Matt Bierner 0762d23ae7
Build VS Code using TS 4.4 (#127823)
* Build VS Code using TS 4.4

* Remove usages of deprecated `ClientRectList`

* Add any casts for missing `caretRangeFromPoint`

* Add temporary any casts for `zoom` css propery

This non-standard css property no longer exists in lib.dom.d.ts

* MouseWheelEvent -> WheelEvent

* Pick up new TS nightly

Co-authored-by: Alexandru Dima <alexdima@microsoft.com>
2021-07-08 14:27:39 -07:00

339 lines
12 KiB

* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
import { ILineBreaksComputerFactory } from 'vs/editor/common/viewModel/splitLinesCollection';
import { WrappingIndent } from 'vs/editor/common/config/editorOptions';
import { FontInfo } from 'vs/editor/common/config/fontInfo';
import { createStringBuilder, IStringBuilder } from 'vs/editor/common/core/stringBuilder';
import { CharCode } from 'vs/base/common/charCode';
import * as strings from 'vs/base/common/strings';
import { Configuration } from 'vs/editor/browser/config/configuration';
import { ILineBreaksComputer, LineBreakData } from 'vs/editor/common/viewModel/viewModel';
import { LineInjectedText } from 'vs/editor/common/model/textModelEvents';
import { InjectedTextOptions } from 'vs/editor/common/model';
const ttPolicy = window.trustedTypes?.createPolicy('domLineBreaksComputer', { createHTML: value => value });
export class DOMLineBreaksComputerFactory implements ILineBreaksComputerFactory {
public static create(): DOMLineBreaksComputerFactory {
return new DOMLineBreaksComputerFactory();
constructor() {
public createLineBreaksComputer(fontInfo: FontInfo, tabSize: number, wrappingColumn: number, wrappingIndent: WrappingIndent): ILineBreaksComputer {
tabSize = tabSize | 0; //@perf
wrappingColumn = +wrappingColumn; //@perf
let requests: string[] = [];
let injectedTexts: (LineInjectedText[] | null)[] = [];
return {
addRequest: (lineText: string, injectedText: LineInjectedText[] | null, previousLineBreakData: LineBreakData | null) => {
finalize: () => {
return createLineBreaks(requests, fontInfo, tabSize, wrappingColumn, wrappingIndent, injectedTexts);
function createLineBreaks(requests: string[], fontInfo: FontInfo, tabSize: number, firstLineBreakColumn: number, wrappingIndent: WrappingIndent, injectedTextsPerLine: (LineInjectedText[] | null)[]): (LineBreakData | null)[] {
function createEmptyLineBreakWithPossiblyInjectedText(requestIdx: number): LineBreakData | null {
const injectedTexts = injectedTextsPerLine[requestIdx];
if (injectedTexts) {
const lineText = LineInjectedText.applyInjectedText(requests[requestIdx], injectedTexts);
const injectionOptions = injectedTexts.map(t => t.options);
const injectionOffsets = injectedTexts.map(text => text.column - 1);
// creating a `LineBreakData` with an invalid `breakOffsetsVisibleColumn` is OK
// because `breakOffsetsVisibleColumn` will never be used because it contains injected text
return new LineBreakData([lineText.length], [], 0, injectionOffsets, injectionOptions);
} else {
return null;
if (firstLineBreakColumn === -1) {
const result: (LineBreakData | null)[] = [];
for (let i = 0, len = requests.length; i < len; i++) {
result[i] = createEmptyLineBreakWithPossiblyInjectedText(i);
return result;
const overallWidth = Math.round(firstLineBreakColumn * fontInfo.typicalHalfwidthCharacterWidth);
// Cannot respect WrappingIndent.Indent and WrappingIndent.DeepIndent because that would require
// two dom layouts, in order to first set the width of the first line, and then set the width of the wrapped lines
if (wrappingIndent === WrappingIndent.Indent || wrappingIndent === WrappingIndent.DeepIndent) {
wrappingIndent = WrappingIndent.Same;
const containerDomNode = document.createElement('div');
Configuration.applyFontInfoSlow(containerDomNode, fontInfo);
const sb = createStringBuilder(10000);
const firstNonWhitespaceIndices: number[] = [];
const wrappedTextIndentLengths: number[] = [];
const renderLineContents: string[] = [];
const allCharOffsets: number[][] = [];
const allVisibleColumns: number[][] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < requests.length; i++) {
const lineContent = LineInjectedText.applyInjectedText(requests[i], injectedTextsPerLine[i]);
let firstNonWhitespaceIndex = 0;
let wrappedTextIndentLength = 0;
let width = overallWidth;
if (wrappingIndent !== WrappingIndent.None) {
firstNonWhitespaceIndex = strings.firstNonWhitespaceIndex(lineContent);
if (firstNonWhitespaceIndex === -1) {
// all whitespace line
firstNonWhitespaceIndex = 0;
} else {
// Track existing indent
for (let i = 0; i < firstNonWhitespaceIndex; i++) {
const charWidth = (
lineContent.charCodeAt(i) === CharCode.Tab
? (tabSize - (wrappedTextIndentLength % tabSize))
: 1
wrappedTextIndentLength += charWidth;
const indentWidth = Math.ceil(fontInfo.spaceWidth * wrappedTextIndentLength);
// Force sticking to beginning of line if no character would fit except for the indentation
if (indentWidth + fontInfo.typicalFullwidthCharacterWidth > overallWidth) {
firstNonWhitespaceIndex = 0;
wrappedTextIndentLength = 0;
} else {
width = overallWidth - indentWidth;
const renderLineContent = lineContent.substr(firstNonWhitespaceIndex);
const tmp = renderLine(renderLineContent, wrappedTextIndentLength, tabSize, width, sb);
firstNonWhitespaceIndices[i] = firstNonWhitespaceIndex;
wrappedTextIndentLengths[i] = wrappedTextIndentLength;
renderLineContents[i] = renderLineContent;
allCharOffsets[i] = tmp[0];
allVisibleColumns[i] = tmp[1];
const html = sb.build();
const trustedhtml = ttPolicy?.createHTML(html) ?? html;
containerDomNode.innerHTML = trustedhtml as string;
containerDomNode.style.position = 'absolute';
containerDomNode.style.top = '10000';
containerDomNode.style.wordWrap = 'break-word';
let range = document.createRange();
const lineDomNodes = Array.prototype.slice.call(containerDomNode.children, 0);
let result: (LineBreakData | null)[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < requests.length; i++) {
const lineDomNode = lineDomNodes[i];
const breakOffsets: number[] | null = readLineBreaks(range, lineDomNode, renderLineContents[i], allCharOffsets[i]);
if (breakOffsets === null) {
result[i] = createEmptyLineBreakWithPossiblyInjectedText(i);
const firstNonWhitespaceIndex = firstNonWhitespaceIndices[i];
const wrappedTextIndentLength = wrappedTextIndentLengths[i];
const visibleColumns = allVisibleColumns[i];
const breakOffsetsVisibleColumn: number[] = [];
for (let j = 0, len = breakOffsets.length; j < len; j++) {
breakOffsetsVisibleColumn[j] = visibleColumns[breakOffsets[j]];
if (firstNonWhitespaceIndex !== 0) {
// All break offsets are relative to the renderLineContent, make them absolute again
for (let j = 0, len = breakOffsets.length; j < len; j++) {
breakOffsets[j] += firstNonWhitespaceIndex;
let injectionOptions: InjectedTextOptions[] | null;
let injectionOffsets: number[] | null;
const curInjectedTexts = injectedTextsPerLine[i];
if (curInjectedTexts) {
injectionOptions = curInjectedTexts.map(t => t.options);
injectionOffsets = curInjectedTexts.map(text => text.column - 1);
} else {
injectionOptions = null;
injectionOffsets = null;
result[i] = new LineBreakData(breakOffsets, breakOffsetsVisibleColumn, wrappedTextIndentLength, injectionOffsets, injectionOptions);
return result;
const enum Constants {
function renderLine(lineContent: string, initialVisibleColumn: number, tabSize: number, width: number, sb: IStringBuilder): [number[], number[]] {
sb.appendASCIIString('<div style="width:');
// if (containsRTL) {
// sb.appendASCIIString('" dir="ltr');
// }
const len = lineContent.length;
let visibleColumn = initialVisibleColumn;
let charOffset = 0;
let charOffsets: number[] = [];
let visibleColumns: number[] = [];
let nextCharCode = (0 < len ? lineContent.charCodeAt(0) : CharCode.Null);
for (let charIndex = 0; charIndex < len; charIndex++) {
if (charIndex !== 0 && charIndex % Constants.SPAN_MODULO_LIMIT === 0) {
charOffsets[charIndex] = charOffset;
visibleColumns[charIndex] = visibleColumn;
const charCode = nextCharCode;
nextCharCode = (charIndex + 1 < len ? lineContent.charCodeAt(charIndex + 1) : CharCode.Null);
let producedCharacters = 1;
let charWidth = 1;
switch (charCode) {
case CharCode.Tab:
producedCharacters = (tabSize - (visibleColumn % tabSize));
charWidth = producedCharacters;
for (let space = 1; space <= producedCharacters; space++) {
if (space < producedCharacters) {
sb.write1(0xA0); // &nbsp;
} else {
case CharCode.Space:
if (nextCharCode === CharCode.Space) {
sb.write1(0xA0); // &nbsp;
} else {
case CharCode.LessThan:
case CharCode.GreaterThan:
case CharCode.Ampersand:
case CharCode.Null:
case CharCode.UTF8_BOM:
case CharCode.NEXT_LINE:
if (strings.isFullWidthCharacter(charCode)) {
if (charCode < 32) {
sb.write1(9216 + charCode);
} else {
charOffset += producedCharacters;
visibleColumn += charWidth;
charOffsets[lineContent.length] = charOffset;
visibleColumns[lineContent.length] = visibleColumn;
return [charOffsets, visibleColumns];
function readLineBreaks(range: Range, lineDomNode: HTMLDivElement, lineContent: string, charOffsets: number[]): number[] | null {
if (lineContent.length <= 1) {
return null;
const spans = <HTMLSpanElement[]>Array.prototype.slice.call(lineDomNode.children, 0);
const breakOffsets: number[] = [];
try {
discoverBreaks(range, spans, charOffsets, 0, null, lineContent.length - 1, null, breakOffsets);
} catch (err) {
return null;
if (breakOffsets.length === 0) {
return null;
return breakOffsets;
function discoverBreaks(range: Range, spans: HTMLSpanElement[], charOffsets: number[], low: number, lowRects: DOMRectList | null, high: number, highRects: DOMRectList | null, result: number[]): void {
if (low === high) {
lowRects = lowRects || readClientRect(range, spans, charOffsets[low], charOffsets[low + 1]);
highRects = highRects || readClientRect(range, spans, charOffsets[high], charOffsets[high + 1]);
if (Math.abs(lowRects[0].top - highRects[0].top) <= 0.1) {
// same line
// there is at least one line break between these two offsets
if (low + 1 === high) {
// the two characters are adjacent, so the line break must be exactly between them
const mid = low + ((high - low) / 2) | 0;
const midRects = readClientRect(range, spans, charOffsets[mid], charOffsets[mid + 1]);
discoverBreaks(range, spans, charOffsets, low, lowRects, mid, midRects, result);
discoverBreaks(range, spans, charOffsets, mid, midRects, high, highRects, result);
function readClientRect(range: Range, spans: HTMLSpanElement[], startOffset: number, endOffset: number): DOMRectList {
range.setStart(spans[(startOffset / Constants.SPAN_MODULO_LIMIT) | 0].firstChild!, startOffset % Constants.SPAN_MODULO_LIMIT);
range.setEnd(spans[(endOffset / Constants.SPAN_MODULO_LIMIT) | 0].firstChild!, endOffset % Constants.SPAN_MODULO_LIMIT);
return range.getClientRects();