Mike Griese bd8bfa13bb
Fix opening the debug tap (#11445)
It's possible that we're about to be started, _before_
our paired connection is started. Both will get Start()'ed when
their owning TermControl is finally laid out. However, if we're
started first, then we'll immediately start printing to the other
control as well, which might not have initialized yet. If we do
that, we'll explode.

Instead, wait here until the other connection is started too,
before actually starting the connection to the client app. This
will ensure both controls are initialized before the client app

Fixes #11282

Tested: Opened about 100 debug taps. They all worked. :shipit:
2021-10-06 16:11:09 -05:00

145 lines
6 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "pch.h"
#include "DebugTapConnection.h"
using namespace ::winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::TerminalConnection;
using namespace ::winrt::Windows::Foundation;
namespace winrt::Microsoft::TerminalApp::implementation
// DebugInputTapConnection is an implementation detail of DebugTapConnection.
// It wraps the _actual_ connection so it can hook WriteInput and forward it
// into the actual debug panel.
class DebugInputTapConnection : public winrt::implements<DebugInputTapConnection, ITerminalConnection>
DebugInputTapConnection(winrt::com_ptr<DebugTapConnection> pairedTap, ITerminalConnection wrappedConnection) :
_pairedTap{ pairedTap },
_wrappedConnection{ std::move(wrappedConnection) }
void Initialize(const Windows::Foundation::Collections::ValueSet& /*settings*/) {}
~DebugInputTapConnection() = default;
winrt::fire_and_forget Start()
// GH#11282: It's possible that we're about to be started, _before_
// our paired connection is started. Both will get Start()'ed when
// their owning TermControl is finally laid out. However, if we're
// started first, then we'll immediately start printing to the other
// control as well, which might not have initialized yet. If we do
// that, we'll explode.
// Instead, wait here until the other connection is started too,
// before actually starting the connection to the client app. This
// will ensure both controls are initialized before the client app
// is.
co_await winrt::resume_background();
void WriteInput(hstring const& data)
void Resize(uint32_t rows, uint32_t columns) { _wrappedConnection.Resize(rows, columns); }
void Close() { _wrappedConnection.Close(); }
winrt::event_token TerminalOutput(TerminalOutputHandler const& args) { return _wrappedConnection.TerminalOutput(args); };
void TerminalOutput(winrt::event_token const& token) noexcept { _wrappedConnection.TerminalOutput(token); };
winrt::event_token StateChanged(TypedEventHandler<ITerminalConnection, IInspectable> const& handler) { return _wrappedConnection.StateChanged(handler); };
void StateChanged(winrt::event_token const& token) noexcept { _wrappedConnection.StateChanged(token); };
ConnectionState State() const noexcept { return _wrappedConnection.State(); }
winrt::com_ptr<DebugTapConnection> _pairedTap;
ITerminalConnection _wrappedConnection;
DebugTapConnection::DebugTapConnection(ITerminalConnection wrappedConnection)
_outputRevoker = wrappedConnection.TerminalOutput(winrt::auto_revoke, { this, &DebugTapConnection::_OutputHandler });
_stateChangedRevoker = wrappedConnection.StateChanged(winrt::auto_revoke, [this](auto&& /*s*/, auto&& /*e*/) {
_StateChangedHandlers(*this, nullptr);
_wrappedConnection = wrappedConnection;
void DebugTapConnection::Start()
// presume the wrapped connection is started.
// This is explained in the comment for GH#11282 above.
void DebugTapConnection::WriteInput(hstring const& data)
// If the user types into the tap side, forward it to the input side
if (auto strongInput{ _inputSide.get() })
auto inputAsTap{ winrt::get_self<DebugInputTapConnection>(strongInput) };
void DebugTapConnection::Resize(uint32_t /*rows*/, uint32_t /*columns*/)
// no resize events are propagated
void DebugTapConnection::Close()
_wrappedConnection = nullptr;
ConnectionState DebugTapConnection::State() const noexcept
if (auto strongConnection{ _wrappedConnection.get() })
return strongConnection.State();
return ConnectionState::Failed;
void DebugTapConnection::_OutputHandler(const hstring str)
// Called by the DebugInputTapConnection to print user input
void DebugTapConnection::_PrintInput(const hstring& str)
auto clean{ til::visualize_control_codes(str) };
auto formatted{ wil::str_printf<std::wstring>(L"\x1b[91m%ls\x1b[m", clean.data()) };
// Wire us up so that we can forward input through
void DebugTapConnection::SetInputTap(const Microsoft::Terminal::TerminalConnection::ITerminalConnection& inputTap)
_inputSide = inputTap;
// Function Description
// - Takes one connection and returns two connections:
// 1. One that can be used in place of the original connection (wrapped)
// 2. One that will print raw VT sequences sent into and received _from_ the original connection.
std::tuple<ITerminalConnection, ITerminalConnection> OpenDebugTapConnection(ITerminalConnection baseConnection)
using namespace winrt::Microsoft::TerminalApp::implementation;
auto debugSide{ winrt::make_self<DebugTapConnection>(baseConnection) };
auto inputSide{ winrt::make_self<DebugInputTapConnection>(debugSide, baseConnection) };
std::tuple<ITerminalConnection, ITerminalConnection> p{ *inputSide, *debugSide };
return p;