2015-11-13 14:39:38 +01:00

260 lines
9.3 KiB

* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('path');
var vm = require('vm');
* Bundle `entryPoints` given config `config`.
function bundle(entryPoints, config, callback) {
var entryPointsMap = {};
entryPoints.forEach(function (module) {
entryPointsMap[module.name] = module;
var code = require('fs').readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, '../../src/vs/loader.js'));
var r = vm.runInThisContext('(function(require, module, exports) { ' + code + '\n});');
var loaderModule = { exports: {} };
r.call({}, require, loaderModule, loaderModule.exports);
var loader = loaderModule.exports;
config.isBuild = true;
loader(Object.keys(entryPointsMap), function () {
var modules = loader.getBuildInfo();
callback(null, emitEntryPoints(modules, entryPointsMap));
}, function (err) { return callback(err, null); });
exports.bundle = bundle;
function emitEntryPoints(modules, entryPoints) {
var modulesMap = {};
modules.forEach(function (m) {
modulesMap[m.id] = m;
var modulesGraph = {};
modules.forEach(function (m) {
modulesGraph[m.id] = m.dependencies;
var sortedModules = topologicalSort(modulesGraph);
var result = [];
var usedPlugins = {};
Object.keys(entryPoints).forEach(function (moduleToBundle) {
var info = entryPoints[moduleToBundle];
var rootNodes = [moduleToBundle].concat(info.include || []);
var allDependencies = visit(rootNodes, modulesGraph);
var excludes = ['require', 'exports', 'module'].concat(info.exclude || []);
excludes.forEach(function (excludeRoot) {
var allExcludes = visit([excludeRoot], modulesGraph);
Object.keys(allExcludes).forEach(function (exclude) {
delete allDependencies[exclude];
var includedModules = sortedModules.filter(function (module) {
return allDependencies[module];
var res = emitEntryPoint(modulesMap, modulesGraph, moduleToBundle, includedModules);
result = result.concat(res.files);
for (var pluginName in res.usedPlugins) {
usedPlugins[pluginName] = usedPlugins[pluginName] || res.usedPlugins[pluginName];
Object.keys(usedPlugins).forEach(function (pluginName) {
var plugin = usedPlugins[pluginName];
if (typeof plugin.finishBuild === 'function') {
var write = function (filename, contents) {
dest: filename,
sources: [{
path: null,
contents: contents
return result;
function emitEntryPoint(modulesMap, deps, entryPoint, includedModules) {
var mainResult = {
sources: [],
dest: entryPoint + '.js'
}, results = [mainResult];
var usedPlugins = {};
var getLoaderPlugin = function (pluginName) {
if (!usedPlugins[pluginName]) {
usedPlugins[pluginName] = modulesMap[pluginName].exports;
return usedPlugins[pluginName];
includedModules.forEach(function (c) {
var bangIndex = c.indexOf('!');
if (bangIndex >= 0) {
var pluginName = c.substr(0, bangIndex);
var plugin = getLoaderPlugin(pluginName);
mainResult.sources.push(emitPlugin(entryPoint, plugin, pluginName, c.substr(bangIndex + 1)));
var module = modulesMap[c];
if (module.path === 'empty:') {
var contents = readFileAndRemoveBOM(module.path);
if (module.shim) {
mainResult.sources.push(emitShimmedModule(c, deps[c], module.shim, module.path, contents));
else {
mainResult.sources.push(emitNamedModule(c, deps[c], module.defineLocation, module.path, contents));
Object.keys(usedPlugins).forEach(function (pluginName) {
var plugin = usedPlugins[pluginName];
if (typeof plugin.writeFile === 'function') {
var req = (function () {
throw new Error('no-no!');
req.toUrl = function (something) { return something; };
var write = function (filename, contents) {
dest: filename,
sources: [{
path: null,
contents: contents
plugin.writeFile(pluginName, entryPoint, req, write, {});
return {
files: results,
usedPlugins: usedPlugins
function readFileAndRemoveBOM(path) {
var BOM_CHAR_CODE = 65279;
var contents = fs.readFileSync(path, 'utf8');
// Remove BOM
if (contents.charCodeAt(0) === BOM_CHAR_CODE) {
contents = contents.substring(1);
return contents;
function emitPlugin(entryPoint, plugin, pluginName, moduleName) {
var result = '';
if (typeof plugin.write === 'function') {
var write = (function (what) {
result += what;
write.getEntryPoint = function () {
return entryPoint;
write.asModule = function (moduleId, code) {
code = code.replace(/^define\(/, 'define("' + moduleId + '",');
result += code;
plugin.write(pluginName, moduleName, write);
return {
path: null,
contents: result
function emitNamedModule(moduleId, myDeps, defineCallPosition, path, contents) {
// `defineCallPosition` is the position in code: |define()
var defineCallOffset = positionToOffset(contents, defineCallPosition.line, defineCallPosition.col);
// `parensOffset` is the position in code: define|()
var parensOffset = contents.indexOf('(', defineCallOffset);
var insertStr = '"' + moduleId + '", ';
return {
path: path,
contents: contents.substr(0, parensOffset + 1) + insertStr + contents.substr(parensOffset + 1)
function emitShimmedModule(moduleId, myDeps, factory, path, contents) {
var strDeps = (myDeps.length > 0 ? '"' + myDeps.join('", "') + '"' : '');
var strDefine = 'define("' + moduleId + '", [' + strDeps + '], ' + factory + ');';
return {
path: path,
contents: contents + '\n;\n' + strDefine
* Convert a position (line:col) to (offset) in string `str`
function positionToOffset(str, desiredLine, desiredCol) {
if (desiredLine === 1) {
return desiredCol - 1;
var line = 1, lastNewLineOffset = -1;
do {
if (desiredLine === line) {
return lastNewLineOffset + 1 + desiredCol - 1;
lastNewLineOffset = str.indexOf('\n', lastNewLineOffset + 1);
} while (lastNewLineOffset >= 0);
return -1;
* Return a set of reachable nodes in `graph` starting from `rootNodes`
function visit(rootNodes, graph) {
var result = {}, queue = rootNodes;
rootNodes.forEach(function (node) {
result[node] = true;
while (queue.length > 0) {
var el = queue.shift();
var myEdges = graph[el] || [];
myEdges.forEach(function (toNode) {
if (!result[toNode]) {
result[toNode] = true;
return result;
* Perform a topological sort on `graph`
function topologicalSort(graph) {
var allNodes = {}, outgoingEdgeCount = {}, inverseEdges = {};
Object.keys(graph).forEach(function (fromNode) {
allNodes[fromNode] = true;
outgoingEdgeCount[fromNode] = graph[fromNode].length;
graph[fromNode].forEach(function (toNode) {
allNodes[toNode] = true;
outgoingEdgeCount[toNode] = outgoingEdgeCount[toNode] || 0;
inverseEdges[toNode] = inverseEdges[toNode] || [];
// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Topological_sorting
var S = [], L = [];
Object.keys(allNodes).forEach(function (node) {
if (outgoingEdgeCount[node] === 0) {
delete outgoingEdgeCount[node];
while (S.length > 0) {
// Ensure the exact same order all the time with the same inputs
var n = S.shift();
var myInverseEdges = inverseEdges[n] || [];
myInverseEdges.forEach(function (m) {
if (outgoingEdgeCount[m] === 0) {
delete outgoingEdgeCount[m];
if (Object.keys(outgoingEdgeCount).length > 0) {
throw new Error('Cannot do topological sort on cyclic graph, remaining nodes: ' + Object.keys(outgoingEdgeCount));
return L;