
610 lines
21 KiB

* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
import 'vs/css!./media/progressService';
import { localize } from 'vs/nls';
import { IDisposable, dispose, DisposableStore, Disposable, toDisposable } from 'vs/base/common/lifecycle';
import { IProgressService, IProgressOptions, IProgressStep, ProgressLocation, IProgress, Progress, IProgressCompositeOptions, IProgressNotificationOptions, IProgressRunner, IProgressIndicator, IProgressWindowOptions, IProgressDialogOptions, ICustomProgressLocation } from 'vs/platform/progress/common/progress';
import { StatusbarAlignment, IStatusbarService, IStatusbarEntryAccessor, IStatusbarEntry } from 'vs/workbench/services/statusbar/browser/statusbar';
import { DeferredPromise, RunOnceScheduler, timeout } from 'vs/base/common/async';
import { ProgressBadge, IActivityService } from 'vs/workbench/services/activity/common/activity';
import { INotificationService, Severity, INotificationHandle } from 'vs/platform/notification/common/notification';
import { Action } from 'vs/base/common/actions';
import { Event, Emitter } from 'vs/base/common/event';
import { registerSingleton } from 'vs/platform/instantiation/common/extensions';
import { ILayoutService } from 'vs/platform/layout/browser/layoutService';
import { Dialog } from 'vs/base/browser/ui/dialog/dialog';
import { attachDialogStyler } from 'vs/platform/theme/common/styler';
import { IThemeService } from 'vs/platform/theme/common/themeService';
import { IKeybindingService } from 'vs/platform/keybinding/common/keybinding';
import { StandardKeyboardEvent } from 'vs/base/browser/keyboardEvent';
import { EventHelper } from 'vs/base/browser/dom';
import { parseLinkedText } from 'vs/base/common/linkedText';
import { IViewsService, IViewDescriptorService, ViewContainerLocation } from 'vs/workbench/common/views';
import { IPaneCompositePartService } from 'vs/workbench/services/panecomposite/browser/panecomposite';
export class ProgressService implements IProgressService {
declare readonly _serviceBrand: undefined;
private readonly customProgessLocations = new Map<string, ICustomProgressLocation>();
@IActivityService private readonly activityService: IActivityService,
@IPaneCompositePartService private readonly paneCompositeService: IPaneCompositePartService,
@IViewDescriptorService private readonly viewDescriptorService: IViewDescriptorService,
@IViewsService private readonly viewsService: IViewsService,
@INotificationService private readonly notificationService: INotificationService,
@IStatusbarService private readonly statusbarService: IStatusbarService,
@ILayoutService private readonly layoutService: ILayoutService,
@IThemeService private readonly themeService: IThemeService,
@IKeybindingService private readonly keybindingService: IKeybindingService
) {
registerProgressLocation(location: string, handle: ICustomProgressLocation): IDisposable {
if (this.customProgessLocations.has(location)) {
throw new Error(`${location} already used`);
this.customProgessLocations.set(location, handle);
return toDisposable(() => this.customProgessLocations.delete(location));
async withProgress<R = unknown>(options: IProgressOptions, task: (progress: IProgress<IProgressStep>) => Promise<R>, onDidCancel?: (choice?: number) => void): Promise<R> {
const { location } = options;
if (typeof location === 'string') {
const viewContainer = this.viewDescriptorService.getViewContainerById(location);
if (viewContainer) {
const viewContainerLocation = this.viewDescriptorService.getViewContainerLocation(viewContainer);
if (viewContainerLocation !== null) {
return this.withPaneCompositeProgress(location, viewContainerLocation, task, { ...options, location });
if (this.viewsService.getViewProgressIndicator(location)) {
return this.withViewProgress(location, task, { ...options, location });
const customLocation = this.customProgessLocations.get(location);
if (customLocation) {
const obj = customLocation.startProgress();
const promise = task(obj.progress);
promise.finally(() => obj.stop());
return promise;
throw new Error(`Bad progress location: ${location}`);
switch (location) {
case ProgressLocation.Notification:
return this.withNotificationProgress({ ...options, location }, task, onDidCancel);
case ProgressLocation.Window:
if ((options as IProgressWindowOptions).command) {
// Window progress with command get's shown in the status bar
return this.withWindowProgress({ ...options, location }, task);
// Window progress without command can be shown as silent notification
// which will first appear in the status bar and can then be brought to
// the front when clicking.
return this.withNotificationProgress({ delay: 150 /* default for ProgressLocation.Window */, ...options, silent: true, location: ProgressLocation.Notification }, task, onDidCancel);
case ProgressLocation.Explorer:
return this.withPaneCompositeProgress('workbench.view.explorer', ViewContainerLocation.Sidebar, task, { ...options, location });
case ProgressLocation.Scm:
return this.withPaneCompositeProgress('workbench.view.scm', ViewContainerLocation.Sidebar, task, { ...options, location });
case ProgressLocation.Extensions:
return this.withPaneCompositeProgress('workbench.view.extensions', ViewContainerLocation.Sidebar, task, { ...options, location });
case ProgressLocation.Dialog:
return this.withDialogProgress(options, task, onDidCancel);
throw new Error(`Bad progress location: ${location}`);
private readonly windowProgressStack: [IProgressOptions, Progress<IProgressStep>][] = [];
private windowProgressStatusEntry: IStatusbarEntryAccessor | undefined = undefined;
private withWindowProgress<R = unknown>(options: IProgressWindowOptions, callback: (progress: IProgress<{ message?: string }>) => Promise<R>): Promise<R> {
const task: [IProgressWindowOptions, Progress<IProgressStep>] = [options, new Progress<IProgressStep>(() => this.updateWindowProgress())];
const promise = callback(task[1]);
let delayHandle: any = setTimeout(() => {
delayHandle = undefined;
// show progress for at least 150ms
]).finally(() => {
const idx = this.windowProgressStack.indexOf(task);
this.windowProgressStack.splice(idx, 1);
}, 150);
// cancel delay if promise finishes below 150ms
return promise.finally(() => clearTimeout(delayHandle));
private updateWindowProgress(idx: number = 0) {
// We still have progress to show
if (idx < this.windowProgressStack.length) {
const [options, progress] = this.windowProgressStack[idx];
let progressTitle = options.title;
let progressMessage = progress.value && progress.value.message;
let progressCommand = (<IProgressWindowOptions>options).command;
let text: string;
let title: string;
const source = options.source && typeof options.source !== 'string' ? options.source.label : options.source;
if (progressTitle && progressMessage) {
// <title>: <message>
text = localize('progress.text2', "{0}: {1}", progressTitle, progressMessage);
title = source ? localize('progress.title3', "[{0}] {1}: {2}", source, progressTitle, progressMessage) : text;
} else if (progressTitle) {
// <title>
text = progressTitle;
title = source ? localize('progress.title2', "[{0}]: {1}", source, progressTitle) : text;
} else if (progressMessage) {
// <message>
text = progressMessage;
title = source ? localize('progress.title2', "[{0}]: {1}", source, progressMessage) : text;
} else {
// no title, no message -> no progress. try with next on stack
this.updateWindowProgress(idx + 1);
const statusEntryProperties: IStatusbarEntry = {
name: localize('status.progress', "Progress Message"),
showProgress: true,
ariaLabel: text,
tooltip: title,
command: progressCommand
if (this.windowProgressStatusEntry) {
} else {
this.windowProgressStatusEntry = this.statusbarService.addEntry(statusEntryProperties, 'status.progress', StatusbarAlignment.LEFT);
// Progress is done so we remove the status entry
else {
this.windowProgressStatusEntry = undefined;
private withNotificationProgress<P extends Promise<R>, R = unknown>(options: IProgressNotificationOptions, callback: (progress: IProgress<IProgressStep>) => P, onDidCancel?: (choice?: number) => void): P {
const progressStateModel = new class extends Disposable {
private readonly _onDidReport = this._register(new Emitter<IProgressStep>());
readonly onDidReport = this._onDidReport.event;
private readonly _onWillDispose = this._register(new Emitter<void>());
readonly onWillDispose = this._onWillDispose.event;
private _step: IProgressStep | undefined = undefined;
get step() { return this._step; }
private _done = false;
get done() { return this._done; }
readonly promise: P;
constructor() {
this.promise = callback(this);
this.promise.finally(() => {
report(step: IProgressStep): void {
this._step = step;
cancel(choice?: number): void {
override dispose(): void {
this._done = true;
const createWindowProgress = () => {
// Create a promise that we can resolve as needed
// when the outside calls dispose on us
const promise = new DeferredPromise<void>();
location: ProgressLocation.Window,
title: options.title ? parseLinkedText(options.title).toString() : undefined, // convert markdown links => string
command: 'notifications.showList'
}, progress => {
function reportProgress(step: IProgressStep) {
if (step.message) {
message: parseLinkedText(step.message).toString() // convert markdown links => string
// Apply any progress that was made already
if (progressStateModel.step) {
// Continue to report progress as it happens
const onDidReportListener = progressStateModel.onDidReport(step => reportProgress(step));
promise.p.finally(() => onDidReportListener.dispose());
// When the progress model gets disposed, we are done as well
Event.once(progressStateModel.onWillDispose)(() => promise.complete());
return promise.p;
// Dispose means completing our promise
return toDisposable(() => promise.complete());
const createNotification = (message: string, silent: boolean, increment?: number): INotificationHandle => {
const notificationDisposables = new DisposableStore();
const primaryActions = options.primaryActions ? Array.from(options.primaryActions) : [];
const secondaryActions = options.secondaryActions ? Array.from(options.secondaryActions) : [];
if (options.buttons) {
options.buttons.forEach((button, index) => {
const buttonAction = new class extends Action {
constructor() {
super(`progress.button.${button}`, button, undefined, true);
override async run(): Promise<void> {
if (options.cancellable) {
const cancelAction = new class extends Action {
constructor() {
super('progress.cancel', localize('cancel', "Cancel"), undefined, true);
override async run(): Promise<void> {
const notification = this.notificationService.notify({
severity: Severity.Info,
source: options.source,
actions: { primary: primaryActions, secondary: secondaryActions },
progress: typeof increment === 'number' && increment >= 0 ? { total: 100, worked: increment } : { infinite: true },
// Switch to window based progress once the notification
// changes visibility to hidden and is still ongoing.
// Remove that window based progress once the notification
// shows again.
let windowProgressDisposable: IDisposable | undefined = undefined;
const onVisibilityChange = (visible: boolean) => {
// Clear any previous running window progress
// Create new window progress if notification got hidden
if (!visible && !progressStateModel.done) {
windowProgressDisposable = createWindowProgress();
if (silent) {
// Clear upon dispose
Event.once(notification.onDidClose)(() => notificationDisposables.dispose());
return notification;
const updateProgress = (notification: INotificationHandle, increment?: number): void => {
if (typeof increment === 'number' && increment >= 0) {
notification.progress.total(100); // always percentage based
} else {
let notificationHandle: INotificationHandle | undefined;
let notificationTimeout: any | undefined;
let titleAndMessage: string | undefined; // hoisted to make sure a delayed notification shows the most recent message
const updateNotification = (step?: IProgressStep): void => {
// full message (inital or update)
if (step?.message && options.title) {
titleAndMessage = `${options.title}: ${step.message}`; // always prefix with overall title if we have it (https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/50932)
} else {
titleAndMessage = options.title || step?.message;
if (!notificationHandle && titleAndMessage) {
// create notification now or after a delay
if (typeof options.delay === 'number' && options.delay > 0) {
if (typeof notificationTimeout !== 'number') {
notificationTimeout = setTimeout(() => notificationHandle = createNotification(titleAndMessage!, !!options.silent, step?.increment), options.delay);
} else {
notificationHandle = createNotification(titleAndMessage, !!options.silent, step?.increment);
if (notificationHandle) {
if (titleAndMessage) {
if (typeof step?.increment === 'number') {
updateProgress(notificationHandle, step.increment);
// Show initially
const listener = progressStateModel.onDidReport(step => updateNotification(step));
Event.once(progressStateModel.onWillDispose)(() => listener.dispose());
// Clean up eventually
(async () => {
try {
// with a delay we only wait for the finish of the promise
if (typeof options.delay === 'number' && options.delay > 0) {
await progressStateModel.promise;
// without a delay we show the notification for at least 800ms
// to reduce the chance of the notification flashing up and hiding
else {
await Promise.all([timeout(800), progressStateModel.promise]);
} finally {
return progressStateModel.promise;
private withPaneCompositeProgress<P extends Promise<R>, R = unknown>(paneCompositeId: string, viewContainerLocation: ViewContainerLocation, task: (progress: IProgress<IProgressStep>) => P, options: IProgressCompositeOptions): P {
// show in viewlet
const promise = this.withCompositeProgress(this.paneCompositeService.getProgressIndicator(paneCompositeId, viewContainerLocation), task, options);
// show on activity bar
if (viewContainerLocation === ViewContainerLocation.Sidebar) {
this.showOnActivityBar<P, R>(paneCompositeId, options, promise);
return promise;
private withViewProgress<P extends Promise<R>, R = unknown>(viewId: string, task: (progress: IProgress<IProgressStep>) => P, options: IProgressCompositeOptions): P {
// show in viewlet
const promise = this.withCompositeProgress(this.viewsService.getViewProgressIndicator(viewId), task, options);
const location = this.viewDescriptorService.getViewLocationById(viewId);
if (location !== ViewContainerLocation.Sidebar) {
return promise;
const viewletId = this.viewDescriptorService.getViewContainerByViewId(viewId)?.id;
if (viewletId === undefined) {
return promise;
// show on activity bar
this.showOnActivityBar(viewletId, options, promise);
return promise;
private showOnActivityBar<P extends Promise<R>, R = unknown>(viewletId: string, options: IProgressCompositeOptions, promise: P): void {
let activityProgress: IDisposable;
let delayHandle: any = setTimeout(() => {
delayHandle = undefined;
const handle = this.activityService.showViewContainerActivity(viewletId, { badge: new ProgressBadge(() => ''), clazz: 'progress-badge', priority: 100 });
const startTimeVisible = Date.now();
const minTimeVisible = 300;
activityProgress = {
dispose() {
const d = Date.now() - startTimeVisible;
if (d < minTimeVisible) {
// should at least show for Nms
setTimeout(() => handle.dispose(), minTimeVisible - d);
} else {
// shown long enough
}, options.delay || 300);
promise.finally(() => {
private withCompositeProgress<P extends Promise<R>, R = unknown>(progressIndicator: IProgressIndicator | undefined, task: (progress: IProgress<IProgressStep>) => P, options: IProgressCompositeOptions): P {
let progressRunner: IProgressRunner | undefined = undefined;
const promise = task({
report: progress => {
if (!progressRunner) {
if (typeof progress.increment === 'number') {
if (typeof progress.total === 'number') {
if (progressIndicator) {
if (typeof options.total === 'number') {
progressRunner = progressIndicator.show(options.total, options.delay);
promise.catch(() => undefined /* ignore */).finally(() => progressRunner ? progressRunner.done() : undefined);
} else {
progressIndicator.showWhile(promise, options.delay);
return promise;
private withDialogProgress<P extends Promise<R>, R = unknown>(options: IProgressDialogOptions, task: (progress: IProgress<IProgressStep>) => P, onDidCancel?: (choice?: number) => void): P {
const disposables = new DisposableStore();
const allowableCommands = [
let dialog: Dialog;
const createDialog = (message: string) => {
const buttons = options.buttons || [];
buttons.push(options.cancellable ? localize('cancel', "Cancel") : localize('dismiss', "Dismiss"));
dialog = new Dialog(
type: 'pending',
detail: options.detail,
cancelId: buttons.length - 1,
keyEventProcessor: (event: StandardKeyboardEvent) => {
const resolved = this.keybindingService.softDispatch(event, this.layoutService.container);
if (resolved?.commandId) {
if (!allowableCommands.includes(resolved.commandId)) {
EventHelper.stop(event, true);
disposables.add(attachDialogStyler(dialog, this.themeService));
dialog.show().then(dialogResult => {
return dialog;
// In order to support the `delay` option, we use a scheduler
// that will guard each access to the dialog behind a delay
// that is either the original delay for one invocation and
// otherwise runs without delay.
let delay = options.delay ?? 0;
let latestMessage: string | undefined = undefined;
const scheduler = disposables.add(new RunOnceScheduler(() => {
delay = 0; // since we have run once, we reset the delay
if (latestMessage && !dialog) {
dialog = createDialog(latestMessage);
} else if (latestMessage) {
}, 0));
const updateDialog = function (message?: string): void {
latestMessage = message;
// Make sure to only run one dialog update and not multiple
if (!scheduler.isScheduled()) {
const promise = task({
report: progress => {
promise.finally(() => {
if (options.title) {
return promise;
registerSingleton(IProgressService, ProgressService, true);