@echo off setlocal title VSCode Dev pushd %~dp0\.. :: Node modules if not exist node_modules call yarn for /f "tokens=2 delims=:," %%a in ('findstr /R /C:"\"nameShort\":.*" product.json') do set NAMESHORT=%%~a set NAMESHORT=%NAMESHORT: "=% set NAMESHORT=%NAMESHORT:"=%.exe set CODE=".build\electron\%NAMESHORT%" :: Get electron call yarn electron :: Manage built-in extensions if "%1"=="--builtin" goto builtin :: Sync built-in extensions node build\lib\builtInExtensions.js :: Build if not exist out yarn compile :: Configuration set NODE_ENV=development set VSCODE_DEV=1 set ELECTRON_ENABLE_SECURITY_WARNINGS=1 set VSCODE_CLI=1 REM set ELECTRON_DEFAULT_ERROR_MODE=1 TODO@ben to investigate if this helps with builds reporting stacks if renderer crashes set ELECTRON_ENABLE_LOGGING=1 set ELECTRON_ENABLE_STACK_DUMPING=1 set VSCODE_LOGS= :: Launch Code %CODE% . %* goto end :builtin %CODE% build/builtin :end popd endlocal