Michael Niksa e694f36ad2
Summon this window when it receives an inbound connection (#10217)
Summon the listening window when it receives an inbound connection

## PR Checklist
* [x] Closes #9460
* [x] I work here.
* [x] Manual test.

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments
- We cannot just send our window to foreground by simply calling user32 on the window handle. But fortunately, the remoting behavior already has a summon window function with a workaround for the Quake functionality.
- This bubbles up an event from the TerminalApp's Page to the WindowsTerminal's Apphost so it can call the same window summoning behavior in IslandWindow as is triggered when the Monarch dictates this out of the Microsoft.Terminal.Remoting project.

## Validation Steps Performed
- Opened the Terminal with it registered as DefTerm. Activated some other windows to the foreground. Start > Run > Cmd. Tab connects and opens in existing Terminal and it is brought to foreground.
- With no running Terminal and registered as DefTerm, do Start > Run > Cmd. New Terminal is spawned and it is brought to foreground
2021-05-27 17:14:12 +00:00

98 lines
4 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
import "TerminalPage.idl";
import "ShortcutActionDispatch.idl";
import "IDirectKeyListener.idl";
namespace TerminalApp
struct InitialPosition
Int64 X;
Int64 Y;
[default_interface] runtimeclass FindTargetWindowResult
Int32 WindowId { get; };
String WindowName { get; };
[default_interface] runtimeclass AppLogic : IDirectKeyListener, IDialogPresenter
// For your own sanity, it's better to do setup outside the ctor.
// If you do any setup in the ctor that ends up throwing an exception,
// then it might look like TermApp just failed to activate, which will
// cause you to chase down the rabbit hole of "why is TermApp not
// registered?" when it definitely is.
void Create();
Boolean IsUwp();
void RunAsUwp();
Boolean IsElevated();
Int32 SetStartupCommandline(String[] commands);
Int32 ExecuteCommandline(String[] commands, String cwd);
String ParseCommandlineMessage { get; };
Boolean ShouldExitEarly { get; };
void LoadSettings();
Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement GetRoot();
void SetInboundListener();
String Title { get; };
Boolean FocusMode { get; };
Boolean Fullscreen { get; };
Boolean AlwaysOnTop { get; };
void IdentifyWindow();
String WindowName;
UInt64 WindowId;
void RenameFailed();
Boolean IsQuakeWindow();
Windows.Foundation.Size GetLaunchDimensions(UInt32 dpi);
Boolean CenterOnLaunch { get; };
InitialPosition GetInitialPosition(Int64 defaultInitialX, Int64 defaultInitialY);
Windows.UI.Xaml.ElementTheme GetRequestedTheme();
Microsoft.Terminal.Settings.Model.LaunchMode GetLaunchMode();
Boolean GetShowTabsInTitlebar();
Boolean GetInitialAlwaysOnTop();
Single CalcSnappedDimension(Boolean widthOrHeight, Single dimension);
void TitlebarClicked();
void WindowCloseButtonClicked();
UInt64 GetLastActiveControlTaskbarState();
UInt64 GetLastActiveControlTaskbarProgress();
FindTargetWindowResult FindTargetWindow(String[] args);
Windows.Foundation.Collections.IMapView<Microsoft.Terminal.Control.KeyChord, Microsoft.Terminal.Settings.Model.Command> GlobalHotkeys();
// See IDialogPresenter and TerminalPage's DialogPresenter for more
// information.
Windows.Foundation.IAsyncOperation<Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.ContentDialogResult> ShowDialog(Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.ContentDialog dialog);
event Windows.Foundation.TypedEventHandler<Object, Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement> SetTitleBarContent;
event Windows.Foundation.TypedEventHandler<Object, String> TitleChanged;
event Windows.Foundation.TypedEventHandler<Object, LastTabClosedEventArgs> LastTabClosed;
event Windows.Foundation.TypedEventHandler<Object, Windows.UI.Xaml.ElementTheme> RequestedThemeChanged;
event Windows.Foundation.TypedEventHandler<Object, Object> FocusModeChanged;
event Windows.Foundation.TypedEventHandler<Object, Object> FullscreenChanged;
event Windows.Foundation.TypedEventHandler<Object, Object> AlwaysOnTopChanged;
event Windows.Foundation.TypedEventHandler<Object, Object> RaiseVisualBell;
event Windows.Foundation.TypedEventHandler<Object, Object> SetTaskbarProgress;
event Windows.Foundation.TypedEventHandler<Object, Object> IdentifyWindowsRequested;
event Windows.Foundation.TypedEventHandler<Object, RenameWindowRequestedArgs> RenameWindowRequested;
event Windows.Foundation.TypedEventHandler<Object, Object> SettingsChanged;
event Windows.Foundation.TypedEventHandler<Object, Object> IsQuakeWindowChanged;
event Windows.Foundation.TypedEventHandler<Object, Object> SummonWindowRequested;