Dustin L. Howett e3ee5838a7
Move all wildcards into targets or expand them (#6406)
Wildcards are not allowed in toplevel ItemGroups in vcxproj; they must
be generated by targets.

We mostly use wildcards for pulling in PRI files that are dumped on disk
by the translation tool. We don't want to check those in, so we can't
expand references to them.

To that end, I've introduced a new target that will take a list of
folders containing resw files and expand wildcards under them.

All[1] other wildcards have been moved into their respective targets
_or_ simply expanded.

[1]: Nothing has complained about the resource wildcards in
CascadiaResources.build.items, so I haven't exploded it yet.

Fixes #6214.
2020-06-08 14:01:47 -07:00

39 lines
1.7 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project DefaultTargets="Build" ToolsVersion="16.0" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003">
<Target Name="BeforeGenerateProjectPriFile" DependsOnTargets="OpenConsoleCollectWildcardPRIFiles" />
The vcxproj system does not support wildcards at the root level of a project.
This poses a problem, as we want to include resw files that are not checked into the
repository. Since they're usually localized and stored in directories named after
their languages, we can't exactly explicitly simultaneously list them all and remain
sane. We want to use wildcards to make our lives easier.
This rule takes OCResourceDirectory items and includes all resw files that live
underneath them.
** TIRED **
(does not work because of wildcards)
<PRIResource Include="Resources/*/Resources.resw" />
** WIRED **
(keep the en-US resource in the project, because it is checked in and VS will show it)
<PRIResource Include="Resources/en-US/Resources.resw" />
<OCResourceDirectory Include="Resources" />
<Target Name="OpenConsoleCollectWildcardPRIFiles">
<CreateItem Include="@(OCResourceDirectory->'%(Identity)\**\*.resw')">
<Output TaskParameter="Include" ItemName="_OCFoundPRIFiles" />
<_OCFoundPRIFiles Include="@(PRIResource)" />
<PRIResource Remove="@(PRIResource)" />
<PRIResource Include="@(_OCFoundPRIFiles->Distinct())" />
<Message Text="$(ProjectName) (wildcard PRIs) -> @(PRIResource)" />