adopt icon descriptions fixes from vscode-docs

This commit is contained in:
Martin Aeschlimann 2021-02-01 23:21:08 +01:00
parent 925d9234b8
commit ed410a1cc0
7 changed files with 21 additions and 21 deletions

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@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ class IconRegistry implements IIconRegistry {
let reference = [];
reference.push(`| preview | identifier | default codicon id | description`);
reference.push(`| preview | identifier | default codicon ID | description`);
reference.push(`| ----------- | --------------------------------- | --------------------------------- | --------------------------------- |`);
const contributions = Object.keys(this.iconsById).map(key => this.iconsById[key]);

View file

@ -72,11 +72,11 @@ export const debugConsole = registerIcon('debug-console', Codicon.gear, localize
export const debugCollapseAll = registerIcon('debug-collapse-all', Codicon.collapseAll, localize('debugCollapseAll', 'Icon for the collapse all action in the debug views.'));
export const callstackViewSession = registerIcon('callstack-view-session', Codicon.bug, localize('callstackViewSession', 'Icon for the session icon in the call stack view.'));
export const debugConsoleClearAll = registerIcon('debug-console-clear-all', Codicon.clearAll, localize('debugConsoleClearAll', 'Icon for the clear all action in the debug console.'));
export const watchExpressionsRemoveAll = registerIcon('watch-expressions-remove-all', Codicon.closeAll, localize('watchExpressionsRemoveAll', 'Icon for the remove all action in the watch view.'));
export const watchExpressionsRemoveAll = registerIcon('watch-expressions-remove-all', Codicon.closeAll, localize('watchExpressionsRemoveAll', 'Icon for the Remove All action in the watch view.'));
export const watchExpressionsAdd = registerIcon('watch-expressions-add', Codicon.add, localize('watchExpressionsAdd', 'Icon for the add action in the watch view.'));
export const watchExpressionsAddFuncBreakpoint = registerIcon('watch-expressions-add-function-breakpoint', Codicon.add, localize('watchExpressionsAddFuncBreakpoint', 'Icon for the add function breakpoint action in the watch view.'));
export const breakpointsRemoveAll = registerIcon('breakpoints-remove-all', Codicon.closeAll, localize('breakpointsRemoveAll', 'Icon for the remove all action in the breakpoints view.'));
export const breakpointsRemoveAll = registerIcon('breakpoints-remove-all', Codicon.closeAll, localize('breakpointsRemoveAll', 'Icon for the Remove All action in the breakpoints view.'));
export const breakpointsActivate = registerIcon('breakpoints-activate', Codicon.activateBreakpoints, localize('breakpointsActivate', 'Icon for the activate action in the breakpoints view.'));
export const debugConsoleEvaluationInput = registerIcon('debug-console-evaluation-input', Codicon.arrowSmallRight, localize('debugConsoleEvaluationInput', 'Icon for the debug evaluation input marker.'));

View file

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import { Codicon } from 'vs/base/common/codicons';
import { localize } from 'vs/nls';
import { registerIcon } from 'vs/platform/theme/common/iconRegistry';
export const configureKernelIcon = registerIcon('notebook-kernel-configure', Codicon.settingsGear, localize('configureKernel', 'Configure icon in kernel configuation widget in notebook editors.'));
export const configureKernelIcon = registerIcon('notebook-kernel-configure', Codicon.settingsGear, localize('configureKernel', 'Configure icon in kernel configuration widget in notebook editors.'));
export const selectKernelIcon = registerIcon('notebook-kernel-select', Codicon.serverEnvironment, localize('selectKernelIcon', 'Configure icon to select a kernel in notebook editors.'));
export const executeIcon = registerIcon('notebook-execute',, localize('executeIcon', 'Icon to execute in notebook editors.'));
@ -16,17 +16,17 @@ export const deleteCellIcon = registerIcon('notebook-delete-cell', Codicon.trash
export const executeAllIcon = registerIcon('notebook-execute-all', Codicon.runAll, localize('executeAllIcon', 'Icon to execute all cells in notebook editors.'));
export const editIcon = registerIcon('notebook-edit', Codicon.pencil, localize('editIcon', 'Icon to edit a cell in notebook editors.'));
export const stopEditIcon = registerIcon('notebook-stop-edit', Codicon.check, localize('stopEditIcon', 'Icon to stop editing a cell in notebook editors.'));
export const moveUpIcon = registerIcon('notebook-move-up', Codicon.arrowUp, localize('moveUpIcon', 'Icon to move a cell up in notebook editors.'));
export const moveDownIcon = registerIcon('notebook-move-down', Codicon.arrowDown, localize('moveDownIcon', 'Icon to move a cell down in notebook editors.'));
export const moveUpIcon = registerIcon('notebook-move-up', Codicon.arrowUp, localize('moveUpIcon', 'Icon to move up a cell in notebook editors.'));
export const moveDownIcon = registerIcon('notebook-move-down', Codicon.arrowDown, localize('moveDownIcon', 'Icon to move down a cell in notebook editors.'));
export const clearIcon = registerIcon('notebook-clear', Codicon.clearAll, localize('clearIcon', 'Icon to clear cell outputs in notebook editors.'));
export const splitCellIcon = registerIcon('notebook-split-cell', Codicon.splitVertical, localize('splitCellIcon', 'Icon to split a cell in notebook editors.'));
export const unfoldIcon = registerIcon('notebook-unfold', Codicon.unfold, localize('unfoldIcon', 'Icon to unfold a cell in notebook editors.'));
export const successStateIcon = registerIcon('notebook-state-success', Codicon.check, localize('successStateIcon', 'Icon to indicate a success state in notebook editors.'));
export const errorStateIcon = registerIcon('notebook-state-error', Codicon.error, localize('errorStateIcon', 'Icon to indicate a error state in notebook editors.'));
export const errorStateIcon = registerIcon('notebook-state-error', Codicon.error, localize('errorStateIcon', 'Icon to indicate an error state in notebook editors.'));
export const collapsedIcon = registerIcon('notebook-collapsed', Codicon.chevronRight, localize('collapsedIcon', 'Icon to annotated a collapsed section in notebook editors.'));
export const expandedIcon = registerIcon('notebook-expanded', Codicon.chevronDown, localize('expandedIcon', 'Icon to annotated a expanded section in notebook editors.'));
export const collapsedIcon = registerIcon('notebook-collapsed', Codicon.chevronRight, localize('collapsedIcon', 'Icon to annotate a collapsed section in notebook editors.'));
export const expandedIcon = registerIcon('notebook-expanded', Codicon.chevronDown, localize('expandedIcon', 'Icon to annotate an expanded section in notebook editors.'));
export const openAsTextIcon = registerIcon('notebook-open-as-text', Codicon.fileCode, localize('openAsTextIcon', 'Icon to open the notebook in a text editor.'));
export const revertIcon = registerIcon('notebook-revert', Codicon.discard, localize('revertIcon', 'Icon to revert in notebook editors.'));
export const renderOutputIcon = registerIcon('notebook-render-output', Codicon.preview, localize('renderOutputIcon', 'Icon to render output in diff editor.'));

View file

@ -7,10 +7,10 @@ import { Codicon } from 'vs/base/common/codicons';
import { localize } from 'vs/nls';
import { registerIcon } from 'vs/platform/theme/common/iconRegistry';
export const settingsGroupExpandedIcon = registerIcon('settings-group-expanded', Codicon.chevronDown, localize('settingsGroupExpandedIcon', 'Icon for an expanded section in the split JSON settings editor.'));
export const settingsGroupCollapsedIcon = registerIcon('settings-group-collapsed', Codicon.chevronRight, localize('settingsGroupCollapsedIcon', 'Icon for an collapsed section in the split JSON settings editor.'));
export const settingsScopeDropDownIcon = registerIcon('settings-folder-dropdown', Codicon.triangleDown, localize('settingsScopeDropDownIcon', 'Icon for the folder dropdown button in the split JSON settings editor.'));
export const settingsMoreActionIcon = registerIcon('settings-more-action', Codicon.gear, localize('settingsMoreActionIcon', 'Icon for the \'more actions\' action in the settings UI.'));
export const settingsGroupExpandedIcon = registerIcon('settings-group-expanded', Codicon.chevronDown, localize('settingsGroupExpandedIcon', 'Icon for an expanded section in the split JSON Settings editor.'));
export const settingsGroupCollapsedIcon = registerIcon('settings-group-collapsed', Codicon.chevronRight, localize('settingsGroupCollapsedIcon', 'Icon for a collapsed section in the split JSON Settings editor.'));
export const settingsScopeDropDownIcon = registerIcon('settings-folder-dropdown', Codicon.triangleDown, localize('settingsScopeDropDownIcon', 'Icon for the folder dropdown button in the split JSON Settings editor.'));
export const settingsMoreActionIcon = registerIcon('settings-more-action', Codicon.gear, localize('settingsMoreActionIcon', 'Icon for the \'more actions\' action in the Settings UI.'));
export const keybindingsRecordKeysIcon = registerIcon('keybindings-record-keys', Codicon.recordKeys, localize('keybindingsRecordKeysIcon', 'Icon for the \'record keys\' action in the keybinding UI.'));
export const keybindingsSortIcon = registerIcon('keybindings-sort', Codicon.sortPrecedence, localize('keybindingsSortIcon', 'Icon for the \'sort by precedence\' toggle in the keybinding UI.'));
@ -18,11 +18,11 @@ export const keybindingsSortIcon = registerIcon('keybindings-sort', Codicon.sort
export const keybindingsEditIcon = registerIcon('keybindings-edit', Codicon.edit, localize('keybindingsEditIcon', 'Icon for the edit action in the keybinding UI.'));
export const keybindingsAddIcon = registerIcon('keybindings-add', Codicon.add, localize('keybindingsAddIcon', 'Icon for the add action in the keybinding UI.'));
export const settingsEditIcon = registerIcon('settings-edit', Codicon.edit, localize('settingsEditIcon', 'Icon for the edit action in the settings UI.'));
export const settingsAddIcon = registerIcon('settings-add', Codicon.add, localize('settingsAddIcon', 'Icon for the add action in the settings UI.'));
export const settingsEditIcon = registerIcon('settings-edit', Codicon.edit, localize('settingsEditIcon', 'Icon for the edit action in the Settings UI.'));
export const settingsAddIcon = registerIcon('settings-add', Codicon.add, localize('settingsAddIcon', 'Icon for the add action in the Settings UI.'));
export const settingsRemoveIcon = registerIcon('settings-remove', Codicon.close, localize('settingsRemoveIcon', 'Icon for the remove action in the settings UI.'));
export const settingsDiscardIcon = registerIcon('settings-discard', Codicon.discard, localize('preferencesDiscardIcon', 'Icon for the discard action in the settings UI.'));
export const settingsRemoveIcon = registerIcon('settings-remove', Codicon.close, localize('settingsRemoveIcon', 'Icon for the remove action in the Settings UI.'));
export const settingsDiscardIcon = registerIcon('settings-discard', Codicon.discard, localize('preferencesDiscardIcon', 'Icon for the discard action in the Settings UI.'));
export const preferencesClearInputIcon = registerIcon('preferences-clear-input', Codicon.clearAll, localize('preferencesClearInput', 'Icon for clear input in the settings and keybinding UI.'));
export const preferencesClearInputIcon = registerIcon('preferences-clear-input', Codicon.clearAll, localize('preferencesClearInput', 'Icon for clear input in the Settings and keybinding UI.'));
export const preferencesOpenSettingsIcon = registerIcon('preferences-open-settings', Codicon.goToFile, localize('preferencesOpenSettings', 'Icon for open settings commands.'));

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@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ ModesRegistry.registerLanguage({<IWorkbenchContributionsRegistry>(WorkbenchExtensions.Workbench)
.registerWorkbenchContribution(DirtyDiffWorkbenchController, LifecyclePhase.Restored);
const sourceControlViewIcon = registerIcon('source-control-view-icon', Codicon.sourceControl, localize('sourceControlViewIcon', 'View icon of the source control view.'));
const sourceControlViewIcon = registerIcon('source-control-view-icon', Codicon.sourceControl, localize('sourceControlViewIcon', 'View icon of the Source Control view.'));
const viewContainer =<IViewContainersRegistry>(ViewContainerExtensions.ViewContainersRegistry).registerViewContainer({

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@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ export interface TaskTwoLevelQuickPickEntry extends IQuickPickItem {
const SHOW_ALL: string = nls.localize('taskQuickPick.showAll', "Show All Tasks...");
export const configureTaskIcon = registerIcon('tasks-list-configure', Codicon.gear, nls.localize('configureTaskIcon', 'Configration icon in the tasks selection list.'));
export const configureTaskIcon = registerIcon('tasks-list-configure', Codicon.gear, nls.localize('configureTaskIcon', 'Configuration icon in the tasks selection list.'));
const removeTaskIcon = registerIcon('tasks-remove', Codicon.close, nls.localize('removeTaskIcon', 'Icon for remove in the tasks selection list.'));
export class TaskQuickPick extends Disposable {

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@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ export const enum AccountStatus {
export const SYNC_TITLE = localize('sync category', "Settings Sync");
export const SYNC_VIEW_ICON = registerIcon('settings-sync-view-icon', Codicon.sync, localize('syncViewIcon', 'View icon of the settings sync view.'));
export const SYNC_VIEW_ICON = registerIcon('settings-sync-view-icon', Codicon.sync, localize('syncViewIcon', 'View icon of the Settings Sync view.'));
// Contexts
export const CONTEXT_SYNC_STATE = new RawContextKey<string>('syncStatus', SyncStatus.Uninitialized);