Mike Griese fb597ed304
Add support for renaming windows (#9662)
## Summary of the Pull Request

This PR adds support for renaming windows.


It does so through two new actions:
* `renameWindow` takes a `name` parameter, and attempts to set the window's name
  to the provided name. This is useful if you always want to hit <kbd>F3</kbd>
  and rename a window to "foo" (READ: probably not that useful)
* `openWindowRenamer` is more interesting: it opens a `TeachingTip` with a
  `TextBox`. When the user hits Ok, it'll request a rename for the provided
  value. This lets the user pick a new name for the window at runtime.

In both cases, if there's already a window with that name, then the monarch will
reject the rename, and pop a `Toast` in the window informing the user that the
rename failed. Nifty!

## References
* Builds on the toasts from #9523
* #5000 - process model megathread

## PR Checklist
* [x] Closes https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/projects/5#card-50771747
* [x] I work here
* [x] Tests addded (and pass with the help of #9660)
* [ ] Requires documentation to be updated

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments

I'm sending this PR while finishing up the tests. I figured I'll have time to sneak them in before I get the necessary reviews.

> PAIN: We can't immediately focus the textbox in the TeachingTip. It's
> not technically focusable until it is opened. However, it doesn't
> provide an even tto tell us when it is opened. That's tracked in
> microsoft/microsoft-ui-xaml#1607. So for now, the user _needs_ to
> click on the text box manually.
> We're also not using a ContentDialog for this, because in Xaml
> Islands a text box in a ContentDialog won't recieve _any_ keypresses.
> Fun!

## Validation Steps Performed

I've been playing with 

        { "keys": "f1", "command": "identifyWindow" },
        { "keys": "f2", "command": "identifyWindows" },
        { "keys": "f3", "command": "openWindowRenamer" },
        { "keys": "f4", "command": { "action": "renameWindow", "name": "foo" } },
        { "keys": "f5", "command": { "action": "renameWindow", "name": "bar" } },

and they seem to work as expected
2021-04-02 16:00:04 +00:00

198 lines
7.4 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "pch.h"
#include "Peasant.h"
#include "CommandlineArgs.h"
#include "Peasant.g.cpp"
#include "../../types/inc/utils.hpp"
using namespace winrt;
using namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal;
using namespace winrt::Windows::Foundation;
using namespace ::Microsoft::Console;
namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Remoting::implementation
Peasant::Peasant() :
_ourPID{ GetCurrentProcessId() }
// This is a private constructor to be used in unit tests, where we don't
// want each Peasant to necessarily use the current PID.
Peasant::Peasant(const uint64_t testPID) :
_ourPID{ testPID }
void Peasant::AssignID(uint64_t id)
_id = id;
uint64_t Peasant::GetID()
return _id;
uint64_t Peasant::GetPID()
return _ourPID;
bool Peasant::ExecuteCommandline(const Remoting::CommandlineArgs& args)
// If this is the first set of args we were ever told about, stash them
// away. We'll need to get at them later, when we setup the startup
// actions for the window.
if (_initialArgs == nullptr)
_initialArgs = args;
TraceLoggingUInt64(GetID(), "peasantID", "Our ID"),
TraceLoggingWideString(args.CurrentDirectory().c_str(), "directory", "the provided cwd"),
// Raise an event with these args. The AppHost will listen for this
// event to know when to take these args and dispatch them to a
// currently-running window.
_ExecuteCommandlineRequestedHandlers(*this, args);
return true;
Remoting::CommandlineArgs Peasant::InitialArgs()
return _initialArgs;
void Peasant::ActivateWindow(const Remoting::WindowActivatedArgs& args)
// TODO: projects/5 - somehow, pass an identifier for the current
// desktop into this method. The Peasant shouldn't need to be able to
// figure it out, but it will need to report it to the monarch.
// Store these new args as our last activated state. If a new monarch
// comes looking, we can use this info to tell them when we were last
// activated.
_lastActivatedArgs = args;
bool successfullyNotified = false;
// Raise our WindowActivated event, to let the monarch know we've been
// activated.
// Try/catch this, because the other side of this event is handled
// by the monarch. The monarch might have died. If they have, this
// will throw an exception. Just eat it, the election thread will
// handle hooking up the new one.
_WindowActivatedHandlers(*this, args);
successfullyNotified = true;
catch (...)
TraceLoggingUInt64(GetID(), "peasantID", "Our ID"),
TraceLoggingBoolean(successfullyNotified, "successfullyNotified", "true if we successfully notified the monarch"),
// Method Description:
// - Retrieve the WindowActivatedArgs describing the last activation of this
// peasant. New monarchs can use this state to determine when we were last
// activated.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - a WindowActivatedArgs with info about when and where we were last activated.
Remoting::WindowActivatedArgs Peasant::GetLastActivatedArgs()
return _lastActivatedArgs;
// Method Description:
// - Tell this window to display it's window ID. We'll raise a
// DisplayWindowIdRequested event, which will get handled in the AppHost,
// and used to tell the app to display the ID toast.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Peasant::DisplayWindowId()
// Not worried about try/catching this. The handler is in AppHost, which
// is in-proc for us.
_DisplayWindowIdRequestedHandlers(*this, nullptr);
// Method Description:
// - Raises an event to ask that all windows be identified. This will come
// back to us when the Monarch handles the event and calls our
// DisplayWindowId method.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Peasant::RequestIdentifyWindows()
bool successfullyNotified = false;
// Try/catch this, because the other side of this event is handled
// by the monarch. The monarch might have died. If they have, this
// will throw an exception. Just eat it, the election thread will
// handle hooking up the new one.
_IdentifyWindowsRequestedHandlers(*this, nullptr);
successfullyNotified = true;
catch (...)
TraceLoggingUInt64(GetID(), "peasantID", "Our ID"),
TraceLoggingBoolean(successfullyNotified, "successfullyNotified", "true if we successfully notified the monarch"),
void Peasant::RequestRename(const winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Remoting::RenameRequestArgs& args)
bool successfullyNotified = false;
const auto oldName{ _WindowName };
// Try/catch this, because the other side of this event is handled
// by the monarch. The monarch might have died. If they have, this
// will throw an exception. Just eat it, the election thread will
// handle hooking up the new one.
_RenameRequestedHandlers(*this, args);
if (args.Succeeded())
_WindowName = args.NewName();
successfullyNotified = true;
catch (...)
TraceLoggingUInt64(GetID(), "peasantID", "Our ID"),
TraceLoggingWideString(oldName.c_str(), "oldName", "Our old name"),
TraceLoggingWideString(args.NewName().c_str(), "newName", "The proposed name"),
TraceLoggingBoolean(args.Succeeded(), "succeeded", "true if the monarch ok'd this new name for us."),
TraceLoggingBoolean(successfullyNotified, "successfullyNotified", "true if we successfully notified the monarch"),