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* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
import { IAction } from 'vs/base/common/actions';
import { DeferredPromise } from 'vs/base/common/async';
import { CancellationToken, CancellationTokenSource } from 'vs/base/common/cancellation';
import { Disposable, DisposableStore, IDisposable, toDisposable } from 'vs/base/common/lifecycle';
import { createDecorator } from 'vs/platform/instantiation/common/instantiation';
export const IProgressService = createDecorator<IProgressService>('progressService');
* A progress service that can be used to report progress to various locations of the UI.
export interface IProgressService {
readonly _serviceBrand: undefined;
options: IProgressOptions | IProgressDialogOptions | IProgressNotificationOptions | IProgressWindowOptions | IProgressCompositeOptions,
task: (progress: IProgress<IProgressStep>) => Promise<R>,
onDidCancel?: (choice?: number) => void
): Promise<R>;
registerProgressLocation(location: string, handle: ICustomProgressLocation): IDisposable;
export interface ICustomProgressLocation {
startProgress(): { progress: IProgress<IProgressStep>, token?: CancellationToken, stop(): void };
export interface IProgressIndicator {
* Show progress customized with the provided flags.
show(infinite: true, delay?: number): IProgressRunner;
show(total: number, delay?: number): IProgressRunner;
* Indicate progress for the duration of the provided promise. Progress will stop in
* any case of promise completion, error or cancellation.
showWhile(promise: Promise<unknown>, delay?: number): Promise<void>;
export const enum ProgressLocation {
Explorer = 1,
Scm = 3,
Extensions = 5,
Window = 10,
Notification = 15,
Dialog = 20
export interface IProgressOptions {
readonly location: ProgressLocation | string;
readonly title?: string;
readonly source?: string | { label: string; id: string; };
readonly total?: number;
readonly cancellable?: boolean;
readonly buttons?: string[];
export interface IProgressNotificationOptions extends IProgressOptions {
readonly location: ProgressLocation.Notification;
readonly primaryActions?: readonly IAction[];
readonly secondaryActions?: readonly IAction[];
readonly delay?: number;
readonly silent?: boolean;
export interface IProgressDialogOptions extends IProgressOptions {
readonly delay?: number;
readonly detail?: string;
export interface IProgressWindowOptions extends IProgressOptions {
readonly location: ProgressLocation.Window;
readonly command?: string;
export interface IProgressCompositeOptions extends IProgressOptions {
readonly location: ProgressLocation.Explorer | ProgressLocation.Extensions | ProgressLocation.Scm | string;
readonly delay?: number;
export interface IProgressStep {
message?: string;
increment?: number;
total?: number;
export interface IProgressRunner {
total(value: number): void;
worked(value: number): void;
done(): void;
export const emptyProgressRunner: IProgressRunner = Object.freeze({
total() { },
worked() { },
done() { }
export interface IProgress<T> {
report(item: T): void;
export class Progress<T> implements IProgress<T> {
static readonly None: IProgress<unknown> = Object.freeze({ report() { } });
private _value?: T;
get value(): T | undefined { return this._value; }
constructor(private callback: (data: T) => void) { }
report(item: T) {
this._value = item;
* A helper to show progress during a long running operation. If the operation
* is started multiple times, only the last invocation will drive the progress.
export interface IOperation {
id: number;
isCurrent: () => boolean;
token: CancellationToken;
stop(): void;
* RAII-style progress instance that allows imperative reporting and hides
* once `dispose()` is called.
export class UnmanagedProgress extends Disposable {
private readonly deferred = new DeferredPromise<void>();
private reporter?: IProgress<IProgressStep>;
private lastStep?: IProgressStep;
options: IProgressOptions | IProgressDialogOptions | IProgressNotificationOptions | IProgressWindowOptions | IProgressCompositeOptions,
@IProgressService progressService: IProgressService,
) {
progressService.withProgress(options, reporter => {
this.reporter = reporter;
if (this.lastStep) {
return this.deferred.p;
this._register(toDisposable(() => this.deferred.complete()));
report(step: IProgressStep) {
if (this.reporter) {
} else {
this.lastStep = step;
export class LongRunningOperation extends Disposable {
private currentOperationId = 0;
private readonly currentOperationDisposables = this._register(new DisposableStore());
private currentProgressRunner: IProgressRunner | undefined;
private currentProgressTimeout: any;
private progressIndicator: IProgressIndicator
) {
start(progressDelay: number): IOperation {
// Stop any previous operation
// Start new
const newOperationId = ++this.currentOperationId;
const newOperationToken = new CancellationTokenSource();
this.currentProgressTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
if (newOperationId === this.currentOperationId) {
this.currentProgressRunner = this.progressIndicator.show(true);
}, progressDelay);
this.currentOperationDisposables.add(toDisposable(() => clearTimeout(this.currentProgressTimeout)));
this.currentOperationDisposables.add(toDisposable(() => newOperationToken.cancel()));
this.currentOperationDisposables.add(toDisposable(() => this.currentProgressRunner ? this.currentProgressRunner.done() : undefined));
return {
id: newOperationId,
token: newOperationToken.token,
stop: () => this.doStop(newOperationId),
isCurrent: () => this.currentOperationId === newOperationId
stop(): void {
private doStop(operationId: number): void {
if (this.currentOperationId === operationId) {
export const IEditorProgressService = createDecorator<IEditorProgressService>('editorProgressService');
* A progress service that will report progress local to the editor triggered from.
export interface IEditorProgressService extends IProgressIndicator {
readonly _serviceBrand: undefined;