add jsdoc for extensions API namespace

This commit is contained in:
Johannes Rieken 2015-11-18 11:40:51 +01:00
parent 663967cab9
commit 56decc5432

src/vs/vscode.d.ts vendored
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@ -2404,10 +2404,10 @@ declare namespace vscode {
* The text to show for the entry. You can embed icons in the text by leveraging the syntax:
* `My text $(icon name) contains icons like $(icon name) this one.`
* `My text $(icon-name) contains icons like $(icon'name) this one.`
* Where the icon name is taken from the (octicon)[] icon set, e.g.
* light-bulb, thumbsup, zap etc.
* Where the icon-name is taken from the [octicon]( icon set, e.g.
* `light-bulb`, `thumbsup`, `zap` etc.
text: string;
@ -2453,27 +2453,37 @@ declare namespace vscode {
* The canonical extension identifier in the form of: ``.
* @readonly
id: string;
* The absolute file path of the directory containing this extension.
* @readonly
extensionPath: string;
* Returns if the extension has been activated.
* `true` if the extension has been activated.
* @readonly
isActive: boolean;
* The parsed contents of the extension's package.json.
* @readonly
packageJSON: any;
* The public API exported by this extension. It is an invalid action
* to access this field before this extension has been activated.
* @readonly
exports: T;
@ -2552,7 +2562,39 @@ declare namespace vscode {
* Namespace for commanding
* Namespace for dealing with commands. In short, a command is a function with a
* unique identifier. The function is sometimes also called _command handler_.
* Commands can be added to the editor using the [registerCommand](#commands.registerCommand)
* and [registerTextEditorCommand](#commands.registerTextEditorCommand) functions. Commands
* can be executed [manually](#commands.executeCommand) or from a UI gesture. Those are:
* * palette - Use the `commands`-section in `package.json` to make a command show in
* the [command palette](
* * keybinding - Use the `keybindings`-section in `package.json` to enable
* [keybindings](
* for your extension.
* Commands from other extensions and from the editor itself are accessable to an extension. However,
* when invoking an editor command not all argument types are supported.
* This is a sample that registers a command handler and adds an entry for that command to the palette. First
* register a command handler with the identfier `extension.sayHello`.
* ```javascript
* commands.registerCommand('extension.sayHello', () => {
* window.showInformationMessage('Hello World!');
* });
* ```
* Second, bind the command identfier to a title under which it will show in the palette (`package.json`).
* ```json
* {
* "contributes": {
* "commands": [{
* "command": "extension.sayHello",
* "title": "Hello World"
* }]
* }
* ```
export namespace commands {
@ -2590,7 +2632,7 @@ declare namespace vscode {
* Executes the command denoted by the given command identifier.
* When executing an editor command not all types are allowed to
* be passed as arguments. Allows are the primitive types `string`, `boolean`,
* be passed as arguments. Allowed are the primitive types `string`, `boolean`,
* `number`, `undefined`, and `null`, as well as classes defined in this API.
* There are no restriction when executing commands that have been contributed
* by extensions.
@ -2611,8 +2653,9 @@ declare namespace vscode {
* The window namespace contains all functions to interact with
* the visual window of VS Code.
* Namespace for dealing with the current window of the editor. That is visible
* and active editors, as well as, UI elements to show messages, selections, and
* asking for user input.
export namespace window {
@ -2624,12 +2667,12 @@ declare namespace vscode {
export let activeTextEditor: TextEditor;
* The currently visible editors or empty array.
* The currently visible editors or an empty array.
export let visibleTextEditors: TextEditor[];
* An [event](#Event) which fires when the [active](#window.activeTextEditor)
* An [event](#Event) which fires when the [active editor](#window.activeTextEditor)
* has changed.
export const onDidChangeActiveTextEditor: Event<TextEditor>;
@ -2845,8 +2888,13 @@ declare namespace vscode {
* The workspace namespace contains functions that operate on the currently opened
* folder.
* Namespace for dealing with the current workspace. A workspace is the representation
* of the folder that has been opened. There is no workspace when just a file but not a
* folder has been opened.
* The workspace offers support for [listening](#workspace.createFileSystemWatcher) to fs
* events and for [finding](#workspace#findFiles) files. Both perform well and run _outside_
* the editor-process so that they should be always used instead of nodejs-equalivents.
export namespace workspace {
@ -2985,8 +3033,25 @@ declare namespace vscode {
* The languages namespace contains function to participate in language service features,
* like IntelliSense or diagnostics.
* Namespace for participating in language-specific editor [features](,
* like IntelliSense, code actions, diagnostics etc.
* Many programming languages exist and there is huge variety in syntaxes, semantics, and paradigms. Despite that, features
* like automatic word-completion, code navigation, or code checking have become popular across different tools for different
* programming languages.
* The editor provides API that makes it simple to provide such common features by having all UI and actions already in place and
* by allowing you to participate by providing data only. For instance, to contribute a hover all you have to do is provide a function
* that can be called with a [TextDocument](#TextDocument) and a [Position](#Position) returning hover info. The rest, like tracking the
* mouse, positioning the hover, keeping the hover stable etc. is taken care of by the editor.
* ```javascript
* languages.registerHoverProvider('javascript', {
* provideHover(document, position, token) {
* return new Hover('I am a hover!');
* }
* });
* ```
export namespace languages {
@ -3199,12 +3264,43 @@ declare namespace vscode {
* Namespace to retrieve installed extensions.
* Namespace for dealing with installed extensions. Extensions are represented
* by an [extension](#Extension)-interface which allows to reflect on them.
* Extension writers can provide APIs to other extensions by returing their API public
* surface from the `activate`-call.
* ```javascript
* export function activate(context: vscode.ExtensionContext) {
* let api = {
* sum(a, b) {
* return a + b;
* },
* mul(a, b) {
* return a * b;
* }
* };
* // 'export' public api-surface
* return api;
* }
* ```
* When depending on the API of another extension add an `extensionDependency`-entry
* to `package.json`, and use the [getExtension](#extensions.getExtension)-function
* and the [exports](#Extension.exports)-property, like below:
* ```javascript
* let mathExt = extensions.getExtension('genius.math');
* let importedApi = mathExt.exports;
* console.log(importedApi.mul(42, 1));
* ```
export namespace extensions {
* Get an extension its full identifier in the form of: ``.
* Get an extension by its full identifier in the form of: ``.
* @param extensionId An extension identifier.
* @return An extension or `undefined`.