Generate monaco.d.ts continuously and check it in build

This commit is contained in:
Alex Dima 2016-06-10 18:40:23 +02:00
parent ac9567ee47
commit 8fd51f85b9
5 changed files with 518 additions and 332 deletions

View file

@ -2,12 +2,7 @@
## Generate monaco.d.ts
* Generate `.d.ts` files from our modules
* kill `gulp watch` if you have it running
* run `gulp watch`
* `node build/lib/api`
* validate that the file is generated ok and that everything compiles
* The `monaco.d.ts` is now automatically generated when running `gulp watch`
## Bump version

View file

@ -1,292 +1,342 @@
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
"use strict";
// run gulp watch once
var fs = require('fs');
var ts = require('typescript');
var path = require('path');
var SRC = path.join(__dirname, '../../src');
var OUT = path.join(__dirname, '../../out');
function moduleIdToPath(moduleId) {
if (/\.d\.ts/.test(moduleId)) {
return path.join(SRC, moduleId);
return path.join(OUT, moduleId) + '.d.ts';
function getSourceFile(moduleId) {
if (!SOURCE_FILE_MAP[moduleId]) {
var filePath = moduleIdToPath(moduleId);
var fileContents = void 0;
try {
fileContents = fs.readFileSync(filePath).toString();
catch (err) {
console.error('=> Have you compiled with env variable VSCODE_BUILD_DECLARATION_FILES=1 ?');
throw err;
var sourceFile = ts.createSourceFile(filePath, fileContents, ts.ScriptTarget.ES5);
SOURCE_FILE_MAP[moduleId] = sourceFile;
return SOURCE_FILE_MAP[moduleId];
function isDeclaration(a) {
return (a.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.InterfaceDeclaration
|| a.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.EnumDeclaration
|| a.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration
|| a.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.TypeAliasDeclaration
|| a.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.FunctionDeclaration
|| a.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.ModuleDeclaration);
function visitTopLevelDeclarations(sourceFile, visitor) {
var stop = false;
var visit = function (node) {
if (stop) {
switch (node.kind) {
case ts.SyntaxKind.InterfaceDeclaration:
case ts.SyntaxKind.EnumDeclaration:
case ts.SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration:
case ts.SyntaxKind.VariableStatement:
case ts.SyntaxKind.TypeAliasDeclaration:
case ts.SyntaxKind.FunctionDeclaration:
case ts.SyntaxKind.ModuleDeclaration:
stop = visitor(node);
// if (node.kind !== ts.SyntaxKind.SourceFile) {
// if (getNodeText(sourceFile, node).indexOf('SymbolKind') >= 0) {
// console.log('FOUND TEXT IN NODE: ' + ts.SyntaxKind[node.kind]);
// console.log(getNodeText(sourceFile, node));
// }
// }
if (stop) {
ts.forEachChild(node, visit);
function getAllTopLevelDeclarations(sourceFile) {
var all = [];
visitTopLevelDeclarations(sourceFile, function (node) {
if (node.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.InterfaceDeclaration || node.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration || node.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.ModuleDeclaration) {
var interfaceDeclaration = node;
var triviaStart = interfaceDeclaration.pos;
var triviaEnd =;
var triviaText = getNodeText(sourceFile, { pos: triviaStart, end: triviaEnd });
// // let nodeText = getNodeText(sourceFile, node);
// if (getNodeText(sourceFile, node).indexOf('SymbolKind') >= 0) {
// console.log('TRIVIA: ', triviaText);
// }
if (triviaText.indexOf('@internal') === -1) {
else {
var nodeText = getNodeText(sourceFile, node);
if (nodeText.indexOf('@internal') === -1) {
return false /*continue*/;
return all;
function getTopLevelDeclaration(sourceFile, typeName) {
var result = null;
visitTopLevelDeclarations(sourceFile, function (node) {
if (isDeclaration(node)) {
if ( === typeName) {
result = node;
return true /*stop*/;
return false /*continue*/;
// node is ts.VariableStatement
if (getNodeText(sourceFile, node).indexOf(typeName) >= 0) {
result = node;
return true /*stop*/;
return false /*continue*/;
if (result === null) {
console.log('COULD NOT FIND ' + typeName + '!');
return result;
function getNodeText(sourceFile, node) {
return sourceFile.getFullText().substring(node.pos, node.end);
function getMassagedTopLevelDeclarationText(sourceFile, declaration) {
var result = getNodeText(sourceFile, declaration);
// if (result.indexOf('MonacoWorker') >= 0) {
// console.log('here!');
// // console.log(ts.SyntaxKind[declaration.kind]);
// }
if (declaration.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.InterfaceDeclaration || declaration.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration) {
var interfaceDeclaration = declaration;
var members = interfaceDeclaration.members;
members.forEach(function (member) {
try {
var memberText = getNodeText(sourceFile, member);
if (memberText.indexOf('@internal') >= 0 || memberText.indexOf('private') >= 0) {
// console.log('BEFORE: ', result);
result = result.replace(memberText, '');
catch (err) {
result = result.replace(/export default/g, 'export');
result = result.replace(/export declare/g, 'export');
return result;
function format(text) {
var options = getDefaultOptions();
// Parse the source text
var sourceFile = ts.createSourceFile('file.ts', text, ts.ScriptTarget.Latest, /*setParentPointers*/ true);
// Get the formatting edits on the input sources
var edits = ts.formatting.formatDocument(sourceFile, getRuleProvider(options), options);
// Apply the edits on the input code
return applyEdits(text, edits);
function getRuleProvider(options) {
// Share this between multiple formatters using the same options.
// This represents the bulk of the space the formatter uses.
var ruleProvider = new ts.formatting.RulesProvider();
return ruleProvider;
function applyEdits(text, edits) {
// Apply edits in reverse on the existing text
var result = text;
for (var i = edits.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var change = edits[i];
var head = result.slice(0, change.span.start);
var tail = result.slice(change.span.start + change.span.length);
result = head + change.newText + tail;
return result;
function getDefaultOptions() {
return {
IndentSize: 4,
TabSize: 4,
NewLineCharacter: '\r\n',
ConvertTabsToSpaces: true,
IndentStyle: ts.IndentStyle.Block,
InsertSpaceAfterCommaDelimiter: true,
InsertSpaceAfterSemicolonInForStatements: true,
InsertSpaceBeforeAndAfterBinaryOperators: true,
InsertSpaceAfterKeywordsInControlFlowStatements: true,
InsertSpaceAfterFunctionKeywordForAnonymousFunctions: false,
InsertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingNonemptyParenthesis: false,
InsertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingNonemptyBrackets: false,
InsertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingTemplateStringBraces: true,
PlaceOpenBraceOnNewLineForFunctions: false,
PlaceOpenBraceOnNewLineForControlBlocks: false,
function createReplacer(data) {
data = data || '';
var rawDirectives = data.split(';');
var directives = [];
rawDirectives.forEach(function (rawDirective) {
if (rawDirective.length === 0) {
var pieces = rawDirective.split('=>');
var findStr = pieces[0];
var replaceStr = pieces[1];
findStr = findStr.replace(/[\-\\\{\}\*\+\?\|\^\$\.\,\[\]\(\)\#\s]/g, '\\$&');
findStr = '\\b' + findStr + '\\b';
directives.push([new RegExp(findStr, 'g'), replaceStr]);
return function (str) {
for (var i = 0; i < directives.length; i++) {
str = str.replace(directives[i][0], directives[i][1]);
return str;
function generateDeclarationFile(recipe) {
var lines = recipe.split(/\r\n|\n|\r/);
var result = [];
lines.forEach(function (line) {
var m1 = line.match(/^\s*#include\(([^;)]*)(;[^)]*)?\)\:(.*)$/);
if (m1) {
console.log('HANDLING META: ' + line);
var moduleId = m1[1];
var sourceFile_1 = getSourceFile(moduleId);
var replacer_1 = createReplacer(m1[2]);
var typeNames = m1[3].split(/,/);
typeNames.forEach(function (typeName) {
typeName = typeName.trim();
if (typeName.length === 0) {
var declaration = getTopLevelDeclaration(sourceFile_1, typeName);
result.push(replacer_1(getMassagedTopLevelDeclarationText(sourceFile_1, declaration)));
var m2 = line.match(/^\s*#includeAll\(([^;)]*)(;[^)]*)?\)\:(.*)$/);
if (m2) {
console.log('HANDLING META: ' + line);
var moduleId = m2[1];
var sourceFile_2 = getSourceFile(moduleId);
var replacer_2 = createReplacer(m2[2]);
var typeNames = m2[3].split(/,/);
var typesToExcludeMap_1 = {};
var typesToExcludeArr_1 = [];
typeNames.forEach(function (typeName) {
typeName = typeName.trim();
if (typeName.length === 0) {
typesToExcludeMap_1[typeName] = true;
getAllTopLevelDeclarations(sourceFile_2).forEach(function (declaration) {
if (isDeclaration(declaration)) {
if (typesToExcludeMap_1[]) {
else {
// node is ts.VariableStatement
var nodeText = getNodeText(sourceFile_2, declaration);
for (var i = 0; i < typesToExcludeArr_1.length; i++) {
if (nodeText.indexOf(typesToExcludeArr_1[i]) >= 0) {
result.push(replacer_2(getMassagedTopLevelDeclarationText(sourceFile_2, declaration)));
var resultTxt = result.join('\n');
resultTxt = resultTxt.replace(/\bURI\b/g, 'Uri');
resultTxt = resultTxt.replace(/\bEvent</g, 'IEvent<');
resultTxt = resultTxt.replace(/\bTPromise</g, 'Promise<');
resultTxt = format(resultTxt);
resultTxt = resultTxt.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n');
return resultTxt;
exports.generateDeclarationFile = generateDeclarationFile;
var RECIPE_PATH = path.join(__dirname, './monaco.d.ts.recipe');
var recipe = fs.readFileSync(RECIPE_PATH).toString();
var result = generateDeclarationFile(recipe);
var DECLARATION_PATH = path.join(__dirname, '../../src/vs/monaco.d.ts');
fs.writeFileSync(DECLARATION_PATH, result);
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
"use strict";
var fs = require('fs');
var ts = require('typescript');
var path = require('path');
var util = require('gulp-util');
function log(message) {
var rest = [];
for (var _i = 1; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
rest[_i - 1] = arguments[_i];
util.log.apply(util, [util.colors.cyan('[monaco.d.ts]'), message].concat(rest));
var SRC = path.join(__dirname, '../../src');
var OUT_ROOT = path.join(__dirname, '../../');
var RECIPE_PATH = path.join(__dirname, './monaco.d.ts.recipe');
var DECLARATION_PATH = path.join(__dirname, '../../src/vs/monaco.d.ts');
function logErr(message) {
var rest = [];
for (var _i = 1; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
rest[_i - 1] = arguments[_i];
util.log('[monaco.d.ts]'), 'WHILE HANDLING RULE: ', CURRENT_PROCESSING_RULE);
util.log.apply(util, ['[monaco.d.ts]'), message].concat(rest));
function moduleIdToPath(out, moduleId) {
if (/\.d\.ts/.test(moduleId)) {
return path.join(SRC, moduleId);
return path.join(OUT_ROOT, out, moduleId) + '.d.ts';
function getSourceFile(out, moduleId) {
if (!SOURCE_FILE_MAP[moduleId]) {
var filePath = moduleIdToPath(out, moduleId);
var fileContents = void 0;
try {
fileContents = fs.readFileSync(filePath).toString();
catch (err) {
logErr('CANNOT FIND FILE ' + filePath);
return null;
var sourceFile = ts.createSourceFile(filePath, fileContents, ts.ScriptTarget.ES5);
SOURCE_FILE_MAP[moduleId] = sourceFile;
return SOURCE_FILE_MAP[moduleId];
function isDeclaration(a) {
return (a.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.InterfaceDeclaration
|| a.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.EnumDeclaration
|| a.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration
|| a.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.TypeAliasDeclaration
|| a.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.FunctionDeclaration
|| a.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.ModuleDeclaration);
function visitTopLevelDeclarations(sourceFile, visitor) {
var stop = false;
var visit = function (node) {
if (stop) {
switch (node.kind) {
case ts.SyntaxKind.InterfaceDeclaration:
case ts.SyntaxKind.EnumDeclaration:
case ts.SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration:
case ts.SyntaxKind.VariableStatement:
case ts.SyntaxKind.TypeAliasDeclaration:
case ts.SyntaxKind.FunctionDeclaration:
case ts.SyntaxKind.ModuleDeclaration:
stop = visitor(node);
// if (node.kind !== ts.SyntaxKind.SourceFile) {
// if (getNodeText(sourceFile, node).indexOf('SymbolKind') >= 0) {
// console.log('FOUND TEXT IN NODE: ' + ts.SyntaxKind[node.kind]);
// console.log(getNodeText(sourceFile, node));
// }
// }
if (stop) {
ts.forEachChild(node, visit);
function getAllTopLevelDeclarations(sourceFile) {
var all = [];
visitTopLevelDeclarations(sourceFile, function (node) {
if (node.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.InterfaceDeclaration || node.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration || node.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.ModuleDeclaration) {
var interfaceDeclaration = node;
var triviaStart = interfaceDeclaration.pos;
var triviaEnd =;
var triviaText = getNodeText(sourceFile, { pos: triviaStart, end: triviaEnd });
// // let nodeText = getNodeText(sourceFile, node);
// if (getNodeText(sourceFile, node).indexOf('SymbolKind') >= 0) {
// console.log('TRIVIA: ', triviaText);
// }
if (triviaText.indexOf('@internal') === -1) {
else {
var nodeText = getNodeText(sourceFile, node);
if (nodeText.indexOf('@internal') === -1) {
return false /*continue*/;
return all;
function getTopLevelDeclaration(sourceFile, typeName) {
var result = null;
visitTopLevelDeclarations(sourceFile, function (node) {
if (isDeclaration(node)) {
if ( === typeName) {
result = node;
return true /*stop*/;
return false /*continue*/;
// node is ts.VariableStatement
if (getNodeText(sourceFile, node).indexOf(typeName) >= 0) {
result = node;
return true /*stop*/;
return false /*continue*/;
return result;
function getNodeText(sourceFile, node) {
return sourceFile.getFullText().substring(node.pos, node.end);
function getMassagedTopLevelDeclarationText(sourceFile, declaration) {
var result = getNodeText(sourceFile, declaration);
// if (result.indexOf('MonacoWorker') >= 0) {
// console.log('here!');
// // console.log(ts.SyntaxKind[declaration.kind]);
// }
if (declaration.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.InterfaceDeclaration || declaration.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration) {
var interfaceDeclaration = declaration;
var members = interfaceDeclaration.members;
members.forEach(function (member) {
try {
var memberText = getNodeText(sourceFile, member);
if (memberText.indexOf('@internal') >= 0 || memberText.indexOf('private') >= 0) {
// console.log('BEFORE: ', result);
result = result.replace(memberText, '');
catch (err) {
result = result.replace(/export default/g, 'export');
result = result.replace(/export declare/g, 'export');
return result;
function format(text) {
var options = getDefaultOptions();
// Parse the source text
var sourceFile = ts.createSourceFile('file.ts', text, ts.ScriptTarget.Latest, /*setParentPointers*/ true);
// Get the formatting edits on the input sources
var edits = ts.formatting.formatDocument(sourceFile, getRuleProvider(options), options);
// Apply the edits on the input code
return applyEdits(text, edits);
function getRuleProvider(options) {
// Share this between multiple formatters using the same options.
// This represents the bulk of the space the formatter uses.
var ruleProvider = new ts.formatting.RulesProvider();
return ruleProvider;
function applyEdits(text, edits) {
// Apply edits in reverse on the existing text
var result = text;
for (var i = edits.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var change = edits[i];
var head = result.slice(0, change.span.start);
var tail = result.slice(change.span.start + change.span.length);
result = head + change.newText + tail;
return result;
function getDefaultOptions() {
return {
IndentSize: 4,
TabSize: 4,
NewLineCharacter: '\r\n',
ConvertTabsToSpaces: true,
IndentStyle: ts.IndentStyle.Block,
InsertSpaceAfterCommaDelimiter: true,
InsertSpaceAfterSemicolonInForStatements: true,
InsertSpaceBeforeAndAfterBinaryOperators: true,
InsertSpaceAfterKeywordsInControlFlowStatements: true,
InsertSpaceAfterFunctionKeywordForAnonymousFunctions: false,
InsertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingNonemptyParenthesis: false,
InsertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingNonemptyBrackets: false,
InsertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingTemplateStringBraces: true,
PlaceOpenBraceOnNewLineForFunctions: false,
PlaceOpenBraceOnNewLineForControlBlocks: false
function createReplacer(data) {
data = data || '';
var rawDirectives = data.split(';');
var directives = [];
rawDirectives.forEach(function (rawDirective) {
if (rawDirective.length === 0) {
var pieces = rawDirective.split('=>');
var findStr = pieces[0];
var replaceStr = pieces[1];
findStr = findStr.replace(/[\-\\\{\}\*\+\?\|\^\$\.\,\[\]\(\)\#\s]/g, '\\$&');
findStr = '\\b' + findStr + '\\b';
directives.push([new RegExp(findStr, 'g'), replaceStr]);
return function (str) {
for (var i = 0; i < directives.length; i++) {
str = str.replace(directives[i][0], directives[i][1]);
return str;
function generateDeclarationFile(out, recipe) {
var lines = recipe.split(/\r\n|\n|\r/);
var result = [];
lines.forEach(function (line) {
var m1 = line.match(/^\s*#include\(([^;)]*)(;[^)]*)?\)\:(.*)$/);
if (m1) {
var moduleId = m1[1];
var sourceFile_1 = getSourceFile(out, moduleId);
if (!sourceFile_1) {
var replacer_1 = createReplacer(m1[2]);
var typeNames = m1[3].split(/,/);
typeNames.forEach(function (typeName) {
typeName = typeName.trim();
if (typeName.length === 0) {
var declaration = getTopLevelDeclaration(sourceFile_1, typeName);
if (!declaration) {
logErr('Cannot find type ' + typeName);
result.push(replacer_1(getMassagedTopLevelDeclarationText(sourceFile_1, declaration)));
var m2 = line.match(/^\s*#includeAll\(([^;)]*)(;[^)]*)?\)\:(.*)$/);
if (m2) {
var moduleId = m2[1];
var sourceFile_2 = getSourceFile(out, moduleId);
if (!sourceFile_2) {
var replacer_2 = createReplacer(m2[2]);
var typeNames = m2[3].split(/,/);
var typesToExcludeMap_1 = {};
var typesToExcludeArr_1 = [];
typeNames.forEach(function (typeName) {
typeName = typeName.trim();
if (typeName.length === 0) {
typesToExcludeMap_1[typeName] = true;
getAllTopLevelDeclarations(sourceFile_2).forEach(function (declaration) {
if (isDeclaration(declaration)) {
if (typesToExcludeMap_1[]) {
else {
// node is ts.VariableStatement
var nodeText = getNodeText(sourceFile_2, declaration);
for (var i = 0; i < typesToExcludeArr_1.length; i++) {
if (nodeText.indexOf(typesToExcludeArr_1[i]) >= 0) {
result.push(replacer_2(getMassagedTopLevelDeclarationText(sourceFile_2, declaration)));
var resultTxt = result.join('\n');
resultTxt = resultTxt.replace(/\bURI\b/g, 'Uri');
resultTxt = resultTxt.replace(/\bEvent</g, 'IEvent<');
resultTxt = resultTxt.replace(/\bTPromise</g, 'Promise<');
resultTxt = format(resultTxt);
resultTxt = resultTxt.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n');
return resultTxt;
function getFilesToWatch(out) {
var recipe = fs.readFileSync(RECIPE_PATH).toString();
var lines = recipe.split(/\r\n|\n|\r/);
var result = [];
lines.forEach(function (line) {
var m1 = line.match(/^\s*#include\(([^;)]*)(;[^)]*)?\)\:(.*)$/);
if (m1) {
var moduleId = m1[1];
result.push(moduleIdToPath(out, moduleId));
var m2 = line.match(/^\s*#includeAll\(([^;)]*)(;[^)]*)?\)\:(.*)$/);
if (m2) {
var moduleId = m2[1];
result.push(moduleIdToPath(out, moduleId));
return result;
exports.getFilesToWatch = getFilesToWatch;
function run(out) {
log('Starting monaco.d.ts generation');
var recipe = fs.readFileSync(RECIPE_PATH).toString();
var result = generateDeclarationFile(out, recipe);
var currentContent = fs.readFileSync(DECLARATION_PATH).toString();
log('Finished monaco.d.ts generation');
return {
content: result,
isTheSame: currentContent === result
} = run;

View file

@ -3,40 +3,44 @@
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// run gulp watch once
import fs = require('fs');
import ts = require('typescript');
import path = require('path');
var util = require('gulp-util');
function log(message: any, any[]): void {
util.log(util.colors.cyan('[monaco.d.ts]'), message,;
const SRC = path.join(__dirname, '../../src');
const OUT = path.join(__dirname, '../../out');
const OUT_ROOT = path.join(__dirname, '../../');
const RECIPE_PATH = path.join(__dirname, './monaco.d.ts.recipe');
const DECLARATION_PATH = path.join(__dirname, '../../src/vs/monaco.d.ts');
function logErr(message: any, any[]): void {
util.log('[monaco.d.ts]'), 'WHILE HANDLING RULE: ', CURRENT_PROCESSING_RULE);
util.log('[monaco.d.ts]'), message,;
function moduleIdToPath(moduleId:string): string {
function moduleIdToPath(out:string, moduleId:string): string {
if (/\.d\.ts/.test(moduleId)) {
return path.join(SRC, moduleId);
return path.join(OUT, moduleId) + '.d.ts';
return path.join(OUT_ROOT, out, moduleId) + '.d.ts';
let SOURCE_FILE_MAP: {[moduleId:string]:ts.SourceFile;} = {};
function getSourceFile(moduleId:string): ts.SourceFile {
function getSourceFile(out:string, moduleId:string): ts.SourceFile {
if (!SOURCE_FILE_MAP[moduleId]) {
let filePath = moduleIdToPath(moduleId);
let filePath = moduleIdToPath(out, moduleId);
let fileContents: string;
try {
fileContents = fs.readFileSync(filePath).toString();
} catch (err) {
console.error('=> Have you compiled with env variable VSCODE_BUILD_DECLARATION_FILES=1 ?');
throw err;
logErr('CANNOT FIND FILE ' + filePath);
return null;
let sourceFile = ts.createSourceFile(filePath, fileContents, ts.ScriptTarget.ES5);
@ -142,9 +146,6 @@ function getTopLevelDeclaration(sourceFile:ts.SourceFile, typeName:string): TSTo
return false /*continue*/;
if (result === null) {
console.log('COULD NOT FIND ' + typeName + '!');
return result;
@ -261,7 +262,7 @@ function createReplacer(data:string): (str:string)=>string {
export function generateDeclarationFile(recipe:string): string {
function generateDeclarationFile(out:string, recipe:string): string {
let lines = recipe.split(/\r\n|\n|\r/);
let result = [];
@ -270,9 +271,12 @@ export function generateDeclarationFile(recipe:string): string {
let m1 = line.match(/^\s*#include\(([^;)]*)(;[^)]*)?\)\:(.*)$/);
if (m1) {
console.log('HANDLING META: ' + line);
let moduleId = m1[1];
let sourceFile = getSourceFile(moduleId);
let sourceFile = getSourceFile(out, moduleId);
if (!sourceFile) {
let replacer = createReplacer(m1[2]);
@ -283,6 +287,10 @@ export function generateDeclarationFile(recipe:string): string {
let declaration = getTopLevelDeclaration(sourceFile, typeName);
if (!declaration) {
logErr('Cannot find type ' + typeName);
result.push(replacer(getMassagedTopLevelDeclarationText(sourceFile, declaration)));
@ -290,9 +298,12 @@ export function generateDeclarationFile(recipe:string): string {
let m2 = line.match(/^\s*#includeAll\(([^;)]*)(;[^)]*)?\)\:(.*)$/);
if (m2) {
console.log('HANDLING META: ' + line);
let moduleId = m2[1];
let sourceFile = getSourceFile(moduleId);
let sourceFile = getSourceFile(out, moduleId);
if (!sourceFile) {
let replacer = createReplacer(m2[2]);
@ -341,9 +352,50 @@ export function generateDeclarationFile(recipe:string): string {
return resultTxt;
const RECIPE_PATH = path.join(__dirname, './monaco.d.ts.recipe');
let recipe = fs.readFileSync(RECIPE_PATH).toString();
let result = generateDeclarationFile(recipe);
export function getFilesToWatch(out:string): string[] {
let recipe = fs.readFileSync(RECIPE_PATH).toString();
let lines = recipe.split(/\r\n|\n|\r/);
let result = [];
const DECLARATION_PATH = path.join(__dirname, '../../src/vs/monaco.d.ts');
fs.writeFileSync(DECLARATION_PATH, result);
lines.forEach(line => {
let m1 = line.match(/^\s*#include\(([^;)]*)(;[^)]*)?\)\:(.*)$/);
if (m1) {
let moduleId = m1[1];
result.push(moduleIdToPath(out, moduleId));
let m2 = line.match(/^\s*#includeAll\(([^;)]*)(;[^)]*)?\)\:(.*)$/);
if (m2) {
let moduleId = m2[1];
result.push(moduleIdToPath(out, moduleId));
return result;
export interface IMonacoDeclarationResult {
content: string;
filePath: string;
isTheSame: boolean;
export function run(out:string): IMonacoDeclarationResult {
log('Starting monaco.d.ts generation');
let recipe = fs.readFileSync(RECIPE_PATH).toString();
let result = generateDeclarationFile(out, recipe);
let currentContent = fs.readFileSync(DECLARATION_PATH).toString();
log('Finished monaco.d.ts generation');
return {
content: result,
isTheSame: currentContent === result

View file

@ -25,12 +25,13 @@ var sourcemaps = require('gulp-sourcemaps');
var _ = require('underscore');
var assign = require('object-assign');
var quiet = !!process.env['VSCODE_BUILD_QUIET'];
var declaration = !!process.env['VSCODE_BUILD_DECLARATION_FILES'];
var monacodts = require('./build/monaco/api');
var fs = require('fs');
var rootDir = path.join(__dirname, 'src');
var tsOptions = {
target: 'ES5',
declaration: declaration,
declaration: true,
module: 'amd',
verbose: !quiet,
preserveConstEnums: true,
@ -50,9 +51,8 @@ function createCompile(build, emitError) {
return function (token) {
var utf8Filter = filter('**/test/**/*utf8*', { restore: true });
var tsFilter = filter([
], { restore: true });
var tsFilter = filter(['**/*.ts'], { restore: true });
var noDeclarationsFilter = filter(['**/*', '!**/*.d.ts'], { restore: true });
var input = es.through();
var output = input
@ -62,7 +62,9 @@ function createCompile(build, emitError) {
.pipe(build ? nls() : es.through())
.pipe(sourcemaps.write('.', {
addComment: false,
includeContent: !!build,
@ -83,7 +85,8 @@ function compileTask(out, build) {
return src
.pipe(monacodtsTask(out, false));
@ -96,10 +99,66 @@ function watchTask(out, build) {
return watchSrc
.pipe(util.incremental(compile, src, true))
.pipe(monacodtsTask(out, true));
function monacodtsTask(out, isWatch) {
var filesToWatchMap = {};
monacodts.getFilesToWatch(out).forEach(function(filePath) {
filesToWatchMap[path.normalize(filePath)] = true;
var timer = -1;
var runSoon = function(howSoon) {
if (timer !== -1) {
timer = -1;
timer = setTimeout(function() {
timer = -1;
}, howSoon);
var runNow = function() {
if (timer !== -1) {
timer = -1;
var result =;
if (!result.isTheSame) {
if (isWatch) {
fs.writeFileSync(result.filePath, result.content);
} else {
resultStream.emit('error', 'monaco.d.ts is no longer up to date. Please run gulp watch and commit the new file.');
if (isWatch) {
watch('build/monaco/*').pipe(es.through(function() {
var resultStream = es.through(function(data) {
var filePath = path.normalize(data.path);
if (filesToWatchMap[filePath]) {
this.emit('data', data);
}, function(end) {
return resultStream;
// Fast compile for development time
gulp.task('clean-client', util.rimraf('out'));
gulp.task('compile-client', ['clean-client'], compileTask('out', false));

src/vs/monaco.d.ts vendored
View file

@ -1271,6 +1271,14 @@ declare module monaco.editor {
* to have a background color decoration.
inlineClassName?: string;
* If set, the decoration will be rendered before the text with this CSS class name.
beforeContentClassName?: string;
* If set, the decoration will be rendered after the text with this CSS class name.
afterContentClassName?: string;
@ -2677,6 +2685,28 @@ declare module monaco.editor {
restoreViewState?(state: any): void;
export interface IContentDecorationRenderOptions {
contentText?: string;
contentIconPath?: string;
border?: string;
textDecoration?: string;
color?: string;
backgroundColor?: string;
margin?: string;
width?: string;
height?: string;
export interface IThemeDecorationInstanceRenderOptions {
before?: IContentDecorationRenderOptions;
after?: IContentDecorationRenderOptions;
export interface IDecorationInstanceRenderOptions extends IThemeDecorationInstanceRenderOptions {
light?: IThemeDecorationInstanceRenderOptions;
dark?: IThemeDecorationInstanceRenderOptions;
export interface ICommonCodeEditor extends IEditor {
onDidChangeModel(listener: (e: IModelChangedEvent) => void): IDisposable;
onDidChangeModelDecorations(listener: (e: IModelDecorationsChangedEvent) => void): IDisposable;