Carlos Zamora 996a680ec3
Revert "Add the profile, page icons to the page headers (#10046)" (#10124)
This reverts commit a3a2a4102d.

#10046 causes a crash on save. MainPage::UpdateSettings() is unable to update the navigation view's selected item due to an "incorrect parameter". This is particularly strange to see because #10046 only modifies the navigation view's header, not the menu items themselves. Reverting this change fixes that crash (verified).

Reopens #9694
2021-05-18 17:35:50 -05:00

208 lines
8.4 KiB

#include "pch.h"
#include "IconPathConverter.h"
#include "IconPathConverter.g.cpp"
#include "Utils.h"
using namespace winrt::Windows;
using namespace winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml;
namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::implementation
// These are templates that help us figure out which BitmapIconSource/FontIconSource to use for a given IconSource.
// We have to do this because some of our code still wants to use WUX/MUX IconSources.
#pragma region BitmapIconSource
template<typename TIconSource>
struct BitmapIconSource
struct BitmapIconSource<winrt::Microsoft::UI::Xaml::Controls::IconSource>
using type = winrt::Microsoft::UI::Xaml::Controls::BitmapIconSource;
struct BitmapIconSource<winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::Controls::IconSource>
using type = winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::Controls::BitmapIconSource;
#pragma endregion
#pragma region FontIconSource
template<typename TIconSource>
struct FontIconSource
struct FontIconSource<winrt::Microsoft::UI::Xaml::Controls::IconSource>
using type = winrt::Microsoft::UI::Xaml::Controls::FontIconSource;
struct FontIconSource<winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::Controls::IconSource>
using type = winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::Controls::FontIconSource;
#pragma endregion
// Method Description:
// - Creates an IconSource for the given path. The icon returned is a colored
// icon. If we couldn't create the icon for any reason, we return an empty
// IconElement.
// Template Types:
// - <TIconSource>: The type of IconSource (MUX, WUX) to generate.
// Arguments:
// - path: the full, expanded path to the icon.
// Return Value:
// - An IconElement with its IconSource set, if possible.
template<typename TIconSource>
TIconSource _getColoredBitmapIcon(const winrt::hstring& path)
if (!path.empty())
winrt::Windows::Foundation::Uri iconUri{ path };
BitmapIconSource<TIconSource>::type iconSource;
// Make sure to set this to false, so we keep the RGB data of the
// image. Otherwise, the icon will be white for all the
// non-transparent pixels in the image.
return iconSource;
return nullptr;
// Method Description:
// - Creates an IconSource for the given path.
// * If the icon is a path to an image, we'll use that.
// * If it isn't, then we'll try and use the text as a FontIcon. If the
// character is in the range of symbols reserved for the Segoe MDL2
// Asserts, well treat it as such. Otherwise, we'll default to a Sego
// UI icon, so things like emoji will work.
// * If we couldn't create the icon for any reason, we return an empty
// IconElement.
// Template Types:
// - <TIconSource>: The type of IconSource (MUX, WUX) to generate.
// Arguments:
// - path: the unprocessed path to the icon.
// Return Value:
// - An IconElement with its IconSource set, if possible.
template<typename TIconSource>
TIconSource _getIconSource(const winrt::hstring& iconPath)
TIconSource iconSource{ nullptr };
if (iconPath.size() != 0)
const auto expandedIconPath{ _expandIconPath(iconPath) };
iconSource = _getColoredBitmapIcon<TIconSource>(expandedIconPath);
// If we fail to set the icon source using the "icon" as a path,
// let's try it as a symbol/emoji.
// Anything longer than 2 wchar_t's _isn't_ an emoji or symbol, so
// don't do this if it's just an invalid path.
if (!iconSource && iconPath.size() <= 2)
FontIconSource<TIconSource>::type icon;
const wchar_t ch = iconPath[0];
// The range of MDL2 Icons isn't explicitly defined, but
// we're using this based off the table on:
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/uwp/design/style/segoe-ui-symbol-font
const bool isMDL2Icon = ch >= L'\uE700' && ch <= L'\uF8FF';
if (isMDL2Icon)
icon.FontFamily(winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::Media::FontFamily{ L"Segoe MDL2 Assets" });
// Note: you _do_ need to manually set the font here.
icon.FontFamily(winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::Media::FontFamily{ L"Segoe UI" });
iconSource = icon;
if (!iconSource)
// Set the default IconSource to a BitmapIconSource with a null source
// (instead of just nullptr) because there's a really weird crash when swapping
// data bound IconSourceElements in a ListViewTemplate (i.e. CommandPalette).
// Swapping between nullptr IconSources and non-null IconSources causes a crash
// to occur, but swapping between IconSources with a null source and non-null IconSources
// work perfectly fine :shrug:.
BitmapIconSource<TIconSource>::type icon;
iconSource = icon;
return iconSource;
static winrt::hstring _expandIconPath(hstring iconPath)
if (iconPath.empty())
return iconPath;
winrt::hstring envExpandedPath{ wil::ExpandEnvironmentStringsW<std::wstring>(iconPath.c_str()) };
return envExpandedPath;
// Method Description:
// - Attempt to convert something into another type. For the
// IconPathConverter, we support a variety of icons:
// * If the icon is a path to an image, we'll use that.
// * If it isn't, then we'll try and use the text as a FontIcon. If the
// character is in the range of symbols reserved for the Segoe MDL2
// Asserts, well treat it as such. Otherwise, we'll default to a Sego
// UI icon, so things like emoji will work.
// Arguments:
// - value: the input object to attempt to convert into an IconSource.
// Return Value:
// - Visible if the object was a string and wasn't the empty string.
Foundation::IInspectable IconPathConverter::Convert(Foundation::IInspectable const& value,
Windows::UI::Xaml::Interop::TypeName const& /* targetType */,
Foundation::IInspectable const& /* parameter */,
hstring const& /* language */)
const auto& iconPath = winrt::unbox_value_or<winrt::hstring>(value, L"");
return _getIconSource<Controls::IconSource>(iconPath);
// unused for one-way bindings
Foundation::IInspectable IconPathConverter::ConvertBack(Foundation::IInspectable const& /* value */,
Windows::UI::Xaml::Interop::TypeName const& /* targetType */,
Foundation::IInspectable const& /* parameter */,
hstring const& /* language */)
throw hresult_not_implemented();
Windows::UI::Xaml::Controls::IconSource IconPathConverter::IconSourceWUX(hstring path)
return _getIconSource<Windows::UI::Xaml::Controls::IconSource>(path);
Microsoft::UI::Xaml::Controls::IconSource IconPathConverter::IconSourceMUX(hstring path)
return _getIconSource<Microsoft::UI::Xaml::Controls::IconSource>(path);