Add completion suggestion for defaultBuildTask

Fixes #81816
This commit is contained in:
Alex Ross 2019-10-02 15:42:16 +02:00
parent 1d8037c63c
commit 75e6fa0797

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@ -75,7 +75,8 @@ function registerVariableCompletions(pattern: string): vscode.Disposable {
{ label: 'fileDirname', detail: localize('fileDirname', "The current opened file's dirname") },
{ label: 'fileExtname', detail: localize('fileExtname', "The current opened file's extension") },
{ label: 'fileBasename', detail: localize('fileBasename', "The current opened file's basename") },
{ label: 'fileBasenameNoExtension', detail: localize('fileBasenameNoExtension', "The current opened file's basename with no file extension") }
{ label: 'fileBasenameNoExtension', detail: localize('fileBasenameNoExtension', "The current opened file's basename with no file extension") },
{ label: 'defaultBuildTask', detail: localize('defaultBuildTask', "The name of the default build task. If there is not a single default build task then a quick pick is shown to choose the build task.") },
].map(variable => ({
label: '${' + variable.label + '}',
range: new vscode.Range(startPosition, position),