Carlos Zamora 14d068f73b
Fix crash and empty action in SUI Actions Page (#11427)
## Summary of the Pull Request
Fixes two issues related to SUI's Actions page:
1. Crash when adding an action and setting key chord to one that is already taken
   - **Cause**: the new key binding that was introduced with the "Add new" button appears in `_KeyBindingList` that we're iterating over. This has no `CurrentKeys()`, resulting in a null pointer exception.
   - **Fix**: null-check it
2. There's an action that appears as being nameless in the dropdown
   - **Cause**: The culprit seems to be `MultipleActions`. We would register it, but it wouldn't have a name, so it would appear as a nameless option.
   - **Fix**: if it has no name, don't register it. This is also future-proof in that any new nameless actions won't be automatically added.

Closes #10981
Part of #11353
2021-10-06 11:33:05 +00:00

392 lines
18 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "pch.h"
#include "Actions.h"
#include "Actions.g.cpp"
#include "KeyBindingViewModel.g.cpp"
#include "ActionsPageNavigationState.g.cpp"
#include "LibraryResources.h"
#include "../TerminalSettingsModel/AllShortcutActions.h"
using namespace winrt::Windows::Foundation;
using namespace winrt::Windows::Foundation::Collections;
using namespace winrt::Windows::System;
using namespace winrt::Windows::UI::Core;
using namespace winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml;
using namespace winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::Controls;
using namespace winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::Data;
using namespace winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::Navigation;
using namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model;
namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Editor::implementation
KeyBindingViewModel::KeyBindingViewModel(const Windows::Foundation::Collections::IObservableVector<hstring>& availableActions) :
KeyBindingViewModel(nullptr, availableActions.First().Current(), availableActions) {}
KeyBindingViewModel::KeyBindingViewModel(const Control::KeyChord& keys, const hstring& actionName, const IObservableVector<hstring>& availableActions) :
_CurrentKeys{ keys },
_KeyChordText{ KeyChordSerialization::ToString(keys) },
_CurrentAction{ actionName },
_ProposedAction{ box_value(actionName) },
_AvailableActions{ availableActions }
// Add a property changed handler to our own property changed event.
// This propagates changes from the settings model to anybody listening to our
// unique view model members.
PropertyChanged([this](auto&&, const PropertyChangedEventArgs& args) {
const auto viewModelProperty{ args.PropertyName() };
if (viewModelProperty == L"CurrentKeys")
_KeyChordText = KeyChordSerialization::ToString(_CurrentKeys);
else if (viewModelProperty == L"IsContainerFocused" ||
viewModelProperty == L"IsEditButtonFocused" ||
viewModelProperty == L"IsHovered" ||
viewModelProperty == L"IsAutomationPeerAttached" ||
viewModelProperty == L"IsInEditMode")
else if (viewModelProperty == L"CurrentAction")
hstring KeyBindingViewModel::EditButtonName() const noexcept { return RS_(L"Actions_EditButton/[using:Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls]ToolTipService/ToolTip"); }
hstring KeyBindingViewModel::CancelButtonName() const noexcept { return RS_(L"Actions_CancelButton/[using:Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls]ToolTipService/ToolTip"); }
hstring KeyBindingViewModel::AcceptButtonName() const noexcept { return RS_(L"Actions_AcceptButton/[using:Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls]ToolTipService/ToolTip"); }
hstring KeyBindingViewModel::DeleteButtonName() const noexcept { return RS_(L"Actions_DeleteButton/[using:Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls]ToolTipService/ToolTip"); }
bool KeyBindingViewModel::ShowEditButton() const noexcept
return (IsContainerFocused() || IsEditButtonFocused() || IsHovered() || IsAutomationPeerAttached()) && !IsInEditMode();
void KeyBindingViewModel::ToggleEditMode()
// toggle edit mode
if (_IsInEditMode)
// if we're in edit mode,
// - pre-populate the text box with the current keys
// - reset the combo box with the current action
void KeyBindingViewModel::AttemptAcceptChanges()
void KeyBindingViewModel::AttemptAcceptChanges(const Control::KeyChord newKeys)
const auto args{ make_self<ModifyKeyBindingEventArgs>(_CurrentKeys, // OldKeys
newKeys, // NewKeys
_IsNewlyAdded ? hstring{} : _CurrentAction, // OldAction
unbox_value<hstring>(_ProposedAction)) }; // NewAction
_ModifyKeyBindingRequestedHandlers(*this, *args);
void KeyBindingViewModel::CancelChanges()
if (_IsNewlyAdded)
_DeleteNewlyAddedKeyBindingHandlers(*this, nullptr);
Automation::AutomationProperties::SetName(AddNewButton(), RS_(L"Actions_AddNewTextBlock/Text"));
Automation::Peers::AutomationPeer Actions::OnCreateAutomationPeer()
_AutomationPeerAttached = true;
for (const auto& kbdVM : _KeyBindingList)
// To create a more accessible experience, we want the "edit" buttons to _always_
// appear when a screen reader is attached. This ensures that the edit buttons are
// accessible via the UIA tree.
return nullptr;
void Actions::OnNavigatedTo(const NavigationEventArgs& e)
_State = e.Parameter().as<Editor::ActionsPageNavigationState>();
// Populate AvailableActionAndArgs
_AvailableActionMap = single_threaded_map<hstring, Model::ActionAndArgs>();
std::vector<hstring> availableActionAndArgs;
for (const auto& [name, actionAndArgs] : _State.Settings().ActionMap().AvailableActions())
_AvailableActionMap.Insert(name, actionAndArgs);
std::sort(begin(availableActionAndArgs), end(availableActionAndArgs));
_AvailableActionAndArgs = single_threaded_observable_vector(std::move(availableActionAndArgs));
// Convert the key bindings from our settings into a view model representation
const auto& keyBindingMap{ _State.Settings().ActionMap().KeyBindings() };
std::vector<Editor::KeyBindingViewModel> keyBindingList;
for (const auto& [keys, cmd] : keyBindingMap)
// convert the cmd into a KeyBindingViewModel
auto container{ make_self<KeyBindingViewModel>(keys, cmd.Name(), _AvailableActionAndArgs) };
std::sort(begin(keyBindingList), end(keyBindingList), KeyBindingViewModelComparator{});
_KeyBindingList = single_threaded_observable_vector(std::move(keyBindingList));
void Actions::AddNew_Click(const IInspectable& /*sender*/, const RoutedEventArgs& /*eventArgs*/)
// Create the new key binding and register all of the event handlers.
auto kbdVM{ make_self<KeyBindingViewModel>(_AvailableActionAndArgs) };
kbdVM->DeleteNewlyAddedKeyBinding({ this, &Actions::_ViewModelDeleteNewlyAddedKeyBindingHandler });
// Manually add the editing background. This needs to be done in Actions not the view model.
// We also have to do this manually because it hasn't been added to the list yet.
const auto& containerBackground{ Resources().Lookup(box_value(L"ActionContainerBackgroundEditing")).as<Windows::UI::Xaml::Media::Brush>() };
// IMPORTANT: do this _after_ setting IsInEditMode. Otherwise, it'll get deleted immediately
// by the PropertyChangedHandler below (where we delete any IsNewlyAdded items)
_KeyBindingList.InsertAt(0, *kbdVM);
void Actions::_ViewModelPropertyChangedHandler(const IInspectable& sender, const Windows::UI::Xaml::Data::PropertyChangedEventArgs& args)
const auto senderVM{ sender.as<Editor::KeyBindingViewModel>() };
const auto propertyName{ args.PropertyName() };
if (propertyName == L"IsInEditMode")
if (senderVM.IsInEditMode())
// Ensure that...
// 1. we move focus to the edit mode controls
// 2. any actions that were newly added are removed
// 3. this is the only entry that is in edit mode
for (int32_t i = _KeyBindingList.Size() - 1; i >= 0; --i)
const auto& kbdVM{ _KeyBindingList.GetAt(i) };
if (senderVM == kbdVM)
// This is the view model entry that went into edit mode.
// Move focus to the edit mode controls by
// extracting the list view item container.
const auto& container{ KeyBindingsListView().ContainerFromIndex(i).try_as<ListViewItem>() };
else if (kbdVM.IsNewlyAdded())
// Remove any actions that were newly added
// Exit edit mode for all other containers
const auto& containerBackground{ Resources().Lookup(box_value(L"ActionContainerBackgroundEditing")).as<Windows::UI::Xaml::Media::Brush>() };
// Focus on the list view item
const auto& containerBackground{ Resources().Lookup(box_value(L"ActionContainerBackground")).as<Windows::UI::Xaml::Media::Brush>() };
void Actions::_ViewModelDeleteKeyBindingHandler(const Editor::KeyBindingViewModel& senderVM, const Control::KeyChord& keys)
// Update the settings model
// Find the current container in our list and remove it.
// This is much faster than rebuilding the entire ActionMap.
uint32_t index;
if (_KeyBindingList.IndexOf(senderVM, index))
// Focus the new item at this index
if (_KeyBindingList.Size() != 0)
const auto newFocusedIndex{ std::clamp(index, 0u, _KeyBindingList.Size() - 1) };
void Actions::_ViewModelModifyKeyBindingHandler(const Editor::KeyBindingViewModel& senderVM, const Editor::ModifyKeyBindingEventArgs& args)
const auto isNewAction{ !args.OldKeys() && args.OldActionName().empty() };
auto applyChangesToSettingsModel = [=]() {
// If the key chord was changed,
// update the settings model and view model appropriately
// NOTE: we still need to update the view model if we're working with a newly added action
if (isNewAction || args.OldKeys().Modifiers() != args.NewKeys().Modifiers() || args.OldKeys().Vkey() != args.NewKeys().Vkey())
if (!isNewAction)
// update settings model
_State.Settings().ActionMap().RebindKeys(args.OldKeys(), args.NewKeys());
// update view model
auto senderVMImpl{ get_self<KeyBindingViewModel>(senderVM) };
// If the action was changed,
// update the settings model and view model appropriately
// NOTE: no need to check for "isNewAction" here. <empty_string> != <action name> already.
if (args.OldActionName() != args.NewActionName())
// convert the action's name into a view model.
const auto& newAction{ _AvailableActionMap.Lookup(args.NewActionName()) };
// update settings model
_State.Settings().ActionMap().RegisterKeyBinding(args.NewKeys(), newAction);
// update view model
auto senderVMImpl{ get_self<KeyBindingViewModel>(senderVM) };
// Check for this special case:
// we're changing the key chord,
// but the new key chord is already in use
if (isNewAction || args.OldKeys().Modifiers() != args.NewKeys().Modifiers() || args.OldKeys().Vkey() != args.NewKeys().Vkey())
const auto& conflictingCmd{ _State.Settings().ActionMap().GetActionByKeyChord(args.NewKeys()) };
if (conflictingCmd)
// We're about to overwrite another key chord.
// Display a confirmation dialog.
TextBlock errorMessageTB{};
const auto conflictingCmdName{ conflictingCmd.Name() };
TextBlock conflictingCommandNameTB{};
conflictingCommandNameTB.Text(fmt::format(L"\"{}\"", conflictingCmdName.empty() ? RS_(L"Actions_UnnamedCommandName") : conflictingCmdName));
TextBlock confirmationQuestionTB{};
Button acceptBTN{};
acceptBTN.Click([=](auto&, auto&) {
// remove conflicting key binding from list view
const auto containerIndex{ _GetContainerIndexByKeyChord(args.NewKeys()) };
// remove flyout
// update settings model and view model
StackPanel flyoutStack{};
Flyout acceptChangesFlyout{};
// update settings model and view model
// We NEED to toggle the edit mode here,
// so that if nothing changed, we still exit
// edit mode.
void Actions::_ViewModelDeleteNewlyAddedKeyBindingHandler(const Editor::KeyBindingViewModel& senderVM, const IInspectable& /*args*/)
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < _KeyBindingList.Size(); ++i)
const auto& kbdVM{ _KeyBindingList.GetAt(i) };
if (kbdVM == senderVM)
// Method Description:
// - performs a search on KeyBindingList by key chord.
// Arguments:
// - keys - the associated key chord of the command we're looking for
// Return Value:
// - the index of the view model referencing the command. If the command doesn't exist, nullopt
std::optional<uint32_t> Actions::_GetContainerIndexByKeyChord(const Control::KeyChord& keys)
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < _KeyBindingList.Size(); ++i)
const auto kbdVM{ get_self<KeyBindingViewModel>(_KeyBindingList.GetAt(i)) };
const auto& otherKeys{ kbdVM->CurrentKeys() };
if (otherKeys && keys.Modifiers() == otherKeys.Modifiers() && keys.Vkey() == otherKeys.Vkey())
return i;
// TODO GH #6900:
// an expedited search can be done if we use cmd.Name()
// to quickly search through the sorted list.
return std::nullopt;
void Actions::_RegisterEvents(com_ptr<KeyBindingViewModel>& kbdVM)
kbdVM->PropertyChanged({ this, &Actions::_ViewModelPropertyChangedHandler });
kbdVM->DeleteKeyBindingRequested({ this, &Actions::_ViewModelDeleteKeyBindingHandler });
kbdVM->ModifyKeyBindingRequested({ this, &Actions::_ViewModelModifyKeyBindingHandler });