James Holderness fa7c1abdf8
Fix SGR indexed colors to distinguish Indexed256 color (and more) (#5834)
This PR introduces a new `ColorType` to allow us to distinguish between
`SGR` indexed colors from the 16 color table, the lower half of which
can be brightened, and the ISO/ITU indexed colors from the 256 color
table, which have a fixed brightness. Retaining the distinction between
these two types will enable us to forward the correct `SGR` sequences to
conpty when addressing issue #2661. 

The other benefit of retaining the color index (which we didn't
previously do for ISO/ITU colors) is that it ensures that the colors are
updated correctly when the color scheme is changed.

## References

* This is another step towards fixing the conpty narrowing bugs in issue
* This is technically a fix for issue #5384, but that won't be apparent
  until #2661 is complete.

## PR Checklist
* [x] Closes #1223
* [x] CLA signed. 
* [x] Tests added/passed
* [ ] Requires documentation to be updated
* [x] I've discussed this with core contributors already.

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments

The first part of this PR was the introduction of a new `ColorType` in
the `TextColor` class. Instead of just the one `IsIndex` type, there is
now an `IsIndex16` and an `IsIndex256`. `IsIndex16` covers the eight
original ANSI colors set with `SGR 3x` and `SGR 4x`, as well as the
brighter aixterm variants set with `SGR 9x` and `SGR 10x`. `IsIndex256`
covers the 256 ISO/ITU indexed colors set with `SGR 38;5` and `SGR

There are two reasons for this distinction. The first is that the ANSI
colors have the potential to be brightened by the `SGR 1` bold
attribute, while the ISO/ITO color do not. The second reason is that
when forwarding an attributes through conpty, we want to try and
preserve the original SGR sequence that generated each color (to the
extent that that is possible). By having the two separate types, we can
map the `IsIndex16` colors back to ANSI/aixterm values, and `IsIndex256`
to the ISO/ITU sequences.

In addition to the VT colors, we also have to deal with the legacy
colors set by the Windows console APIs, but we don't really need a
separate type for those. It seemed most appropriate to me to store them
as `IsIndex256` colors, since it doesn't make sense to have them
brightened by the `SGR 1` attribute (which is what would happen if they
were stored as `IsIndex16`). If a console app wanted a bright color it
would have selected one, so we shouldn't be messing with that choice.

The second part of the PR was the unification of the two color tables.
Originally we had a 16 color table for the legacy colors, and a separate
table for the 256 ISO/ITU colors. These have now been merged into one,
so color table lookups no longer need to decide which of the two tables
they should be referencing. I've also updated all the methods that took
a color table as a parameter to use a `basic_string_view` instead of
separate pointer and length variables, which I think makes them a lot
easier and safer to work with. 

With this new architecture in place, I could now update the
`AdaptDispatch` SGR implementation to store the ISO/ITU indexed colors
as `IsIndex256` values, where before they were mapped to RGB values
(which prevented them reflecting any color scheme changes). I could also
update the `TerminalDispatch` implementation to differentiate between
the two index types, so that the `SGR 1` brightening would only be
applied to the ANSI colors.

I've also done a bit of code refactoring to try and minimise any direct
access to the color tables, getting rid of a lot of places that were
copying tables with `memmove` operations. I'm hoping this will make it
easier for us to update the code in the future if we want to reorder the
table entries (which is likely a requirement for unifying the
`AdaptDispatch` and `TerminalDispatch` implementations). 

## Validation Steps Performed

For testing, I've just updated the existing unit tests to account for
the API changes. The `TextColorTests` required an extra parameter
specifying the index type when setting an index. And the `AdapterTest`
and `ScreenBufferTests` required the use of the new `SetIndexedXXX`
methods in order to be explicit about the index type, instead of relying
on the `TextAttribute` constructor and the old `SetForeground` and
`SetBackground` methods which didn't have a way to differentiate index

I've manually tested the various console APIs
(`SetConsoleTextAttribute`, `ReadConsoleOutputAttribute`, and
`ReadConsoleOutput`), to make sure they are still setting and reading
the attributes as well as they used to. And I've tested the
`SetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx` and `GetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx` APIs
to make sure they can read and write the color table correctly. I've
also tested the color table in the properties dialog, made sure it was
saved and restored from the registry correctly, and similarly saved and
restored from a shortcut link.

Note that there are still a bunch of issues with the color table APIs,
but no new problems have been introduced by the changes in this PR, as
far as I could tell.

I've also done a bunch of manual tests of `OSC 4` to make sure it's
updating all the colors correctly (at least in conhost), and confirmed
that the test case in issue #1223 now works as expected.
2020-05-27 22:34:45 +00:00

964 lines
29 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "precomp.h"
#include "settings.hpp"
#include "..\interactivity\inc\ServiceLocator.hpp"
#include "../types/inc/utils.hpp"
#pragma hdrstop
constexpr unsigned int DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_COMMANDS = 25;
constexpr unsigned int DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_BUFFERS = 4;
using Microsoft::Console::Interactivity::ServiceLocator;
Settings::Settings() :
_wFillAttribute(FOREGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_GREEN | FOREGROUND_BLUE), // White (not bright) on black by default
// dwScreenBufferSize initialized below
// dwWindowSize initialized below
// dwWindowOrigin initialized below
// dwFontSize initialized below
// FaceName initialized below
// ColorTable initialized below
_bWindowAlpha(BYTE_MAX), // 255 alpha = opaque. 0 = transparent.
_fAutoReturnOnNewline(true), // the historic Windows behavior defaults this to on.
_fRenderGridWorldwide(false), // historically grid lines were only rendered in DBCS codepages, so this is false by default unless otherwise specified.
// window size pixels initialized below
_dwScreenBufferSize.X = 80;
_dwScreenBufferSize.Y = 25;
_dwWindowSize.X = _dwScreenBufferSize.X;
_dwWindowSize.Y = _dwScreenBufferSize.Y;
_dwWindowSizePixels = { 0 };
_dwWindowOrigin.X = 0;
_dwWindowOrigin.Y = 0;
_dwFontSize.X = 0;
_dwFontSize.Y = 16;
ZeroMemory((void*)&_FaceName, sizeof(_FaceName));
wcscpy_s(_FaceName, DEFAULT_TT_FONT_FACENAME);
_CursorColor = Cursor::s_InvertCursorColor;
_CursorType = CursorType::Legacy;
gsl::span<COLORREF> tableView = { _colorTable.data(), gsl::narrow<ptrdiff_t>(_colorTable.size()) };
// Routine Description:
// - Applies hardcoded default settings that are in line with what is defined
// in our Windows edition manifest (living in win32k-settings.man).
// - NOTE: This exists in case we cannot access the registry on desktop platforms.
// We will use this to provide better defaults than the constructor values which
// are optimized for OneCore.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none> - Adjusts internal state only.
void Settings::ApplyDesktopSpecificDefaults()
_dwFontSize.X = 0;
_dwFontSize.Y = 16;
_uFontFamily = 0;
_dwScreenBufferSize.X = 120;
_dwScreenBufferSize.Y = 9001;
_uCursorSize = 25;
_dwWindowSize.X = 120;
_dwWindowSize.Y = 30;
_wFillAttribute = 0x7;
_wPopupFillAttribute = 0xf5;
wcscpy_s(_FaceName, L"__DefaultTTFont__");
_uFontWeight = 0;
_bInsertMode = TRUE;
_bFullScreen = FALSE;
_fCtrlKeyShortcutsDisabled = false;
_bWrapText = true;
_bLineSelection = TRUE;
_bWindowAlpha = 255;
_fFilterOnPaste = TRUE;
_bQuickEdit = TRUE;
_uHistoryBufferSize = 50;
_uNumberOfHistoryBuffers = 4;
_bHistoryNoDup = FALSE;
gsl::span<COLORREF> tableView = { _colorTable.data(), gsl::narrow<ptrdiff_t>(_colorTable.size()) };
_fTrimLeadingZeros = false;
_fEnableColorSelection = false;
_uScrollScale = 1;
void Settings::ApplyStartupInfo(const Settings* const pStartupSettings)
const DWORD dwFlags = pStartupSettings->_dwStartupFlags;
// See: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms686331(v=vs.85).aspx
// Note: These attributes do not get sent to us if we started conhost
// directly. See minkernel/console/client/dllinit for the
// initialization of these values for cmdline applications.
_dwScreenBufferSize = pStartupSettings->_dwScreenBufferSize;
if (WI_IsFlagSet(dwFlags, STARTF_USESIZE))
// WARNING: This size is in pixels when passed in the create process call.
// It will need to be divided by the font size before use.
// All other Window Size values (from registry/shortcuts) are stored in characters.
_dwWindowSizePixels = pStartupSettings->_dwWindowSize;
_fUseWindowSizePixels = true;
if (WI_IsFlagSet(dwFlags, STARTF_USEPOSITION))
_dwWindowOrigin = pStartupSettings->_dwWindowOrigin;
_bAutoPosition = FALSE;
_wFillAttribute = pStartupSettings->_wFillAttribute;
_wShowWindow = pStartupSettings->_wShowWindow;
// Method Description:
// - Applies settings passed on the commandline to this settings structure.
// Currently, the only settings that can be passed on the commandline are
// the initial width and height of the screenbuffer/viewport.
// Arguments:
// - consoleArgs: A reference to a parsed command-line args object.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Settings::ApplyCommandlineArguments(const ConsoleArguments& consoleArgs)
const short width = consoleArgs.GetWidth();
const short height = consoleArgs.GetHeight();
if (width > 0 && height > 0)
_dwScreenBufferSize.X = width;
_dwWindowSize.X = width;
_dwScreenBufferSize.Y = height;
_dwWindowSize.Y = height;
else if (ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals().getConsoleInformation().IsInVtIoMode())
// If we're a PTY but we weren't explicitly told a size, use the window size as the buffer size.
_dwScreenBufferSize = _dwWindowSize;
// WARNING: this function doesn't perform any validation or conversion
void Settings::InitFromStateInfo(_In_ PCONSOLE_STATE_INFO pStateInfo)
_wFillAttribute = pStateInfo->ScreenAttributes;
_wPopupFillAttribute = pStateInfo->PopupAttributes;
_dwScreenBufferSize = pStateInfo->ScreenBufferSize;
_dwWindowSize = pStateInfo->WindowSize;
_dwWindowOrigin.X = (SHORT)pStateInfo->WindowPosX;
_dwWindowOrigin.Y = (SHORT)pStateInfo->WindowPosY;
_dwFontSize = pStateInfo->FontSize;
_uFontFamily = pStateInfo->FontFamily;
_uFontWeight = pStateInfo->FontWeight;
StringCchCopyW(_FaceName, ARRAYSIZE(_FaceName), pStateInfo->FaceName);
_uCursorSize = pStateInfo->CursorSize;
_bFullScreen = pStateInfo->FullScreen;
_bQuickEdit = pStateInfo->QuickEdit;
_bAutoPosition = pStateInfo->AutoPosition;
_bInsertMode = pStateInfo->InsertMode;
_bHistoryNoDup = pStateInfo->HistoryNoDup;
_uHistoryBufferSize = pStateInfo->HistoryBufferSize;
_uNumberOfHistoryBuffers = pStateInfo->NumberOfHistoryBuffers;
for (size_t i = 0; i < std::size(pStateInfo->ColorTable); i++)
SetColorTableEntry(i, pStateInfo->ColorTable[i]);
_uCodePage = pStateInfo->CodePage;
_bWrapText = !!pStateInfo->fWrapText;
_fFilterOnPaste = pStateInfo->fFilterOnPaste;
_fCtrlKeyShortcutsDisabled = pStateInfo->fCtrlKeyShortcutsDisabled;
_bLineSelection = pStateInfo->fLineSelection;
_bWindowAlpha = pStateInfo->bWindowTransparency;
_CursorColor = pStateInfo->CursorColor;
_CursorType = static_cast<CursorType>(pStateInfo->CursorType);
_fInterceptCopyPaste = pStateInfo->InterceptCopyPaste;
_DefaultForeground = pStateInfo->DefaultForeground;
_DefaultBackground = pStateInfo->DefaultBackground;
_TerminalScrolling = pStateInfo->TerminalScrolling;
// Method Description:
// - Create a CONSOLE_STATE_INFO with the current state of this settings structure.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - a CONSOLE_STATE_INFO with the current state of this settings structure.
CONSOLE_STATE_INFO Settings::CreateConsoleStateInfo() const
csi.ScreenAttributes = _wFillAttribute;
csi.PopupAttributes = _wPopupFillAttribute;
csi.ScreenBufferSize = _dwScreenBufferSize;
csi.WindowSize = _dwWindowSize;
csi.WindowPosX = (SHORT)_dwWindowOrigin.X;
csi.WindowPosY = (SHORT)_dwWindowOrigin.Y;
csi.FontSize = _dwFontSize;
csi.FontFamily = _uFontFamily;
csi.FontWeight = _uFontWeight;
StringCchCopyW(csi.FaceName, ARRAYSIZE(_FaceName), _FaceName);
csi.CursorSize = _uCursorSize;
csi.FullScreen = _bFullScreen;
csi.QuickEdit = _bQuickEdit;
csi.AutoPosition = _bAutoPosition;
csi.InsertMode = _bInsertMode;
csi.HistoryNoDup = _bHistoryNoDup;
csi.HistoryBufferSize = _uHistoryBufferSize;
csi.NumberOfHistoryBuffers = _uNumberOfHistoryBuffers;
for (size_t i = 0; i < std::size(csi.ColorTable); i++)
csi.ColorTable[i] = GetColorTableEntry(i);
csi.CodePage = _uCodePage;
csi.fWrapText = !!_bWrapText;
csi.fFilterOnPaste = _fFilterOnPaste;
csi.fCtrlKeyShortcutsDisabled = _fCtrlKeyShortcutsDisabled;
csi.fLineSelection = _bLineSelection;
csi.bWindowTransparency = _bWindowAlpha;
csi.CursorColor = _CursorColor;
csi.CursorType = static_cast<unsigned int>(_CursorType);
csi.InterceptCopyPaste = _fInterceptCopyPaste;
csi.DefaultForeground = _DefaultForeground;
csi.DefaultBackground = _DefaultBackground;
csi.TerminalScrolling = _TerminalScrolling;
return csi;
void Settings::Validate()
// If we were explicitly given a size in pixels from the startup info, divide by the font to turn it into characters.
// See: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms686331%28v=vs.85%29.aspx
if (WI_IsFlagSet(_dwStartupFlags, STARTF_USESIZE))
//// Get the font that we're going to use to convert pixels to characters.
//DWORD const dwFontIndexWant = FindCreateFont(_uFontFamily,
// _FaceName,
// _dwFontSize,
// _uFontWeight,
// _uCodePage);
//_dwWindowSize.X /= g_pfiFontInfo[dwFontIndexWant].Size.X;
//_dwWindowSize.Y /= g_pfiFontInfo[dwFontIndexWant].Size.Y;
// minimum screen buffer size 1x1
_dwScreenBufferSize.X = std::max(_dwScreenBufferSize.X, 1i16);
_dwScreenBufferSize.Y = std::max(_dwScreenBufferSize.Y, 1i16);
// minimum window size size 1x1
_dwWindowSize.X = std::max(_dwWindowSize.X, 1i16);
_dwWindowSize.Y = std::max(_dwWindowSize.Y, 1i16);
// if buffer size is less than window size, increase buffer size to meet window size
_dwScreenBufferSize.X = std::max(_dwWindowSize.X, _dwScreenBufferSize.X);
_dwScreenBufferSize.Y = std::max(_dwWindowSize.Y, _dwScreenBufferSize.Y);
// ensure that the window alpha value is not below the minimum. (no invisible windows)
// if it's below minimum, just set it to the opaque value
if (_bWindowAlpha < MIN_WINDOW_OPACITY)
_bWindowAlpha = BYTE_MAX;
// If text wrapping is on, ensure that the window width is the same as the buffer width.
if (_bWrapText)
_dwWindowSize.X = _dwScreenBufferSize.X;
// Ensure that our fill attributes only contain colors and not any box drawing or invert attributes.
WI_ClearAllFlags(_wFillAttribute, ~(FG_ATTRS | BG_ATTRS));
WI_ClearAllFlags(_wPopupFillAttribute, ~(FG_ATTRS | BG_ATTRS));
// If the extended color options are set to invalid values (all the same color), reset them.
if (_CursorColor != Cursor::s_InvertCursorColor && _CursorColor == _DefaultBackground)
_CursorColor = Cursor::s_InvertCursorColor;
if (_DefaultForeground != INVALID_COLOR && _DefaultForeground == _DefaultBackground)
// INVALID_COLOR is used as an "unset" sentinel in future attribute functions.
_DefaultForeground = _DefaultBackground = INVALID_COLOR;
// If the damaged settings _further_ propagated to the default fill attribute, fix it.
if (_wFillAttribute == 0)
// These attributes were taken from the Settings ctor and equal "gray on black"
FAIL_FAST_IF(!(_dwWindowSize.X > 0));
FAIL_FAST_IF(!(_dwWindowSize.Y > 0));
FAIL_FAST_IF(!(_dwScreenBufferSize.X > 0));
FAIL_FAST_IF(!(_dwScreenBufferSize.Y > 0));
DWORD Settings::GetVirtTermLevel() const
return _dwVirtTermLevel;
void Settings::SetVirtTermLevel(const DWORD dwVirtTermLevel)
_dwVirtTermLevel = dwVirtTermLevel;
bool Settings::IsAltF4CloseAllowed() const
return _fAllowAltF4Close;
void Settings::SetAltF4CloseAllowed(const bool fAllowAltF4Close)
_fAllowAltF4Close = fAllowAltF4Close;
bool Settings::IsReturnOnNewlineAutomatic() const
return _fAutoReturnOnNewline;
void Settings::SetAutomaticReturnOnNewline(const bool fAutoReturnOnNewline)
_fAutoReturnOnNewline = fAutoReturnOnNewline;
bool Settings::IsGridRenderingAllowedWorldwide() const
return _fRenderGridWorldwide;
void Settings::SetGridRenderingAllowedWorldwide(const bool fGridRenderingAllowed)
// Only trigger a notification and update the status if something has changed.
if (_fRenderGridWorldwide != fGridRenderingAllowed)
_fRenderGridWorldwide = fGridRenderingAllowed;
if (ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals().pRender != nullptr)
bool Settings::IsScreenReversed() const
return _fScreenReversed;
void Settings::SetScreenReversed(const bool fScreenReversed)
_fScreenReversed = fScreenReversed;
bool Settings::GetFilterOnPaste() const
return _fFilterOnPaste;
void Settings::SetFilterOnPaste(const bool fFilterOnPaste)
_fFilterOnPaste = fFilterOnPaste;
const std::wstring_view Settings::GetLaunchFaceName() const
return _LaunchFaceName;
void Settings::SetLaunchFaceName(const std::wstring_view launchFaceName)
_LaunchFaceName = launchFaceName;
UINT Settings::GetCodePage() const
return _uCodePage;
void Settings::SetCodePage(const UINT uCodePage)
_uCodePage = uCodePage;
UINT Settings::GetScrollScale() const
return _uScrollScale;
void Settings::SetScrollScale(const UINT uScrollScale)
_uScrollScale = uScrollScale;
bool Settings::GetTrimLeadingZeros() const
return _fTrimLeadingZeros;
void Settings::SetTrimLeadingZeros(const bool fTrimLeadingZeros)
_fTrimLeadingZeros = fTrimLeadingZeros;
bool Settings::GetEnableColorSelection() const
return _fEnableColorSelection;
void Settings::SetEnableColorSelection(const bool fEnableColorSelection)
_fEnableColorSelection = fEnableColorSelection;
bool Settings::GetLineSelection() const
return _bLineSelection;
void Settings::SetLineSelection(const bool bLineSelection)
_bLineSelection = bLineSelection;
bool Settings::GetWrapText() const
return _bWrapText;
void Settings::SetWrapText(const bool bWrapText)
_bWrapText = bWrapText;
bool Settings::GetCtrlKeyShortcutsDisabled() const
return _fCtrlKeyShortcutsDisabled;
void Settings::SetCtrlKeyShortcutsDisabled(const bool fCtrlKeyShortcutsDisabled)
_fCtrlKeyShortcutsDisabled = fCtrlKeyShortcutsDisabled;
BYTE Settings::GetWindowAlpha() const
return _bWindowAlpha;
void Settings::SetWindowAlpha(const BYTE bWindowAlpha)
// if we're out of bounds, set it to 100% opacity so it appears as if nothing happened.
_bWindowAlpha = (bWindowAlpha < MIN_WINDOW_OPACITY) ? BYTE_MAX : bWindowAlpha;
DWORD Settings::GetHotKey() const
return _dwHotKey;
void Settings::SetHotKey(const DWORD dwHotKey)
_dwHotKey = dwHotKey;
DWORD Settings::GetStartupFlags() const
return _dwStartupFlags;
void Settings::SetStartupFlags(const DWORD dwStartupFlags)
_dwStartupFlags = dwStartupFlags;
WORD Settings::GetFillAttribute() const
return _wFillAttribute;
void Settings::SetFillAttribute(const WORD wFillAttribute)
_wFillAttribute = wFillAttribute;
// Do not allow the default fill attribute to use any attrs other than fg/bg colors.
// This prevents us from accidentally inverting everything or suddenly drawing lines
// everywhere by default.
WI_ClearAllFlags(_wFillAttribute, ~(FG_ATTRS | BG_ATTRS));
WORD Settings::GetPopupFillAttribute() const
return _wPopupFillAttribute;
void Settings::SetPopupFillAttribute(const WORD wPopupFillAttribute)
_wPopupFillAttribute = wPopupFillAttribute;
// Do not allow the default popup fill attribute to use any attrs other than fg/bg colors.
// This prevents us from accidentally inverting everything or suddenly drawing lines
// everywhere by default.
WI_ClearAllFlags(_wPopupFillAttribute, ~(FG_ATTRS | BG_ATTRS));
WORD Settings::GetShowWindow() const
return _wShowWindow;
void Settings::SetShowWindow(const WORD wShowWindow)
_wShowWindow = wShowWindow;
WORD Settings::GetReserved() const
return _wReserved;
void Settings::SetReserved(const WORD wReserved)
_wReserved = wReserved;
COORD Settings::GetScreenBufferSize() const
return _dwScreenBufferSize;
void Settings::SetScreenBufferSize(const COORD dwScreenBufferSize)
_dwScreenBufferSize = dwScreenBufferSize;
COORD Settings::GetWindowSize() const
return _dwWindowSize;
void Settings::SetWindowSize(const COORD dwWindowSize)
_dwWindowSize = dwWindowSize;
bool Settings::IsWindowSizePixelsValid() const
return _fUseWindowSizePixels;
COORD Settings::GetWindowSizePixels() const
return _dwWindowSizePixels;
void Settings::SetWindowSizePixels(const COORD dwWindowSizePixels)
_dwWindowSizePixels = dwWindowSizePixels;
COORD Settings::GetWindowOrigin() const
return _dwWindowOrigin;
void Settings::SetWindowOrigin(const COORD dwWindowOrigin)
_dwWindowOrigin = dwWindowOrigin;
DWORD Settings::GetFont() const
return _nFont;
void Settings::SetFont(const DWORD nFont)
_nFont = nFont;
COORD Settings::GetFontSize() const
return _dwFontSize;
void Settings::SetFontSize(const COORD dwFontSize)
_dwFontSize = dwFontSize;
UINT Settings::GetFontFamily() const
return _uFontFamily;
void Settings::SetFontFamily(const UINT uFontFamily)
_uFontFamily = uFontFamily;
UINT Settings::GetFontWeight() const
return _uFontWeight;
void Settings::SetFontWeight(const UINT uFontWeight)
_uFontWeight = uFontWeight;
const WCHAR* const Settings::GetFaceName() const
return _FaceName;
void Settings::SetFaceName(const std::wstring_view faceName)
auto extent = std::min<size_t>(faceName.size(), ARRAYSIZE(_FaceName));
StringCchCopyW(_FaceName, extent, faceName.data());
UINT Settings::GetCursorSize() const
return _uCursorSize;
void Settings::SetCursorSize(const UINT uCursorSize)
_uCursorSize = uCursorSize;
bool Settings::GetFullScreen() const
return _bFullScreen;
void Settings::SetFullScreen(const bool bFullScreen)
_bFullScreen = bFullScreen;
bool Settings::GetQuickEdit() const
return _bQuickEdit;
void Settings::SetQuickEdit(const bool bQuickEdit)
_bQuickEdit = bQuickEdit;
bool Settings::GetInsertMode() const
return _bInsertMode;
void Settings::SetInsertMode(const bool bInsertMode)
_bInsertMode = bInsertMode;
bool Settings::GetAutoPosition() const
return _bAutoPosition;
void Settings::SetAutoPosition(const bool bAutoPosition)
_bAutoPosition = bAutoPosition;
UINT Settings::GetHistoryBufferSize() const
return _uHistoryBufferSize;
void Settings::SetHistoryBufferSize(const UINT uHistoryBufferSize)
_uHistoryBufferSize = uHistoryBufferSize;
UINT Settings::GetNumberOfHistoryBuffers() const
return _uNumberOfHistoryBuffers;
void Settings::SetNumberOfHistoryBuffers(const UINT uNumberOfHistoryBuffers)
_uNumberOfHistoryBuffers = uNumberOfHistoryBuffers;
bool Settings::GetHistoryNoDup() const
return _bHistoryNoDup;
void Settings::SetHistoryNoDup(const bool bHistoryNoDup)
_bHistoryNoDup = bHistoryNoDup;
std::basic_string_view<COLORREF> Settings::Get16ColorTable() const
return Get256ColorTable().substr(0, 16);
std::basic_string_view<COLORREF> Settings::Get256ColorTable() const
return { _colorTable.data(), _colorTable.size() };
void Settings::SetColorTableEntry(const size_t index, const COLORREF ColorValue)
_colorTable.at(index) = ColorValue;
bool Settings::IsStartupTitleIsLinkNameSet() const
return WI_IsFlagSet(_dwStartupFlags, STARTF_TITLEISLINKNAME);
bool Settings::IsFaceNameSet() const
return GetFaceName()[0] != '\0';
void Settings::UnsetStartupFlag(const DWORD dwFlagToUnset)
_dwStartupFlags &= ~dwFlagToUnset;
COLORREF Settings::GetColorTableEntry(const size_t index) const
return _colorTable.at(index);
// Routine Description:
// - Generates a legacy attribute from the given TextAttributes.
// This needs to be a method on the Settings because the generated index
// is dependent upon the particular values of the color table at the time of reading.
// Parameters:
// - attributes - The TextAttributes to generate a legacy attribute for.
// Return value:
// - A WORD representing the entry in the color table that most closely represents the given fullcolor attributes.
WORD Settings::GenerateLegacyAttributes(const TextAttribute attributes) const
const WORD wLegacyOriginal = attributes.GetLegacyAttributes();
if (attributes.IsLegacy())
return wLegacyOriginal;
// We need to construct the legacy attributes manually
// First start with whatever our default legacy attributes are
BYTE fgIndex = static_cast<BYTE>((_wFillAttribute & FG_ATTRS));
BYTE bgIndex = static_cast<BYTE>((_wFillAttribute & BG_ATTRS) >> 4);
// If the attributes have any RGB components, we need to match that RGB
// color to a color table value.
if (attributes.IsHighColor())
// If the attribute doesn't have a "default" colored *ground, look up
// the nearest color table value for its *ground.
if (!attributes.ForegroundIsDefault())
const COLORREF rgbForeground = LookupForegroundColor(attributes);
fgIndex = static_cast<BYTE>(::FindNearestTableIndex(rgbForeground, Get16ColorTable()));
if (!attributes.BackgroundIsDefault())
const COLORREF rgbBackground = LookupBackgroundColor(attributes);
bgIndex = static_cast<BYTE>(::FindNearestTableIndex(rgbBackground, Get16ColorTable()));
// TextAttribute::GetLegacyAttributes(BYTE, BYTE) will use the legacy value
// it has if the component is a legacy index, otherwise it will use the
// provided byte for each index. In this way, we can provide a value to
// use should it not already have one.
const WORD wCompleteAttr = attributes.GetLegacyAttributes(fgIndex, bgIndex);
return wCompleteAttr;
COLORREF Settings::GetCursorColor() const noexcept
return _CursorColor;
CursorType Settings::GetCursorType() const noexcept
return _CursorType;
void Settings::SetCursorColor(const COLORREF CursorColor) noexcept
_CursorColor = CursorColor;
void Settings::SetCursorType(const CursorType cursorType) noexcept
_CursorType = cursorType;
bool Settings::GetInterceptCopyPaste() const noexcept
return _fInterceptCopyPaste;
void Settings::SetInterceptCopyPaste(const bool interceptCopyPaste) noexcept
_fInterceptCopyPaste = interceptCopyPaste;
COLORREF Settings::GetDefaultForegroundColor() const noexcept
return _DefaultForeground;
void Settings::SetDefaultForegroundColor(const COLORREF defaultForeground) noexcept
_DefaultForeground = defaultForeground;
COLORREF Settings::GetDefaultBackgroundColor() const noexcept
return _DefaultBackground;
void Settings::SetDefaultBackgroundColor(const COLORREF defaultBackground) noexcept
_DefaultBackground = defaultBackground;
TextAttribute Settings::GetDefaultAttributes() const noexcept
auto attrs = TextAttribute{ _wFillAttribute };
if (_DefaultForeground != INVALID_COLOR)
if (_DefaultBackground != INVALID_COLOR)
return attrs;
bool Settings::IsTerminalScrolling() const noexcept
return _TerminalScrolling;
void Settings::SetTerminalScrolling(const bool terminalScrollingEnabled) noexcept
_TerminalScrolling = terminalScrollingEnabled;
// Routine Description:
// - Determines whether our primary renderer should be DirectX or GDI.
// - This is based on user preference and velocity hold back state.
// Return Value:
// - True means use DirectX renderer. False means use GDI renderer.
bool Settings::GetUseDx() const noexcept
return _fUseDx;
// Method Description:
// - Return the default foreground color of the console. If the settings are
// configured to have a default foreground color (separate from the color
// table), this will return that value. Otherwise it will return the value
// from the colortable corresponding to our default legacy attributes.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - the default foreground color of the console.
COLORREF Settings::CalculateDefaultForeground() const noexcept
const auto fg = GetDefaultForegroundColor();
return fg != INVALID_COLOR ? fg : GetColorTableEntry(LOBYTE(_wFillAttribute) & FG_ATTRS);
// Method Description:
// - Return the default background color of the console. If the settings are
// configured to have a default background color (separate from the color
// table), this will return that value. Otherwise it will return the value
// from the colortable corresponding to our default legacy attributes.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - the default background color of the console.
COLORREF Settings::CalculateDefaultBackground() const noexcept
const auto bg = GetDefaultBackgroundColor();
return bg != INVALID_COLOR ? bg : GetColorTableEntry((LOBYTE(_wFillAttribute) & BG_ATTRS) >> 4);
// Method Description:
// - Get the foreground color of a particular text attribute, using our color
// table, and our configured default attributes.
// Arguments:
// - attr: the TextAttribute to retrieve the foreground color of.
// Return Value:
// - The color value of the attribute's foreground TextColor.
COLORREF Settings::LookupForegroundColor(const TextAttribute& attr) const noexcept
const auto tableView = Get256ColorTable();
if (_fScreenReversed)
return attr.CalculateRgbBackground(tableView, CalculateDefaultForeground(), CalculateDefaultBackground());
return attr.CalculateRgbForeground(tableView, CalculateDefaultForeground(), CalculateDefaultBackground());
// Method Description:
// - Get the background color of a particular text attribute, using our color
// table, and our configured default attributes.
// Arguments:
// - attr: the TextAttribute to retrieve the background color of.
// Return Value:
// - The color value of the attribute's background TextColor.
COLORREF Settings::LookupBackgroundColor(const TextAttribute& attr) const noexcept
const auto tableView = Get256ColorTable();
if (_fScreenReversed)
return attr.CalculateRgbForeground(tableView, CalculateDefaultForeground(), CalculateDefaultBackground());
return attr.CalculateRgbBackground(tableView, CalculateDefaultForeground(), CalculateDefaultBackground());
bool Settings::GetCopyColor() const noexcept
return _fCopyColor;