# termscp

~ A feature rich terminal file transfer ~

Website ยท Installation ยท User manual

Developed by @veeso

Current version: 0.7.0 (FIXME: 31/08/2021)

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So basically is a terminal utility with an TUI to connect to a remote server to retrieve and upload files and to interact with the local file system. It is **Linux**, **MacOS**, **FreeBSD** and **Windows** compatible and supports SFTP, SCP, FTP, FTPS and S3. ![Explorer](assets/images/explorer.gif) --- ## Features ๐ŸŽ - ๐Ÿ“ Different communication protocols - **SFTP** - **SCP** - **FTP** and **FTPS** - **Aws S3** - ๐Ÿ–ฅ Explore and operate on the remote and on the local machine file system with a handy UI - Create, remove, rename, search, view and edit files - โญ Connect to your favourite hosts through built-in bookmarks and recent connections - ๐Ÿ“ View and edit text files with your favourite text editor - ๐Ÿ’ SFTP/SCP authentication through SSH keys and username/password - ๐Ÿง Compatible with Windows, Linux, BSD and MacOS - โœ Customizable - Themes - Custom file explorer format - Customizable text editor - Customizable file sorting - ๐Ÿ” Save your password in your operating system key vault - ๐Ÿฆ€ Rust-powered - ๐Ÿค Easy to extend with new file transfers protocols - ๐Ÿ‘€ Developed keeping an eye on performance - ๐Ÿฆ„ Frequent awesome updates --- ## Get started ๐Ÿš€ If you're considering to install termscp I want to thank you ๐Ÿ’œ ! I hope you will enjoy termscp! If you want to contribute to this project, don't forget to check out our contribute guide. [Read More](CONTRIBUTING.md) If you are a Linux, a FreeBSD or a MacOS user this simple shell script will install termscp on your system with a single command: ```sh curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSLf "https://git.io/JBhDb" | sh ``` while if you're a Windows user, you can install termscp with [Chocolatey](https://chocolatey.org/): ```sh choco install termscp ``` For more information or other platforms, please visit [veeso.github.io](https://veeso.github.io/termscp/#get-started) to view all installation methods. โš ๏ธ If you're looking on how to update termscp just run termscp from CLI with: `(sudo) termscp --update` โš ๏ธ ### Requirements โ— - **Linux** users: - libssh - libdbus-1 - pkg-config - **BSD** users: - libssh - dbus - pkgconf ### Optional Requirements โœ”๏ธ These requirements are not forcely required to run termscp, but to enjoy all of its features - **Linux/BSD** users: - To **open** files via `V` (at least one of these) - *xdg-open* - *gio* - *gnome-open* - *kde-open* - **Linux** users: - A keyring manager: read more in the [User manual](docs/man_en.md#linux-keyring) - **WSL** users - To **open** files via `V` (at least one of these) - [wslu](https://github.com/wslutilities/wslu) --- ## Buy me a coffee โ˜• If you like termscp and you'd love to see the project to grow, please consider a little donation ๐Ÿฅณ [![Buy-me-a-coffee](https://img.buymeacoffee.com/button-api/?text=Buy%20me%20a%20coffee&emoji=&slug=veeso&button_colour=404040&font_colour=ffffff&font_family=Comic&outline_colour=ffffff&coffee_colour=FFDD00)](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/veeso) --- ## User manual and Documentation ๐Ÿ“š The user manual can be found on the [termscp's website](https://veeso.github.io/termscp/#user-manual) or on Github: - [User manual](docs/man-en.md) - [็”จๆˆทๆ‰‹ๅ†Œ](docs/man-zh.md) A translation of the user manual in other languages would be really appreciated ๐Ÿ˜‰ The developer documentation can be found on Rust Docs at --- ## Known issues ๐Ÿงป - `NoSuchFileOrDirectory` on connect (WSL1): I know about this issue and it's a glitch of WSL I guess. Don't worry about it, just move the termscp executable into another PATH location, such as `/usr/bin`, or install it through the appropriate package format (e.g. deb). --- ## Upcoming Features ๐Ÿงช Major termscp releases will now be seasonal, so expect 4 major updates during the year. Planned for *โ„๏ธ Winter update โ›„*: - **SMB Support ๐ŸŽ‰**: This will require a long time to be implemented, since I'm currently working on a Rust native SMB library, since I don't want to add new C-bindings. ~~Fear the ๐Ÿฆš~~ - **Configuration profile for bookmarks ๐Ÿ“š**: Basically this feature adds the possibility to have a specific setup for a certain host, instead of having only one global configuration. - **Notifications ๐Ÿ“ซ**: Desktop notifications for file transfers (optionals and configurable based on file transfer size). Along to new features, termscp developments is now focused on UX and performance improvements, so if you have any suggestion, feel free to open an issue. --- ## Contributing and issues ๐Ÿค๐Ÿป Contributions, bug reports, new features and questions are welcome! ๐Ÿ˜‰ If you have any question or concern, or you want to suggest a new feature, or you want just want to improve termscp, feel free to open an issue or a PR. An **appreciated** contribution would be a translation of the user manual and readme in **other languages** Please follow [our contributing guidelines](CONTRIBUTING.md) --- ## Changelog โณ View termscp's changelog [HERE](CHANGELOG.md) --- ## Powered by ๐Ÿ’ช termscp is powered by these aweseome projects: - [bytesize](https://github.com/hyunsik/bytesize) - [crossterm](https://github.com/crossterm-rs/crossterm) - [edit](https://github.com/milkey-mouse/edit) - [keyring-rs](https://github.com/hwchen/keyring-rs) - [open-rs](https://github.com/Byron/open-rs) - [rpassword](https://github.com/conradkleinespel/rpassword) - [rust-s3](https://github.com/durch/rust-s3) - [self_update](https://github.com/jaemk/self_update) - [ssh2-rs](https://github.com/alexcrichton/ssh2-rs) - [suppaftp](https://github.com/veeso/suppaftp) - [textwrap](https://github.com/mgeisler/textwrap) - [tui-rs](https://github.com/fdehau/tui-rs) - [tui-realm](https://github.com/veeso/tui-realm) - [whoami](https://github.com/libcala/whoami) - [wildmatch](https://github.com/becheran/wildmatch) --- ## Gallery ๐ŸŽฌ > Termscp Home ![Auth](assets/images/auth.gif) > Bookmarks ![Bookmarks](assets/images/bookmarks.gif) > Setup ![Setup](assets/images/config.gif) > Text editor ![TextEditor](assets/images/text-editor.gif) --- ## License ๐Ÿ“ƒ termscp is licensed under the MIT license. You can read the entire license [HERE](LICENSE)