Carlos Zamora 02ac246807
Properly initialize XamlUiaTextRange with ProviderFromPeer (#11501)
## Summary of the Pull Request
As a part of the Interactivity split, `TermControlAutomationPeer` had to be split into `TermControlAutomationPeer` (TCAP) and `InteractivityAutomationPeer` (IAP). Just about all of the functions in `InterativityAutomationPeer` operate by calling the non-XAML UIA Provider then wrapping the resulting `UIATextRange` into a XAML format (a `XamlUiaTextRange` [XUTR]). As a part of that XUTR constructor, we need a reference to the parent provider.

We generally get that via `ProviderFromPeer()`, but IAP's `ProviderFromPeer()` returned null (presumably because IAP isn't in the UI tree, whereas TCAP is directly registered as the automation peer for the `TermControl`).

It looks like some screen readers didn't care (like NVDA, though there may be a chance we just didn't encounter an issue just yet), but Narrator definitely did.

The fix was to provide XUTR constructors the `ProviderFromPeer` from TCAP, _not_ IAP. To accomplish this, IAP now holds a weak reference to TCAP, and provides the `ProviderFromPeer` when needed. We can't cache this result because there is no guarantee that it won't change.

Some miscellaneous changes include:
- `TermControl::OnCreateAutomationPeer` now returns the existing auto peer instead of always creating a new one
- `TCAP::WrapArrayOfTextRangeProviders` was removed as it was unused (normally, this would be directly affected by the main `ProviderFromPeer` change here)
- `XUTR::GetEnclosingElement` is now hooked up to trace logging for debugging purposes

## References
Introduced in #10051
Closes #11488 

## Validation Steps Performed
 Narrator scan mode now works (verified with character, word, and line navigation)
 NVDA movement still works (verified with word and line navigation)
2021-10-13 23:01:43 +00:00

257 lines
10 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "pch.h"
#include "XamlUiaTextRange.h"
#include "../types/TermControlUiaTextRange.hpp"
#include <UIAutomationClient.h>
#include <UIAutomationCoreApi.h>
#include "../types/UiaTracing.h"
// the same as COR_E_NOTSUPPORTED
// we don't want to import the CLR headers to get it
#define XAML_E_NOT_SUPPORTED 0x80131515L
namespace UIA
using ::ITextRangeProvider;
using ::SupportedTextSelection;
using ::TextPatternRangeEndpoint;
using ::TextUnit;
namespace XamlAutomation
using winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::Automation::SupportedTextSelection;
using winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::Automation::Provider::IRawElementProviderSimple;
using winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::Automation::Provider::ITextRangeProvider;
using winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::Automation::Text::TextPatternRangeEndpoint;
using winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::Automation::Text::TextUnit;
namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Control::implementation
XamlAutomation::ITextRangeProvider XamlUiaTextRange::Clone() const
UIA::ITextRangeProvider* pReturn;
auto xutr = winrt::make_self<XamlUiaTextRange>(pReturn, _parentProvider);
return xutr.as<XamlAutomation::ITextRangeProvider>();
bool XamlUiaTextRange::Compare(XamlAutomation::ITextRangeProvider pRange) const
auto self = winrt::get_self<XamlUiaTextRange>(pRange);
BOOL returnVal;
THROW_IF_FAILED(_uiaProvider->Compare(self->_uiaProvider.get(), &returnVal));
return returnVal;
int32_t XamlUiaTextRange::CompareEndpoints(XamlAutomation::TextPatternRangeEndpoint endpoint,
XamlAutomation::ITextRangeProvider pTargetRange,
XamlAutomation::TextPatternRangeEndpoint targetEndpoint)
auto self = winrt::get_self<XamlUiaTextRange>(pTargetRange);
int32_t returnVal;
return returnVal;
void XamlUiaTextRange::ExpandToEnclosingUnit(XamlAutomation::TextUnit unit) const
XamlAutomation::ITextRangeProvider XamlUiaTextRange::FindAttribute(int32_t /*textAttributeId*/,
winrt::Windows::Foundation::IInspectable /*val*/,
bool /*searchBackward*/)
// TODO GitHub #2161: potential accessibility improvement
// we don't support this currently
throw winrt::hresult_not_implemented();
XamlAutomation::ITextRangeProvider XamlUiaTextRange::FindText(winrt::hstring text,
bool searchBackward,
bool ignoreCase)
UIA::ITextRangeProvider* pReturn;
const auto queryText = wil::make_bstr(text.c_str());
THROW_IF_FAILED(_uiaProvider->FindText(queryText.get(), searchBackward, ignoreCase, &pReturn));
auto xutr = winrt::make_self<XamlUiaTextRange>(pReturn, _parentProvider);
return *xutr;
winrt::Windows::Foundation::IInspectable XamlUiaTextRange::GetAttributeValue(int32_t textAttributeId) const
// Call the function off of the underlying UiaTextRange.
VARIANT result;
THROW_IF_FAILED(_uiaProvider->GetAttributeValue(textAttributeId, &result));
// Convert the resulting VARIANT into a format that is consumable by XAML.
switch (result.vt)
case VT_BSTR:
return box_value(result.bstrVal);
case VT_I4:
// Surprisingly, `long` is _not_ a WinRT type.
// So we have to use `int32_t` to make sure this is output properly.
// Otherwise, you'll get "Attribute does not exist" out the other end.
return box_value<int32_t>(result.lVal);
case VT_R8:
return box_value(result.dblVal);
case VT_BOOL:
return box_value<bool>(result.boolVal);
// This one is particularly special.
// We might return a special value like UiaGetReservedMixedAttributeValue
// or UiaGetReservedNotSupportedValue.
// Some text attributes may return a real value, however, none of those
// are supported at this time.
// So we need to figure out what was actually intended to be returned.
com_ptr<IUnknown> mixedAttributeVal;
if (result.punkVal == mixedAttributeVal.get())
return Windows::UI::Xaml::DependencyProperty::UnsetValue();
// We _need_ to return XAML_E_NOT_SUPPORTED here.
// Returning nullptr is an improper implementation of it being unsupported.
// UIA Clients rely on this HRESULT to signify that the requested attribute is undefined.
// Anything else will result in the UIA Client refusing to read when navigating by word
// Magically, this doesn't affect other forms of navigation...
void XamlUiaTextRange::GetBoundingRectangles(com_array<double>& returnValue) const
returnValue = {};
SAFEARRAY* pReturnVal;
double* pVals;
THROW_IF_FAILED(SafeArrayAccessData(pReturnVal, (void**)&pVals));
long lBound, uBound;
THROW_IF_FAILED(SafeArrayGetLBound(pReturnVal, 1, &lBound));
THROW_IF_FAILED(SafeArrayGetUBound(pReturnVal, 1, &uBound));
long count = uBound - lBound + 1;
std::vector<double> vec;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
double element = pVals[i];
winrt::com_array<double> result{ vec };
returnValue = std::move(result);
catch (...)
XamlAutomation::IRawElementProviderSimple XamlUiaTextRange::GetEnclosingElement()
return _parentProvider;
winrt::hstring XamlUiaTextRange::GetText(int32_t maxLength) const
BSTR returnVal;
THROW_IF_FAILED(_uiaProvider->GetText(maxLength, &returnVal));
return winrt::to_hstring(returnVal);
int32_t XamlUiaTextRange::Move(XamlAutomation::TextUnit unit,
int32_t count)
int returnVal;
return returnVal;
int32_t XamlUiaTextRange::MoveEndpointByUnit(XamlAutomation::TextPatternRangeEndpoint endpoint,
XamlAutomation::TextUnit unit,
int32_t count) const
int returnVal;
return returnVal;
void XamlUiaTextRange::MoveEndpointByRange(XamlAutomation::TextPatternRangeEndpoint endpoint,
XamlAutomation::ITextRangeProvider pTargetRange,
XamlAutomation::TextPatternRangeEndpoint targetEndpoint) const
auto self = winrt::get_self<XamlUiaTextRange>(pTargetRange);
/*pTargetRange*/ self->_uiaProvider.get(),
void XamlUiaTextRange::Select() const
void XamlUiaTextRange::AddToSelection() const
// we don't support this
throw winrt::hresult_not_implemented();
void XamlUiaTextRange::RemoveFromSelection() const
// we don't support this
throw winrt::hresult_not_implemented();
void XamlUiaTextRange::ScrollIntoView(bool alignToTop) const
winrt::com_array<XamlAutomation::IRawElementProviderSimple> XamlUiaTextRange::GetChildren() const
// we don't have any children
return {};