Dustin L. Howett f6f5598c9c
Rely more on profile objects and less on GUIDs (#10982)
Right now, we store GUIDs in panes and most of the functions for interacting
with profiles on the settings model take GUIDs and look up profiles.

This pull request changes how we store and look up profiles to prefer profile
objects. Panes store strong references to their originating profiles, which
simplifies settings lookup for CloseOnExit and the bell settings. In fact,
deleting a pane's profile no longer causes it to forget which CloseOnExit
setting applies to it. Duplicating a pane that is hosting a deleted profile
(#5047) now duplicates the profile, even though it is otherwise unreachable.

This makes the world more consistent and allows us to _eventually_ support panes
hosting profiles that do not have GUIDs that can be looked up in the profile
list. This is a gateway to #6776 and #10669, and consolidating the profile
lookup logic will help with #10952.

PR #10588 introduced TerminalSettings::CreateWithProfile and made
...CreateWithProfileByID a thin wrapper over top it, which looked up the profile
by GUID before proceeding. It has also been removed, as its last caller is gone.

Closes #5047
2021-08-23 12:11:53 -05:00

395 lines
17 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "pch.h"
#include "TerminalSettings.h"
#include "../../types/inc/colorTable.hpp"
#include "TerminalSettings.g.cpp"
#include "TerminalSettingsCreateResult.g.cpp"
using namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Control;
using namespace Microsoft::Console::Utils;
namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::implementation
static std::tuple<Windows::UI::Xaml::HorizontalAlignment, Windows::UI::Xaml::VerticalAlignment> ConvertConvergedAlignment(ConvergedAlignment alignment)
// extract horizontal alignment
Windows::UI::Xaml::HorizontalAlignment horizAlign;
switch (alignment & static_cast<ConvergedAlignment>(0x0F))
case ConvergedAlignment::Horizontal_Left:
horizAlign = Windows::UI::Xaml::HorizontalAlignment::Left;
case ConvergedAlignment::Horizontal_Right:
horizAlign = Windows::UI::Xaml::HorizontalAlignment::Right;
case ConvergedAlignment::Horizontal_Center:
horizAlign = Windows::UI::Xaml::HorizontalAlignment::Center;
// extract vertical alignment
Windows::UI::Xaml::VerticalAlignment vertAlign;
switch (alignment & static_cast<ConvergedAlignment>(0xF0))
case ConvergedAlignment::Vertical_Top:
vertAlign = Windows::UI::Xaml::VerticalAlignment::Top;
case ConvergedAlignment::Vertical_Bottom:
vertAlign = Windows::UI::Xaml::VerticalAlignment::Bottom;
case ConvergedAlignment::Vertical_Center:
vertAlign = Windows::UI::Xaml::VerticalAlignment::Center;
return { horizAlign, vertAlign };
// Method Description:
// - Create a TerminalSettingsCreateResult for the provided profile guid. We'll
// use the guid to look up the profile that should be used to
// create these TerminalSettings. Then, we'll apply settings contained in the
// global and profile settings to the instance.
// Arguments:
// - appSettings: the set of settings being used to construct the new terminal
// - profileGuid: the unique identifier (guid) of the profile
// - keybindings: the keybinding handler
// Return Value:
// - A TerminalSettingsCreateResult, which contains a pair of TerminalSettings objects,
// one for when the terminal is focused and the other for when the terminal is unfocused
Model::TerminalSettingsCreateResult TerminalSettings::CreateWithProfile(const Model::CascadiaSettings& appSettings, const Model::Profile& profile, const IKeyBindings& keybindings)
auto settings{ winrt::make_self<TerminalSettings>() };
settings->_KeyBindings = keybindings;
const auto globals = appSettings.GlobalSettings();
settings->_ApplyAppearanceSettings(profile.DefaultAppearance(), globals.ColorSchemes());
Model::TerminalSettings child{ nullptr };
if (const auto& unfocusedAppearance{ profile.UnfocusedAppearance() })
auto childImpl = settings->CreateChild();
childImpl->_ApplyAppearanceSettings(unfocusedAppearance, globals.ColorSchemes());
child = *childImpl;
return winrt::make<TerminalSettingsCreateResult>(*settings, child);
// Method Description:
// - Create a TerminalSettings object for the provided newTerminalArgs. We'll
// use the newTerminalArgs to look up the profile that should be used to
// create these TerminalSettings. Then, we'll apply settings contained in the
// newTerminalArgs to the profile's settings, to enable customization on top
// of the profile's default values.
// Arguments:
// - appSettings: the set of settings being used to construct the new terminal
// - newTerminalArgs: An object that may contain a profile name or GUID to
// actually use. If the Profile value is not a guid, we'll treat it as a name,
// and attempt to look the profile up by name instead.
// * Additionally, we'll use other values (such as Commandline,
// StartingDirectory) in this object to override the settings directly from
// the profile.
// - keybindings: the keybinding handler
// Return Value:
// - A TerminalSettingsCreateResult object, which contains a pair of TerminalSettings
// objects. One for when the terminal is focused and one for when the terminal is unfocused.
Model::TerminalSettingsCreateResult TerminalSettings::CreateWithNewTerminalArgs(const CascadiaSettings& appSettings,
const NewTerminalArgs& newTerminalArgs,
const IKeyBindings& keybindings)
const auto profile = appSettings.GetProfileForArgs(newTerminalArgs);
auto settingsPair{ CreateWithProfile(appSettings, profile, keybindings) };
auto defaultSettings = settingsPair.DefaultSettings();
if (newTerminalArgs)
// Override commandline, starting directory if they exist in newTerminalArgs
if (!newTerminalArgs.Commandline().empty())
if (!newTerminalArgs.StartingDirectory().empty())
if (!newTerminalArgs.TabTitle().empty())
if (newTerminalArgs.TabColor())
defaultSettings.StartingTabColor(winrt::Windows::Foundation::IReference<winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Core::Color>{ til::color{ newTerminalArgs.TabColor().Value() } });
if (newTerminalArgs.SuppressApplicationTitle())
if (!newTerminalArgs.ColorScheme().empty())
const auto schemes = appSettings.GlobalSettings().ColorSchemes();
if (const auto& scheme = schemes.TryLookup(newTerminalArgs.ColorScheme()))
return settingsPair;
void TerminalSettings::_ApplyAppearanceSettings(const IAppearanceConfig& appearance, const Windows::Foundation::Collections::IMapView<winrt::hstring, ColorScheme>& schemes)
_CursorShape = appearance.CursorShape();
_CursorHeight = appearance.CursorHeight();
if (!appearance.ColorSchemeName().empty())
if (const auto scheme = schemes.TryLookup(appearance.ColorSchemeName()))
if (appearance.Foreground())
_DefaultForeground = til::color{ appearance.Foreground().Value() };
if (appearance.Background())
_DefaultBackground = til::color{ appearance.Background().Value() };
if (appearance.SelectionBackground())
_SelectionBackground = til::color{ appearance.SelectionBackground().Value() };
if (appearance.CursorColor())
_CursorColor = til::color{ appearance.CursorColor().Value() };
if (!appearance.BackgroundImagePath().empty())
_BackgroundImage = appearance.ExpandedBackgroundImagePath();
_BackgroundImageOpacity = appearance.BackgroundImageOpacity();
_BackgroundImageStretchMode = appearance.BackgroundImageStretchMode();
std::tie(_BackgroundImageHorizontalAlignment, _BackgroundImageVerticalAlignment) = ConvertConvergedAlignment(appearance.BackgroundImageAlignment());
_RetroTerminalEffect = appearance.RetroTerminalEffect();
_PixelShaderPath = winrt::hstring{ wil::ExpandEnvironmentStringsW<std::wstring>(appearance.PixelShaderPath().c_str()) };
_IntenseIsBold = WI_IsFlagSet(appearance.IntenseTextStyle(), Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::IntenseStyle::Bold);
_IntenseIsBright = WI_IsFlagSet(appearance.IntenseTextStyle(), Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::IntenseStyle::Bright);
// Method Description:
// - Creates a TerminalSettingsCreateResult from a parent TerminalSettingsCreateResult
// - The returned defaultSettings inherits from the parent's defaultSettings, and the
// returned unfocusedSettings inherits from the returned defaultSettings
// - Note that the unfocused settings needs to be entirely unchanged _except_ we need to
// set its parent to the other settings object that we return. This is because the overrides
// made by the control will live in that other settings object, so we want to make
// sure the unfocused settings inherit from that.
// - Another way to think about this is that initially we have UnfocusedSettings inherit
// from DefaultSettings. This function simply adds another TerminalSettings object
// in the middle of these two, so UnfocusedSettings now inherits from the new object
// and the new object inherits from the DefaultSettings. And this new object is what
// the control can put overrides in.
// Arguments:
// - parent: the TerminalSettingsCreateResult that we create a new one from
// Return Value:
// - A TerminalSettingsCreateResult object that contains a defaultSettings that inherits
// from parent's defaultSettings, and contains an unfocusedSettings that inherits from
// its defaultSettings
Model::TerminalSettingsCreateResult TerminalSettings::CreateWithParent(const Model::TerminalSettingsCreateResult& parent)
auto defaultImpl{ get_self<TerminalSettings>(parent.DefaultSettings()) };
auto defaultChild = defaultImpl->CreateChild();
if (parent.UnfocusedSettings())
return winrt::make<TerminalSettingsCreateResult>(*defaultChild, parent.UnfocusedSettings());
// Method Description:
// - Sets our parent to the provided TerminalSettings
// Arguments:
// - parent: our new parent
void TerminalSettings::SetParent(const Model::TerminalSettings& parent)
com_ptr<TerminalSettings> parentImpl;
Model::TerminalSettings TerminalSettings::GetParent()
if (_parents.size() > 0)
return *_parents.at(0);
return nullptr;
// Method Description:
// - Apply Profile settings, as well as any colors from our color scheme, if we have one.
// Arguments:
// - profile: the profile settings we're applying
// - schemes: a map of schemes to look for our color scheme in, if we have one.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void TerminalSettings::_ApplyProfileSettings(const Profile& profile)
// Fill in the Terminal Setting's CoreSettings from the profile
_HistorySize = profile.HistorySize();
_SnapOnInput = profile.SnapOnInput();
_AltGrAliasing = profile.AltGrAliasing();
// Fill in the remaining properties from the profile
_ProfileName = profile.Name();
_UseAcrylic = profile.UseAcrylic();
_TintOpacity = profile.AcrylicOpacity();
_FontFace = profile.FontInfo().FontFace();
_FontSize = profile.FontInfo().FontSize();
_FontWeight = profile.FontInfo().FontWeight();
_FontFeatures = profile.FontInfo().FontFeatures();
_FontAxes = profile.FontInfo().FontAxes();
_Padding = profile.Padding();
_Commandline = profile.Commandline();
_StartingDirectory = profile.EvaluatedStartingDirectory();
// GH#2373: Use the tabTitle as the starting title if it exists, otherwise
// use the profile name
_StartingTitle = !profile.TabTitle().empty() ? profile.TabTitle() : profile.Name();
if (profile.SuppressApplicationTitle())
_SuppressApplicationTitle = profile.SuppressApplicationTitle();
_ScrollState = profile.ScrollState();
_AntialiasingMode = profile.AntialiasingMode();
if (profile.TabColor())
const til::color colorRef{ profile.TabColor().Value() };
_TabColor = static_cast<winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Core::Color>(colorRef);
// Method Description:
// - Applies appropriate settings from the globals into the TerminalSettings object.
// Arguments:
// - globalSettings: the global property values we're applying.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void TerminalSettings::_ApplyGlobalSettings(const Model::GlobalAppSettings& globalSettings) noexcept
_InitialRows = globalSettings.InitialRows();
_InitialCols = globalSettings.InitialCols();
_WordDelimiters = globalSettings.WordDelimiters();
_CopyOnSelect = globalSettings.CopyOnSelect();
_FocusFollowMouse = globalSettings.FocusFollowMouse();
_ForceFullRepaintRendering = globalSettings.ForceFullRepaintRendering();
_SoftwareRendering = globalSettings.SoftwareRendering();
_ForceVTInput = globalSettings.ForceVTInput();
_TrimBlockSelection = globalSettings.TrimBlockSelection();
_DetectURLs = globalSettings.DetectURLs();
// Method Description:
// - Apply a given ColorScheme's values to the TerminalSettings object.
// Sets the foreground, background, and color table of the settings object.
// Arguments:
// - scheme: the ColorScheme we are applying to the TerminalSettings object
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void TerminalSettings::ApplyColorScheme(const Model::ColorScheme& scheme)
// If the scheme was nullptr, then just clear out the current color
// settings.
if (scheme == nullptr)
_ColorTable = std::nullopt;
_DefaultForeground = til::color{ scheme.Foreground() };
_DefaultBackground = til::color{ scheme.Background() };
_SelectionBackground = til::color{ scheme.SelectionBackground() };
_CursorColor = til::color{ scheme.CursorColor() };
const auto table = scheme.Table();
std::array<winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Core::Color, COLOR_TABLE_SIZE> colorTable{};
std::transform(table.cbegin(), table.cend(), colorTable.begin(), [](auto&& color) {
return static_cast<winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Core::Color>(til::color{ color });
winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Core::Color TerminalSettings::GetColorTableEntry(int32_t index) noexcept
return ColorTable().at(index);
void TerminalSettings::ColorTable(std::array<winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Core::Color, 16> colors)
_ColorTable = colors;
std::array<winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Core::Color, COLOR_TABLE_SIZE> TerminalSettings::ColorTable()
auto span = _getColorTableImpl();
std::array<winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Core::Color, COLOR_TABLE_SIZE> colorTable{};
if (span.size() > 0)
std::copy(span.begin(), span.end(), colorTable.begin());
const auto campbellSpan = CampbellColorTable();
std::transform(campbellSpan.begin(), campbellSpan.end(), colorTable.begin(), [](auto&& color) {
return static_cast<winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Core::Color>(til::color{ color });
return colorTable;
gsl::span<winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Core::Color> TerminalSettings::_getColorTableImpl()
if (_ColorTable.has_value())
return gsl::make_span(*_ColorTable);
for (auto&& parent : _parents)
auto parentSpan = parent->_getColorTableImpl();
if (parentSpan.size() > 0)
return parentSpan;
return {};