João Moreno 6f2ad1994c
More RBAC usage (#137579)
* ci: 👷 remove secret references

* inline web storage account

* remove unused reference

* inline storage accounts

* formatting

* formatting

* drop ticino-storage-key, web-storage-key

* remove leftovers

* fix build

* fix build

* catch errors on all upload* scripts

* bump gulp-azure-storage
2021-11-20 09:01:39 -08:00

78 lines
2.5 KiB

* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
'use strict';
import * as path from 'path';
import * as es from 'event-stream';
import * as Vinyl from 'vinyl';
import * as vfs from 'vinyl-fs';
import * as util from '../lib/util';
// @ts-ignore
import * as deps from '../lib/dependencies';
import { ClientSecretCredential } from '@azure/identity';
const azure = require('gulp-azure-storage');
const root = path.dirname(path.dirname(__dirname));
const commit = util.getVersion(root);
const credential = new ClientSecretCredential(process.env['AZURE_TENANT_ID']!, process.env['AZURE_CLIENT_ID']!, process.env['AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET']!);
// optionally allow to pass in explicit base/maps to upload
const [, , base, maps] = process.argv;
function src(base: string, maps = `${base}/**/*.map`) {
return vfs.src(maps, { base })
.pipe(es.mapSync((f: Vinyl) => {
f.path = `${f.base}/core/${f.relative}`;
return f;
function main(): Promise<void> {
const sources: any[] = [];
// vscode client maps (default)
if (!base) {
const vs = src('out-vscode-min'); // client source-maps only
const productionDependencies: { name: string, path: string, version: string }[] = deps.getProductionDependencies(root);
const productionDependenciesSrc = productionDependencies.map(d => path.relative(root, d.path)).map(d => `./${d}/**/*.map`);
const nodeModules = vfs.src(productionDependenciesSrc, { base: '.' })
.pipe(util.cleanNodeModules(path.join(root, 'build', '.moduleignore')));
const extensionsOut = vfs.src(['.build/extensions/**/*.js.map', '!**/node_modules/**'], { base: '.build' });
// specific client base/maps
else {
sources.push(src(base, maps));
return new Promise((c, e) => {
.pipe(es.through(function (data: Vinyl) {
console.log('Uploading Sourcemap', data.relative); // debug
this.emit('data', data);
account: process.env.AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT,
container: 'sourcemaps',
prefix: commit + '/'
.on('end', () => c())
.on('error', (err: any) => e(err));
main().catch(err => {