Carlos Zamora 6b503ba887
Add Serializer to CascadiaSettings (#8018)
##  Summary of the Pull Request
This adds `ToJson` functions to `Profile`, `GlobalAppSettings`, and `ColorScheme`. They are used in `CascadiaSettings` to completely serialize an instance of the settings model. Thanks to #7923, all of the settings are `std::optional`, and `JsonUtils` only writes out values that are actually populated.

`CascadiaSettings::WriteSettingsToDisk` serializes the current settings and writes them to the settings.json. A backup file is created with your old contents.

#### Limitations:
- all of the color schemes are serialized regardless of them coming from defaults.json or settings.json
- keybindings/actions are copied/pasted

## References
#1564 - Settings UI
TSM Specs (#6904 and #7876)

## PR Checklist
* [x] Tests added/passed
2020-11-17 00:37:19 +00:00

175 lines
8.1 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "precomp.h"
#include "../TerminalSettingsModel/ColorScheme.h"
#include "../TerminalSettingsModel/Profile.h"
#include "../TerminalSettingsModel/CascadiaSettings.h"
#include "../LocalTests_SettingsModel/JsonTestClass.h"
#include "../types/inc/colorTable.hpp"
using namespace Microsoft::Console;
using namespace WEX::Logging;
using namespace WEX::TestExecution;
using namespace WEX::Common;
using namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model;
using namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::TerminalControl;
namespace TerminalAppUnitTests
class JsonTests : public JsonTestClass
TEST_CLASS_PROPERTY(L"ActivationContext", L"TerminalApp.Unit.Tests.manifest")
// Use 4 spaces to indent instead of \t
_builder.settings_["indentation"] = " ";
return true;
Json::Value VerifyParseSucceeded(std::string content);
void VerifyParseFailed(std::string content);
Json::StreamWriterBuilder _builder;
Json::Value JsonTests::VerifyParseSucceeded(std::string content)
Json::Value root;
std::string errs;
const bool parseResult = _reader->parse(content.c_str(), content.c_str() + content.size(), &root, &errs);
VERIFY_IS_TRUE(parseResult, winrt::to_hstring(errs).c_str());
return root;
void JsonTests::VerifyParseFailed(std::string content)
Json::Value root;
std::string errs;
const bool parseResult = _reader->parse(content.c_str(), content.c_str() + content.size(), &root, &errs);
void JsonTests::ParseInvalidJson()
const std::string badJson{ "{ foo : bar : baz }" };
void JsonTests::ParseSimpleColorScheme()
const std::string campbellScheme{ "{"
"\"background\" : \"#0C0C0C\","
"\"black\" : \"#0C0C0C\","
"\"blue\" : \"#0037DA\","
"\"brightBlack\" : \"#767676\","
"\"brightBlue\" : \"#3B78FF\","
"\"brightCyan\" : \"#61D6D6\","
"\"brightGreen\" : \"#16C60C\","
"\"brightPurple\" : \"#B4009E\","
"\"brightRed\" : \"#E74856\","
"\"brightWhite\" : \"#F2F2F2\","
"\"brightYellow\" : \"#F9F1A5\","
"\"cursorColor\" : \"#FFFFFF\","
"\"cyan\" : \"#3A96DD\","
"\"foreground\" : \"#F2F2F2\","
"\"green\" : \"#13A10E\","
"\"name\" : \"Campbell\","
"\"purple\" : \"#881798\","
"\"red\" : \"#C50F1F\","
"\"selectionBackground\" : \"#131313\","
"\"white\" : \"#CCCCCC\","
"\"yellow\" : \"#C19C00\""
"}" };
const auto schemeObject = VerifyParseSucceeded(campbellScheme);
auto scheme = implementation::ColorScheme::FromJson(schemeObject);
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(L"Campbell", scheme->Name());
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(til::color(0xf2, 0xf2, 0xf2, 255), til::color{ scheme->Foreground() });
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(til::color(0x0c, 0x0c, 0x0c, 255), til::color{ scheme->Background() });
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(til::color(0x13, 0x13, 0x13, 255), til::color{ scheme->SelectionBackground() });
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(til::color(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 255), til::color{ scheme->CursorColor() });
std::array<COLORREF, COLOR_TABLE_SIZE> expectedCampbellTable;
auto campbellSpan = gsl::span<COLORREF>(&expectedCampbellTable[0], COLOR_TABLE_SIZE);
Utils::SetColorTableAlpha(campbellSpan, 0);
for (size_t i = 0; i < expectedCampbellTable.size(); i++)
const auto& expected = expectedCampbellTable.at(i);
const til::color actual{ scheme->Table().at(static_cast<uint32_t>(i)) };
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(expected, actual);
Log::Comment(L"Roundtrip Test for Color Scheme");
Json::Value outJson{ scheme->ToJson() };
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(schemeObject, outJson);
void JsonTests::ProfileGeneratesGuid()
// Parse some profiles without guids. We should NOT generate new guids
// for them. If a profile doesn't have a GUID, we'll leave its _guid
// set to nullopt. The Profile::Guid() getter will
// ensure all profiles have a GUID that's actually set.
// The null guid _is_ a valid guid, so we won't re-generate that
// guid. null is _not_ a valid guid, so we'll leave that nullopt
// See SettingsTests::ValidateProfilesGenerateGuids for a version of
// this test that includes synthesizing GUIDS for profiles without GUIDs
// set
const std::string profileWithoutGuid{ R"({
"name" : "profile0"
})" };
const std::string secondProfileWithoutGuid{ R"({
"name" : "profile1"
})" };
const std::string profileWithNullForGuid{ R"({
"name" : "profile2",
"guid" : null
})" };
const std::string profileWithNullGuid{ R"({
"name" : "profile3",
"guid" : "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}"
})" };
const std::string profileWithGuid{ R"({
"name" : "profile4",
"guid" : "{6239a42c-1de4-49a3-80bd-e8fdd045185c}"
})" };
const auto profile0Json = VerifyParseSucceeded(profileWithoutGuid);
const auto profile1Json = VerifyParseSucceeded(secondProfileWithoutGuid);
const auto profile2Json = VerifyParseSucceeded(profileWithNullForGuid);
const auto profile3Json = VerifyParseSucceeded(profileWithNullGuid);
const auto profile4Json = VerifyParseSucceeded(profileWithGuid);
const auto profile0 = implementation::Profile::FromJson(profile0Json);
const auto profile1 = implementation::Profile::FromJson(profile1Json);
const auto profile2 = implementation::Profile::FromJson(profile2Json);
const auto profile3 = implementation::Profile::FromJson(profile3Json);
const auto profile4 = implementation::Profile::FromJson(profile4Json);
const winrt::guid cmdGuid = Utils::GuidFromString(L"{6239a42c-1de4-49a3-80bd-e8fdd045185c}");
const winrt::guid nullGuid{};
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(profile3->Guid(), nullGuid);
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(profile4->Guid(), cmdGuid);