
bool Command::HasName() const noexcept
return _name.has_value();
hstring Command::Name() const noexcept
if (_name.has_value())
// name was explicitly set, return that value.
return hstring{ _name.value() };
else if (_ActionAndArgs)
// generate a name from our action
return get_self<implementation::ActionAndArgs>(_ActionAndArgs)->GenerateName();
// we have no name
return {};
void Command::Name(const hstring& value)
if (!_name.has_value() || _name.value() != value)
_name = value;
std::vector<Control::KeyChord> Command::KeyMappings() const noexcept
return _keyMappings;
// Function Description:
// - Add the key chord to the command's list of key mappings.
// - If the key chord was already registered, move it to the back
// of the line, and dispatch a notification that Command::Keys changed.
// Arguments:
// - keys: the new key chord that we are registering this command to
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Command::RegisterKey(const Control::KeyChord& keys)
if (!keys)
// Remove the KeyChord and add it to the back of the line.
// This makes it so that the main key chord associated with this
// command is updated.
// Function Description:
// - Remove the key chord from the command's list of key mappings.
// Arguments:
// - keys: the key chord that we are unregistering
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Command::EraseKey(const Control::KeyChord& keys)
_keyMappings.erase(std::remove_if(_keyMappings.begin(), _keyMappings.end(), [&keys](const Control::KeyChord& iterKey) {
return keys.Modifiers() == iterKey.Modifiers() && keys.Vkey() == iterKey.Vkey();
// Function Description:
// - Keys is the Command's identifying KeyChord. The command may have multiple keys associated
// with it, but we'll only ever display the most recently added one externally. To do this,
// _keyMappings stores all of the associated key chords, but ensures that the last entry
// is the most recently added one.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - the primary key chord associated with this Command
Control::KeyChord Command::Keys() const noexcept
if (_keyMappings.empty())
return nullptr;
return _keyMappings.back();
hstring Command::KeyChordText() const noexcept
return KeyChordSerialization::ToString(Keys());
hstring Command::IconPath() const noexcept
if (_iconPath.has_value())
return hstring{ *_iconPath };
return {};
void Command::IconPath(const hstring& val)
if (!_iconPath.has_value() || _iconPath.value() != val)
_iconPath = val;
// Function Description:
// - attempt to get the name of this command from the provided json object.
// * If the "name" property is a string, return that value.
// * If the "name" property is an object, attempt to lookup the string
// resource specified by the "key" property, to support localizable
// command names.
// Arguments:
// - json: The Json::Value representing the command object we should get the name for.
// Return Value:
// - the empty string if we couldn't find a name, otherwise the command's name.
static std::optional<std::wstring> _nameFromJson(const Json::Value& json)
if (const auto name{ json[JsonKey(NameKey)] })
if (name.isObject())
if (const auto resourceKey{ JsonUtils::GetValueForKey<std::optional<std::wstring>>(name, "key") })
if (HasLibraryResourceWithName(*resourceKey))
return std::wstring{ GetLibraryResourceString(*resourceKey) };
else if (name.isString())
return JsonUtils::GetValue<std::wstring>(name);
else if (json.isMember(JsonKey(NameKey)))
// { "name": null, "command": "copy" } will land in this case, which
// should also be used for unbinding.
return std::wstring{};
return std::nullopt;
// Method Description:
// - Deserialize a Command from the `json` object. The json object should
// contain a "name" and "action", and optionally an "icon".
// * "name": string|object - the name of the command to display in the
// command palette. If this is an object, look for the "key" property,
// and try to load the string from our resources instead.
// * "action": string|object - A ShortcutAction, either as a name or as an
// ActionAndArgs serialization. See ActionAndArgs::FromJson for details.
// If this is null, we'll remove this command from the list of commands.
// Arguments:
// - json: the Json::Value to deserialize into a Command
// - warnings: If there were any warnings during parsing, they'll be
// appended to this vector.
// Return Value:
// - the newly constructed Command object.
winrt::com_ptr<Command> Command::FromJson(const Json::Value& json,
std::vector<SettingsLoadWarnings>& warnings)
auto result = winrt::make_self<Command>();
bool nested = false;
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, IterateOnKey, result->_IterateOn);
// For iterable commands, we'll make another pass at parsing them once
// the json is patched. So ignore parsing sub-commands for now. Commands
// will only be marked iterable on the first pass.
if (const auto nestedCommandsJson{ json[JsonKey(CommandsKey)] })
// Initialize our list of subcommands.
result->_subcommands = winrt::single_threaded_map<winrt::hstring, Model::Command>();
result->_nestedCommand = true;
auto nestedWarnings = Command::LayerJson(result->_subcommands, nestedCommandsJson);
// It's possible that the nested commands have some warnings
warnings.insert(warnings.end(), nestedWarnings.begin(), nestedWarnings.end());
if (result->_subcommands.Size() == 0)
result->_ActionAndArgs = make<implementation::ActionAndArgs>();
nested = true;
else if (json.isMember(JsonKey(CommandsKey)))
// { "name": "foo", "commands": null } will land in this case, which
// should also be used for unbinding.
// create an "invalid" ActionAndArgs
result->_ActionAndArgs = make<implementation::ActionAndArgs>();
result->_nestedCommand = true;
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, IconKey, result->_iconPath);
// If we're a nested command, we can ignore the current action.
if (!nested)
if (const auto actionJson{ json[JsonKey(ActionKey)] })
result->_ActionAndArgs = *ActionAndArgs::FromJson(actionJson, warnings);
// { name: "foo", action: null } will land in this case, which
// should also be used for unbinding.
// create an "invalid" ActionAndArgs
result->_ActionAndArgs = make<implementation::ActionAndArgs>();
// GH#4239 - If the user provided more than one key
// chord to a "keys" array, warn the user here.
// TODO: GH#1334 - remove this check.
const auto keysJson{ json[JsonKey(KeysKey)] };
if (keysJson.isArray() && keysJson.size() > 1)
Control::KeyChord keys{ nullptr };
if (JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, KeysKey, keys))
// If an iterable command doesn't have a name set, we'll still just
// try and generate a fake name for the command give the string we
// currently have. It'll probably generate something like "New tab,
// profile: ${profile.name}". This string will only be temporarily
// used internally, so there's no problem.
result->_name = _nameFromJson(json);
// Stash the original json value in this object. If the command is
// iterable, we'll need to re-parse it later, once we know what all the
// values we can iterate on are.
result->_originalJson = json;
return result;
// Function Description:
// - Attempt to parse all the json objects in `json` into new Command
// objects, and add them to the map of commands.
// - If any parsed command has
// the same Name as an existing command in commands, the new one will
// layer on top of the existing one.
// Arguments:
// - commands: a map of Name->Command which new commands should be layered upon.
// - json: A Json::Value containing an array of serialized commands
// Return Value:
// - A vector containing any warnings detected while parsing
std::vector<SettingsLoadWarnings> Command::LayerJson(IMap<winrt::hstring, Model::Command>& commands,
const Json::Value& json)
std::vector<SettingsLoadWarnings> warnings;
for (const auto& value : json)
if (value.isObject())
const auto result = Command::FromJson(value, warnings);
if (result->ActionAndArgs().Action() == ShortcutAction::Invalid && !result->HasNestedCommands())
// If there wasn't a parsed command, then try to get the
// name from the json blob. If that name currently
// exists in our list of commands, we should remove it.
const auto name = _nameFromJson(value);
if (name.has_value() && !name->empty())
// Override commands with the same name
commands.Insert(result->Name(), *result);
return warnings;
// Function Description:
// - Serialize the Command into an array of json actions
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - an array of serialized actions
Json::Value Command::ToJson() const
Json::Value cmdList{ Json::ValueType::arrayValue };
if (_nestedCommand || _IterateOn != ExpandCommandType::None)
// handle special commands
// For these, we can trust _originalJson to be correct.
// In fact, we _need_ to use it here because we don't actually deserialize `iterateOn`
// until we expand the command.
else if (_keyMappings.empty())
// only write out one command
Json::Value cmdJson{ Json::ValueType::objectValue };
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(cmdJson, IconKey, _iconPath);
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(cmdJson, NameKey, _name);
if (_ActionAndArgs)
cmdJson[JsonKey(ActionKey)] = ActionAndArgs::ToJson(_ActionAndArgs);
// we'll write out one command per key mapping
for (auto keys{ _keyMappings.begin() }; keys != _keyMappings.end(); ++keys)
Json::Value cmdJson{ Json::ValueType::objectValue };
if (keys == _keyMappings.begin())
// First iteration also writes icon and name
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(cmdJson, IconKey, _iconPath);
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(cmdJson, NameKey, _name);
if (_ActionAndArgs)
cmdJson[JsonKey(ActionKey)] = ActionAndArgs::ToJson(_ActionAndArgs);
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(cmdJson, KeysKey, *keys);
return cmdList;
// Function Description:
// - Helper to escape a string as a json string. This function will also
// trim off the leading and trailing double-quotes, so the output string
// can be inserted directly into another json blob.
// Arguments:
// - input: the string to JSON escape.
// Return Value:
// - the input string escaped properly to be inserted into another json blob.
std::string _escapeForJson(const std::string& input)
Json::Value inJson{ input };
Json::StreamWriterBuilder builder;
builder.settings_["indentation"] = "";
std::string out{ Json::writeString(builder, inJson) };
if (out.size() >= 2)
// trim off the leading/trailing '"'s
auto ss{ out.substr(1, out.size() - 2) };
return ss;
return out;
// Method Description:
// - Iterate over all the provided commands, and recursively expand any
// commands with `iterateOn` set. If we successfully generated expanded
// commands for them, then we'll remove the original command, and add all
// the newly generated commands.
// - For more specific implementation details, see _expandCommand.
// Arguments:
// - commands: a map of commands to expand. Newly created commands will be
// inserted into the map to replace the expandable commands.
// - profiles: A list of all the profiles that this command should be expanded on.
// - warnings: If there were any warnings during parsing, they'll be
// appended to this vector.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Command::ExpandCommands(IMap<winrt::hstring, Model::Command> commands,
IVectorView<Model::Profile> profiles,
IVectorView<Model::ColorScheme> schemes,
IVector<SettingsLoadWarnings> warnings)
std::vector<winrt::hstring> commandsToRemove;
std::vector<Model::Command> commandsToAdd;
// First, collect up all the commands that need replacing.
for (const auto& nameAndCmd : commands)
auto cmd{ get_self<implementation::Command>(nameAndCmd.Value()) };
auto newCommands = _expandCommand(cmd, profiles, schemes, warnings);
if (newCommands.size() > 0)
commandsToAdd.insert(commandsToAdd.end(), newCommands.begin(), newCommands.end());
// Second, remove all the commands that need to be removed.
for (auto& name : commandsToRemove)
// Finally, add all the new commands.
for (auto& cmd : commandsToAdd)
commands.Insert(cmd.Name(), cmd);
// Function Description:
// - Attempts to expand the given command into many commands, if the command
// has `"iterateOn": "profiles"` set.
// - If it doesn't, this function will do
// nothing and return an empty vector.
// - If it does, we're going to attempt to build a new set of commands using
// the given command as a prototype. We'll attempt to create a new command
// for each and every profile, to replace the original command.
// * For the new commands, we'll replace any instance of "${profile.name}"
// in the original json used to create this action with the name of the
// given profile.
// - If we encounter any errors while re-parsing the json with the replaced
// name, we'll just return immediately.
// - At the end, we'll return all the new commands we've build for the given command.
// Arguments:
// - expandable: the Command to potentially turn into more commands
// - profiles: A list of all the profiles that this command should be expanded on.
// - warnings: If there were any warnings during parsing, they'll be
// appended to this vector.
// Return Value:
// - and empty vector if the command wasn't expandable, otherwise a list of
// the newly-created commands.
std::vector<Model::Command> Command::_expandCommand(Command* const expandable,
IVectorView<Model::Profile> profiles,
IVectorView<Model::ColorScheme> schemes,
IVector<SettingsLoadWarnings>& warnings)
std::vector<Model::Command> newCommands;
if (expandable->HasNestedCommands())
ExpandCommands(expandable->_subcommands, profiles, schemes, warnings);
if (expandable->_IterateOn == ExpandCommandType::None)
return newCommands;
std::string errs; // This string will receive any error text from failing to parse.
std::unique_ptr<Json::CharReader> reader{ Json::CharReaderBuilder::CharReaderBuilder().newCharReader() };
// First, get a string for the original Json::Value
auto oldJsonString = expandable->_originalJson.toStyledString();
auto reParseJson = [&](const auto& newJsonString) -> bool {
// - Now, re-parse the modified value.
Json::Value newJsonValue;
const auto actualDataStart = newJsonString.data();
const auto actualDataEnd = newJsonString.data() + newJsonString.size();
if (!reader->parse(actualDataStart, actualDataEnd, &newJsonValue, &errs))
// If we encounter a re-parsing error, just stop processing the rest of the commands.
return false;
// Pass the new json back though FromJson, to get the new expanded value.
std::vector<SettingsLoadWarnings> newWarnings;
if (auto newCmd{ Command::FromJson(newJsonValue, newWarnings) })
std::for_each(newWarnings.begin(), newWarnings.end(), [warnings](auto& warn) { warnings.Append(warn); });
return true;
if (expandable->_IterateOn == ExpandCommandType::Profiles)
for (const auto& p : profiles)
// For each profile, create a new command. This command will have:
// * the icon path and keychord text of the original command
// * the Name will have any instances of "${profile.name}"
// replaced with the profile's name
// * for the action, we'll take the original json, replace any
// instances of "${profile.name}" with the profile's name,
// then re-attempt to parse the action and args.
// Replace all the keywords in the original json, and try and parse that
// - Escape the profile name for JSON appropriately
auto escapedProfileName = _escapeForJson(til::u16u8(p.Name()));
auto escapedProfileIcon = _escapeForJson(til::u16u8(p.Icon()));
auto newJsonString = til::replace_needle_in_haystack(oldJsonString,
// If we encounter a re-parsing error, just stop processing the rest of the commands.
if (!reParseJson(newJsonString))
else if (expandable->_IterateOn == ExpandCommandType::ColorSchemes)
for (const auto& s : schemes)
// For each scheme, create a new command. We'll take the
// original json, replace any instances of "${scheme.name}" with
// the scheme's name, then re-attempt to parse the action and
// args.
// - Escape the profile name for JSON appropriately
auto escapedSchemeName = _escapeForJson(til::u16u8(s.Name()));
auto newJsonString = til::replace_needle_in_haystack(oldJsonString,
// If we encounter a re-parsing error, just stop processing the rest of the commands.
if (!reParseJson(newJsonString))
return newCommands;