Theming tests

This commit is contained in:
Martin Aeschlimann 2016-04-05 10:45:38 +02:00
parent be0565c680
commit 4d1a9fe47b
3 changed files with 178 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
const webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver');
function mergeObjects(target) {
var sources = [];
for (var _i = 1; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
sources[_i - 1] = arguments[_i];
sources.forEach(function (source) {
for (var key in source) {
target[key] = source[key];
return target;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
'use strict';
import * as nls from 'vs/nls';
import {IDisposable, dispose} from 'vs/base/common/lifecycle';
import {TPromise} from 'vs/base/common/winjs.base';
import {Range} from 'vs/editor/common/core/range';
import {SyncActionDescriptor} from 'vs/platform/actions/common/actions';
import {Action} from 'vs/base/common/actions';
import WorkbenchContributions = require('vs/workbench/common/contributions');
import {IWorkspace} from 'vs/platform/workspace/common/workspace';
import paths = require('vs/base/common/paths');
import URI from 'vs/base/common/uri';
import Platform = require('vs/platform/platform');
import WorkbenchActionRegistry = require('vs/workbench/common/actionRegistry');
import {IFileStat} from 'vs/platform/files/common/files';
import {TextModelWithTokens} from 'vs/editor/common/model/textModelWithTokens';
import {TextModel} from 'vs/editor/common/model/textModel';
import {IModeService} from 'vs/editor/common/services/modeService';
import pfs = require('vs/base/node/pfs');
interface Data {
c: string; // content
t: string; // token
r: string; // rule
const ID = 'workbench.action.snapshotAction';
const LABEL = nls.localize('togglePosition', "Take Theme Snapshot");
class SnapshotAction extends Action {
private currentSrcFolder: string;
constructor(id: string, label: string,
@IModeService private modeService: IModeService
) {
super(id, label);
let outFolder = require.toUrl('');
this.currentSrcFolder = paths.normalize(paths.join(outFolder, "../src/vs/workbench/parts/themes/test/electron-browser"));
public run(): TPromise<any> {
let fixturesPath = URI.parse(paths.join(this.currentSrcFolder, 'fixtures')).fsPath;
return pfs.readdir(fixturesPath).then(fileNames => {
return TPromise.join( => {
return pfs.readFile(paths.join(fixturesPath, fileName)).then(content => {
return this.snap(fileName, content.toString()).then(result => {
return this.verify(fileName, result);
}, err => {
public getId() : string {
return "TokenizationSnapshotController";
private getEditorNode() : Element {
let editorNodes = document.getElementsByClassName('monaco-editor');
if (editorNodes.length > 0) {
return editorNodes.item(0);
return null;
private getStyle(scope: string) : string {
let element = document.createElement('span');
element.className = scope;
element.hidden = true;
let cssStyles = window.getComputedStyle(element);
if (cssStyles) {
return cssStyles.color;
return '';
private getMatchedCSSRule(scope: string) : string {
let element = document.createElement('span');
element.className = 'token ' + scope;
element.hidden = true;
let editorNode = this.getEditorNode();
let rulesList = window.getMatchedCSSRules(element);
if (rulesList) {
for (let i = rulesList.length - 1; i >= 0 ; i--) {
let selectorText = <string> rulesList.item(i)['selectorText'];
if (selectorText && selectorText.indexOf('.monaco-editor.vs') === 0) {
return selectorText.substr(14);
return '';
public snap(fileName: string, content: string) : TPromise<Data[]> {
return this.modeService.getOrCreateModeByFilenameOrFirstLine(fileName).then(mode => {
let result : Data[] = [];
let model = new TextModelWithTokens([], TextModel.toRawText(content, TextModel.DEFAULT_CREATION_OPTIONS), false, mode);
model.tokenIterator({lineNumber: 1, column: 1}, iterator => {
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
let tokenInfo =;
let lineNumber = tokenInfo.lineNumber;
let content = model.getValueInRange({ startLineNumber: lineNumber, endLineNumber: lineNumber, startColumn: tokenInfo.startColumn, endColumn: tokenInfo.endColumn});
c: content,
t: tokenInfo.token.type,
r: this.getMatchedCSSRule(tokenInfo.token.type)
return result;
public verify(fileName: string, data: Data[]) : TPromise<any> {
let dataString = JSON.stringify(data, null, '\t');
let resultFileName = fileName.replace('.', '_') + '.json';
let resultPath = URI.parse(paths.join(this.currentSrcFolder, 'results', resultFileName)).fsPath;
return pfs.fileExists(resultPath).then(success => {
if (success) {
return pfs.readFile(resultPath).then(content => {
let previousDataString = content.toString();
if (previousDataString !== dataString) {
let errorResultFileName = fileName.replace('.', '_') + '.error.json';
let errorResultPath = URI.parse(paths.join(this.currentSrcFolder, 'results', errorResultFileName)).fsPath;
console.log(`Different result for ${fileName}`);
return pfs.writeFile(errorResultPath, dataString);
return true;
} else {
return pfs.writeFile(resultPath, dataString);
var workbenchActionsRegistry = <WorkbenchActionRegistry.IWorkbenchActionRegistry>;
workbenchActionsRegistry.registerWorkbenchAction(new SyncActionDescriptor(SnapshotAction, ID, LABEL), nls.localize('view', "View"));

View file

@ -87,7 +87,10 @@ define([
], function() {
'use strict';