Restored menu bar translations.

This commit is contained in:
Dirk Baeumer 2016-05-30 09:44:26 +02:00
parent 207a8e3314
commit e08b4bd998
27 changed files with 954 additions and 27 deletions

View file

@ -3,4 +3,6 @@
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"newWindow": "新建窗口"

View file

@ -3,4 +3,93 @@
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"aboutDetail": "\n版本 {0}\n提交 {1}\n日期 {2}\nShell {3}\n呈现器 {4}\nNode {5}",
"mAbout": "关于 {0}",
"mBringToFront": "全部置于顶层",
"mClose": "关闭",
"mEdit": "编辑(&&E)",
"mFile": "文件(&&F)",
"mGoto": "转到(&&G)",
"mHelp": "帮助(&&H)",
"mHide": "隐藏 {0}",
"mHideOthers": "隐藏其他",
"mMinimize": "最小化",
"mShowAll": "全部显示",
"mView": "查看(&&V)",
"mWindow": "窗口",
"miAbout": "关于(&&A)",
"miBack": "返回(&&B)",
"miCheckForUpdates": "检查更新...",
"miCheckingForUpdates": "正在检查更新...",
"miClearItems": "清除项(&&C)",
"miCloseEditor": "关闭编辑器(&&E)",
"miCloseFolder": "关闭文件夹(&&F)",
"miCloseWindow": "关闭窗口(&&W)",
"miCommandPalette": "命令面板(&&C)...",
"miCopy": "复制(&&O)",
"miCut": "剪切(&&C)",
"miDocumentation": "文档(&&D)",
"miDownloadUpdate": "下载可用更新",
"miDownloadingUpdate": "正在下载更新...",
"miExit": "退出(&&X)",
"miFind": "查找(&&F)",
"miFindInFiles": "在文件中查找(&&I)",
"miForward": "前进(&&F)",
"miGotoDefinition": "转到定义(&&D)...",
"miGotoFile": "转到文件(&&F)...",
"miGotoLine": "转到行(&&L)...",
"miGotoSymbol": "转到符号(&&S)...",
"miInstallingUpdate": "正在安装更新...",
"miLastCheckedAt": "上次检查时间 {0}",
"miLicense": "查看许可证(&&V)",
"miMarker": "错误和警告(&&E)...",
"miMoveSidebar": "移动侧边栏(&&M)",
"miNavigateHistory": "导航历史记录(&&N)",
"miNewFile": "新建文件(&&N)",
"miNewWindow": "新建窗口(&&N)",
"miOpen": "打开(&&O)...",
"miOpenFile": "打开文件(&&O)...",
"miOpenFolder": "打开文件夹(&&F)...",
"miOpenKeymap": "键盘快捷方式(&&K)",
"miOpenRecent": "打开最近的文件(&&R)",
"miOpenSettings": "用户设置(&&U)",
"miOpenSnippets": "用户代码片段(&&S)",
"miOpenWorkspaceSettings": "工作区设置(&&W)",
"miPaste": "粘贴(&&P)",
"miPreferences": "首选项(&&P)",
"miPrivacyStatement": "隐私声明(&&P)",
"miQuit": "退出 {0}",
"miRedo": "恢复(&&R)",
"miReleaseNotes": "发行说明(&&R)",
"miReopenClosedFile": "&&重新打开已关闭的文件",
"miReplace": "替换(&&R)",
"miReportIssues": "报告问题(&&I)",
"miRestartToUpdate": "重启以更新...",
"miRevert": "还原文件(&&I)",
"miSave": "保存(&&S)",
"miSaveAll": "全部保存(&&L)",
"miSaveAs": "另存为(&&A)...",
"miSelectAll": "全选(&&S)",
"miSelectTheme": "颜色主题(&&C)",
"miSplitEditor": "拆分编辑器(&&E)",
"miToggleDebugConsole": "切换调试控制台(&&B)",
"miToggleDevTools": "切换开发人员工具(&&T)",
"miToggleFullScreen": "切换全屏(&&F)",
"miToggleMenuBar": "切换菜单栏(&&B)",
"miToggleOutput": "切换输出(&&O)",
"miTogglePanel": "切换面板(&&P)",
"miToggleRenderWhitespace": "切换呈现空格(&&R)",
"miToggleSidebar": "切换侧边栏(&&T)",
"miToggleWordWrap": "切换自动换行(&&W)",
"miTwitter": "在 Twitter 上加入我们(&&J)",
"miUndo": "撤消(&&U)",
"miUserVoice": "请求功能(&&R)",
"miViewDebug": "调试(&&D)",
"miViewExplorer": "资源管理器(&&E)",
"miViewGit": "Git (&&G)",
"miViewSearch": "搜索(&&S)",
"miZoomIn": "放大(&&Z)",
"miZoomOut": "缩小(&&U)",
"okButton": "确定"

View file

@ -3,4 +3,16 @@
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"appCrashed": "窗口出现故障",
"appCrashedDetail": "我们对此引起的不便表示抱歉! 请重启该窗口从上次停止的位置继续。",
"appStalled": "窗口不再响应",
"appStalledDetail": "可以重新打开或关闭窗,或者保持等待。",
"close": "关闭",
"hiddenMenuBar": "你仍可以通过按 **Alt** 键访问菜单栏。",
"ok": "确定",
"pathNotExistDetail": "磁盘上似乎不再存在路径“{0}”。",
"pathNotExistTitle": "路径不存在",
"reopen": "重新打开",
"wait": "保持等待"

View file

@ -3,4 +3,6 @@
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"newWindow": "開新視窗"

View file

@ -3,4 +3,93 @@
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"aboutDetail": "\n版本 {0}\n認可 {1}\n日期 {2}\nShell {3}\n轉譯器 {4}\nNode {5}",
"mAbout": "關於 {0}",
"mBringToFront": "全部提到最上層",
"mClose": "關閉",
"mEdit": "編輯(&E)",
"mFile": "檔案(&F)",
"mGoto": "移至(&G)",
"mHelp": "說明(&H)",
"mHide": "隱藏 {0}",
"mHideOthers": "隱藏其他",
"mMinimize": "最小化",
"mShowAll": "全部顯示",
"mView": "檢視(&V)",
"mWindow": "視窗",
"miAbout": "關於(&A)",
"miBack": "上一步(&B)",
"miCheckForUpdates": "查看是否有更新...",
"miCheckingForUpdates": "正在查看是否有更新...",
"miClearItems": "清除項目(&C)",
"miCloseEditor": "關閉編輯器(&E)",
"miCloseFolder": "關閉資料夾(&F)",
"miCloseWindow": "關閉視窗(&W)",
"miCommandPalette": "命令選擇區(&C)...",
"miCopy": "複製(&O)",
"miCut": "剪下(&C)",
"miDocumentation": "文件(&D)",
"miDownloadUpdate": "下載可用更新",
"miDownloadingUpdate": "正在下載更新...",
"miExit": "結束(&X)",
"miFind": "尋找(&F)",
"miFindInFiles": "在檔案中尋找(&I)",
"miForward": "轉寄(&F)",
"miGotoDefinition": "移至定義(&D)",
"miGotoFile": "移至檔案(&F)...",
"miGotoLine": "移至行(&L)...",
"miGotoSymbol": "移至符號(&S)...",
"miInstallingUpdate": "正在安裝更新...",
"miLastCheckedAt": "上次檢查時間為 {0}",
"miLicense": "檢視授權(&V)",
"miMarker": "錯誤與警告(&E)...",
"miMoveSidebar": "移動提要欄位(&M)",
"miNavigateHistory": "巡覽歷程記錄(&N)",
"miNewFile": "新增檔案(&N)",
"miNewWindow": "開新視窗(&N)",
"miOpen": "開啟(&O)...",
"miOpenFile": "開啟檔案(&O)...",
"miOpenFolder": "開啟資料夾(&F)...",
"miOpenKeymap": "鍵盤快速鍵(&K)",
"miOpenRecent": "開啟最近的檔案(&R)",
"miOpenSettings": "使用者設定(&U)",
"miOpenSnippets": "使用者程式碼片段(&S)",
"miOpenWorkspaceSettings": "工作區設定(&W)",
"miPaste": "貼上(&P)",
"miPreferences": "喜好設定(&P)",
"miPrivacyStatement": "隱私權聲明(&P)",
"miQuit": "結束 {0}",
"miRedo": "取消復原(&R)",
"miReleaseNotes": "版本資訊(&R)",
"miReopenClosedFile": "重新開啟已關閉的檔案(&&R)",
"miReplace": "取代(&R)",
"miReportIssues": "回報問題(&I)",
"miRestartToUpdate": "重新啟動以更新...",
"miRevert": "還原檔案(&&I)",
"miSave": "儲存(&S)",
"miSaveAll": "全部儲存(&&L)",
"miSaveAs": "另存新檔(&&A)...",
"miSelectAll": "全選(&S)",
"miSelectTheme": "色彩佈景主題(&C)",
"miSplitEditor": "分割編輯器(&E)",
"miToggleDebugConsole": "切換偵錯主控台(&B)",
"miToggleDevTools": "切換開發人員工具(&T)",
"miToggleFullScreen": "切換全螢幕(&F)",
"miToggleMenuBar": "切換功能表列(&B)",
"miToggleOutput": "切換輸出(&O)",
"miTogglePanel": "切換面板(&P)",
"miToggleRenderWhitespace": "切換轉譯空白字元(&R)",
"miToggleSidebar": "切換提要欄位(&T)",
"miToggleWordWrap": "切換自動換行(&W)",
"miTwitter": "加入我們的 Twitter(&J)",
"miUndo": "復原(&U)",
"miUserVoice": "要求功能(&R)",
"miViewDebug": "偵錯(&D)",
"miViewExplorer": "檔案總管(&E)",
"miViewGit": "Git(&G)",
"miViewSearch": "搜尋(&S)",
"miZoomIn": "放大(&Z)",
"miZoomOut": "縮小(&U)",
"okButton": "確定"

View file

@ -3,4 +3,16 @@
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"appCrashed": "視窗已損毀",
"appCrashedDetail": "很抱歉造成您的不便! 您可以重新開啟視窗,從您離開的地方繼續進行。",
"appStalled": "視窗已沒有回應",
"appStalledDetail": "您可以重新開啟或關閉視窗,或是繼續等候。",
"close": "關閉",
"hiddenMenuBar": "您仍然可以按 **Alt** 鍵來存取功能表列。",
"ok": "確定",
"pathNotExistDetail": "磁碟上似乎已沒有路徑 '{0}'。",
"pathNotExistTitle": "路徑不存在",
"reopen": "重新開啟",
"wait": "繼續等候"

View file

@ -3,4 +3,6 @@
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"newWindow": "Neues Fenster"

View file

@ -3,4 +3,93 @@
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"aboutDetail": "\nVersion {0}\nCommit {1}\nDatum {2}\nShell {3}\nRenderer {4}\nNode {5}",
"mAbout": "Informationen zu {0}",
"mBringToFront": "Alle in den Vordergrund",
"mClose": "Schließen",
"mEdit": "&&Bearbeiten",
"mFile": "&&Datei",
"mGoto": "&&Gehe zu",
"mHelp": "&&Hilfe",
"mHide": "{0} ausblenden",
"mHideOthers": "Andere ausblenden",
"mMinimize": "Minimieren",
"mShowAll": "Alle anzeigen",
"mView": "&&Anzeigen",
"mWindow": "Fenster",
"miAbout": "&&Info",
"miBack": "&&Zurück",
"miCheckForUpdates": "Auf Updates überprüfen...",
"miCheckingForUpdates": "Überprüfen auf Updates...",
"miClearItems": "&&Elemente löschen",
"miCloseEditor": "&&Editor schließen",
"miCloseFolder": "&&Ordner schließen",
"miCloseWindow": "&&Fenster schließen",
"miCommandPalette": "&&Befehlspalette...",
"miCopy": "K&&opieren",
"miCut": "&&Ausschneiden",
"miDocumentation": "&&Dokumentation",
"miDownloadUpdate": "Verfügbares Update herunterladen",
"miDownloadingUpdate": "Das Update wird heruntergeladen...",
"miExit": "&&Beenden",
"miFind": "&&Suchen",
"miFindInFiles": "&&In Dateien suchen",
"miForward": "&&Weiterleiten",
"miGotoDefinition": "Gehe &&zu Definition",
"miGotoFile": "Gehe zu &&Datei...",
"miGotoLine": "Gehe zu Zei&&le...",
"miGotoSymbol": "Gehe zu &&Symbol...",
"miInstallingUpdate": "Update wird installiert...",
"miLastCheckedAt": "Zuletzt überprüft am {0}",
"miLicense": "&&Lizenz anzeigen",
"miMarker": "&&Fehler und Warnungen...",
"miMoveSidebar": "&&Randleiste verschieben",
"miNavigateHistory": "&&Im Verlauf navigieren",
"miNewFile": "&&Neue Datei",
"miNewWindow": "&&Neues Fenster",
"miOpen": "&&Öffnen...",
"miOpenFile": "&&Datei öffnen...",
"miOpenFolder": "&&Ordner öffnen...",
"miOpenKeymap": "&&Tastenkombinationen",
"miOpenRecent": "Zuletzt &&verwendete Dateien öffnen",
"miOpenSettings": "&&Benutzereinstellungen",
"miOpenSnippets": "&&Benutzercodeausschnitte",
"miOpenWorkspaceSettings": "&&Arbeitsbereichseinstellungen",
"miPaste": "&&Einfügen",
"miPreferences": "&&Einstellungen",
"miPrivacyStatement": "&&Datenschutzerklärung",
"miQuit": "{0} beenden",
"miRedo": "&&Wiederholen",
"miReleaseNotes": "&&Anmerkungen zu dieser Version",
"miReopenClosedFile": "&&Geschlossene Datei erneut öffnen",
"miReplace": "&&Ersetzen",
"miReportIssues": "&&Probleme melden",
"miRestartToUpdate": "Für Update neu starten...",
"miRevert": "D&&atei wiederherstellen",
"miSave": "&&Speichern",
"miSaveAll": "A&&lles speichern",
"miSaveAs": "Speichern &&unter...",
"miSelectAll": "&&Alles auswählen",
"miSelectTheme": "&&Farbdesign",
"miSplitEditor": "&&Editor teilen",
"miToggleDebugConsole": "De&&bugkonsole umschalten",
"miToggleDevTools": "&&Entwicklungstools umschalten",
"miToggleFullScreen": "&&Vollbild umschalten",
"miToggleMenuBar": "Men&&üleiste umschalten",
"miToggleOutput": "&&Ausgabe umschalten",
"miTogglePanel": "&&Bereich umschalten",
"miToggleRenderWhitespace": "&&Rendern von Leerzeichen umschalten",
"miToggleSidebar": "&&Randleiste umschalten",
"miToggleWordWrap": "&&Zeilenumbruch umschalten",
"miTwitter": "&&Twitter",
"miUndo": "&&Rückgängig",
"miUserVoice": "&&Features anfordern",
"miViewDebug": "&&Debuggen",
"miViewExplorer": "&&Explorer",
"miViewGit": "&&Git",
"miViewSearch": "&&Suchen",
"miZoomIn": "&&Vergrößern",
"miZoomOut": "Ver&&kleinern",
"okButton": "OK"

View file

@ -3,4 +3,16 @@
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"appCrashed": "Das Fenster ist abgestürzt.",
"appCrashedDetail": "Bitte entschuldigen Sie die Unannehmlichkeiten. Sie können das Fenster erneut öffnen und dort weitermachen, wo Sie aufgehört haben.",
"appStalled": "Das Fenster reagiert nicht mehr.",
"appStalledDetail": "Sie können das Fenster erneut öffnen oder schließen oder weiterhin warten.",
"close": "Schließen",
"hiddenMenuBar": "Sie können weiterhin auf die Menüleiste zugreifen, in dem Sie die **ALT**-Taste drücken.",
"ok": "OK",
"pathNotExistDetail": "Der Pfad \"{0}\" scheint auf dem Datenträger nicht mehr vorhanden zu sein.",
"pathNotExistTitle": "Der Pfad ist nicht vorhanden.",
"reopen": "Erneut öffnen",
"wait": "Bitte warten."

View file

@ -3,4 +3,6 @@
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"newWindow": "Nueva ventana"

View file

@ -3,4 +3,93 @@
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"aboutDetail": "\nVersión {0}\nConfirmación {1}\nFecha {2}\nShell {3}\nRepresentador {4}\nNode {5}",
"mAbout": "Acerca de {0}",
"mBringToFront": "Traer todo al frente",
"mClose": "Cerrar",
"mEdit": "&&Editar",
"mFile": "&&Archivo",
"mGoto": "&&Ir a",
"mHelp": "&&Ayuda",
"mHide": "Ocultar {0}",
"mHideOthers": "Ocultar otros",
"mMinimize": "Minimizar",
"mShowAll": "Mostrar todo",
"mView": "&&Ver",
"mWindow": "Ventana",
"miAbout": "&&Sobre",
"miBack": "&&Atrás",
"miCheckForUpdates": "Buscar actualizaciones...",
"miCheckingForUpdates": "Buscando actualizaciones...",
"miClearItems": "&&Borrar elementos",
"miCloseEditor": "Cerrar &&editor",
"miCloseFolder": "Cerrar &&carpeta",
"miCloseWindow": "Cerrar &&ventana",
"miCommandPalette": "&&Paleta de comandos...",
"miCopy": "C&&opiar",
"miCut": "&&Cortar",
"miDocumentation": "&&Documentación",
"miDownloadUpdate": "Descargar actualización disponible",
"miDownloadingUpdate": "Descargando actualización...",
"miExit": "S&&alir",
"miFind": "&&Buscar",
"miFindInFiles": "Buscar &&en archivos",
"miForward": "&&Reenviar",
"miGotoDefinition": "Ir a &&definición",
"miGotoFile": "Ir a &&archivo...",
"miGotoLine": "Ir a lí&&nea...",
"miGotoSymbol": "Ir a &&símbolo...",
"miInstallingUpdate": "Instalando actualización...",
"miLastCheckedAt": "Última comprobación: {0}",
"miLicense": "&&Ver licencia",
"miMarker": "&&Errores y advertencias...",
"miMoveSidebar": "&&Mover barra lateral",
"miNavigateHistory": "&&Explorar historial",
"miNewFile": "&&Nuevo archivo",
"miNewWindow": "&&Nueva ventana",
"miOpen": "&&Abrir...",
"miOpenFile": "&&Abrir archivo...",
"miOpenFolder": "Abrir &&carpeta...",
"miOpenKeymap": "&&Métodos abreviados de teclado",
"miOpenRecent": "Abrir &&reciente",
"miOpenSettings": "&&Configuración de usuario",
"miOpenSnippets": "&&Fragmentos de código del usuario",
"miOpenWorkspaceSettings": "&&Configuración del área de trabajo",
"miPaste": "&&Pegar",
"miPreferences": "&&Preferencias",
"miPrivacyStatement": "&&Declaración de privacidad",
"miQuit": "Salir de {0}",
"miRedo": "&&Rehacer",
"miReleaseNotes": "&&Notas de la versión",
"miReopenClosedFile": "&&Volver a abrir el archivo cerrado",
"miReplace": "&&Reemplazar",
"miReportIssues": "&&Notificar problemas",
"miRestartToUpdate": "Reiniciar para actualizar...",
"miRevert": "Revertir a&&rchivo",
"miSave": "&&Guardar",
"miSaveAll": "Guardar t&&odo",
"miSaveAs": "Guardar &&como...",
"miSelectAll": "&&Seleccionar todo",
"miSelectTheme": "&&Tema de color",
"miSplitEditor": "Dividir &&editor",
"miToggleDebugConsole": "Alternar consola de &&depuración",
"miToggleDevTools": "&&Alternar herramientas de desarrollo",
"miToggleFullScreen": "Alternar &&pantalla completa",
"miToggleMenuBar": "Alternar &&barra de menús",
"miToggleOutput": "Alternar &&salida",
"miTogglePanel": "Alternar &&panel",
"miToggleRenderWhitespace": "Alternar &&representación de espacio en blanco",
"miToggleSidebar": "&&Alternar barra lateral",
"miToggleWordWrap": "Alternar &&ajuste automático de línea",
"miTwitter": "&&Síganos en Twitter",
"miUndo": "&&Deshacer",
"miUserVoice": "&&Solicitar características",
"miViewDebug": "&&Depurar",
"miViewExplorer": "&&Explorador",
"miViewGit": "&&GIT",
"miViewSearch": "&&Buscar",
"miZoomIn": "&&Ampliar",
"miZoomOut": "Redu&&cir",
"okButton": "Aceptar"

View file

@ -3,4 +3,16 @@
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"appCrashed": "La ventana se bloqueó",
"appCrashedDetail": "Sentimos las molestias. Puede volver a abrir la ventana para continuar donde se detuvo.",
"appStalled": "La ventana ha dejado de responder.",
"appStalledDetail": "Puede volver a abrir la ventana, cerrarla o seguir esperando.",
"close": "Cerrar",
"hiddenMenuBar": "Para acceder a la barra de menús, también puedes presionar la tecla **Alt**.",
"ok": "Aceptar",
"pathNotExistDetail": "Parece que la ruta '{0}' ya no existe en el disco.",
"pathNotExistTitle": "La ruta no existe",
"reopen": "Volver a abrir",
"wait": "Siga esperando"

View file

@ -3,4 +3,6 @@
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"newWindow": "Nouvelle fenêtre"

View file

@ -3,4 +3,93 @@
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"aboutDetail": "\nVersion {0}\nValidation {1}\nDate {2}\nInterpréteur de commandes {3}\nConvertisseur {4}\nNode {5}",
"mAbout": "À propos de {0}",
"mBringToFront": "Mettre tout au premier plan",
"mClose": "Fermer",
"mEdit": "&&Edition",
"mFile": "&&Fichier",
"mGoto": "Attei&&ndre",
"mHelp": "&&Aide",
"mHide": "Masquer {0}",
"mHideOthers": "Masquer les autres",
"mMinimize": "Réduire",
"mShowAll": "Afficher tout",
"mView": "Affic&&hage",
"mWindow": "Fenêtre",
"miAbout": "À pr&&opos de",
"miBack": "&&Précédent",
"miCheckForUpdates": "Rechercher les mises à jour...",
"miCheckingForUpdates": "Recherche des mises à jour...",
"miClearItems": "Effa&&cer les éléments",
"miCloseEditor": "Fermer l'édit&&eur",
"miCloseFolder": "&&Fermer le dossier",
"miCloseWindow": "Fer&&mer la fenêtre",
"miCommandPalette": "Palette de &&commandes...",
"miCopy": "C&&opier",
"miCut": "&&Couper",
"miDocumentation": "&&Documentation",
"miDownloadUpdate": "Télécharger la mise à jour disponible",
"miDownloadingUpdate": "Téléchargement de la mise à jour...",
"miExit": "&&Quitter",
"miFind": "&&Rechercher",
"miFindInFiles": "Rechercher dans les f&&ichiers",
"miForward": "&&Suivant",
"miGotoDefinition": "Atteindre la &&définition",
"miGotoFile": "Atteindre le &&fichier...",
"miGotoLine": "Atteindre la &&ligne...",
"miGotoSymbol": "Atteindre le &&symbole...",
"miInstallingUpdate": "Installation de la mise à jour...",
"miLastCheckedAt": "Dernière vérification le {0}",
"miLicense": "Affic&&her la licence",
"miMarker": "&&Erreurs et avertissements...",
"miMoveSidebar": "Déplacer la &&barre latérale",
"miNavigateHistory": "&&Naviguer dans l'historique",
"miNewFile": "&&Nouveau fichier",
"miNewWindow": "&&Nouvelle fenêtre",
"miOpen": "&&Ouvrir...",
"miOpenFile": "&&Ouvrir le fichier...",
"miOpenFolder": "Ou&&vrir le dossier...",
"miOpenKeymap": "Racco&&urcis clavier",
"miOpenRecent": "Ouvrir les éléments &&récents",
"miOpenSettings": "Paramètres &&utilisateur",
"miOpenSnippets": "E&&xtraits de code utilisateur",
"miOpenWorkspaceSettings": "Para&&mètres de l'espace de travail",
"miPaste": "Co&&ller",
"miPreferences": "Pr&&éférences",
"miPrivacyStatement": "Déc&&laration de confidentialité",
"miQuit": "Quitter {0}",
"miRedo": "&&Rétablir",
"miReleaseNotes": "Notes de pu&&blication",
"miReopenClosedFile": "&&Rouvrir le fichier fermé",
"miReplace": "&&Remplacer",
"miReportIssues": "S&&ignaler les problèmes",
"miRestartToUpdate": "Redémarrer pour mettre à jour...",
"miRevert": "Rétablir le f&&ichier",
"miSave": "Enregi&&strer",
"miSaveAll": "Enregistrer to&&ut",
"miSaveAs": "Enregistrer &&sous...",
"miSelectAll": "&&Sélectionner tout",
"miSelectTheme": "Thème de &&couleur",
"miSplitEditor": "Fractionner l'édit&&eur",
"miToggleDebugConsole": "Activer/désactiver la console de dé&&bogage",
"miToggleDevTools": "Activer/désactiver les ou&&tils de développement",
"miToggleFullScreen": "Plei&&n écran",
"miToggleMenuBar": "Activer/désactiver la &&barre de menus",
"miToggleOutput": "Activer/désactiver la s&&ortie",
"miTogglePanel": "Activer/désactiver le &&panneau",
"miToggleRenderWhitespace": "Activer/désactiver &&Restituer l'espace",
"miToggleSidebar": "Activer/désactiver la &&barre latérale",
"miToggleWordWrap": "Activer/désactiver le retour automatique à la &&ligne",
"miTwitter": "Re&&joignez-nous sur Twitter",
"miUndo": "Ann&&uler",
"miUserVoice": "Demande&&r des fonctionnalités",
"miViewDebug": "&&Déboguer",
"miViewExplorer": "&&Explorateur",
"miViewGit": "&&Git",
"miViewSearch": "&&Rechercher",
"miZoomIn": "&&Zoom avant",
"miZoomOut": "Zoo&&m arrière",
"okButton": "OK"

View file

@ -3,4 +3,16 @@
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"appCrashed": "La fenêtre s'est bloquée",
"appCrashedDetail": "Nous vous prions de nous excuser pour ce désagrément. Vous pouvez rouvrir la fenêtre pour reprendre l'action au moment où elle a été interrompue.",
"appStalled": "La fenêtre ne répond plus",
"appStalledDetail": "Vous pouvez rouvrir ou fermer la fenêtre, ou continuer à patienter.",
"close": "Fermer",
"hiddenMenuBar": "Vous pouvez toujours accéder à la barre de menus en appuyant sur la touche **Alt**.",
"ok": "OK",
"pathNotExistDetail": "Le chemin d'accès '{0}' ne semble plus exister sur le disque.",
"pathNotExistTitle": "Le chemin d'accès n'existe pas",
"reopen": "Rouvrir",
"wait": "Continuer à attendre"

View file

@ -3,4 +3,6 @@
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"newWindow": "Nuova finestra"

View file

@ -3,4 +3,93 @@
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"aboutDetail": "\nVersione {0}\nCommit {1}\nData {2}\nShell {3}\nRenderer {4}\nNode {5}",
"mAbout": "Informazioni su {0}",
"mBringToFront": "Porta tutto in primo piano",
"mClose": "Chiudi",
"mEdit": "&&Modifica",
"mFile": "&&File",
"mGoto": "&&Vai a",
"mHelp": "&&Guida",
"mHide": "Nascondi {0}",
"mHideOthers": "Nascondi altri",
"mMinimize": "Riduci a icona",
"mShowAll": "Mostra tutto",
"mView": "&&Visualizza",
"mWindow": "Finestra",
"miAbout": "&&Informazioni su",
"miBack": "&&Indietro",
"miCheckForUpdates": "Verifica disponibilità aggiornamenti...",
"miCheckingForUpdates": "Verifica della disponibilità di aggiornamenti...",
"miClearItems": "&&Cancella elementi",
"miCloseEditor": "Chiudi &&editor",
"miCloseFolder": "Chiudi &&cartella",
"miCloseWindow": "Chiudi &&finestra",
"miCommandPalette": "&&Riquadro comandi...",
"miCopy": "C&&opia",
"miCut": "&&Taglia",
"miDocumentation": "&&Documentazione",
"miDownloadUpdate": "Scarica l'aggiornamento disponibile",
"miDownloadingUpdate": "Download dell'aggiornamento...",
"miExit": "E&&sci",
"miFind": "&&Trova",
"miFindInFiles": "Cerca &&nei file",
"miForward": "&&Avanti",
"miGotoDefinition": "Vai alla &&definizione",
"miGotoFile": "Vai al &&file...",
"miGotoLine": "Vai alla &&riga...",
"miGotoSymbol": "Vai al &&simbolo...",
"miInstallingUpdate": "Installazione dell'aggiornamento...",
"miLastCheckedAt": "Ora ultimo controllo: {0}",
"miLicense": "&&Visualizza licenza",
"miMarker": "&&Errori e avvisi...",
"miMoveSidebar": "&&Sposta barra laterale",
"miNavigateHistory": "&&Esplora cronologia",
"miNewFile": "&&Nuovo file",
"miNewWindow": "&&Nuova finestra",
"miOpen": "&&Apri...",
"miOpenFile": "&&Apri file...",
"miOpenFolder": "Apri &&cartella...",
"miOpenKeymap": "&&Tasti di scelta rapida",
"miOpenRecent": "Apri &&recenti",
"miOpenSettings": "&&Impostazioni utente",
"miOpenSnippets": "&&Frammenti utente",
"miOpenWorkspaceSettings": "&&Impostazioni area di lavoro",
"miPaste": "&&Incolla",
"miPreferences": "&&Preferenze",
"miPrivacyStatement": "&&Informativa sulla privacy",
"miQuit": "Chiudi {0}",
"miRedo": "&&Ripeti",
"miReleaseNotes": "&&Note sulla versione",
"miReopenClosedFile": "&&Riapri un file chiuso",
"miReplace": "&&Sostituisci",
"miReportIssues": "&&Segnala problemi",
"miRestartToUpdate": "Riavvia per aggiornare...",
"miRevert": "Ripristina f&&ile",
"miSave": "&&Salva",
"miSaveAll": "Salva &&tutto",
"miSaveAs": "Salva &&con nome...",
"miSelectAll": "&&Seleziona tutto",
"miSelectTheme": "&&Tema colori",
"miSplitEditor": "Dividi &&editor",
"miToggleDebugConsole": "Attiva/Disattiva console di de&&bug",
"miToggleDevTools": "&&Attiva/Disattiva strumenti di sviluppo",
"miToggleFullScreen": "Attiva/Disattiva sc&&hermo intero",
"miToggleMenuBar": "Attiva/Disattiva &&barra dei menu",
"miToggleOutput": "Attiva/Disattiva &&output",
"miTogglePanel": "Attiva/Disattiva &&pannello",
"miToggleRenderWhitespace": "Attiva/Disattiva rendering &&spazi vuoti",
"miToggleSidebar": "Attiva/Disattiva &&barra laterale",
"miToggleWordWrap": "Attiva/Disattiva &&ritorno a capo automatico",
"miTwitter": "Seguici su T&&witter",
"miUndo": "&&Annulla",
"miUserVoice": "&&Richiedi funzionalità",
"miViewDebug": "&&Debug",
"miViewExplorer": "&&Esplora risorse",
"miViewGit": "&&GIT",
"miViewSearch": "&&Cerca",
"miZoomIn": "&&Zoom avanti",
"miZoomOut": "Zoom indi&&etro",
"okButton": "OK"

View file

@ -3,4 +3,16 @@
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"appCrashed": "Si è verificato un arresto anomalo della finestra",
"appCrashedDetail": "Ci scusiamo per l'inconveniente. Per riprendere dal punto in cui si è verificata l'interruzione, riaprire la finestra.",
"appStalled": "La finestra non risponde",
"appStalledDetail": "È possibile riaprire la finestra, chiuderla oppure attendere.",
"close": "Chiudi",
"hiddenMenuBar": "È comunque possibile accedere alla barra dei menu premendo **ALT**.",
"ok": "OK",
"pathNotExistDetail": "Il percorso '{0}' sembra non esistere più sul disco.",
"pathNotExistTitle": "Il percorso non esiste",
"reopen": "Riapri",
"wait": "Continua ad attendere"

View file

@ -3,4 +3,6 @@
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"newWindow": "新しいウィンドウ"

View file

@ -3,4 +3,93 @@
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"aboutDetail": "\nバージョン {0}\nコミット {1}\n日付 {2}\nシェル {3}\nレンダラー {4}\nNode {5}",
"mAbout": "{0} のバージョン情報",
"mBringToFront": "すべてを前面に配置",
"mClose": "閉じる",
"mEdit": "編集(&&E)",
"mFile": "ファイル(&&F)",
"mGoto": "ジャンプ(&&G)",
"mHelp": "ヘルプ(&&H)",
"mHide": "{0} を非表示にする",
"mHideOthers": "その他を非表示にする",
"mMinimize": "最小化",
"mShowAll": "すべて表示",
"mView": "表示(&&V)",
"mWindow": "ウィンドウ",
"miAbout": "バージョン情報(&&A)",
"miBack": "戻る(&&B)",
"miCheckForUpdates": "更新の確認...",
"miCheckingForUpdates": "更新を確認しています...",
"miClearItems": "項目を消去(&&C)",
"miCloseEditor": "エディターを閉じる(&&E)",
"miCloseFolder": "フォルダーを閉じる(&&F)",
"miCloseWindow": "ウィンドウを閉じる(&&W)",
"miCommandPalette": "コマンド パレット(&&C)...",
"miCopy": "コピー(&&O)",
"miCut": "切り取り(&&C)",
"miDocumentation": "参照資料(&&D)",
"miDownloadUpdate": "利用可能な更新プログラムをダウンロードします",
"miDownloadingUpdate": "更新をダウンロードしています...",
"miExit": "終了(&&X)",
"miFind": "検索(&&F)",
"miFindInFiles": "ファイル内を検索(&&I)",
"miForward": "転送(&&F)",
"miGotoDefinition": "定義に移動(&&D)",
"miGotoFile": "ファイルに移動(&&F)...",
"miGotoLine": "行に移動(&&L)...",
"miGotoSymbol": "シンボルに移動(&&S)...",
"miInstallingUpdate": "更新プログラムをインストールしています...",
"miLastCheckedAt": "最終確認: {0}",
"miLicense": "ライセンスを表示(&&V)",
"miMarker": "エラーと警告(&&E)...",
"miMoveSidebar": "サイドバーを移動(&&M)",
"miNavigateHistory": "履歴を参照(&&N)",
"miNewFile": "新規ファイル(&&N)",
"miNewWindow": "新しいウィンドウ(&&N)",
"miOpen": "開く(&&O)...",
"miOpenFile": "ファイルを開く(&&O)...",
"miOpenFolder": "フォルダーを開く(&&F)...",
"miOpenKeymap": "キーボード ショートカット(&&K)",
"miOpenRecent": "最近使用した項目を開く(&&R)",
"miOpenSettings": "ユーザー設定(&&U)",
"miOpenSnippets": "ユーザー スニペット(&&S)",
"miOpenWorkspaceSettings": "ワークスペース設定(&&W)",
"miPaste": "貼り付け(&&P)",
"miPreferences": "基本設定(&&P)",
"miPrivacyStatement": "プライバシーについて(&&P)",
"miQuit": "{0} を終了",
"miRedo": "やり直し(&&R)",
"miReleaseNotes": "リリース ノート(&&R)",
"miReopenClosedFile": "閉じたファイルをもう一度開く(&&R)",
"miReplace": "置換(&&R)",
"miReportIssues": "問題の報告(&&I)",
"miRestartToUpdate": "更新のために再起動します...",
"miRevert": "ファイルを元に戻す(&&I)",
"miSave": "保存(&&S)",
"miSaveAll": "すべて保存(&&L)",
"miSaveAs": "名前を付けて保存(&&A)...",
"miSelectAll": "すべて選択(&&S)",
"miSelectTheme": "配色テーマ(&&C)",
"miSplitEditor": "エディターを分割(&&E)",
"miToggleDebugConsole": "デバッグ コンソールの切り替え(&&B)",
"miToggleDevTools": "開発者ツールの切り替え(&&T)",
"miToggleFullScreen": "全画面表示の切り替え(&&F)",
"miToggleMenuBar": "メニュー バーの切り替え(&&B)",
"miToggleOutput": "出力の切り替え(&&O)",
"miTogglePanel": "パネルの切り替え(&&P)",
"miToggleRenderWhitespace": "空白文字の表示の切り替え(&&R)",
"miToggleSidebar": "サイドバーの切り替え(&&T)",
"miToggleWordWrap": "折り返しの切り替え(&&W)",
"miTwitter": "ツイッターに参加(&&J)",
"miUndo": "元に戻す(&&U)",
"miUserVoice": "機能を要求(&&R)",
"miViewDebug": "デバッグ(&&D)",
"miViewExplorer": "エクスプローラー(&&E)",
"miViewGit": "Git(&&G)",
"miViewSearch": "検索(&&S)",
"miZoomIn": "拡大(&&Z)",
"miZoomOut": "縮小(&&U)",
"okButton": "OK"

View file

@ -3,4 +3,16 @@
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"appCrashed": "ウィンドウがクラッシュしました",
"appCrashedDetail": "ご不便をおかけして申し訳ありません。ウィンドウを再度開いて、中断したところから続行できます。",
"appStalled": "ウィンドウから応答がありません",
"appStalledDetail": "ウィンドウを再度開くか、閉じるか、このまま待機できます。",
"close": "閉じる",
"hiddenMenuBar": "引き続き **Alt** キーを押してメニュー バーにアクセスできます。",
"ok": "OK",
"pathNotExistDetail": "パス '{0}' はディスクに存在しなくなったようです。",
"pathNotExistTitle": "パスが存在しません",
"reopen": "もう一度開く",
"wait": "待機を続ける"

View file

@ -3,4 +3,6 @@
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"newWindow": "새 창"

View file

@ -3,4 +3,93 @@
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"aboutDetail": "\n버전 {0}\n커밋 {1}\n날짜 {2}\n셸 {3}\n렌더러 {4}\nNode {5}",
"mAbout": "{0} 정보",
"mBringToFront": "모두 맨 앞으로 가져오기",
"mClose": "닫기",
"mEdit": "편집(&&E)",
"mFile": "파일(&&F)",
"mGoto": "이동(&&G)",
"mHelp": "도움말(&&H)",
"mHide": "{0} 숨기기",
"mHideOthers": "기타 숨기기",
"mMinimize": "최소화",
"mShowAll": "모두 표시",
"mView": "보기(&&V)",
"mWindow": "창",
"miAbout": "정보(&&A)",
"miBack": "뒤로(&&)",
"miCheckForUpdates": "업데이트 확인...",
"miCheckingForUpdates": "업데이트를 확인하는 중...",
"miClearItems": "항목 지우기(&&C)",
"miCloseEditor": "편집기 닫기(&&E)",
"miCloseFolder": "폴더 닫기(&&F)",
"miCloseWindow": "창 닫기(&&W)",
"miCommandPalette": "명령 팔레트(&&C)...",
"miCopy": "복사(&&O)",
"miCut": "잘라내기(&&C)",
"miDocumentation": "설명서(&&D)",
"miDownloadUpdate": "사용 가능한 업데이트 다운로드",
"miDownloadingUpdate": "업데이트를 다운로드하는 중...",
"miExit": "끝내기(&&X)",
"miFind": "찾기(&&F)",
"miFindInFiles": "파일에서 찾기(&&I)",
"miForward": "앞으로(&&F)",
"miGotoDefinition": "정의로 이동(&&D)",
"miGotoFile": "파일로 이동(&&F)...",
"miGotoLine": "줄로 이동(&&L)...",
"miGotoSymbol": "기호로 이동(&&S)...",
"miInstallingUpdate": "업데이트를 설치하는 중...",
"miLastCheckedAt": "마지막 확인 시간: {0}",
"miLicense": "라이선스 보기(&&V)",
"miMarker": "오류 및 경고(&&E)",
"miMoveSidebar": "사이드바 이동(&&M)",
"miNavigateHistory": "기록 탐색(&&N)",
"miNewFile": "새 파일(&&N)",
"miNewWindow": "새 창(&&N)",
"miOpen": "열기(&&O)...",
"miOpenFile": "파일 열기(&&O)...",
"miOpenFolder": "폴더 열기(&&F)...",
"miOpenKeymap": "바로 가기 키(&&K)",
"miOpenRecent": "최근 항목 열기(&&R)",
"miOpenSettings": "사용자 설정(&&U)",
"miOpenSnippets": "사용자 코드 조각(&&S)",
"miOpenWorkspaceSettings": "작업 영역 설정(&&W)",
"miPaste": "붙여넣기(&&P)",
"miPreferences": "기본 설정(&&P)",
"miPrivacyStatement": "개인정보취급방침(&&P)",
"miQuit": "{0} 종료",
"miRedo": "다시 실행(&&R)",
"miReleaseNotes": "릴리스 정보(&&R)",
"miReopenClosedFile": "&&닫은 파일 다시 열기",
"miReplace": "바꾸기(&&R)",
"miReportIssues": "문제 보고(&&I)",
"miRestartToUpdate": "업데이트하기 위해 다시 시작...",
"miRevert": "파일 되돌리기(&&I)",
"miSave": "저장(&&S)",
"miSaveAll": "모두 저장(&&L)",
"miSaveAs": "다른 이름으로 저장(&&A)...",
"miSelectAll": "모두 선택(&&S)",
"miSelectTheme": "색 테마(&&C)",
"miSplitEditor": "편집기 분할(&&E)",
"miToggleDebugConsole": "디버그 콘솔 설정/해제(&&B)",
"miToggleDevTools": "개발자 도구 설정/해제(&&T)",
"miToggleFullScreen": "전체 화면 설정/해제(&&F)",
"miToggleMenuBar": "메뉴 모음 설정/해제(&&B)",
"miToggleOutput": "출력 설정/해제(&&O)",
"miTogglePanel": "패널 설정/해제(&&P)",
"miToggleRenderWhitespace": "공백 토글 및 렌더링",
"miToggleSidebar": "사이드바 설정/해제(&&T)",
"miToggleWordWrap": "자동 줄 바꿈 설정/해제(&&W)",
"miTwitter": "Twitter에서 참여(&&J)",
"miUndo": "실행 취소(&&U)",
"miUserVoice": "기능 요청(&&R)",
"miViewDebug": "디버그(&&D)",
"miViewExplorer": "탐색기(&&E)",
"miViewGit": "Git(&&G)",
"miViewSearch": "검색(&&S)",
"miZoomIn": "확대(&&Z)",
"miZoomOut": "축소(&&U)",
"okButton": "확인"

View file

@ -3,4 +3,16 @@
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"appCrashed": "창이 충돌했습니다.",
"appCrashedDetail": "불편을 드려서 죄송합니다. 창을 다시 열면 중단된 위치에서 계속할 수 있습니다.",
"appStalled": "창이 더 이상 응답하지 않습니다.",
"appStalledDetail": "창을 다시 열거나, 닫거나, 계속 기다릴 수 있습니다.",
"close": "닫기",
"hiddenMenuBar": "**Alt** 키를 눌러 메뉴 모음에 계속 액세스할 수 있습니다.",
"ok": "확인",
"pathNotExistDetail": "'{0}' 경로가 디스크에 더 이상 없는 것 같습니다.",
"pathNotExistTitle": "경로가 없습니다.",
"reopen": "다시 열기",
"wait": "계속 대기"

View file

@ -3,4 +3,6 @@
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"newWindow": "Новое окно"

View file

@ -3,4 +3,93 @@
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"aboutDetail": "\nВерсия {0}\nФиксация {1}\nДата {2}\nОболочка {3}\nОбработчик {4}\nNode {5}",
"mAbout": "О программе {0}",
"mBringToFront": "Переместить все на передний план",
"mClose": "Закрыть",
"mEdit": "&&Изменить",
"mFile": "&&Файл",
"mGoto": "&&Перейти",
"mHelp": "&&Справка",
"mHide": "Скрыть {0}",
"mHideOthers": "Скрыть другие",
"mMinimize": "Свернуть",
"mShowAll": "Показать все",
"mView": "&&Просмотреть",
"mWindow": "Окно",
"miAbout": "&&О программе",
"miBack": "&&Назад",
"miCheckForUpdates": "Проверить наличие обновлений...",
"miCheckingForUpdates": "Идет проверка наличия обновлений...",
"miClearItems": "&&Очистить элементы",
"miCloseEditor": "Закрыть &&редактор",
"miCloseFolder": "Закрыть &&папку",
"miCloseWindow": "Закрыть &&окно",
"miCommandPalette": "&&Палитра команд...",
"miCopy": "&&Копировать",
"miCut": "&&Вырезать",
"miDocumentation": "&&Документация",
"miDownloadUpdate": "Скачать доступное обновление",
"miDownloadingUpdate": "Скачивается обновление...",
"miExit": "В&&ыход",
"miFind": "&&Найти",
"miFindInFiles": "Найти в &&файлах",
"miForward": "&&Вперед",
"miGotoDefinition": "Перейти к &&определению",
"miGotoFile": "Перейти к &&файлу...",
"miGotoLine": "Перейти к &&строке...",
"miGotoSymbol": "Перейти к с&&имволу...",
"miInstallingUpdate": "Идет установка обновления...",
"miLastCheckedAt": "Последняя проверка: {0}",
"miLicense": "&&Просмотреть лицензию",
"miMarker": "&&Ошибки и предупреждения...",
"miMoveSidebar": "&&Переместить боковую панель",
"miNavigateHistory": "&&Журнал навигации",
"miNewFile": "&&Новый файл",
"miNewWindow": "&&Новое окно",
"miOpen": "&&Открыть...",
"miOpenFile": "&&Открыть файл...",
"miOpenFolder": "Открыть &&папку...",
"miOpenKeymap": "&&Сочетания клавиш",
"miOpenRecent": "Открыть &&последние",
"miOpenSettings": "&&Параметры пользователя",
"miOpenSnippets": "&&Фрагменты пользователя",
"miOpenWorkspaceSettings": "&&Параметры рабочей области",
"miPaste": "&&Вставить",
"miPreferences": "&&Параметры",
"miPrivacyStatement": "&&Заявление о конфиденциальности",
"miQuit": "Выйти из {0}",
"miRedo": "&&Повторить",
"miReleaseNotes": "&&Заметки о выпуске",
"miReopenClosedFile": "&&Повторно открыть файл",
"miReplace": "&&Заменить",
"miReportIssues": "&&Сообщить о проблемах",
"miRestartToUpdate": "Перезапустить для обновления...",
"miRevert": "Отменить &&изменения в файле",
"miSave": "&&Сохранить",
"miSaveAll": "Сохранить &&все",
"miSaveAs": "Сохранить &&как...",
"miSelectAll": "&&Выделить все",
"miSelectTheme": "Цветовая &&тема",
"miSplitEditor": "Разделить &&редактор",
"miToggleDebugConsole": "Показать/скрыть &&консоль отладки",
"miToggleDevTools": "&&Показать/скрыть средства разработчика",
"miToggleFullScreen": "Включить/выключить полно&&экранный режим",
"miToggleMenuBar": "Показать/скрыть строку &&меню",
"miToggleOutput": "Показать/скрыть в&&ыходные данные",
"miTogglePanel": "Показать/скрыть п&&анель",
"miToggleRenderWhitespace": "Показать/&&скрыть символы пробелов",
"miToggleSidebar": "Показать/скрыть &&боковую панель",
"miToggleWordWrap": "&&Включить/выключить перенос текста",
"miTwitter": "&&Присоединяйтесь к нам в Twitter",
"miUndo": "&&Отменить",
"miUserVoice": "&&Запросить функции",
"miViewDebug": "&&Отладка",
"miViewExplorer": "Про&&водник",
"miViewGit": "&&GIT",
"miViewSearch": "По&&иск",
"miZoomIn": "&&Увеличить",
"miZoomOut": "&&Уменьшить",
"okButton": "OK"

View file

@ -3,4 +3,16 @@
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"appCrashed": "Сбой окна",
"appCrashedDetail": "Приносим извинения за неудобство! Вы можете повторно открыть окно, чтобы продолжить работу с того места, на котором остановились.",
"appStalled": "Окно не отвечает",
"appStalledDetail": "Вы можете повторно открыть окно, закрыть его или продолжить ожидание.",
"close": "Закрыть",
"hiddenMenuBar": "Вы по-прежнему можете получить доступ к строке меню, нажав клавишу **ALT**.",
"ok": "ОК",
"pathNotExistDetail": "Путь \"{0}\" больше не существует на диске.",
"pathNotExistTitle": "Путь не существует.",
"reopen": "Открыть повторно",
"wait": "Подождать"