mcpiroman d4c527607a Snap to character grid when resizing window (#3181)
When user resizes window, snap the size to align with the character grid
(like e.g. putty, mintty and most unix terminals). Properly resolves
arbitrary pane configuration (even with different font sizes and
padding) trying to align each pane as close as possible.

It also fixes terminal minimum size enforcement which was not quite well
handled, especially with multiple panes.

This PR does not however try to keep the terminals aligned at other user
actions (e.g. font change or pane split). That is to be tracked by some
other activity.

Snapping is resolved in the pane tree, recursively, so it (hopefully)
works for any possible layout.

Along the way I had to clean up some things as so to make the resulting
code not so cumbersome:
1. Pane.cpp: Replaced _firstPercent and _secondPercent with single
   _desiredSplitPosition to reduce invariants - these had to be kept in
   sync so their sum always gives 1 (and were not really a percent). The
   desired part refers to fact that since panes are aligned, there is
   usually some deviation from that ratio.
2. Pane.cpp: Fixed _GetMinSize() - it was improperly accounting for
   split direction
3. TerminalControl: Made dedicated member for padding instead of
   reading it from a control itself. This is because the winrt property
   functions turned out to be slow and this algorithm needs to access it
   many times. I also cached scrollbar width for the same reason.
4. AppHost: Moved window to client size resolution to virtual method,
   where IslandWindow and NonClientIslandWindow have their own
   implementations (as opposite to pointer casting).

One problem with current implementation is I had to make a long call
chain from the window that requests snapping to the (root) pane that
implements it: IslandWindow -> AppHost's callback -> App ->
TerminalPage -> Tab -> Pane. I don't know if this can be done better.

## Validation Steps Performed
Spam split pane buttons, randomly change font sizes with ctrl+mouse
wheel and drag the window back and forth.

Closes #2834
Closes #2277
2020-01-08 13:19:23 -08:00

62 lines
2.5 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
namespace Microsoft.Terminal.TerminalControl
delegate void TitleChangedEventArgs(String newTitle);
delegate void FontSizeChangedEventArgs(Int32 width, Int32 height, Boolean isInitialChange);
delegate void ScrollPositionChangedEventArgs(Int32 viewTop, Int32 viewHeight, Int32 bufferLength);
runtimeclass CopyToClipboardEventArgs
String Text { get; };
String Html { get; };
String Rtf { get; };
runtimeclass PasteFromClipboardEventArgs
void HandleClipboardData(String data);
[default_interface] runtimeclass TermControl : Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.UserControl
TermControl(Microsoft.Terminal.Settings.IControlSettings settings, Microsoft.Terminal.TerminalConnection.ITerminalConnection connection);
static Windows.Foundation.Point GetProposedDimensions(Microsoft.Terminal.Settings.IControlSettings settings, UInt32 dpi);
void UpdateSettings(Microsoft.Terminal.Settings.IControlSettings newSettings);
event TitleChangedEventArgs TitleChanged;
event FontSizeChangedEventArgs FontSizeChanged;
event Windows.Foundation.TypedEventHandler<TermControl, CopyToClipboardEventArgs> CopyToClipboard;
event Windows.Foundation.TypedEventHandler<TermControl, PasteFromClipboardEventArgs> PasteFromClipboard;
// This is an event handler forwarder for the underlying connection.
// We expose this and ConnectionState here so that it might eventually be data bound.
event Windows.Foundation.TypedEventHandler<TermControl, IInspectable> ConnectionStateChanged;
Microsoft.Terminal.TerminalConnection.ConnectionState ConnectionState { get; };
String Title { get; };
Boolean CopySelectionToClipboard(Boolean trimTrailingWhitespace);
void PasteTextFromClipboard();
void Close();
Windows.Foundation.Size CharacterDimensions { get; };
Windows.Foundation.Size MinimumSize { get; };
Single SnapDimensionToGrid(Boolean widthOrHeight, Single dimension);
void ScrollViewport(Int32 viewTop);
void KeyboardScrollViewport(Int32 viewTop);
Int32 GetScrollOffset();
Int32 GetViewHeight();
event ScrollPositionChangedEventArgs ScrollPositionChanged;
void CreateSearchBoxControl();
void AdjustFontSize(Int32 fontSizeDelta);
void ResetFontSize();