Remove unneeded typings file

This commit is contained in:
Rachel Macfarlane 2019-11-08 09:22:26 -08:00
parent 9c018f2486
commit 65cf4c836e

View file

@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
declare module '@microsoft/applicationinsights-web' {
export interface IConfig {
instrumentationKey?: string;
endpointUrl?: string;
emitLineDelimitedJson?: boolean;
accountId?: string;
sessionRenewalMs?: number;
sessionExpirationMs?: number;
maxBatchSizeInBytes?: number;
maxBatchInterval?: number;
enableDebug?: boolean;
disableExceptionTracking?: boolean;
disableTelemetry?: boolean;
verboseLogging?: boolean;
diagnosticLogInterval?: number;
samplingPercentage?: number;
autoTrackPageVisitTime?: boolean;
disableAjaxTracking?: boolean;
overridePageViewDuration?: boolean;
maxAjaxCallsPerView?: number;
disableDataLossAnalysis?: boolean;
disableCorrelationHeaders?: boolean;
correlationHeaderExcludedDomains?: string[];
disableFlushOnBeforeUnload?: boolean;
enableSessionStorageBuffer?: boolean;
isCookieUseDisabled?: boolean;
cookieDomain?: string;
isRetryDisabled?: boolean;
url?: string;
isStorageUseDisabled?: boolean;
isBeaconApiDisabled?: boolean;
sdkExtension?: string;
isBrowserLinkTrackingEnabled?: boolean;
appId?: string;
enableCorsCorrelation?: boolean;
export interface ISnippet {
config: IConfig;
export interface IEventTelemetry {
name: string;
properties?: { [key: string]: string };
measurements?: { [key: string]: number };
export class ApplicationInsights {
constructor(config: ISnippet);
loadAppInsights(): void;
trackEvent(data: IEventTelemetry): void;
flush(): void;