2021-09-10 02:20:56 +02:00

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Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
- colorTable.hpp
- Helper for color tables
#pragma once
namespace Microsoft::Console::Utils
void InitializeCampbellColorTable(const gsl::span<COLORREF> table);
void InitializeCampbellColorTable(const gsl::span<til::color> table);
void InitializeCampbellColorTableForConhost(const gsl::span<COLORREF> table);
void SwapANSIColorOrderForConhost(const gsl::span<COLORREF> table);
void Initialize256ColorTable(const gsl::span<COLORREF> table);
const std::array<til::color, 16>& CampbellColorTable();
std::optional<til::color> ColorFromXOrgAppColorName(const std::wstring_view wstr) noexcept;
// Function Description:
// - Fill the alpha byte of the colors in a given color table with the given value.
// Arguments:
// - table: a color table
// - newAlpha: the new value to use as the alpha for all the entries in that table.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
constexpr void SetColorTableAlpha(const gsl::span<COLORREF> table, const BYTE newAlpha) noexcept
const auto shiftedAlpha = newAlpha << 24;
for (auto& color : table)
WI_UpdateFlagsInMask(color, 0xff000000, shiftedAlpha);