Upgrade extension-editing extension to use shared tsconfig

Use the shared tsconfig and fix a number of strict mode typing errors and null check errors
This commit is contained in:
Matt Bierner 2018-10-01 19:14:32 -07:00
parent e12fbaa5cd
commit 69056ab090
4 changed files with 23 additions and 26 deletions

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@ -22,10 +22,10 @@ export function activate(context: vscode.ExtensionContext) {
const _linkProvider = new class implements vscode.DocumentLinkProvider {
private _cachedResult: { key: string; links: vscode.DocumentLink[] };
private _cachedResult: { key: string; links: vscode.DocumentLink[] } | undefined;
private _linkPattern = /[^!]\[.*?\]\(#(.*?)\)/g;
async provideDocumentLinks(document: vscode.TextDocument, token: vscode.CancellationToken): Promise<vscode.DocumentLink[]> {
async provideDocumentLinks(document: vscode.TextDocument, _token: vscode.CancellationToken): Promise<vscode.DocumentLink[]> {
const key = `${document.uri.toString()}@${document.version}`;
if (!this._cachedResult || this._cachedResult.key !== key) {
const links = await this._computeDocumentLinks(document);
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ const _linkProvider = new class implements vscode.DocumentLinkProvider {
const lookUp = await ast.createNamedNodeLookUp(text);
this._linkPattern.lastIndex = 0;
let match: RegExpMatchArray;
let match: RegExpMatchArray | null = null;
while ((match = this._linkPattern.exec(text))) {
const offset = lookUp(match[1]);

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@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ import * as MarkdownItType from 'markdown-it';
import { languages, workspace, Disposable, TextDocument, Uri, Diagnostic, Range, DiagnosticSeverity, Position, env } from 'vscode';
const product = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.join(env.appRoot, 'product.json'), { encoding: 'utf-8' }));
const allowedBadgeProviders: string[] = (product.extensionAllowedBadgeProviders || []).map(s => s.toLowerCase());
const allowedBadgeProviders: string[] = (product.extensionAllowedBadgeProviders || []).map((s: string) => s.toLowerCase());
const httpsRequired = localize('httpsRequired', "Images must use the HTTPS protocol.");
const svgsNotValid = localize('svgsNotValid', "SVGs are not a valid image source.");
@ -52,8 +52,8 @@ export class ExtensionLinter {
private folderToPackageJsonInfo: Record<string, PackageJsonInfo> = {};
private packageJsonQ = new Set<TextDocument>();
private readmeQ = new Set<TextDocument>();
private timer: NodeJS.Timer;
private markdownIt: MarkdownItType.MarkdownIt;
private timer: NodeJS.Timer | undefined;
private markdownIt: MarkdownItType.MarkdownIt | undefined;
constructor() {
@ -118,10 +118,10 @@ export class ExtensionLinter {
const badges = findNodeAtLocation(tree, ['badges']);
if (badges && badges.type === 'array') {
if (badges && badges.type === 'array' && badges.children) {
badges.children.map(child => findNodeAtLocation(child, ['url']))
.filter(url => url && url.type === 'string')
.map(url => this.addDiagnostics(diagnostics, document, url.offset + 1, url.offset + url.length - 1, url.value, Context.BADGE, info));
.map(url => this.addDiagnostics(diagnostics, document, url!.offset + 1, url!.offset + url!.length - 1, url!.value, Context.BADGE, info));
@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ export class ExtensionLinter {
this.markdownIt = new (await import('markdown-it'));
const tokens = this.markdownIt.parse(text, {});
const tokensAndPositions = (function toTokensAndPositions(this: ExtensionLinter, tokens: MarkdownItType.Token[], begin = 0, end = text.length): TokenAndPosition[] {
const tokensAndPositions: TokenAndPosition[] = (function toTokensAndPositions(this: ExtensionLinter, tokens: MarkdownItType.Token[], begin = 0, end = text.length): TokenAndPosition[] {
const tokensAndPositions = tokens.map<TokenAndPosition>(token => {
if (token.map) {
const tokenBegin = document.offsetAt(new Position(token.map[0], 0));
@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ export class ExtensionLinter {
tokensAndPositions.filter(tnp => tnp.token.type === 'image' && tnp.token.attrGet('src'))
.map(inp => {
const src = inp.token.attrGet('src');
const src = inp.token.attrGet('src')!;
const begin = text.indexOf(src, inp.begin);
if (begin !== -1 && begin < inp.end) {
this.addDiagnostics(diagnostics, document, begin, begin + src.length, src, Context.MARKDOWN, info);
@ -199,16 +199,16 @@ export class ExtensionLinter {
if (tnp.token.type === 'text' && tnp.token.content) {
const parse5 = await import('parse5');
const parser = new parse5.SAXParser({ locationInfo: true });
parser.on('startTag', (name, attrs, selfClosing, location) => {
parser.on('startTag', (name, attrs, _selfClosing, location) => {
if (name === 'img') {
const src = attrs.find(a => a.name === 'src');
if (src && src.value) {
if (src && src.value && location) {
const begin = text.indexOf(src.value, tnp.begin + location.startOffset);
if (begin !== -1 && begin < tnp.end) {
this.addDiagnostics(diagnostics, document, begin, begin + src.value.length, src.value, Context.MARKDOWN, info);
} else if (name === 'svg') {
} else if (name === 'svg' && location) {
const begin = tnp.begin + location.startOffset;
const end = tnp.begin + location.endOffset;
const range = new Range(document.positionAt(begin), document.positionAt(end));
@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ export class ExtensionLinter {
parser.on('endTag', (name, location) => {
if (name === 'svg' && svgStart) {
if (name === 'svg' && svgStart && location) {
const end = tnp.begin + location.endOffset;
svgStart.range = new Range(svgStart.range.start, document.positionAt(end));
@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ export class ExtensionLinter {
private locateToken(text: string, begin: number, end: number, token: MarkdownItType.Token, content: string) {
private locateToken(text: string, begin: number, end: number, token: MarkdownItType.Token, content: string | null) {
if (content) {
const tokenBegin = text.indexOf(content, begin);
if (tokenBegin !== -1) {
@ -246,16 +246,17 @@ export class ExtensionLinter {
return undefined;
private readPackageJsonInfo(folder: Uri, tree: JsonNode) {
private readPackageJsonInfo(folder: Uri, tree: JsonNode | undefined) {
const engine = tree && findNodeAtLocation(tree, ['engines', 'vscode']);
const repo = tree && findNodeAtLocation(tree, ['repository', 'url']);
const uri = repo && parseUri(repo.value);
const info: PackageJsonInfo = {
isExtension: !!(engine && engine.type === 'string'),
hasHttpsRepository: !!(repo && repo.type === 'string' && repo.value && uri && uri.scheme.toLowerCase() === 'https'),
repository: uri
repository: uri!
const str = folder.toString();
const oldInfo = this.folderToPackageJsonInfo[str];
@ -348,7 +349,7 @@ function endsWith(haystack: string, needle: string): boolean {
function parseUri(src: string, base?: string, retry: boolean = true): Uri {
function parseUri(src: string, base?: string, retry: boolean = true): Uri | null {
try {
let url = new URL(src, base);
return Uri.parse(url.toString());

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@ -13,13 +13,14 @@ export class PackageDocument {
constructor(private document: vscode.TextDocument) { }
public provideCompletionItems(position: vscode.Position, token: vscode.CancellationToken): vscode.ProviderResult<vscode.CompletionItem[]> {
public provideCompletionItems(position: vscode.Position, _token: vscode.CancellationToken): vscode.ProviderResult<vscode.CompletionItem[]> {
const location = getLocation(this.document.getText(), this.document.offsetAt(position));
if (location.path.length >= 2 && location.path[1] === 'configurationDefaults') {
return this.provideLanguageOverridesCompletionItems(location, position);
return undefined;
private provideLanguageOverridesCompletionItems(location: Location, position: vscode.Position): vscode.ProviderResult<vscode.CompletionItem[]> {

View file

@ -1,11 +1,6 @@
"extends": "../shared.tsconfig.json",
"compilerOptions": {
"target": "es5",
"lib": [
"module": "commonjs",
"noUnusedLocals": true,
"outDir": "./out",
"typeRoots": [
@ -14,4 +9,4 @@
"include": [