"Close All Files" action can leave the editor area stale and broken (fixes #2704)

This commit is contained in:
Benjamin Pasero 2016-02-04 11:42:44 +01:00
parent 0ee59834bb
commit 413dd9191e

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@ -79,6 +79,8 @@ export class EditorPart extends Part implements IEditorPart {
private mapEditorCreationPromiseToEditor: { [editorId: string]: TPromise<BaseEditor>; }[];
private editorOpenToken: number[];
private editorSetInputErrorCounter: number[];
private pendingEditorInputsToClose: EditorInput[];
private pendingEditorInputCloseTimeout: number;
private messageService: IMessageService,
@ -111,6 +113,9 @@ export class EditorPart extends Part implements IEditorPart {
this.mapActionsToEditors = this.createPositionArray(false);
this.mapEditorLoadingPromiseToEditor = this.createPositionArray(false);
this.mapEditorCreationPromiseToEditor = this.createPositionArray(false);
this.pendingEditorInputsToClose = [];
this.pendingEditorInputCloseTimeout = null;
public setInstantiationService(service: IInstantiationService): void {
@ -209,14 +214,13 @@ export class EditorPart extends Part implements IEditorPart {
if (input) {
this.visibleInputListeners[position] = input.addListener(EventType.DISPOSE, () => {
// To prevent race conditions, we call the close in a timeout because it can well be
// that an input is being disposed with the intent to replace it with some other input
// right after.
setTimeout(() => {
if (input === this.visibleInputs[position]) {
this.closeEditors(false, input).done(null, errors.onUnexpectedError);
}, 0);
// Keep the inputs to close. We use this to support multiple inputs closing
// right after each other and this helps avoid layout issues with the delayed
// timeout based closing below
if (input === this.visibleInputs[position]) {
@ -432,17 +436,33 @@ export class EditorPart extends Part implements IEditorPart {
public closeEditors(othersOnly?: boolean, input?: EditorInput): TPromise<void> {
private startDelayedCloseEditorsFromInputDispose(): void {
// To prevent race conditions, we call the close in a timeout because it can well be
// that an input is being disposed with the intent to replace it with some other input
// right after.
if (this.pendingEditorInputCloseTimeout === null) {
this.pendingEditorInputCloseTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
this.closeEditors(false, this.pendingEditorInputsToClose).done(null, errors.onUnexpectedError);
// Reset
this.pendingEditorInputCloseTimeout = null;
this.pendingEditorInputsToClose = [];
}, 0);
public closeEditors(othersOnly?: boolean, inputs?: EditorInput[]): TPromise<void> {
let promises: Promise[] = [];
let editors = this.getVisibleEditors().reverse(); // start from the end to prevent layout to happen through rochade
for (let i = 0; i < editors.length; i++) {
let editor = editors[i];
for (var i = 0; i < editors.length; i++) {
var editor = editors[i];
if (othersOnly && this.getActiveEditor() === editor) {
if (!input || input === editor.input) {
if (!inputs || inputs.some(inp => inp === editor.input)) {
promises.push(this.openEditor(null, null, editor.position));