Mike Griese 65b22b9abb
Add desktop param to globalSummon; set _quake = toCurrent (#9954)
This adds support for the `desktop` param to the `globalSummon` action. It accepts 3 values:
* `toCurrent` (default): The window moves to the current desktop when it's summoned
* `any`: We don't care what desktop the window is on. We'll go to the desktop the window is on when we summon it.
* `onCurrent`: We'll only try to summon the MRU window on this desktop when summoning a window. 
  * When combined with `name`, if there's a window matching `name`, we'll move it to this desktop. 
  * If there's not a window on this desktop, and `name` is omitted, then we'll make a new window.

`quakeMode` was also updated to use `toCurrent` behavior by default.

## References
* Original thread: #653
* Spec: #9274 
* megathread: #8888

## PR Checklist
* [x] Checks some boxes in #8888
* [x] closes https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/projects/5#card-59030845
* [x] I work here
* [x] Tests added 
* [n/a] Requires documentation to be updated

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments

S/O to https://github.com/microsoft/PowerToys, who graciously let us use `VirtualDesktopUtils` for figuring out what desktop is the current desktop. Yea, that's all we needed that entire file for. No, there isn't an API for this (_surprised-pikachu.png_)

## Validation Steps Performed

Played with this for a while, and it's amazing.
2021-04-28 17:25:48 -05:00

44 lines
1.4 KiB

Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
Licensed under the MIT license.
Class Name:
- SummonWindowSelectionArgs.h
- This is a helper class for determining which window a should be summoned when
a global hotkey is pressed. Parameters from a GlobalSummon action will be
filled in here. The Monarch will use these to find the window that matches
these args, and Summon() that Peasant.
- When the monarch finds a match, it will set FoundMatch to true. If it doesn't,
then the Monarch window might need to create a new window matching these args
#pragma once
#include "SummonWindowSelectionArgs.g.h"
#include "../cascadia/inc/cppwinrt_utils.h"
namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Remoting::implementation
struct SummonWindowSelectionArgs : public SummonWindowSelectionArgsT<SummonWindowSelectionArgs>
SummonWindowSelectionArgs() = default;
SummonWindowSelectionArgs(winrt::hstring name) :
_WindowName{ name } {};
WINRT_PROPERTY(winrt::hstring, WindowName);
WINRT_PROPERTY(bool, FoundMatch, false);
WINRT_PROPERTY(bool, OnCurrentDesktop, false);
WINRT_PROPERTY(SummonWindowBehavior, SummonBehavior);
namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Remoting::factory_implementation