Mim van den Bos ef8ba20bee
Include profile nav menu items to consider for retaining position (#10618)
## Summary of the Pull Request

When discarding or saving settings, the current navigation should be retained.

## References

Issue introduced by #10390

## PR Checklist

* [x] Closes #10617 
* [x] CLA signed. If not, go over [here](https://cla.opensource.microsoft.com/microsoft/Terminal) and sign the CLA
* [ ] Tests added/passed
* [ ] Documentation updated. If checked, please file a pull request on [our docs repo](https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/terminal) and link it here: #xxx
* [ ] Schema updated.
* [ ] I've discussed this with core contributors already. If not checked, I'm ready to accept this work might be rejected in favor of a different grand plan. Issue number where discussion took place: #xxx

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments

`menuItemsSTL` is filled with all _non_ profile navItems, then `menuItemsSTL` fills `menuItems`, then the profile navItems are added to `menuItems`. So to include the profile nav items in the iteration, `menuItems` needs to be used

## Validation Steps Performed

Spam discard and save buttons
2021-07-12 20:44:39 +02:00

490 lines
21 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "pch.h"
#include "MainPage.h"
#include "MainPage.g.cpp"
#include "Launch.h"
#include "Interaction.h"
#include "Rendering.h"
#include "Actions.h"
#include "ReadOnlyActions.h"
#include "Profiles.h"
#include "GlobalAppearance.h"
#include "ColorSchemes.h"
#include "AddProfile.h"
#include "..\types\inc\utils.hpp"
#include <LibraryResources.h>
namespace winrt
namespace MUX = Microsoft::UI::Xaml;
namespace WUX = Windows::UI::Xaml;
using namespace winrt::Windows::Foundation;
using namespace winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml;
using namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model;
using namespace winrt::Windows::UI::Core;
using namespace winrt::Windows::System;
using namespace winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::Controls;
static const std::wstring_view launchTag{ L"Launch_Nav" };
static const std::wstring_view interactionTag{ L"Interaction_Nav" };
static const std::wstring_view renderingTag{ L"Rendering_Nav" };
static const std::wstring_view actionsTag{ L"Actions_Nav" };
static const std::wstring_view globalProfileTag{ L"GlobalProfile_Nav" };
static const std::wstring_view addProfileTag{ L"AddProfile" };
static const std::wstring_view colorSchemesTag{ L"ColorSchemes_Nav" };
static const std::wstring_view globalAppearanceTag{ L"GlobalAppearance_Nav" };
namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Editor::implementation
static Editor::ProfileViewModel _viewModelForProfile(const Model::Profile& profile, const Model::CascadiaSettings& appSettings)
return winrt::make<implementation::ProfileViewModel>(profile, appSettings);
MainPage::MainPage(const CascadiaSettings& settings) :
_settingsSource{ settings },
_settingsClone{ settings.Copy() }
_colorSchemesNavState = winrt::make<ColorSchemesPageNavigationState>(_settingsClone);
Automation::AutomationProperties::SetHelpText(SaveButton(), RS_(L"Settings_SaveSettingsButton/[using:Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls]ToolTipService/ToolTip"));
Automation::AutomationProperties::SetHelpText(ResetButton(), RS_(L"Settings_ResetSettingsButton/[using:Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls]ToolTipService/ToolTip"));
Automation::AutomationProperties::SetHelpText(OpenJsonNavItem(), RS_(L"Nav_OpenJSON/[using:Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls]ToolTipService/ToolTip"));
// Method Description:
// - Update the Settings UI with a new CascadiaSettings to bind to
// Arguments:
// - settings - the new settings source
// Return value:
// - <none>
void MainPage::UpdateSettings(const Model::CascadiaSettings& settings)
_settingsSource = settings;
_settingsClone = settings.Copy();
// Deduce information about the currently selected item
IInspectable selectedItemTag;
auto menuItems{ SettingsNav().MenuItems() };
if (const auto& selectedItem{ SettingsNav().SelectedItem() })
if (const auto& navViewItem{ selectedItem.try_as<MUX::Controls::NavigationViewItem>() })
selectedItemTag = navViewItem.Tag();
// We'll remove a bunch of items and iterate over it twice.
// --> Copy it into an STL vector to simplify our code and reduce COM overhead.
std::vector<IInspectable> menuItemsSTL(menuItems.Size(), nullptr);
menuItems.GetMany(0, menuItemsSTL);
// We want to refresh the list of profiles in the NavigationView.
// In order to add profiles we can use _InitializeProfilesList();
// But before we can do that we have to remove existing profiles first of course.
// This "erase-remove" idiom will achieve just that.
[](const auto& item) -> bool {
if (const auto& navViewItem{ item.try_as<MUX::Controls::NavigationViewItem>() })
if (const auto& tag{ navViewItem.Tag() })
if (tag.try_as<Editor::ProfileViewModel>())
// remove NavViewItem pointing to a Profile
return true;
if (const auto& stringTag{ tag.try_as<hstring>() })
if (stringTag == addProfileTag)
// remove the "Add Profile" item
return true;
return false;
// Repopulate profile-related menu items
// Update the Nav State with the new version of the settings
// We'll update the profile in the _profilesNavState whenever we actually navigate to one
// now that the menuItems are repopulated,
// refresh the current page using the SelectedItem data we collected before the refresh
if (selectedItemTag)
for (const auto& item : menuItems)
if (const auto& menuItem{ item.try_as<MUX::Controls::NavigationViewItem>() })
if (const auto& tag{ menuItem.Tag() })
if (const auto& stringTag{ tag.try_as<hstring>() })
if (const auto& selectedItemStringTag{ selectedItemTag.try_as<hstring>() })
if (stringTag == selectedItemStringTag)
// found the one that was selected before the refresh
else if (const auto& profileTag{ tag.try_as<ProfileViewModel>() })
if (const auto& selectedItemProfileTag{ selectedItemTag.try_as<ProfileViewModel>() })
if (profileTag->OriginalProfileGuid() == selectedItemProfileTag->OriginalProfileGuid())
// found the one that was selected before the refresh
// Couldn't find the selected item, fallback to first menu item
// This happens when the selected item was a profile which doesn't exist in the new configuration
// We can use menuItemsSTL here because the only things they miss are profile entries.
const auto& firstItem{ menuItemsSTL.at(0).as<MUX::Controls::NavigationViewItem>() };
void MainPage::SetHostingWindow(uint64_t hostingWindow) noexcept
bool MainPage::TryPropagateHostingWindow(IInspectable object) noexcept
if (_hostingHwnd)
if (auto initializeWithWindow{ object.try_as<IInitializeWithWindow>() })
return SUCCEEDED(initializeWithWindow->Initialize(*_hostingHwnd));
return false;
// Method Description:
// - Creates a new profile and navigates to it in the Settings UI
// Arguments:
// - profileGuid: the guid of the profile we want to duplicate,
// can be empty to indicate that we should create a fresh profile
void MainPage::_AddProfileHandler(winrt::guid profileGuid)
uint32_t insertIndex;
auto selectedItem{ SettingsNav().SelectedItem() };
auto menuItems{ SettingsNav().MenuItems() };
menuItems.IndexOf(selectedItem, insertIndex);
if (profileGuid != winrt::guid{})
// if we were given a non-empty guid, we want to duplicate the corresponding profile
const auto profile = _settingsClone.FindProfile(profileGuid);
if (profile)
const auto duplicated = _settingsClone.DuplicateProfile(profile);
_CreateAndNavigateToNewProfile(insertIndex, duplicated);
// we were given an empty guid, create a new profile
_CreateAndNavigateToNewProfile(insertIndex, nullptr);
uint64_t MainPage::GetHostingWindow() const noexcept
return reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(_hostingHwnd.value_or(nullptr));
// Function Description:
// - Called when the NavigationView is loaded. Navigates to the first item in the NavigationView, if no item is selected
// Arguments:
// - <unused>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void MainPage::SettingsNav_Loaded(IInspectable const&, RoutedEventArgs const&)
if (SettingsNav().SelectedItem() == nullptr)
const auto initialItem = SettingsNav().MenuItems().GetAt(0);
// Manually navigate because setting the selected item programmatically doesn't trigger ItemInvoked.
if (const auto tag = initialItem.as<MUX::Controls::NavigationViewItem>().Tag())
// Function Description:
// - Called when NavigationView items are invoked. Navigates to the corresponding page.
// Arguments:
// - args - additional event info from invoking the NavViewItem
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void MainPage::SettingsNav_ItemInvoked(MUX::Controls::NavigationView const&, MUX::Controls::NavigationViewItemInvokedEventArgs const& args)
if (const auto clickedItemContainer = args.InvokedItemContainer())
if (clickedItemContainer.IsSelected())
// Clicked on the selected item.
// Don't navigate to the same page again.
if (const auto navString = clickedItemContainer.Tag().try_as<hstring>())
else if (const auto profile = clickedItemContainer.Tag().try_as<Editor::ProfileViewModel>())
// Navigate to a page with the given profile
void MainPage::_Navigate(hstring clickedItemTag)
if (clickedItemTag == launchTag)
contentFrame().Navigate(xaml_typename<Editor::Launch>(), winrt::make<LaunchPageNavigationState>(_settingsClone));
else if (clickedItemTag == interactionTag)
contentFrame().Navigate(xaml_typename<Editor::Interaction>(), winrt::make<InteractionPageNavigationState>(_settingsClone.GlobalSettings()));
else if (clickedItemTag == renderingTag)
contentFrame().Navigate(xaml_typename<Editor::Rendering>(), winrt::make<RenderingPageNavigationState>(_settingsClone.GlobalSettings()));
else if (clickedItemTag == actionsTag)
if constexpr (Feature_EditableActionsPage::IsEnabled())
contentFrame().Navigate(xaml_typename<Editor::Actions>(), winrt::make<ActionsPageNavigationState>(_settingsClone));
auto actionsState{ winrt::make<ReadOnlyActionsPageNavigationState>(_settingsClone) };
actionsState.OpenJson([weakThis = get_weak()](auto&&, auto&& arg) {
if (auto self{ weakThis.get() })
self->_OpenJsonHandlers(nullptr, arg);
contentFrame().Navigate(xaml_typename<Editor::ReadOnlyActions>(), actionsState);
else if (clickedItemTag == globalProfileTag)
auto profileVM{ _viewModelForProfile(_settingsClone.ProfileDefaults(), _settingsClone) };
_lastProfilesNavState = winrt::make<ProfilePageNavigationState>(profileVM,
contentFrame().Navigate(xaml_typename<Editor::Profiles>(), _lastProfilesNavState);
else if (clickedItemTag == colorSchemesTag)
contentFrame().Navigate(xaml_typename<Editor::ColorSchemes>(), _colorSchemesNavState);
else if (clickedItemTag == globalAppearanceTag)
contentFrame().Navigate(xaml_typename<Editor::GlobalAppearance>(), winrt::make<GlobalAppearancePageNavigationState>(_settingsClone.GlobalSettings()));
else if (clickedItemTag == addProfileTag)
auto addProfileState{ winrt::make<AddProfilePageNavigationState>(_settingsClone) };
addProfileState.AddNew({ get_weak(), &MainPage::_AddProfileHandler });
contentFrame().Navigate(xaml_typename<Editor::AddProfile>(), addProfileState);
// Method Description:
// - updates the content frame to present a view of the profile page
// - NOTE: this does not update the selected item.
// Arguments:
// - profile - the profile object we are getting a view of
void MainPage::_Navigate(const Editor::ProfileViewModel& profile)
_lastProfilesNavState = winrt::make<ProfilePageNavigationState>(profile,
// Add an event handler for when the user wants to delete a profile.
_lastProfilesNavState.DeleteProfile({ this, &MainPage::_DeleteProfile });
contentFrame().Navigate(xaml_typename<Editor::Profiles>(), _lastProfilesNavState);
void MainPage::OpenJsonTapped(IInspectable const& /*sender*/, Windows::UI::Xaml::Input::TappedRoutedEventArgs const& /*args*/)
const CoreWindow window = CoreWindow::GetForCurrentThread();
const auto rAltState = window.GetKeyState(VirtualKey::RightMenu);
const auto lAltState = window.GetKeyState(VirtualKey::LeftMenu);
const bool altPressed = WI_IsFlagSet(lAltState, CoreVirtualKeyStates::Down) ||
WI_IsFlagSet(rAltState, CoreVirtualKeyStates::Down);
const auto target = altPressed ? SettingsTarget::DefaultsFile : SettingsTarget::SettingsFile;
_OpenJsonHandlers(nullptr, target);
void MainPage::OpenJsonKeyDown(IInspectable const& /*sender*/, Windows::UI::Xaml::Input::KeyRoutedEventArgs const& args)
if (args.Key() == VirtualKey::Enter || args.Key() == VirtualKey::Space)
const auto target = args.KeyStatus().IsMenuKeyDown ? SettingsTarget::DefaultsFile : SettingsTarget::SettingsFile;
_OpenJsonHandlers(nullptr, target);
void MainPage::SaveButton_Click(IInspectable const& /*sender*/, RoutedEventArgs const& /*args*/)
void MainPage::ResetButton_Click(IInspectable const& /*sender*/, RoutedEventArgs const& /*args*/)
void MainPage::_InitializeProfilesList()
// Manually create a NavigationViewItem for each profile
// and keep a reference to them in a map so that we
// can easily modify the correct one when the associated
// profile changes.
for (const auto& profile : _settingsClone.AllProfiles())
auto navItem = _CreateProfileNavViewItem(_viewModelForProfile(profile, _settingsClone));
// Top off (the end of the nav view) with the Add Profile item
MUX::Controls::NavigationViewItem addProfileItem;
FontIcon icon;
// This is the "Add" symbol
void MainPage::_CreateAndNavigateToNewProfile(const uint32_t index, const Model::Profile& profile)
const auto newProfile{ profile ? profile : _settingsClone.CreateNewProfile() };
const auto profileViewModel{ _viewModelForProfile(newProfile, _settingsClone) };
const auto navItem{ _CreateProfileNavViewItem(profileViewModel) };
SettingsNav().MenuItems().InsertAt(index, navItem);
// Select and navigate to the new profile
MUX::Controls::NavigationViewItem MainPage::_CreateProfileNavViewItem(const Editor::ProfileViewModel& profile)
MUX::Controls::NavigationViewItem profileNavItem;
const auto iconSource{ IconPathConverter::IconSourceWUX(profile.Icon()) };
WUX::Controls::IconSourceElement icon;
// Update the menu item when the icon/name changes
auto weakMenuItem{ make_weak(profileNavItem) };
profile.PropertyChanged([weakMenuItem](const auto&, const WUX::Data::PropertyChangedEventArgs& args) {
if (auto menuItem{ weakMenuItem.get() })
const auto& tag{ menuItem.Tag().as<Editor::ProfileViewModel>() };
if (args.PropertyName() == L"Icon")
const auto iconSource{ IconPathConverter::IconSourceWUX(tag.Icon()) };
WUX::Controls::IconSourceElement icon;
else if (args.PropertyName() == L"Name")
return profileNavItem;
void MainPage::_DeleteProfile(const IInspectable /*sender*/, const Editor::DeleteProfileEventArgs& args)
// Delete profile from settings model
const auto guid{ args.ProfileGuid() };
auto profileList{ _settingsClone.AllProfiles() };
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < profileList.Size(); ++i)
if (profileList.GetAt(i).Guid() == guid)
// remove selected item
uint32_t index;
auto selectedItem{ SettingsNav().SelectedItem() };
auto menuItems{ SettingsNav().MenuItems() };
menuItems.IndexOf(selectedItem, index);
// navigate to the profile next to this one
const auto newSelectedItem{ menuItems.GetAt(index < menuItems.Size() - 1 ? index : index - 1) };
bool MainPage::ShowBaseLayerMenuItem() const noexcept
return Feature_ShowProfileDefaultsInSettings::IsEnabled();