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(?: 0|[1-9][0-9_]*) # (base 10)\n | [-+]? 0x [0-9a-fA-F_]+ # (base 16)\n | [-+]? [1-9] [0-9_]* (?: :[0-5]?[0-9])+ # (base 60)\n )\n )\n | (\n (?x:\n [-+]? (?: [0-9] [0-9_]*)? \\. [0-9.]* (?: [eE] [-+] [0-9]+)? # (base 10)\n | [-+]? [0-9] [0-9_]* (?: :[0-5]?[0-9])+ \\. [0-9_]* # (base 60)\n | [-+]? \\. (?: inf|Inf|INF) # (infinity)\n | \\. 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(?: nan|NaN|NAN) # (not a number)\n )\n )\n | (\n (?x:\n \\d{4} - \\d{2} - \\d{2} # (y-m-d)\n | \\d{4} # (year)\n - \\d{1,2} # (month)\n - \\d{1,2} # (day)\n (?: [Tt] | [ \\t]+) \\d{1,2} # (hour)\n : \\d{2} # (minute)\n : \\d{2} # (second)\n (?: \\.\\d*)? # (fraction)\n (?:\n (?:[ \\t]*) Z\n | [-+] \\d{1,2} (?: :\\d{1,2})?\n )? # (time zone)\n )\n )\n | (=)\n | (<<)\n )\n (?x:\n (?=\n \\s* $\n | \\s+ \\#\n | \\s* : \\s\n )\n )\n " + } + ] + }, + "flow-scalar-single-quoted": { + "begin": "'", + "beginCaptures": { + "0": { + "name": "punctuation.definition.string.begin.yaml" + } + }, + "end": "'(?!')", + "endCaptures": { + "0": { + "name": "punctuation.definition.string.end.yaml" + } + }, + "name": "string.quoted.single.yaml", + "patterns": [ + { + "match": "''", + "name": "constant.character.escape.single-quoted.yaml" + } + ] + }, + "flow-sequence": { + "begin": "\\[", + "beginCaptures": { + "0": { + "name": "punctuation.definition.sequence.begin.yaml" + } + }, + "end": "\\]", + "endCaptures": { + "0": { + "name": "punctuation.definition.sequence.end.yaml" + } + }, + "name": "meta.flow-sequence.yaml", + "patterns": [ + { + "include": "#prototype" + }, + { + "match": ",", + "name": "punctuation.separator.sequence.yaml" + }, + { + "include": "#flow-pair" + }, + { + "include": "#flow-node" + } + ] + }, + "flow-value": { + "patterns": [ + { + "begin": "\\G(?![},\\]])", + "end": "(?=[},\\]])", + "name": "meta.flow-pair.value.yaml", + "patterns": [ + { + "include": "#flow-node" + } + ] + } + ] + }, + "node": { + "patterns": [ + { + "include": "#block-node" + } + ] + }, + "property": { + "begin": "(?=!|&)", + "end": "(?!\\G)", + "name": "meta.property.yaml", + "patterns": [ + { + "captures": { + "1": { + "name": "keyword.control.property.anchor.yaml" + }, + "2": { + "name": "punctuation.definition.anchor.yaml" + }, + "3": { + "name": "entity.name.type.anchor.yaml" + }, + "4": { + "name": "invalid.illegal.character.anchor.yaml" + } + }, + "match": "\\G((&))([^\\s\\[\\]/{/},]+)(\\S+)?" + }, + { + "match": "(?x)\n \\G\n (?:\n ! < (?: %\\p{XDigit}{2} | [0-9A-Za-z\\-#;/?:@&=+$,_.!~*'()\\[\\]] )+ >\n | (?:!(?:[0-9A-Za-z\\-]*!)?) 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