JSDoc for vscode.d.ts

This commit is contained in:
Alex Dima 2015-11-17 14:35:10 +01:00
parent 922b2b2088
commit 823f12503f

src/vs/vscode.d.ts vendored
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@ -1981,30 +1981,85 @@ declare namespace vscode {
blockComment?: CharacterPair;
* Describes indentation rules for a language.
export interface IndentationRule {
* If a line matches this pattern, then all the lines after it should be unindendented once (until another rule matches).
decreaseIndentPattern: RegExp;
* If a line matches this pattern, then all the lines after it should be indented once (until another rule matches).
increaseIndentPattern: RegExp;
* If a line matches this pattern, then **only the next line** after it should be indented once.
indentNextLinePattern?: RegExp;
* If a line matches this pattern, then its indentation should not be changed and it should not be evaluated against the other rules.
unIndentedLinePattern?: RegExp;
// <<< this is not an 'action' but an 'indent type'
* Describes what to do with the indentation when pressing Enter.
export enum IndentAction {
* Insert new line and copy the previous line's indentation.
* Insert new line and indent once (relative to the previous line's indentation).
* Insert two new lines:
* - the first one indented which will hold the cursor
* - the second one at the same indentation level
* Insert new line and outdent once (relative to the previous line's indentation).
* Describes what to do when pressing Enter.
export interface EnterAction {
indentAction: IndentAction; // <<< confusing: another reason not to use the name 'IndentAction' >>>
* Describe what to do with the indentation.
indentAction: IndentAction;
* Describes text to be appended after the new line and after the indentation.
appendText?: string;
removeText?: number; // <<< non-obvious: the number of characters to remove? >>>
* Describes the number of characters to remove from the new line's indentation.
removeText?: number;
* Describes a rule to be evaluated when pressing Enter.
export interface OnEnterRule {
* This rule will only execute if the text before the cursor matches this regular expression.
beforeText: RegExp;
* This rule will only execute if the text after the cursor matches this regular expression.
afterText?: RegExp;
* The action to execute.
action: EnterAction;
@ -2013,13 +2068,34 @@ declare namespace vscode {
* and various editor feature, like automatic bracket insertion, automatic indentation etc.
export interface LanguageConfiguration {
* The language's comment settings.
comments?: CommentRule;
* The language's brackets.
* This configuration implicitly affects pressing Enter around these brackets.
brackets?: CharacterPair[];
* The language's word definition.
* If the language supports Unicode identifiers (e.g. JavaScript), it is preferable
* to provide a word definition that uses exclusion of known separators.
* e.g.: A regex that matches anything except known separators (and dot is allowed to occur in a floating point number):
* /(-?\d*\.\d\w*)|([^\`\~\!\@\#\%\^\&\*\(\)\-\=\+\[\{\]\}\\\|\;\:\'\"\,\.\<\>\/\?\s]+)/g
wordPattern?: RegExp;
* The language's indentation settings.
indentationRules?: IndentationRule;
* The language's rules to be evaluated when pressing Enter.
onEnterRules?: OnEnterRule[];
* **Deprecated** Do not use.
* @deprecated Will be replaced by a better API soon.
@ -2031,14 +2107,15 @@ declare namespace vscode {
isElectric: boolean;
docComment?: {
scope: string; // What tokens should be used to detect a doc comment (e.g. 'comment.documentation').
open: string; // The string that starts a doc comment (e.g. '/**')
lineStart: string; // The string that appears at the start of each line, except the first and last (e.g. ' * ').
close?: string; // The string that appears on the last line and closes the doc comment (e.g. ' */').
scope: string;
open: string;
lineStart: string;
close?: string;
* **Deprecated** Do not use.
* @deprecated Will be replaced by a better API soon.