2021-11-24 21:38:32 +01:00

243 lines
8.5 KiB

* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
import { IMessagePassingProtocol } from 'vs/base/parts/ipc/common/ipc';
import { VSBuffer } from 'vs/base/common/buffer';
import { Emitter } from 'vs/base/common/event';
import { isMessageOfType, MessageType, createMessageOfType } from 'vs/workbench/services/extensions/common/extensionHostProtocol';
import { IInitData } from 'vs/workbench/api/common/extHost.protocol';
import { ExtensionHostMain } from 'vs/workbench/services/extensions/common/extensionHostMain';
import { IHostUtils } from 'vs/workbench/api/common/extHostExtensionService';
import { NestedWorker } from 'vs/workbench/services/extensions/worker/polyfillNestedWorker';
import * as path from 'vs/base/common/path';
import * as performance from 'vs/base/common/performance';
import 'vs/workbench/api/common/extHost.common.services';
import 'vs/workbench/api/worker/extHost.worker.services';
import { FileAccess } from 'vs/base/common/network';
import { URI } from 'vs/base/common/uri';
//#region --- Define, capture, and override some globals
declare function postMessage(data: any, transferables?: Transferable[]): void;
declare type _Fetch = typeof fetch;
declare namespace self {
let close: any;
let postMessage: any;
let addEventListener: any;
let removeEventListener: any;
let dispatchEvent: any;
let indexedDB: { open: any, [k: string]: any };
let caches: { open: any, [k: string]: any };
let importScripts: any;
let fetch: _Fetch;
let XMLHttpRequest: any;
let trustedTypes: any;
const nativeClose = self.close.bind(self);
self.close = () => console.trace(`'close' has been blocked`);
const nativePostMessage = postMessage.bind(self);
self.postMessage = () => console.trace(`'postMessage' has been blocked`);
const nativeFetch = fetch.bind(self);
self.fetch = function (input, init) {
if (input instanceof Request) {
// Request object - massage not supported
return nativeFetch(input, init);
if (/^file:/i.test(String(input))) {
input = FileAccess.asBrowserUri(URI.parse(String(input))).toString(true);
return nativeFetch(input, init);
self.XMLHttpRequest = class extends XMLHttpRequest {
override open(method: string, url: string | URL, async?: boolean, username?: string | null, password?: string | null): void {
if (/^file:/i.test(url.toString())) {
url = FileAccess.asBrowserUri(URI.parse(url.toString())).toString(true);
return super.open(method, url, async ?? true, username, password);
self.importScripts = () => { throw new Error(`'importScripts' has been blocked`); };
// const nativeAddEventListener = addEventListener.bind(self);
self.addEventListener = () => console.trace(`'addEventListener' has been blocked`);
(<any>self)['AMDLoader'] = undefined;
(<any>self)['NLSLoaderPlugin'] = undefined;
(<any>self)['define'] = undefined;
(<any>self)['require'] = undefined;
(<any>self)['webkitRequestFileSystem'] = undefined;
(<any>self)['webkitRequestFileSystemSync'] = undefined;
(<any>self)['webkitResolveLocalFileSystemSyncURL'] = undefined;
(<any>self)['webkitResolveLocalFileSystemURL'] = undefined;
if ((<any>self).Worker) {
const ttPolicy = (<any>self).trustedTypes?.createPolicy('extensionHostWorker', { createScriptURL: (value: string) => value });
// make sure new Worker(...) always uses blob: (to maintain current origin)
const _Worker = (<any>self).Worker;
Worker = <any>function (stringUrl: string | URL, options?: WorkerOptions) {
if (/^file:/i.test(stringUrl.toString())) {
stringUrl = FileAccess.asBrowserUri(URI.parse(stringUrl.toString())).toString(true);
// IMPORTANT: bootstrapFn is stringified and injected as worker blob-url. Because of that it CANNOT
// have dependencies on other functions or variables. Only constant values are supported. Due to
// that logic of FileAccess.asBrowserUri had to be copied, see `asWorkerBrowserUrl` (below).
const bootstrapFnSource = (function bootstrapFn(workerUrl: string) {
function asWorkerBrowserUrl(url: string | URL | TrustedScriptURL): any {
if (typeof url === 'string' || url instanceof URL) {
return String(url).replace(/^file:\/\//i, 'vscode-file://vscode-app');
return url;
const nativeFetch = fetch.bind(self);
self.fetch = function (input, init) {
if (input instanceof Request) {
// Request object - massage not supported
return nativeFetch(input, init);
return nativeFetch(asWorkerBrowserUrl(input), init);
self.XMLHttpRequest = class extends XMLHttpRequest {
override open(method: string, url: string | URL, async?: boolean, username?: string | null, password?: string | null): void {
return super.open(method, asWorkerBrowserUrl(url), async ?? true, username, password);
const nativeImportScripts = importScripts.bind(self);
self.importScripts = (...urls: string[]) => {
const ttPolicy = self.trustedTypes ? self.trustedTypes.createPolicy('extensionHostWorker', { createScriptURL: (value: string) => value }) : undefined;
nativeImportScripts(ttPolicy ? ttPolicy.createScriptURL(workerUrl) : workerUrl);
const js = `(${bootstrapFnSource}('${stringUrl}'))`;
options = options || {};
options.name = options.name || path.basename(stringUrl.toString());
const blob = new Blob([js], { type: 'application/javascript' });
const blobUrl = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
return new _Worker(ttPolicy ? ttPolicy.createScriptURL(blobUrl) : blobUrl, options);
} else {
(<any>self).Worker = class extends NestedWorker {
constructor(stringOrUrl: string | URL, options?: WorkerOptions) {
super(nativePostMessage, stringOrUrl, { name: path.basename(stringOrUrl.toString()), ...options });
//#endregion ---
const hostUtil = new class implements IHostUtils {
declare readonly _serviceBrand: undefined;
public readonly pid = undefined;
exit(_code?: number | undefined): void {
async exists(_path: string): Promise<boolean> {
return true;
async realpath(path: string): Promise<string> {
return path;
class ExtensionWorker {
// protocol
readonly protocol: IMessagePassingProtocol;
constructor() {
const channel = new MessageChannel();
const emitter = new Emitter<VSBuffer>();
let terminating = false;
// send over port2, keep port1
nativePostMessage(channel.port2, [channel.port2]);
channel.port1.onmessage = event => {
const { data } = event;
if (!(data instanceof ArrayBuffer)) {
console.warn('UNKNOWN data received', data);
const msg = VSBuffer.wrap(new Uint8Array(data, 0, data.byteLength));
if (isMessageOfType(msg, MessageType.Terminate)) {
// handle terminate-message right here
terminating = true;
onTerminate('received terminate message from renderer');
// emit non-terminate messages to the outside
this.protocol = {
onMessage: emitter.event,
send: vsbuf => {
if (!terminating) {
const data = vsbuf.buffer.buffer.slice(vsbuf.buffer.byteOffset, vsbuf.buffer.byteOffset + vsbuf.buffer.byteLength);
channel.port1.postMessage(data, [data]);
interface IRendererConnection {
protocol: IMessagePassingProtocol;
initData: IInitData;
function connectToRenderer(protocol: IMessagePassingProtocol): Promise<IRendererConnection> {
return new Promise<IRendererConnection>(resolve => {
const once = protocol.onMessage(raw => {
const initData = <IInitData>JSON.parse(raw.toString());
resolve({ protocol, initData });
let onTerminate = (reason: string) => nativeClose();
export function create(): { onmessage: (message: any) => void } {
return {
onmessage(messagePorts: ReadonlyMap<string, MessagePort>) {
const res = new ExtensionWorker();
connectToRenderer(res.protocol).then(data => {
const extHostMain = new ExtensionHostMain(
onTerminate = (reason: string) => extHostMain.terminate(reason);