Extract proxy agent support (#117054)

This commit is contained in:
Christof Marti 2021-03-05 13:35:44 +01:00
parent 223f4f820f
commit eed8a79e81
2 changed files with 520 additions and 471 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,477 @@
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
import * as http from 'http';
import * as https from 'https';
import * as tls from 'tls';
import * as nodeurl from 'url';
import * as os from 'os';
import * as fs from 'fs';
import * as cp from 'child_process';
import { ProxyAgent } from 'vscode-proxy-agent';
export enum LogLevel {
Trace = 1,
Debug = 2,
Info = 3,
Warning = 4,
Error = 5,
Critical = 6,
Off = 7
export type ResolveProxyEvent = {
count: number;
duration: number;
errorCount: number;
cacheCount: number;
cacheSize: number;
cacheRolls: number;
envCount: number;
settingsCount: number;
localhostCount: number;
envNoProxyCount: number;
results: ConnectionResult[];
interface ConnectionResult {
proxy: string;
connection: string;
code: string;
count: number;
const maxCacheEntries = 5000; // Cache can grow twice that much due to 'oldCache'.
export interface ProxyAgentParams {
resolveProxy(url: string): Promise<string | undefined>;
getHttpProxySetting(): string | undefined;
log(level: LogLevel, message: string, ...args: any[]): void;
getLogLevel(): LogLevel;
proxyResolverTelemetry(event: ResolveProxyEvent): void;
useHostProxy: boolean;
env: NodeJS.ProcessEnv;
export function setupProxyResolution(params: ProxyAgentParams) {
const { getHttpProxySetting, log, getLogLevel, proxyResolverTelemetry, useHostProxy, env } = params;
let envProxy = proxyFromConfigURL(env.https_proxy || env.HTTPS_PROXY || env.http_proxy || env.HTTP_PROXY); // Not standardized.
let envNoProxy = noProxyFromEnv(env.no_proxy || env.NO_PROXY); // Not standardized.
let cacheRolls = 0;
let oldCache = new Map<string, string>();
let cache = new Map<string, string>();
function getCacheKey(url: nodeurl.UrlWithStringQuery) {
// Expecting proxies to usually be the same per scheme://host:port. Assuming that for performance.
return nodeurl.format({ ...url, ...{ pathname: undefined, search: undefined, hash: undefined } });
function getCachedProxy(key: string) {
let proxy = cache.get(key);
if (proxy) {
return proxy;
proxy = oldCache.get(key);
if (proxy) {
cacheProxy(key, proxy);
return proxy;
function cacheProxy(key: string, proxy: string) {
cache.set(key, proxy);
if (cache.size >= maxCacheEntries) {
oldCache = cache;
cache = new Map();
log(LogLevel.Debug, 'ProxyResolver#cacheProxy cacheRolls', cacheRolls);
let timeout: NodeJS.Timer | undefined;
let count = 0;
let duration = 0;
let errorCount = 0;
let cacheCount = 0;
let envCount = 0;
let settingsCount = 0;
let localhostCount = 0;
let envNoProxyCount = 0;
let results: ConnectionResult[] = [];
function logEvent() {
timeout = undefined;
proxyResolverTelemetry({ count, duration, errorCount, cacheCount, cacheSize: cache.size, cacheRolls, envCount, settingsCount, localhostCount, envNoProxyCount, results });
count = duration = errorCount = cacheCount = envCount = settingsCount = localhostCount = envNoProxyCount = 0;
results = [];
function resolveProxy(flags: { useProxySettings: boolean, useSystemCertificates: boolean }, req: http.ClientRequest, opts: http.RequestOptions, url: string, callback: (proxy?: string) => void) {
if (!timeout) {
timeout = setTimeout(logEvent, 10 * 60 * 1000);
const stackText = getLogLevel() === LogLevel.Trace ? '\n' + new Error('Error for stack trace').stack : '';
useSystemCertificates(params, flags.useSystemCertificates, opts, () => {
useProxySettings(useHostProxy, flags.useProxySettings, req, opts, url, stackText, callback);
function useProxySettings(useHostProxy: boolean, useProxySettings: boolean, req: http.ClientRequest, opts: http.RequestOptions, url: string, stackText: string, callback: (proxy?: string) => void) {
if (!useProxySettings) {
const parsedUrl = nodeurl.parse(url); // Coming from Node's URL, sticking with that.
const hostname = parsedUrl.hostname;
if (hostname === 'localhost' || hostname === '' || hostname === '::1' || hostname === '::ffff:') {
log(LogLevel.Debug, 'ProxyResolver#resolveProxy localhost', url, 'DIRECT', stackText);
if (typeof hostname === 'string' && envNoProxy(hostname, String(parsedUrl.port || (<any>opts.agent).defaultPort))) {
log(LogLevel.Debug, 'ProxyResolver#resolveProxy envNoProxy', url, 'DIRECT', stackText);
let settingsProxy = proxyFromConfigURL(getHttpProxySetting());
if (settingsProxy) {
log(LogLevel.Debug, 'ProxyResolver#resolveProxy settings', url, settingsProxy, stackText);
if (envProxy) {
log(LogLevel.Debug, 'ProxyResolver#resolveProxy env', url, envProxy, stackText);
const key = getCacheKey(parsedUrl);
const proxy = getCachedProxy(key);
if (proxy) {
collectResult(results, proxy, parsedUrl.protocol === 'https:' ? 'HTTPS' : 'HTTP', req);
log(LogLevel.Debug, 'ProxyResolver#resolveProxy cached', url, proxy, stackText);
if (!useHostProxy) {
log(LogLevel.Debug, 'ProxyResolver#resolveProxy unconfigured', url, 'DIRECT', stackText);
const start = Date.now();
params.resolveProxy(url) // Use full URL to ensure it is an actually used one.
.then(proxy => {
if (proxy) {
cacheProxy(key, proxy);
collectResult(results, proxy, parsedUrl.protocol === 'https:' ? 'HTTPS' : 'HTTP', req);
log(LogLevel.Debug, 'ProxyResolver#resolveProxy', url, proxy, stackText);
}).then(() => {
duration = Date.now() - start + duration;
}, err => {
log(LogLevel.Error, 'ProxyResolver#resolveProxy', toErrorMessage(err), stackText);
return resolveProxy;
function collectResult(results: ConnectionResult[], resolveProxy: string, connection: string, req: http.ClientRequest) {
const proxy = resolveProxy ? String(resolveProxy).trim().split(/\s+/, 1)[0] : 'EMPTY';
req.on('response', res => {
const code = `HTTP_${res.statusCode}`;
const result = findOrCreateResult(results, proxy, connection, code);
req.on('error', err => {
const code = err && typeof (<any>err).code === 'string' && (<any>err).code || 'UNKNOWN_ERROR';
const result = findOrCreateResult(results, proxy, connection, code);
function findOrCreateResult(results: ConnectionResult[], proxy: string, connection: string, code: string): ConnectionResult {
for (const result of results) {
if (result.proxy === proxy && result.connection === connection && result.code === code) {
return result;
const result = { proxy, connection, code, count: 0 };
return result;
function proxyFromConfigURL(configURL: string | undefined) {
if (!configURL) {
return undefined;
const url = (configURL || '').trim();
const i = url.indexOf('://');
if (i === -1) {
return undefined;
const scheme = url.substr(0, i).toLowerCase();
const proxy = url.substr(i + 3);
if (scheme === 'http') {
return 'PROXY ' + proxy;
} else if (scheme === 'https') {
return 'HTTPS ' + proxy;
} else if (scheme === 'socks') {
return 'SOCKS ' + proxy;
return undefined;
function noProxyFromEnv(envValue?: string) {
const value = (envValue || '')
if (value === '*') {
return () => true;
const filters = value
.map(s => s.trim().split(':', 2))
.map(([name, port]) => ({ name, port }))
.filter(filter => !!filter.name)
.map(({ name, port }) => {
const domain = name[0] === '.' ? name : `.${name}`;
return { domain, port };
if (!filters.length) {
return () => false;
return (hostname: string, port: string) => filters.some(({ domain, port: filterPort }) => {
return `.${hostname.toLowerCase()}`.endsWith(domain) && (!filterPort || port === filterPort);
export function patches(originals: typeof http | typeof https, resolveProxy: ReturnType<typeof setupProxyResolution>, proxySetting: { config: string }, certSetting: { config: boolean }, onRequest: boolean) {
return {
get: patch(originals.get),
request: patch(originals.request)
function patch(original: typeof http.get) {
function patched(url?: string | URL | null, options?: http.RequestOptions | null, callback?: (res: http.IncomingMessage) => void): http.ClientRequest {
if (typeof url !== 'string' && !(url && (<any>url).searchParams)) {
callback = <any>options;
options = url;
url = null;
if (typeof options === 'function') {
callback = options;
options = null;
options = options || {};
if (options.socketPath) {
return original.apply(null, arguments as any);
const originalAgent = options.agent;
if (originalAgent === true) {
throw new Error('Unexpected agent option: true');
const optionsPatched = originalAgent instanceof ProxyAgent;
const config = onRequest && ((<any>options)._vscodeProxySupport || /* LS */ (<any>options)._vscodeSystemProxy) || proxySetting.config;
const useProxySettings = !optionsPatched && (config === 'override' || config === 'on' && originalAgent === undefined);
const useSystemCertificates = !optionsPatched && certSetting.config && originals === https && !(options as https.RequestOptions).ca;
if (useProxySettings || useSystemCertificates) {
if (url) {
const parsed = typeof url === 'string' ? new nodeurl.URL(url) : url;
const urlOptions = {
protocol: parsed.protocol,
hostname: parsed.hostname.lastIndexOf('[', 0) === 0 ? parsed.hostname.slice(1, -1) : parsed.hostname,
port: parsed.port,
path: `${parsed.pathname}${parsed.search}`
if (parsed.username || parsed.password) {
options.auth = `${parsed.username}:${parsed.password}`;
options = { ...urlOptions, ...options };
} else {
options = { ...options };
options.agent = new ProxyAgent({
resolveProxy: resolveProxy.bind(undefined, { useProxySettings, useSystemCertificates }),
defaultPort: originals === https ? 443 : 80,
return original(options, callback);
return original.apply(null, arguments as any);
return patched;
export function tlsPatches(originals: typeof tls) {
return {
createSecureContext: patch(originals.createSecureContext)
function patch(original: typeof tls.createSecureContext): typeof tls.createSecureContext {
return function (details?: tls.SecureContextOptions): ReturnType<typeof tls.createSecureContext> {
const context = original.apply(null, arguments as any);
const certs = (details as any)._vscodeAdditionalCaCerts;
if (certs) {
for (const cert of certs) {
return context;
function useSystemCertificates(params: ProxyAgentParams, useSystemCertificates: boolean, opts: http.RequestOptions, callback: () => void) {
if (useSystemCertificates) {
.then(caCertificates => {
if (caCertificates) {
if (caCertificates.append) {
(opts as any)._vscodeAdditionalCaCerts = caCertificates.certs;
} else {
(opts as https.RequestOptions).ca = caCertificates.certs;
.catch(err => {
params.log(LogLevel.Error, 'ProxyResolver#useSystemCertificates', toErrorMessage(err));
} else {
let _caCertificates: ReturnType<typeof readCaCertificates> | Promise<undefined>;
async function getCaCertificates({ log }: ProxyAgentParams) {
if (!_caCertificates) {
_caCertificates = readCaCertificates()
.then(res => {
log(LogLevel.Debug, 'ProxyResolver#getCaCertificates count', res && res.certs.length);
return res && res.certs.length ? res : undefined;
.catch(err => {
log(LogLevel.Error, 'ProxyResolver#getCaCertificates error', toErrorMessage(err));
return undefined;
return _caCertificates;
async function readCaCertificates() {
if (process.platform === 'win32') {
return readWindowsCaCertificates();
if (process.platform === 'darwin') {
return readMacCaCertificates();
if (process.platform === 'linux') {
return readLinuxCaCertificates();
return undefined;
async function readWindowsCaCertificates() {
// @ts-ignore Windows only
const winCA = await import('vscode-windows-ca-certs');
let ders: any[] = [];
const store = new winCA.Crypt32();
try {
let der: any;
while (der = store.next()) {
} finally {
const certs = new Set(ders.map(derToPem));
return {
certs: Array.from(certs),
append: true
async function readMacCaCertificates() {
const stdout = await new Promise<string>((resolve, reject) => {
const child = cp.spawn('/usr/bin/security', ['find-certificate', '-a', '-p']);
const stdout: string[] = [];
child.stdout.on('data', str => stdout.push(str));
child.on('error', reject);
child.on('exit', code => code ? reject(code) : resolve(stdout.join('')));
const certs = new Set(stdout.split(/(?=-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----)/g)
.filter(pem => !!pem.length));
return {
certs: Array.from(certs),
append: true
const linuxCaCertificatePaths = [
async function readLinuxCaCertificates() {
for (const certPath of linuxCaCertificatePaths) {
try {
const content = await fs.promises.readFile(certPath, { encoding: 'utf8' });
const certs = new Set(content.split(/(?=-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----)/g)
.filter(pem => !!pem.length));
return {
certs: Array.from(certs),
append: false
} catch (err) {
if (err.code !== 'ENOENT') {
throw err;
return undefined;
function derToPem(blob: Buffer) {
const lines = ['-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----'];
const der = blob.toString('base64');
for (let i = 0; i < der.length; i += 64) {
lines.push(der.substr(i, 64));
lines.push('-----END CERTIFICATE-----', '');
return lines.join(os.EOL);
function toErrorMessage(err: any) {
return err && (err.stack || err.message) || String(err);

View file

@ -6,27 +6,15 @@
import * as http from 'http';
import * as https from 'https';
import * as tls from 'tls';
import * as nodeurl from 'url';
import * as os from 'os';
import * as fs from 'fs';
import * as cp from 'child_process';
import { IExtHostWorkspaceProvider } from 'vs/workbench/api/common/extHostWorkspace';
import { ExtHostConfigProvider } from 'vs/workbench/api/common/extHostConfiguration';
import { ProxyAgent } from 'vscode-proxy-agent';
import { MainThreadTelemetryShape, IInitData } from 'vs/workbench/api/common/extHost.protocol';
import { toErrorMessage } from 'vs/base/common/errorMessage';
import { ExtHostExtensionService } from 'vs/workbench/api/node/extHostExtensionService';
import { URI } from 'vs/base/common/uri';
import { ILogService, LogLevel } from 'vs/platform/log/common/log';
import { ILogService } from 'vs/platform/log/common/log';
import { IExtensionDescription } from 'vs/platform/extensions/common/extensions';
interface ConnectionResult {
proxy: string;
connection: string;
code: string;
count: number;
import { LogLevel, patches, ResolveProxyEvent, setupProxyResolution, tlsPatches } from 'vs/workbench/services/extensions/node/proxyAgent';
export function connectProxyResolver(
extHostWorkspace: IExtHostWorkspaceProvider,
@ -36,263 +24,51 @@ export function connectProxyResolver(
mainThreadTelemetry: MainThreadTelemetryShape,
initData: IInitData,
) {
const resolveProxy = setupProxyResolution(extHostWorkspace, configProvider, extHostLogService, mainThreadTelemetry, initData);
const useHostProxy = initData.environment.useHostProxy;
const doUseHostProxy = typeof useHostProxy === 'boolean' ? useHostProxy : !initData.remote.isRemote;
const resolveProxy = setupProxyResolution({
resolveProxy: url => extHostWorkspace.resolveProxy(url),
getHttpProxySetting: () => configProvider.getConfiguration('http').get('proxy'),
log: (level, message, ...args) => {
switch (level) {
case LogLevel.Trace: extHostLogService.trace(message, ...args); break;
case LogLevel.Debug: extHostLogService.debug(message, ...args); break;
case LogLevel.Info: extHostLogService.info(message, ...args); break;
case LogLevel.Warning: extHostLogService.warn(message, ...args); break;
case LogLevel.Error: extHostLogService.error(message, ...args); break;
case LogLevel.Critical: extHostLogService.critical(message, ...args); break;
case LogLevel.Off: break;
default: never(level, message, args); break;
function never(level: never, message: string, ...args: any[]) {
extHostLogService.error('Unknown log level', level);
extHostLogService.error(message, ...args);
getLogLevel: () => extHostLogService.getLevel(),
proxyResolverTelemetry: event => {
type ResolveProxyClassification = {
count: { classification: 'SystemMetaData', purpose: 'PerformanceAndHealth', isMeasurement: true };
duration: { classification: 'SystemMetaData', purpose: 'PerformanceAndHealth', isMeasurement: true };
errorCount: { classification: 'SystemMetaData', purpose: 'PerformanceAndHealth', isMeasurement: true };
cacheCount: { classification: 'SystemMetaData', purpose: 'PerformanceAndHealth', isMeasurement: true };
cacheSize: { classification: 'SystemMetaData', purpose: 'PerformanceAndHealth', isMeasurement: true };
cacheRolls: { classification: 'SystemMetaData', purpose: 'PerformanceAndHealth', isMeasurement: true };
envCount: { classification: 'SystemMetaData', purpose: 'PerformanceAndHealth', isMeasurement: true };
settingsCount: { classification: 'SystemMetaData', purpose: 'PerformanceAndHealth', isMeasurement: true };
localhostCount: { classification: 'SystemMetaData', purpose: 'PerformanceAndHealth', isMeasurement: true };
envNoProxyCount: { classification: 'SystemMetaData', purpose: 'PerformanceAndHealth', isMeasurement: true };
results: { classification: 'SystemMetaData', purpose: 'PerformanceAndHealth' };
mainThreadTelemetry.$publicLog2<ResolveProxyEvent, ResolveProxyClassification>('resolveProxy', event);
useHostProxy: doUseHostProxy,
env: process.env,
const lookup = createPatchedModules(configProvider, resolveProxy);
return configureModuleLoading(extensionService, lookup);
const maxCacheEntries = 5000; // Cache can grow twice that much due to 'oldCache'.
function setupProxyResolution(
extHostWorkspace: IExtHostWorkspaceProvider,
configProvider: ExtHostConfigProvider,
extHostLogService: ILogService,
mainThreadTelemetry: MainThreadTelemetryShape,
initData: IInitData,
) {
const env = process.env;
let settingsProxy = proxyFromConfigURL(configProvider.getConfiguration('http')
configProvider.onDidChangeConfiguration(e => {
settingsProxy = proxyFromConfigURL(configProvider.getConfiguration('http')
let envProxy = proxyFromConfigURL(env.https_proxy || env.HTTPS_PROXY || env.http_proxy || env.HTTP_PROXY); // Not standardized.
let envNoProxy = noProxyFromEnv(env.no_proxy || env.NO_PROXY); // Not standardized.
let cacheRolls = 0;
let oldCache = new Map<string, string>();
let cache = new Map<string, string>();
function getCacheKey(url: nodeurl.UrlWithStringQuery) {
// Expecting proxies to usually be the same per scheme://host:port. Assuming that for performance.
return nodeurl.format({ ...url, ...{ pathname: undefined, search: undefined, hash: undefined } });
function getCachedProxy(key: string) {
let proxy = cache.get(key);
if (proxy) {
return proxy;
proxy = oldCache.get(key);
if (proxy) {
cacheProxy(key, proxy);
return proxy;
function cacheProxy(key: string, proxy: string) {
cache.set(key, proxy);
if (cache.size >= maxCacheEntries) {
oldCache = cache;
cache = new Map();
extHostLogService.debug('ProxyResolver#cacheProxy cacheRolls', cacheRolls);
let timeout: NodeJS.Timer | undefined;
let count = 0;
let duration = 0;
let errorCount = 0;
let cacheCount = 0;
let envCount = 0;
let settingsCount = 0;
let localhostCount = 0;
let envNoProxyCount = 0;
let results: ConnectionResult[] = [];
function logEvent() {
timeout = undefined;
type ResolveProxyClassification = {
count: { classification: 'SystemMetaData', purpose: 'PerformanceAndHealth', isMeasurement: true };
duration: { classification: 'SystemMetaData', purpose: 'PerformanceAndHealth', isMeasurement: true };
errorCount: { classification: 'SystemMetaData', purpose: 'PerformanceAndHealth', isMeasurement: true };
cacheCount: { classification: 'SystemMetaData', purpose: 'PerformanceAndHealth', isMeasurement: true };
cacheSize: { classification: 'SystemMetaData', purpose: 'PerformanceAndHealth', isMeasurement: true };
cacheRolls: { classification: 'SystemMetaData', purpose: 'PerformanceAndHealth', isMeasurement: true };
envCount: { classification: 'SystemMetaData', purpose: 'PerformanceAndHealth', isMeasurement: true };
settingsCount: { classification: 'SystemMetaData', purpose: 'PerformanceAndHealth', isMeasurement: true };
localhostCount: { classification: 'SystemMetaData', purpose: 'PerformanceAndHealth', isMeasurement: true };
envNoProxyCount: { classification: 'SystemMetaData', purpose: 'PerformanceAndHealth', isMeasurement: true };
results: { classification: 'SystemMetaData', purpose: 'PerformanceAndHealth' };
type ResolveProxyEvent = {
count: number;
duration: number;
errorCount: number;
cacheCount: number;
cacheSize: number;
cacheRolls: number;
envCount: number;
settingsCount: number;
localhostCount: number;
envNoProxyCount: number;
results: ConnectionResult[];
mainThreadTelemetry.$publicLog2<ResolveProxyEvent, ResolveProxyClassification>('resolveProxy', { count, duration, errorCount, cacheCount, cacheSize: cache.size, cacheRolls, envCount, settingsCount, localhostCount, envNoProxyCount, results });
count = duration = errorCount = cacheCount = envCount = settingsCount = localhostCount = envNoProxyCount = 0;
results = [];
function resolveProxy(flags: { useProxySettings: boolean, useSystemCertificates: boolean }, req: http.ClientRequest, opts: http.RequestOptions, url: string, callback: (proxy?: string) => void) {
if (!timeout) {
timeout = setTimeout(logEvent, 10 * 60 * 1000);
const stackText = extHostLogService.getLevel() === LogLevel.Trace ? '\n' + new Error('Error for stack trace').stack : '';
const useHostProxy = initData.environment.useHostProxy;
const doUseHostProxy = typeof useHostProxy === 'boolean' ? useHostProxy : !initData.remote.isRemote;
useSystemCertificates(extHostLogService, flags.useSystemCertificates, opts, () => {
useProxySettings(doUseHostProxy, flags.useProxySettings, req, opts, url, stackText, callback);
function useProxySettings(useHostProxy: boolean, useProxySettings: boolean, req: http.ClientRequest, opts: http.RequestOptions, url: string, stackText: string, callback: (proxy?: string) => void) {
if (!useProxySettings) {
const parsedUrl = nodeurl.parse(url); // Coming from Node's URL, sticking with that.
const hostname = parsedUrl.hostname;
if (hostname === 'localhost' || hostname === '' || hostname === '::1' || hostname === '::ffff:') {
extHostLogService.debug('ProxyResolver#resolveProxy localhost', url, 'DIRECT', stackText);
if (typeof hostname === 'string' && envNoProxy(hostname, String(parsedUrl.port || (<any>opts.agent).defaultPort))) {
extHostLogService.debug('ProxyResolver#resolveProxy envNoProxy', url, 'DIRECT', stackText);
if (settingsProxy) {
extHostLogService.debug('ProxyResolver#resolveProxy settings', url, settingsProxy, stackText);
if (envProxy) {
extHostLogService.debug('ProxyResolver#resolveProxy env', url, envProxy, stackText);
const key = getCacheKey(parsedUrl);
const proxy = getCachedProxy(key);
if (proxy) {
collectResult(results, proxy, parsedUrl.protocol === 'https:' ? 'HTTPS' : 'HTTP', req);
extHostLogService.debug('ProxyResolver#resolveProxy cached', url, proxy, stackText);
if (!useHostProxy) {
extHostLogService.debug('ProxyResolver#resolveProxy unconfigured', url, 'DIRECT', stackText);
const start = Date.now();
extHostWorkspace.resolveProxy(url) // Use full URL to ensure it is an actually used one.
.then(proxy => {
if (proxy) {
cacheProxy(key, proxy);
collectResult(results, proxy, parsedUrl.protocol === 'https:' ? 'HTTPS' : 'HTTP', req);
extHostLogService.debug('ProxyResolver#resolveProxy', url, proxy, stackText);
}).then(() => {
duration = Date.now() - start + duration;
}, err => {
extHostLogService.error('ProxyResolver#resolveProxy', toErrorMessage(err), stackText);
return resolveProxy;
function collectResult(results: ConnectionResult[], resolveProxy: string, connection: string, req: http.ClientRequest) {
const proxy = resolveProxy ? String(resolveProxy).trim().split(/\s+/, 1)[0] : 'EMPTY';
req.on('response', res => {
const code = `HTTP_${res.statusCode}`;
const result = findOrCreateResult(results, proxy, connection, code);
req.on('error', err => {
const code = err && typeof (<any>err).code === 'string' && (<any>err).code || 'UNKNOWN_ERROR';
const result = findOrCreateResult(results, proxy, connection, code);
function findOrCreateResult(results: ConnectionResult[], proxy: string, connection: string, code: string): ConnectionResult {
for (const result of results) {
if (result.proxy === proxy && result.connection === connection && result.code === code) {
return result;
const result = { proxy, connection, code, count: 0 };
return result;
function proxyFromConfigURL(configURL: string | undefined) {
const url = (configURL || '').trim();
const i = url.indexOf('://');
if (i === -1) {
return undefined;
const scheme = url.substr(0, i).toLowerCase();
const proxy = url.substr(i + 3);
if (scheme === 'http') {
return 'PROXY ' + proxy;
} else if (scheme === 'https') {
return 'HTTPS ' + proxy;
} else if (scheme === 'socks') {
return 'SOCKS ' + proxy;
return undefined;
function noProxyFromEnv(envValue?: string) {
const value = (envValue || '')
if (value === '*') {
return () => true;
const filters = value
.map(s => s.trim().split(':', 2))
.map(([name, port]) => ({ name, port }))
.filter(filter => !!filter.name)
.map(({ name, port }) => {
const domain = name[0] === '.' ? name : `.${name}`;
return { domain, port };
if (!filters.length) {
return () => false;
return (hostname: string, port: string) => filters.some(({ domain, port: filterPort }) => {
return `.${hostname.toLowerCase()}`.endsWith(domain) && (!filterPort || port === filterPort);
function createPatchedModules(configProvider: ExtHostConfigProvider, resolveProxy: ReturnType<typeof setupProxyResolution>) {
const proxySetting = {
config: configProvider.getConfiguration('http')
@ -330,87 +106,6 @@ function createPatchedModules(configProvider: ExtHostConfigProvider, resolveProx
function patches(originals: typeof http | typeof https, resolveProxy: ReturnType<typeof setupProxyResolution>, proxySetting: { config: string }, certSetting: { config: boolean }, onRequest: boolean) {
return {
get: patch(originals.get),
request: patch(originals.request)
function patch(original: typeof http.get) {
function patched(url?: string | URL | null, options?: http.RequestOptions | null, callback?: (res: http.IncomingMessage) => void): http.ClientRequest {
if (typeof url !== 'string' && !(url && (<any>url).searchParams)) {
callback = <any>options;
options = url;
url = null;
if (typeof options === 'function') {
callback = options;
options = null;
options = options || {};
if (options.socketPath) {
return original.apply(null, arguments as any);
const originalAgent = options.agent;
if (originalAgent === true) {
throw new Error('Unexpected agent option: true');
const optionsPatched = originalAgent instanceof ProxyAgent;
const config = onRequest && ((<any>options)._vscodeProxySupport || /* LS */ (<any>options)._vscodeSystemProxy) || proxySetting.config;
const useProxySettings = !optionsPatched && (config === 'override' || config === 'on' && originalAgent === undefined);
const useSystemCertificates = !optionsPatched && certSetting.config && originals === https && !(options as https.RequestOptions).ca;
if (useProxySettings || useSystemCertificates) {
if (url) {
const parsed = typeof url === 'string' ? new nodeurl.URL(url) : url;
const urlOptions = {
protocol: parsed.protocol,
hostname: parsed.hostname.lastIndexOf('[', 0) === 0 ? parsed.hostname.slice(1, -1) : parsed.hostname,
port: parsed.port,
path: `${parsed.pathname}${parsed.search}`
if (parsed.username || parsed.password) {
options.auth = `${parsed.username}:${parsed.password}`;
options = { ...urlOptions, ...options };
} else {
options = { ...options };
options.agent = new ProxyAgent({
resolveProxy: resolveProxy.bind(undefined, { useProxySettings, useSystemCertificates }),
defaultPort: originals === https ? 443 : 80,
return original(options, callback);
return original.apply(null, arguments as any);
return patched;
function tlsPatches(originals: typeof tls) {
return {
createSecureContext: patch(originals.createSecureContext)
function patch(original: typeof tls.createSecureContext): typeof tls.createSecureContext {
return function (details?: tls.SecureContextOptions): ReturnType<typeof tls.createSecureContext> {
const context = original.apply(null, arguments as any);
const certs = (details as any)._vscodeAdditionalCaCerts;
if (certs) {
for (const cert of certs) {
return context;
const modulesCache = new Map<IExtensionDescription | undefined, { http?: typeof http, https?: typeof https }>();
function configureModuleLoading(extensionService: ExtHostExtensionService, lookup: ReturnType<typeof createPatchedModules>): Promise<void> {
return extensionService.getExtensionPathIndex()
@ -443,126 +138,3 @@ function configureModuleLoading(extensionService: ExtHostExtensionService, looku
function useSystemCertificates(extHostLogService: ILogService, useSystemCertificates: boolean, opts: http.RequestOptions, callback: () => void) {
if (useSystemCertificates) {
.then(caCertificates => {
if (caCertificates) {
if (caCertificates.append) {
(opts as any)._vscodeAdditionalCaCerts = caCertificates.certs;
} else {
(opts as https.RequestOptions).ca = caCertificates.certs;
.catch(err => {
extHostLogService.error('ProxyResolver#useSystemCertificates', toErrorMessage(err));
} else {
let _caCertificates: ReturnType<typeof readCaCertificates> | Promise<undefined>;
async function getCaCertificates(extHostLogService: ILogService) {
if (!_caCertificates) {
_caCertificates = readCaCertificates()
.then(res => {
extHostLogService.debug('ProxyResolver#getCaCertificates count', res && res.certs.length);
return res && res.certs.length ? res : undefined;
.catch(err => {
extHostLogService.error('ProxyResolver#getCaCertificates error', toErrorMessage(err));
return undefined;
return _caCertificates;
async function readCaCertificates() {
if (process.platform === 'win32') {
return readWindowsCaCertificates();
if (process.platform === 'darwin') {
return readMacCaCertificates();
if (process.platform === 'linux') {
return readLinuxCaCertificates();
return undefined;
async function readWindowsCaCertificates() {
// @ts-ignore Windows only
const winCA = await import('vscode-windows-ca-certs');
let ders: any[] = [];
const store = new winCA.Crypt32();
try {
let der: any;
while (der = store.next()) {
} finally {
const certs = new Set(ders.map(derToPem));
return {
certs: Array.from(certs),
append: true
async function readMacCaCertificates() {
const stdout = await new Promise<string>((resolve, reject) => {
const child = cp.spawn('/usr/bin/security', ['find-certificate', '-a', '-p']);
const stdout: string[] = [];
child.stdout.on('data', str => stdout.push(str));
child.on('error', reject);
child.on('exit', code => code ? reject(code) : resolve(stdout.join('')));
const certs = new Set(stdout.split(/(?=-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----)/g)
.filter(pem => !!pem.length));
return {
certs: Array.from(certs),
append: true
const linuxCaCertificatePaths = [
async function readLinuxCaCertificates() {
for (const certPath of linuxCaCertificatePaths) {
try {
const content = await fs.promises.readFile(certPath, { encoding: 'utf8' });
const certs = new Set(content.split(/(?=-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----)/g)
.filter(pem => !!pem.length));
return {
certs: Array.from(certs),
append: false
} catch (err) {
if (err.code !== 'ENOENT') {
throw err;
return undefined;
function derToPem(blob: Buffer) {
const lines = ['-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----'];
const der = blob.toString('base64');
for (let i = 0; i < der.length; i += 64) {
lines.push(der.substr(i, 64));
lines.push('-----END CERTIFICATE-----', '');
return lines.join(os.EOL);