2021-11-23 11:02:42 +01:00

3459 lines
128 KiB

* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
import * as nls from 'vs/nls';
import Severity from 'vs/base/common/severity';
import * as Objects from 'vs/base/common/objects';
import * as resources from 'vs/base/common/resources';
import * as json from 'vs/base/common/json';
import { URI } from 'vs/base/common/uri';
import { IStringDictionary } from 'vs/base/common/collections';
import { Action } from 'vs/base/common/actions';
import { IDisposable, Disposable, IReference } from 'vs/base/common/lifecycle';
import { Event, Emitter } from 'vs/base/common/event';
import * as Types from 'vs/base/common/types';
import { TerminateResponseCode } from 'vs/base/common/processes';
import { ValidationStatus, ValidationState } from 'vs/base/common/parsers';
import * as UUID from 'vs/base/common/uuid';
import * as Platform from 'vs/base/common/platform';
import { LRUCache, Touch } from 'vs/base/common/map';
import { IMarkerService } from 'vs/platform/markers/common/markers';
import { ITelemetryService } from 'vs/platform/telemetry/common/telemetry';
import { IConfigurationService, ConfigurationTarget } from 'vs/platform/configuration/common/configuration';
import { IFileService, IFileStat } from 'vs/platform/files/common/files';
import { IExtensionService } from 'vs/workbench/services/extensions/common/extensions';
import { CommandsRegistry, ICommandService } from 'vs/platform/commands/common/commands';
import { ProblemMatcherRegistry, NamedProblemMatcher } from 'vs/workbench/contrib/tasks/common/problemMatcher';
import { IStorageService, StorageScope, StorageTarget } from 'vs/platform/storage/common/storage';
import { IProgressService, IProgressOptions, ProgressLocation } from 'vs/platform/progress/common/progress';
import { IOpenerService } from 'vs/platform/opener/common/opener';
import { INotificationService } from 'vs/platform/notification/common/notification';
import { IDialogService } from 'vs/platform/dialogs/common/dialogs';
import { IModelService } from 'vs/editor/common/services/modelService';
import Constants from 'vs/workbench/contrib/markers/browser/constants';
import { IEditorService } from 'vs/workbench/services/editor/common/editorService';
import { IConfigurationResolverService } from 'vs/workbench/services/configurationResolver/common/configurationResolver';
import { IWorkspaceContextService, WorkbenchState, IWorkspaceFolder, IWorkspace, WorkspaceFolder } from 'vs/platform/workspace/common/workspace';
import { ITextFileService } from 'vs/workbench/services/textfile/common/textfiles';
import { IOutputService, IOutputChannel } from 'vs/workbench/contrib/output/common/output';
import { ITerminalGroupService, ITerminalService } from 'vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminal';
import { ITerminalProfileResolverService } from 'vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/common/terminal';
import { ITaskSystem, ITaskResolver, ITaskSummary, TaskExecuteKind, TaskError, TaskErrors, TaskTerminateResponse, TaskSystemInfo, ITaskExecuteResult } from 'vs/workbench/contrib/tasks/common/taskSystem';
import {
Task, CustomTask, ConfiguringTask, ContributedTask, InMemoryTask, TaskEvent,
TaskSet, TaskGroup, ExecutionEngine, JsonSchemaVersion, TaskSourceKind,
TaskSorter, TaskIdentifier, KeyedTaskIdentifier, TASK_RUNNING_STATE, TaskRunSource,
KeyedTaskIdentifier as NKeyedTaskIdentifier, TaskDefinition, RuntimeType
} from 'vs/workbench/contrib/tasks/common/tasks';
import { ITaskService, ITaskProvider, ProblemMatcherRunOptions, CustomizationProperties, TaskFilter, WorkspaceFolderTaskResult, USER_TASKS_GROUP_KEY, CustomExecutionSupportedContext, ShellExecutionSupportedContext, ProcessExecutionSupportedContext } from 'vs/workbench/contrib/tasks/common/taskService';
import { getTemplates as getTaskTemplates } from 'vs/workbench/contrib/tasks/common/taskTemplates';
import * as TaskConfig from '../common/taskConfiguration';
import { TerminalTaskSystem } from './terminalTaskSystem';
import { IQuickInputService, IQuickPickItem, QuickPickInput, IQuickPick } from 'vs/platform/quickinput/common/quickInput';
import { TaskDefinitionRegistry } from 'vs/workbench/contrib/tasks/common/taskDefinitionRegistry';
import { IContextKey, IContextKeyService } from 'vs/platform/contextkey/common/contextkey';
import { RunAutomaticTasks } from 'vs/workbench/contrib/tasks/browser/runAutomaticTasks';
import { IWorkbenchEnvironmentService } from 'vs/workbench/services/environment/common/environmentService';
import { IPathService } from 'vs/workbench/services/path/common/pathService';
import { format } from 'vs/base/common/jsonFormatter';
import { ITextModelService, IResolvedTextEditorModel } from 'vs/editor/common/services/resolverService';
import { applyEdits } from 'vs/base/common/jsonEdit';
import { SaveReason } from 'vs/workbench/common/editor';
import { ITextEditorSelection, TextEditorSelectionRevealType } from 'vs/platform/editor/common/editor';
import { IPreferencesService } from 'vs/workbench/services/preferences/common/preferences';
import { CancellationToken, CancellationTokenSource } from 'vs/base/common/cancellation';
import { IViewsService, IViewDescriptorService } from 'vs/workbench/common/views';
import { isWorkspaceFolder, TaskQuickPickEntry, QUICKOPEN_DETAIL_CONFIG, TaskQuickPick, QUICKOPEN_SKIP_CONFIG, configureTaskIcon } from 'vs/workbench/contrib/tasks/browser/taskQuickPick';
import { ILogService } from 'vs/platform/log/common/log';
import { once } from 'vs/base/common/functional';
import { ThemeIcon } from 'vs/platform/theme/common/themeService';
import { IWorkspaceTrustManagementService, IWorkspaceTrustRequestService } from 'vs/platform/workspace/common/workspaceTrust';
import { VirtualWorkspaceContext } from 'vs/workbench/browser/contextkeys';
import { Schemas } from 'vs/base/common/network';
import { IPaneCompositePartService } from 'vs/workbench/services/panecomposite/browser/panecomposite';
const QUICKOPEN_HISTORY_LIMIT_CONFIG = 'task.quickOpen.history';
const PROBLEM_MATCHER_NEVER_CONFIG = 'task.problemMatchers.neverPrompt';
const USE_SLOW_PICKER = 'task.quickOpen.showAll';
export namespace ConfigureTaskAction {
export const ID = 'workbench.action.tasks.configureTaskRunner';
export const TEXT = nls.localize('ConfigureTaskRunnerAction.label', "Configure Task");
type TaskQuickPickEntryType = (IQuickPickItem & { task: Task; }) | (IQuickPickItem & { folder: IWorkspaceFolder; }) | (IQuickPickItem & { settingType: string; });
class ProblemReporter implements TaskConfig.IProblemReporter {
private _validationStatus: ValidationStatus;
constructor(private _outputChannel: IOutputChannel) {
this._validationStatus = new ValidationStatus();
public info(message: string): void {
this._validationStatus.state = ValidationState.Info;
this._outputChannel.append(message + '\n');
public warn(message: string): void {
this._validationStatus.state = ValidationState.Warning;
this._outputChannel.append(message + '\n');
public error(message: string): void {
this._validationStatus.state = ValidationState.Error;
this._outputChannel.append(message + '\n');
public fatal(message: string): void {
this._validationStatus.state = ValidationState.Fatal;
this._outputChannel.append(message + '\n');
public get status(): ValidationStatus {
return this._validationStatus;
export interface WorkspaceFolderConfigurationResult {
workspaceFolder: IWorkspaceFolder;
config: TaskConfig.ExternalTaskRunnerConfiguration | undefined;
hasErrors: boolean;
interface TaskCustomizationTelemetryEvent {
properties: string[];
interface CommandUpgrade {
command?: string;
args?: string[];
class TaskMap {
private _store: Map<string, Task[]> = new Map();
public forEach(callback: (value: Task[], folder: string) => void): void {
public static getKey(workspaceFolder: IWorkspace | IWorkspaceFolder | string): string {
let key: string | undefined;
if (Types.isString(workspaceFolder)) {
key = workspaceFolder;
} else {
const uri: URI | null | undefined = isWorkspaceFolder(workspaceFolder) ? workspaceFolder.uri : workspaceFolder.configuration;
key = uri ? uri.toString() : '';
return key;
public get(workspaceFolder: IWorkspace | IWorkspaceFolder | string): Task[] {
const key = TaskMap.getKey(workspaceFolder);
let result: Task[] | undefined = this._store.get(key);
if (!result) {
result = [];
this._store.set(key, result);
return result;
public add(workspaceFolder: IWorkspace | IWorkspaceFolder | string, ...task: Task[]): void {
const key = TaskMap.getKey(workspaceFolder);
let values = this._store.get(key);
if (!values) {
values = [];
this._store.set(key, values);
public all(): Task[] {
let result: Task[] = [];
this._store.forEach((values) => result.push(...values));
return result;
interface ProblemMatcherDisableMetrics {
type: string;
type ProblemMatcherDisableMetricsClassification = {
type: { classification: 'SystemMetaData', purpose: 'FeatureInsight' };
export abstract class AbstractTaskService extends Disposable implements ITaskService {
// private static autoDetectTelemetryName: string = 'taskServer.autoDetect';
private static readonly RecentlyUsedTasks_Key = 'workbench.tasks.recentlyUsedTasks';
private static readonly RecentlyUsedTasks_KeyV2 = 'workbench.tasks.recentlyUsedTasks2';
private static readonly IgnoreTask010DonotShowAgain_key = 'workbench.tasks.ignoreTask010Shown';
private static CustomizationTelemetryEventName: string = 'taskService.customize';
public _serviceBrand: undefined;
public static OutputChannelId: string = 'tasks';
public static OutputChannelLabel: string = nls.localize('tasks', "Tasks");
private static nextHandle: number = 0;
private _schemaVersion: JsonSchemaVersion | undefined;
private _executionEngine: ExecutionEngine | undefined;
private _workspaceFolders: IWorkspaceFolder[] | undefined;
private _workspace: IWorkspace | undefined;
private _ignoredWorkspaceFolders: IWorkspaceFolder[] | undefined;
private _showIgnoreMessage?: boolean;
private _providers: Map<number, ITaskProvider>;
private _providerTypes: Map<number, string>;
protected _taskSystemInfos: Map<string, TaskSystemInfo>;
protected _workspaceTasksPromise?: Promise<Map<string, WorkspaceFolderTaskResult>>;
protected _taskSystem?: ITaskSystem;
protected _taskSystemListener?: IDisposable;
private _recentlyUsedTasksV1: LRUCache<string, string> | undefined;
private _recentlyUsedTasks: LRUCache<string, string> | undefined;
protected _taskRunningState: IContextKey<boolean>;
protected _outputChannel: IOutputChannel;
protected readonly _onDidStateChange: Emitter<TaskEvent>;
private _waitForSupportedExecutions: Promise<void>;
private _onDidRegisterSupportedExecutions: Emitter<void> = new Emitter();
private _onDidChangeTaskSystemInfo: Emitter<void> = new Emitter();
public onDidChangeTaskSystemInfo: Event<void> = this._onDidChangeTaskSystemInfo.event;
@IConfigurationService private readonly configurationService: IConfigurationService,
@IMarkerService protected readonly markerService: IMarkerService,
@IOutputService protected readonly outputService: IOutputService,
@IPaneCompositePartService private readonly paneCompositeService: IPaneCompositePartService,
@IViewsService private readonly viewsService: IViewsService,
@ICommandService private readonly commandService: ICommandService,
@IEditorService private readonly editorService: IEditorService,
@IFileService protected readonly fileService: IFileService,
@IWorkspaceContextService protected readonly contextService: IWorkspaceContextService,
@ITelemetryService protected readonly telemetryService: ITelemetryService,
@ITextFileService private readonly textFileService: ITextFileService,
@IModelService protected readonly modelService: IModelService,
@IExtensionService private readonly extensionService: IExtensionService,
@IQuickInputService private readonly quickInputService: IQuickInputService,
@IConfigurationResolverService protected readonly configurationResolverService: IConfigurationResolverService,
@ITerminalService private readonly terminalService: ITerminalService,
@ITerminalGroupService private readonly terminalGroupService: ITerminalGroupService,
@IStorageService private readonly storageService: IStorageService,
@IProgressService private readonly progressService: IProgressService,
@IOpenerService private readonly openerService: IOpenerService,
@IDialogService protected readonly dialogService: IDialogService,
@INotificationService private readonly notificationService: INotificationService,
@IContextKeyService protected readonly contextKeyService: IContextKeyService,
@IWorkbenchEnvironmentService private readonly environmentService: IWorkbenchEnvironmentService,
@ITerminalProfileResolverService private readonly terminalProfileResolverService: ITerminalProfileResolverService,
@IPathService private readonly pathService: IPathService,
@ITextModelService private readonly textModelResolverService: ITextModelService,
@IPreferencesService private readonly preferencesService: IPreferencesService,
@IViewDescriptorService private readonly viewDescriptorService: IViewDescriptorService,
@IWorkspaceTrustRequestService private readonly workspaceTrustRequestService: IWorkspaceTrustRequestService,
@IWorkspaceTrustManagementService private readonly workspaceTrustManagementService: IWorkspaceTrustManagementService,
@ILogService private readonly logService: ILogService
) {
this._workspaceTasksPromise = undefined;
this._taskSystem = undefined;
this._taskSystemListener = undefined;
this._outputChannel = this.outputService.getChannel(AbstractTaskService.OutputChannelId)!;
this._providers = new Map<number, ITaskProvider>();
this._providerTypes = new Map<number, string>();
this._taskSystemInfos = new Map<string, TaskSystemInfo>();
this._register(this.contextService.onDidChangeWorkspaceFolders(() => {
let folderSetup = this.computeWorkspaceFolderSetup();
if (this.executionEngine !== folderSetup[2]) {
this._taskSystem = undefined;
this._register(this.configurationService.onDidChangeConfiguration(() => {
if (!this._taskSystem && !this._workspaceTasksPromise) {
if (!this._taskSystem || this._taskSystem instanceof TerminalTaskSystem) {
this._taskRunningState = TASK_RUNNING_STATE.bindTo(contextKeyService);
this._onDidStateChange = this._register(new Emitter());
this.configurationResolverService.contributeVariable('defaultBuildTask', async (): Promise<string | undefined> => {
let tasks = await this.getTasksForGroup(TaskGroup.Build);
if (tasks.length > 0) {
let { none, defaults } = this.splitPerGroupType(tasks);
if (defaults.length === 1) {
return defaults[0]._label;
} else if (defaults.length + none.length > 0) {
tasks = defaults.concat(none);
let entry: TaskQuickPickEntry | null | undefined;
if (tasks && tasks.length > 0) {
entry = await this.showQuickPick(tasks, nls.localize('TaskService.pickBuildTaskForLabel', 'Select the build task (there is no default build task defined)'));
let task: Task | undefined | null = entry ? entry.task : undefined;
if (!task) {
return undefined;
return task._label;
this._waitForSupportedExecutions = new Promise(resolve => {
once(this._onDidRegisterSupportedExecutions.event)(() => resolve());
public registerSupportedExecutions(custom?: boolean, shell?: boolean, process?: boolean) {
if (custom !== undefined) {
const customContext = CustomExecutionSupportedContext.bindTo(this.contextKeyService);
const isVirtual = !!VirtualWorkspaceContext.getValue(this.contextKeyService);
if (shell !== undefined) {
const shellContext = ShellExecutionSupportedContext.bindTo(this.contextKeyService);
shellContext.set(shell && !isVirtual);
if (process !== undefined) {
const processContext = ProcessExecutionSupportedContext.bindTo(this.contextKeyService);
processContext.set(process && !isVirtual);
public get onDidStateChange(): Event<TaskEvent> {
return this._onDidStateChange.event;
public get supportsMultipleTaskExecutions(): boolean {
return this.inTerminal();
private registerCommands(): void {
id: 'workbench.action.tasks.runTask',
handler: async (accessor, arg) => {
if (await this.trust()) {
description: {
description: 'Run Task',
args: [{
name: 'args',
schema: {
'type': 'string',
CommandsRegistry.registerCommand('workbench.action.tasks.reRunTask', async (accessor, arg) => {
if (await this.trust()) {
CommandsRegistry.registerCommand('workbench.action.tasks.restartTask', async (accessor, arg) => {
if (await this.trust()) {
CommandsRegistry.registerCommand('workbench.action.tasks.terminate', async (accessor, arg) => {
if (await this.trust()) {
CommandsRegistry.registerCommand('workbench.action.tasks.showLog', () => {
if (!this.canRunCommand()) {
CommandsRegistry.registerCommand('workbench.action.tasks.build', async () => {
if (!this.canRunCommand()) {
if (await this.trust()) {
CommandsRegistry.registerCommand('workbench.action.tasks.test', async () => {
if (!this.canRunCommand()) {
if (await this.trust()) {
CommandsRegistry.registerCommand('workbench.action.tasks.configureTaskRunner', async () => {
if (await this.trust()) {
CommandsRegistry.registerCommand('workbench.action.tasks.configureDefaultBuildTask', async () => {
if (await this.trust()) {
CommandsRegistry.registerCommand('workbench.action.tasks.configureDefaultTestTask', async () => {
if (await this.trust()) {
CommandsRegistry.registerCommand('workbench.action.tasks.showTasks', async () => {
if (await this.trust()) {
return this.runShowTasks();
CommandsRegistry.registerCommand('workbench.action.tasks.toggleProblems', () => this.commandService.executeCommand(Constants.TOGGLE_MARKERS_VIEW_ACTION_ID));
CommandsRegistry.registerCommand('workbench.action.tasks.openUserTasks', async () => {
const resource = this.getResourceForKind(TaskSourceKind.User);
if (resource) {
this.openTaskFile(resource, TaskSourceKind.User);
CommandsRegistry.registerCommand('workbench.action.tasks.openWorkspaceFileTasks', async () => {
const resource = this.getResourceForKind(TaskSourceKind.WorkspaceFile);
if (resource) {
this.openTaskFile(resource, TaskSourceKind.WorkspaceFile);
private get workspaceFolders(): IWorkspaceFolder[] {
if (!this._workspaceFolders) {
return this._workspaceFolders!;
private get ignoredWorkspaceFolders(): IWorkspaceFolder[] {
if (!this._ignoredWorkspaceFolders) {
return this._ignoredWorkspaceFolders!;
protected get executionEngine(): ExecutionEngine {
if (this._executionEngine === undefined) {
return this._executionEngine!;
private get schemaVersion(): JsonSchemaVersion {
if (this._schemaVersion === undefined) {
return this._schemaVersion!;
private get showIgnoreMessage(): boolean {
if (this._showIgnoreMessage === undefined) {
this._showIgnoreMessage = !this.storageService.getBoolean(AbstractTaskService.IgnoreTask010DonotShowAgain_key, StorageScope.WORKSPACE, false);
return this._showIgnoreMessage;
private _getActivationEvents(type: string | undefined): string[] {
const result: string[] = [];
if (type) {
// send a specific activation event for this task type
} else {
// send activation events for all task types
for (const definition of TaskDefinitionRegistry.all()) {
return result;
private async _activateTaskProviders(type: string | undefined): Promise<void> {
// We need to first wait for extensions to be registered because we might read
// the `TaskDefinitionRegistry` in case `type` is `undefined`
await this.extensionService.whenInstalledExtensionsRegistered();
await Promise.all(
this._getActivationEvents(type).map(activationEvent => this.extensionService.activateByEvent(activationEvent))
private updateSetup(setup?: [IWorkspaceFolder[], IWorkspaceFolder[], ExecutionEngine, JsonSchemaVersion, IWorkspace | undefined]): void {
if (!setup) {
setup = this.computeWorkspaceFolderSetup();
this._workspaceFolders = setup[0];
if (this._ignoredWorkspaceFolders) {
if (this._ignoredWorkspaceFolders.length !== setup[1].length) {
this._showIgnoreMessage = undefined;
} else {
let set: Set<string> = new Set();
this._ignoredWorkspaceFolders.forEach(folder => set.add(folder.uri.toString()));
for (let folder of setup[1]) {
if (!set.has(folder.uri.toString())) {
this._showIgnoreMessage = undefined;
this._ignoredWorkspaceFolders = setup[1];
this._executionEngine = setup[2];
this._schemaVersion = setup[3];
this._workspace = setup[4];
protected showOutput(runSource: TaskRunSource = TaskRunSource.User): void {
if (!VirtualWorkspaceContext.getValue(this.contextKeyService) && ((runSource === TaskRunSource.User) || (runSource === TaskRunSource.ConfigurationChange))) {
this.notificationService.prompt(Severity.Warning, nls.localize('taskServiceOutputPrompt', 'There are task errors. See the output for details.'),
label: nls.localize('showOutput', "Show output"),
run: () => {
this.outputService.showChannel(this._outputChannel.id, true);
protected disposeTaskSystemListeners(): void {
if (this._taskSystemListener) {
public registerTaskProvider(provider: ITaskProvider, type: string): IDisposable {
if (!provider) {
return {
dispose: () => { }
let handle = AbstractTaskService.nextHandle++;
this._providers.set(handle, provider);
this._providerTypes.set(handle, type);
return {
dispose: () => {
get hasTaskSystemInfo(): boolean {
return this._taskSystemInfos.size > 0;
public registerTaskSystem(key: string, info: TaskSystemInfo): void {
if (!this._taskSystemInfos.has(key) || info.platform !== Platform.Platform.Web) {
this._taskSystemInfos.set(key, info);
private getTaskSystemInfo(key: string): TaskSystemInfo | undefined {
return this._taskSystemInfos.get(key);
public extensionCallbackTaskComplete(task: Task, result: number): Promise<void> {
if (!this._taskSystem) {
return Promise.resolve();
return this._taskSystem.customExecutionComplete(task, result);
* Get a subset of workspace tasks that match a certain predicate.
private async _findWorkspaceTasks(predicate: (task: ConfiguringTask | Task, workspaceFolder: IWorkspaceFolder) => boolean): Promise<(ConfiguringTask | Task)[]> {
const result: (ConfiguringTask | Task)[] = [];
const tasks = await this.getWorkspaceTasks();
for (const [, workspaceTasks] of tasks) {
if (workspaceTasks.configurations) {
for (const taskName in workspaceTasks.configurations.byIdentifier) {
const task = workspaceTasks.configurations.byIdentifier[taskName];
if (predicate(task, workspaceTasks.workspaceFolder)) {
if (workspaceTasks.set) {
for (const task of workspaceTasks.set.tasks) {
if (predicate(task, workspaceTasks.workspaceFolder)) {
return result;
private async _findWorkspaceTasksInGroup(group: TaskGroup): Promise<(ConfiguringTask | Task)[]> {
return this._findWorkspaceTasks((task) => {
const taskGroup = task.configurationProperties.group;
if (taskGroup && typeof taskGroup !== 'string') {
return (taskGroup._id === group._id && !!taskGroup.isDefault);
return false;
public async getTask(folder: IWorkspace | IWorkspaceFolder | string, identifier: string | TaskIdentifier, compareId: boolean = false): Promise<Task | undefined> {
if (!(await this.trust())) {
const name = Types.isString(folder) ? folder : isWorkspaceFolder(folder) ? folder.name : folder.configuration ? resources.basename(folder.configuration) : undefined;
if (this.ignoredWorkspaceFolders.some(ignored => ignored.name === name)) {
return Promise.reject(new Error(nls.localize('TaskServer.folderIgnored', 'The folder {0} is ignored since it uses task version 0.1.0', name)));
const key: string | KeyedTaskIdentifier | undefined = !Types.isString(identifier)
? TaskDefinition.createTaskIdentifier(identifier, console)
: identifier;
if (key === undefined) {
return Promise.resolve(undefined);
// Try to find the task in the workspace
const requestedFolder = TaskMap.getKey(folder);
const matchedTasks = await this._findWorkspaceTasks((task, workspaceFolder) => {
const taskFolder = TaskMap.getKey(workspaceFolder);
if (taskFolder !== requestedFolder || taskFolder !== USER_TASKS_GROUP_KEY) {
return false;
return task.matches(key, compareId);
matchedTasks.sort(task => task._source.kind === TaskSourceKind.Extension ? 1 : -1);
if (matchedTasks.length > 0) {
// Nice, we found a configured task!
const task = matchedTasks[0];
if (ConfiguringTask.is(task)) {
return this.tryResolveTask(task);
} else {
return task;
// We didn't find the task, so we need to ask all resolvers about it
return this.getGroupedTasks().then((map) => {
let values = map.get(folder);
values = values.concat(map.get(USER_TASKS_GROUP_KEY));
if (!values) {
return undefined;
values = values.filter(task => task.matches(key, compareId)).sort(task => task._source.kind === TaskSourceKind.Extension ? 1 : -1);
return values.length > 0 ? values[0] : undefined;
public async tryResolveTask(configuringTask: ConfiguringTask): Promise<Task | undefined> {
if (!(await this.trust())) {
await this._activateTaskProviders(configuringTask.type);
let matchingProvider: ITaskProvider | undefined;
let matchingProviderUnavailable: boolean = false;
for (const [handle, provider] of this._providers) {
const providerType = this._providerTypes.get(handle);
if (configuringTask.type === providerType) {
if (providerType && !this.isTaskProviderEnabled(providerType)) {
matchingProviderUnavailable = true;
matchingProvider = provider;
if (!matchingProvider) {
if (matchingProviderUnavailable) {
'Warning: {0} tasks are unavailable in the current environment.\n',
// Try to resolve the task first
try {
const resolvedTask = await matchingProvider.resolveTask(configuringTask);
if (resolvedTask && (resolvedTask._id === configuringTask._id)) {
return TaskConfig.createCustomTask(resolvedTask, configuringTask);
} catch (error) {
// Ignore errors. The task could not be provided by any of the providers.
// The task couldn't be resolved. Instead, use the less efficient provideTask.
const tasks = await this.tasks({ type: configuringTask.type });
for (const task of tasks) {
if (task._id === configuringTask._id) {
return TaskConfig.createCustomTask(<ContributedTask>task, configuringTask);
protected abstract versionAndEngineCompatible(filter?: TaskFilter): boolean;
public async tasks(filter?: TaskFilter): Promise<Task[]> {
if (!(await this.trust())) {
return [];
if (!this.versionAndEngineCompatible(filter)) {
return Promise.resolve<Task[]>([]);
return this.getGroupedTasks(filter ? filter.type : undefined).then((map) => {
if (!filter || !filter.type) {
return map.all();
let result: Task[] = [];
map.forEach((tasks) => {
for (let task of tasks) {
if (ContributedTask.is(task) && ((task.defines.type === filter.type) || (task._source.label === filter.type))) {
} else if (CustomTask.is(task)) {
if (task.type === filter.type) {
} else {
let customizes = task.customizes();
if (customizes && customizes.type === filter.type) {
return result;
public taskTypes(): string[] {
const types: string[] = [];
if (this.isProvideTasksEnabled()) {
for (const definition of TaskDefinitionRegistry.all()) {
if (this.isTaskProviderEnabled(definition.taskType)) {
return types;
public createSorter(): TaskSorter {
return new TaskSorter(this.contextService.getWorkspace() ? this.contextService.getWorkspace().folders : []);
private isActive(): Promise<boolean> {
if (!this._taskSystem) {
return Promise.resolve(false);
return this._taskSystem.isActive();
public async getActiveTasks(): Promise<Task[]> {
if (!this._taskSystem) {
return [];
return this._taskSystem.getActiveTasks();
public async getBusyTasks(): Promise<Task[]> {
if (!this._taskSystem) {
return [];
return this._taskSystem.getBusyTasks();
public getRecentlyUsedTasksV1(): LRUCache<string, string> {
if (this._recentlyUsedTasksV1) {
return this._recentlyUsedTasksV1;
const quickOpenHistoryLimit = this.configurationService.getValue<number>(QUICKOPEN_HISTORY_LIMIT_CONFIG);
this._recentlyUsedTasksV1 = new LRUCache<string, string>(quickOpenHistoryLimit);
let storageValue = this.storageService.get(AbstractTaskService.RecentlyUsedTasks_Key, StorageScope.WORKSPACE);
if (storageValue) {
try {
let values: string[] = JSON.parse(storageValue);
if (Array.isArray(values)) {
for (let value of values) {
this._recentlyUsedTasksV1.set(value, value);
} catch (error) {
// Ignore. We use the empty result
return this._recentlyUsedTasksV1;
private getRecentlyUsedTasks(): LRUCache<string, string> {
if (this._recentlyUsedTasks) {
return this._recentlyUsedTasks;
const quickOpenHistoryLimit = this.configurationService.getValue<number>(QUICKOPEN_HISTORY_LIMIT_CONFIG);
this._recentlyUsedTasks = new LRUCache<string, string>(quickOpenHistoryLimit);
let storageValue = this.storageService.get(AbstractTaskService.RecentlyUsedTasks_KeyV2, StorageScope.WORKSPACE);
if (storageValue) {
try {
let values: [string, string][] = JSON.parse(storageValue);
if (Array.isArray(values)) {
for (let value of values) {
this._recentlyUsedTasks.set(value[0], value[1]);
} catch (error) {
// Ignore. We use the empty result
return this._recentlyUsedTasks;
private getFolderFromTaskKey(key: string): { folder: string | undefined, isWorkspaceFile: boolean | undefined } {
const keyValue: { folder: string | undefined, id: string | undefined } = JSON.parse(key);
return {
folder: keyValue.folder, isWorkspaceFile: keyValue.id?.endsWith(TaskSourceKind.WorkspaceFile)
public async readRecentTasks(): Promise<(Task | ConfiguringTask)[]> {
const folderMap: IStringDictionary<IWorkspaceFolder> = Object.create(null);
this.workspaceFolders.forEach(folder => {
folderMap[folder.uri.toString()] = folder;
const folderToTasksMap: Map<string, any> = new Map();
const workspaceToTaskMap: Map<string, any> = new Map();
const recentlyUsedTasks = this.getRecentlyUsedTasks();
const tasks: (Task | ConfiguringTask)[] = [];
function addTaskToMap(map: Map<string, any>, folder: string | undefined, task: any) {
if (folder && !map.has(folder)) {
map.set(folder, []);
if (folder && (folderMap[folder] || (folder === USER_TASKS_GROUP_KEY)) && task) {
for (const entry of recentlyUsedTasks.entries()) {
const key = entry[0];
const task = JSON.parse(entry[1]);
const folderInfo = this.getFolderFromTaskKey(key);
addTaskToMap(folderInfo.isWorkspaceFile ? workspaceToTaskMap : folderToTasksMap, folderInfo.folder, task);
const readTasksMap: Map<string, (Task | ConfiguringTask)> = new Map();
async function readTasks(that: AbstractTaskService, map: Map<string, any>, isWorkspaceFile: boolean) {
for (const key of map.keys()) {
let custom: CustomTask[] = [];
let customized: IStringDictionary<ConfiguringTask> = Object.create(null);
const taskConfigSource = (folderMap[key]
? (isWorkspaceFile
? TaskConfig.TaskConfigSource.WorkspaceFile : TaskConfig.TaskConfigSource.TasksJson)
: TaskConfig.TaskConfigSource.User);
await that.computeTasksForSingleConfig(folderMap[key] ?? await that.getAFolder(), {
version: '2.0.0',
tasks: map.get(key)
}, TaskRunSource.System, custom, customized, taskConfigSource, true);
custom.forEach(task => {
const taskKey = task.getRecentlyUsedKey();
if (taskKey) {
readTasksMap.set(taskKey, task);
for (const configuration in customized) {
const taskKey = customized[configuration].getRecentlyUsedKey();
if (taskKey) {
readTasksMap.set(taskKey, customized[configuration]);
await readTasks(this, folderToTasksMap, false);
await readTasks(this, workspaceToTaskMap, true);
for (const key of recentlyUsedTasks.keys()) {
if (readTasksMap.has(key)) {
return tasks;
public removeRecentlyUsedTask(taskRecentlyUsedKey: string) {
if (this.getRecentlyUsedTasks().has(taskRecentlyUsedKey)) {
private setTaskLRUCacheLimit() {
const quickOpenHistoryLimit = this.configurationService.getValue<number>(QUICKOPEN_HISTORY_LIMIT_CONFIG);
if (this._recentlyUsedTasks) {
this._recentlyUsedTasks.limit = quickOpenHistoryLimit;
private async setRecentlyUsedTask(task: Task): Promise<void> {
let key = task.getRecentlyUsedKey();
if (!InMemoryTask.is(task) && key) {
const customizations = this.createCustomizableTask(task);
if (ContributedTask.is(task) && customizations) {
let custom: CustomTask[] = [];
let customized: IStringDictionary<ConfiguringTask> = Object.create(null);
await this.computeTasksForSingleConfig(task._source.workspaceFolder ?? this.workspaceFolders[0], {
version: '2.0.0',
tasks: [customizations]
}, TaskRunSource.System, custom, customized, TaskConfig.TaskConfigSource.TasksJson, true);
for (const configuration in customized) {
key = customized[configuration].getRecentlyUsedKey()!;
this.getRecentlyUsedTasks().set(key, JSON.stringify(customizations));
private saveRecentlyUsedTasks(): void {
if (!this._recentlyUsedTasks) {
const quickOpenHistoryLimit = this.configurationService.getValue<number>(QUICKOPEN_HISTORY_LIMIT_CONFIG);
// setting history limit to 0 means no LRU sorting
if (quickOpenHistoryLimit === 0) {
let keys = [...this._recentlyUsedTasks.keys()];
if (keys.length > quickOpenHistoryLimit) {
keys = keys.slice(0, quickOpenHistoryLimit);
const keyValues: [string, string][] = [];
for (const key of keys) {
keyValues.push([key, this._recentlyUsedTasks.get(key, Touch.None)!]);
this.storageService.store(AbstractTaskService.RecentlyUsedTasks_KeyV2, JSON.stringify(keyValues), StorageScope.WORKSPACE, StorageTarget.USER);
private openDocumentation(): void {
private async build(): Promise<ITaskSummary> {
const buildTasks = await this._findWorkspaceTasksInGroup(TaskGroup.Build);
if (buildTasks.length > 0) {
// TODO: If a task was found, execute it and return early
return this.getGroupedTasks().then((tasks) => {
let runnable = this.createRunnableTask(tasks, TaskGroup.Build);
if (!runnable || !runnable.task) {
if (this.schemaVersion === JsonSchemaVersion.V0_1_0) {
throw new TaskError(Severity.Info, nls.localize('TaskService.noBuildTask1', 'No build task defined. Mark a task with \'isBuildCommand\' in the tasks.json file.'), TaskErrors.NoBuildTask);
} else {
throw new TaskError(Severity.Info, nls.localize('TaskService.noBuildTask2', 'No build task defined. Mark a task with as a \'build\' group in the tasks.json file.'), TaskErrors.NoBuildTask);
return this.executeTask(runnable.task, runnable.resolver, TaskRunSource.User);
}).then(value => value, (error) => {
return Promise.reject(error);
private async runTest(): Promise<ITaskSummary> {
const cleanTasks = await this._findWorkspaceTasksInGroup(TaskGroup.Test);
if (cleanTasks.length > 0) {
// TODO: If a task was found, execute it and return early
return this.getGroupedTasks().then((tasks) => {
let runnable = this.createRunnableTask(tasks, TaskGroup.Test);
if (!runnable || !runnable.task) {
if (this.schemaVersion === JsonSchemaVersion.V0_1_0) {
throw new TaskError(Severity.Info, nls.localize('TaskService.noTestTask1', 'No test task defined. Mark a task with \'isTestCommand\' in the tasks.json file.'), TaskErrors.NoTestTask);
} else {
throw new TaskError(Severity.Info, nls.localize('TaskService.noTestTask2', 'No test task defined. Mark a task with as a \'test\' group in the tasks.json file.'), TaskErrors.NoTestTask);
return this.executeTask(runnable.task, runnable.resolver, TaskRunSource.User);
}).then(value => value, (error) => {
return Promise.reject(error);
public async run(task: Task | undefined, options?: ProblemMatcherRunOptions, runSource: TaskRunSource = TaskRunSource.System): Promise<ITaskSummary | undefined> {
if (!(await this.trust())) {
if (!task) {
throw new TaskError(Severity.Info, nls.localize('TaskServer.noTask', 'Task to execute is undefined'), TaskErrors.TaskNotFound);
return new Promise<ITaskSummary | undefined>((resolve) => {
let resolver = this.createResolver();
if (options && options.attachProblemMatcher && this.shouldAttachProblemMatcher(task) && !InMemoryTask.is(task)) {
this.attachProblemMatcher(task).then(toExecute => {
if (toExecute) {
resolve(this.executeTask(toExecute, resolver, runSource));
} else {
} else {
resolve(this.executeTask(task, resolver, runSource));
}).then((value) => {
if (runSource === TaskRunSource.User) {
this.getWorkspaceTasks().then(workspaceTasks => {
RunAutomaticTasks.promptForPermission(this, this.storageService, this.notificationService, this.workspaceTrustManagementService, this.openerService, workspaceTasks);
return value;
}, (error) => {
return Promise.reject(error);
private isProvideTasksEnabled(): boolean {
const settingValue = this.configurationService.getValue('task.autoDetect');
return settingValue === 'on';
private isProblemMatcherPromptEnabled(type?: string): boolean {
const settingValue = this.configurationService.getValue(PROBLEM_MATCHER_NEVER_CONFIG);
if (Types.isBoolean(settingValue)) {
return !settingValue;
if (type === undefined) {
return true;
const settingValueMap: IStringDictionary<boolean> = <any>settingValue;
return !settingValueMap[type];
private getTypeForTask(task: Task): string {
let type: string;
if (CustomTask.is(task)) {
let configProperties: TaskConfig.ConfigurationProperties = task._source.config.element;
type = (<any>configProperties).type;
} else {
type = task.getDefinition()!.type;
return type;
private shouldAttachProblemMatcher(task: Task): boolean {
const enabled = this.isProblemMatcherPromptEnabled(this.getTypeForTask(task));
if (enabled === false) {
return false;
if (!this.canCustomize(task)) {
return false;
if (task.configurationProperties.group !== undefined && task.configurationProperties.group !== TaskGroup.Build) {
return false;
if (task.configurationProperties.problemMatchers !== undefined && task.configurationProperties.problemMatchers.length > 0) {
return false;
if (ContributedTask.is(task)) {
return !task.hasDefinedMatchers && !!task.configurationProperties.problemMatchers && (task.configurationProperties.problemMatchers.length === 0);
if (CustomTask.is(task)) {
let configProperties: TaskConfig.ConfigurationProperties = task._source.config.element;
return configProperties.problemMatcher === undefined && !task.hasDefinedMatchers;
return false;
private async updateNeverProblemMatcherSetting(type: string): Promise<void> {
this.telemetryService.publicLog2<ProblemMatcherDisableMetrics, ProblemMatcherDisableMetricsClassification>('problemMatcherDisabled', { type });
const current = this.configurationService.getValue(PROBLEM_MATCHER_NEVER_CONFIG);
if (current === true) {
let newValue: IStringDictionary<boolean>;
if (current !== false) {
newValue = <any>current;
} else {
newValue = Object.create(null);
newValue[type] = true;
return this.configurationService.updateValue(PROBLEM_MATCHER_NEVER_CONFIG, newValue);
private attachProblemMatcher(task: ContributedTask | CustomTask): Promise<Task | undefined> {
interface ProblemMatcherPickEntry extends IQuickPickItem {
matcher: NamedProblemMatcher | undefined;
never?: boolean;
learnMore?: boolean;
setting?: string;
let entries: QuickPickInput<ProblemMatcherPickEntry>[] = [];
for (let key of ProblemMatcherRegistry.keys()) {
let matcher = ProblemMatcherRegistry.get(key);
if (matcher.deprecated) {
if (matcher.name === matcher.label) {
entries.push({ label: matcher.name, matcher: matcher });
} else {
label: matcher.label,
description: `$${matcher.name}`,
matcher: matcher
if (entries.length > 0) {
entries = entries.sort((a, b) => {
if (a.label && b.label) {
return a.label.localeCompare(b.label);
} else {
return 0;
entries.unshift({ type: 'separator', label: nls.localize('TaskService.associate', 'associate') });
let taskType: string;
if (CustomTask.is(task)) {
let configProperties: TaskConfig.ConfigurationProperties = task._source.config.element;
taskType = (<any>configProperties).type;
} else {
taskType = task.getDefinition().type;
{ label: nls.localize('TaskService.attachProblemMatcher.continueWithout', 'Continue without scanning the task output'), matcher: undefined },
{ label: nls.localize('TaskService.attachProblemMatcher.never', 'Never scan the task output for this task'), matcher: undefined, never: true },
{ label: nls.localize('TaskService.attachProblemMatcher.neverType', 'Never scan the task output for {0} tasks', taskType), matcher: undefined, setting: taskType },
{ label: nls.localize('TaskService.attachProblemMatcher.learnMoreAbout', 'Learn more about scanning the task output'), matcher: undefined, learnMore: true }
return this.quickInputService.pick(entries, {
placeHolder: nls.localize('selectProblemMatcher', 'Select for which kind of errors and warnings to scan the task output'),
}).then(async (selected) => {
if (selected) {
if (selected.learnMore) {
return undefined;
} else if (selected.never) {
this.customize(task, { problemMatcher: [] }, true);
return task;
} else if (selected.matcher) {
let newTask = task.clone();
let matcherReference = `$${selected.matcher.name}`;
let properties: CustomizationProperties = { problemMatcher: [matcherReference] };
newTask.configurationProperties.problemMatchers = [matcherReference];
let matcher = ProblemMatcherRegistry.get(selected.matcher.name);
if (matcher && matcher.watching !== undefined) {
properties.isBackground = true;
newTask.configurationProperties.isBackground = true;
this.customize(task, properties, true);
return newTask;
} else if (selected.setting) {
await this.updateNeverProblemMatcherSetting(selected.setting);
return task;
} else {
return task;
} else {
return undefined;
return Promise.resolve(task);
private getTasksForGroup(group: TaskGroup): Promise<Task[]> {
return this.getGroupedTasks().then((groups) => {
let result: Task[] = [];
groups.forEach((tasks) => {
for (let task of tasks) {
let configTaskGroup = TaskGroup.from(task.configurationProperties.group);
if (configTaskGroup?._id === group._id) {
return result;
public needsFolderQualification(): boolean {
return this.contextService.getWorkbenchState() === WorkbenchState.WORKSPACE;
private canCustomize(task: Task): boolean {
if (this.schemaVersion !== JsonSchemaVersion.V2_0_0) {
return false;
if (CustomTask.is(task)) {
return true;
if (ContributedTask.is(task)) {
return !!task.getWorkspaceFolder();
return false;
private async formatTaskForJson(resource: URI, task: TaskConfig.CustomTask | TaskConfig.ConfiguringTask): Promise<string> {
let reference: IReference<IResolvedTextEditorModel> | undefined;
let stringValue: string = '';
try {
reference = await this.textModelResolverService.createModelReference(resource);
const model = reference.object.textEditorModel;
const { tabSize, insertSpaces } = model.getOptions();
const eol = model.getEOL();
const edits = format(JSON.stringify(task), undefined, { eol, tabSize, insertSpaces });
let stringified = applyEdits(JSON.stringify(task), edits);
const regex = new RegExp(eol + (insertSpaces ? ' '.repeat(tabSize) : '\\t'), 'g');
stringified = stringified.replace(regex, eol + (insertSpaces ? ' '.repeat(tabSize * 3) : '\t\t\t'));
const twoTabs = insertSpaces ? ' '.repeat(tabSize * 2) : '\t\t';
stringValue = twoTabs + stringified.slice(0, stringified.length - 1) + twoTabs + stringified.slice(stringified.length - 1);
} finally {
if (reference) {
return stringValue;
private openEditorAtTask(resource: URI | undefined, task: TaskConfig.CustomTask | TaskConfig.ConfiguringTask | string | undefined, configIndex: number = -1): Promise<boolean> {
if (resource === undefined) {
return Promise.resolve(false);
let selection: ITextEditorSelection | undefined;
return this.fileService.readFile(resource).then(content => content.value).then(async content => {
if (!content) {
return false;
if (task) {
const contentValue = content.toString();
let stringValue: string | undefined;
if (configIndex !== -1) {
const json: TaskConfig.ExternalTaskRunnerConfiguration = this.configurationService.getValue<TaskConfig.ExternalTaskRunnerConfiguration>('tasks', { resource });
if (json.tasks && (json.tasks.length > configIndex)) {
stringValue = await this.formatTaskForJson(resource, json.tasks[configIndex]);
if (!stringValue) {
if (typeof task === 'string') {
stringValue = task;
} else {
stringValue = await this.formatTaskForJson(resource, task);
const index = contentValue.indexOf(stringValue);
let startLineNumber = 1;
for (let i = 0; i < index; i++) {
if (contentValue.charAt(i) === '\n') {
let endLineNumber = startLineNumber;
for (let i = 0; i < stringValue.length; i++) {
if (stringValue.charAt(i) === '\n') {
selection = startLineNumber > 1 ? { startLineNumber, startColumn: startLineNumber === endLineNumber ? 4 : 3, endLineNumber, endColumn: startLineNumber === endLineNumber ? undefined : 4 } : undefined;
return this.editorService.openEditor({
options: {
pinned: false,
forceReload: true, // because content might have changed
selectionRevealType: TextEditorSelectionRevealType.CenterIfOutsideViewport
}).then(() => !!selection);
private createCustomizableTask(task: ContributedTask | CustomTask | ConfiguringTask): TaskConfig.CustomTask | TaskConfig.ConfiguringTask | undefined {
let toCustomize: TaskConfig.CustomTask | TaskConfig.ConfiguringTask | undefined;
let taskConfig = CustomTask.is(task) || ConfiguringTask.is(task) ? task._source.config : undefined;
if (taskConfig && taskConfig.element) {
toCustomize = { ...(taskConfig.element) };
} else if (ContributedTask.is(task)) {
toCustomize = {
let identifier: TaskConfig.TaskIdentifier = Object.assign(Object.create(null), task.defines);
delete identifier['_key'];
Object.keys(identifier).forEach(key => (<any>toCustomize)![key] = identifier[key]);
if (task.configurationProperties.problemMatchers && task.configurationProperties.problemMatchers.length > 0 && Types.isStringArray(task.configurationProperties.problemMatchers)) {
toCustomize.problemMatcher = task.configurationProperties.problemMatchers;
if (task.configurationProperties.group) {
toCustomize.group = TaskConfig.GroupKind.to(task.configurationProperties.group);
if (!toCustomize) {
return undefined;
if (toCustomize.problemMatcher === undefined && task.configurationProperties.problemMatchers === undefined || (task.configurationProperties.problemMatchers && task.configurationProperties.problemMatchers.length === 0)) {
toCustomize.problemMatcher = [];
if (task._source.label !== 'Workspace') {
toCustomize.label = task.configurationProperties.identifier;
} else {
toCustomize.label = task._label;
toCustomize.detail = task.configurationProperties.detail;
return toCustomize;
public async customize(task: ContributedTask | CustomTask | ConfiguringTask, properties?: CustomizationProperties, openConfig?: boolean): Promise<void> {
if (!(await this.trust())) {
const workspaceFolder = task.getWorkspaceFolder();
if (!workspaceFolder) {
return Promise.resolve(undefined);
let configuration = this.getConfiguration(workspaceFolder, task._source.kind);
if (configuration.hasParseErrors) {
this.notificationService.warn(nls.localize('customizeParseErrors', 'The current task configuration has errors. Please fix the errors first before customizing a task.'));
return Promise.resolve<void>(undefined);
let fileConfig = configuration.config;
const toCustomize = this.createCustomizableTask(task);
if (!toCustomize) {
return Promise.resolve(undefined);
const index: number | undefined = CustomTask.is(task) ? task._source.config.index : undefined;
if (properties) {
for (let property of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(properties)) {
let value = (<any>properties)[property];
if (value !== undefined && value !== null) {
(<any>toCustomize)[property] = value;
let promise: Promise<void> | undefined;
if (!fileConfig) {
let value = {
version: '2.0.0',
tasks: [toCustomize]
let content = [
nls.localize('tasksJsonComment', '\t// See https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=733558 \n\t// for the documentation about the tasks.json format'),
].join('\n') + JSON.stringify(value, null, '\t').substr(1);
let editorConfig = this.configurationService.getValue<any>();
if (editorConfig.editor.insertSpaces) {
content = content.replace(/(\n)(\t+)/g, (_, s1, s2) => s1 + ' '.repeat(s2.length * editorConfig.editor.tabSize));
promise = this.textFileService.create([{ resource: workspaceFolder.toResource('.vscode/tasks.json'), value: content }]).then(() => { });
} else {
// We have a global task configuration
if ((index === -1) && properties) {
if (properties.problemMatcher !== undefined) {
fileConfig.problemMatcher = properties.problemMatcher;
promise = this.writeConfiguration(workspaceFolder, 'tasks.problemMatchers', fileConfig.problemMatcher, task._source.kind);
} else if (properties.group !== undefined) {
fileConfig.group = properties.group;
promise = this.writeConfiguration(workspaceFolder, 'tasks.group', fileConfig.group, task._source.kind);
} else {
if (!Array.isArray(fileConfig.tasks)) {
fileConfig.tasks = [];
if (index === undefined) {
} else {
fileConfig.tasks[index] = toCustomize;
promise = this.writeConfiguration(workspaceFolder, 'tasks.tasks', fileConfig.tasks, task._source.kind);
if (!promise) {
return Promise.resolve(undefined);
return promise.then(() => {
let event: TaskCustomizationTelemetryEvent = {
properties: properties ? Object.getOwnPropertyNames(properties) : []
/* __GDPR__
"taskService.customize" : {
"properties" : { "classification": "SystemMetaData", "purpose": "FeatureInsight" }
this.telemetryService.publicLog(AbstractTaskService.CustomizationTelemetryEventName, event);
if (openConfig) {
this.openEditorAtTask(this.getResourceForTask(task), toCustomize);
private writeConfiguration(workspaceFolder: IWorkspaceFolder, key: string, value: any, source?: string): Promise<void> | undefined {
let target: ConfigurationTarget | undefined = undefined;
switch (source) {
case TaskSourceKind.User: target = ConfigurationTarget.USER; break;
case TaskSourceKind.WorkspaceFile: target = ConfigurationTarget.WORKSPACE; break;
default: if (this.contextService.getWorkbenchState() === WorkbenchState.FOLDER) {
target = ConfigurationTarget.WORKSPACE;
} else if (this.contextService.getWorkbenchState() === WorkbenchState.WORKSPACE) {
target = ConfigurationTarget.WORKSPACE_FOLDER;
if (target) {
return this.configurationService.updateValue(key, value, { resource: workspaceFolder.uri }, target);
} else {
return undefined;
private getResourceForKind(kind: string): URI | undefined {
switch (kind) {
case TaskSourceKind.User: {
return resources.joinPath(resources.dirname(this.preferencesService.userSettingsResource), 'tasks.json');
case TaskSourceKind.WorkspaceFile: {
if (this._workspace && this._workspace.configuration) {
return this._workspace.configuration;
default: {
return undefined;
private getResourceForTask(task: CustomTask | ConfiguringTask | ContributedTask): URI {
if (CustomTask.is(task)) {
let uri = this.getResourceForKind(task._source.kind);
if (!uri) {
const taskFolder = task.getWorkspaceFolder();
if (taskFolder) {
uri = taskFolder.toResource(task._source.config.file);
} else {
uri = this.workspaceFolders[0].uri;
return uri;
} else {
return task.getWorkspaceFolder()!.toResource('.vscode/tasks.json');
public async openConfig(task: CustomTask | ConfiguringTask | undefined): Promise<boolean> {
let resource: URI | undefined;
if (task) {
resource = this.getResourceForTask(task);
} else {
resource = (this._workspaceFolders && (this._workspaceFolders.length > 0)) ? this._workspaceFolders[0].toResource('.vscode/tasks.json') : undefined;
return this.openEditorAtTask(resource, task ? task._label : undefined, task ? task._source.config.index : -1);
private createRunnableTask(tasks: TaskMap, group: TaskGroup): { task: Task; resolver: ITaskResolver } | undefined {
interface ResolverData {
id: Map<string, Task>;
label: Map<string, Task>;
identifier: Map<string, Task>;
let resolverData: Map<string, ResolverData> = new Map();
let workspaceTasks: Task[] = [];
let extensionTasks: Task[] = [];
tasks.forEach((tasks, folder) => {
let data = resolverData.get(folder);
if (!data) {
data = {
id: new Map<string, Task>(),
label: new Map<string, Task>(),
identifier: new Map<string, Task>()
resolverData.set(folder, data);
for (let task of tasks) {
data.id.set(task._id, task);
data.label.set(task._label, task);
if (task.configurationProperties.identifier) {
data.identifier.set(task.configurationProperties.identifier, task);
if (group && task.configurationProperties.group === group) {
if (task._source.kind === TaskSourceKind.Workspace) {
} else {
let resolver: ITaskResolver = {
resolve: async (uri: URI | string, alias: string) => {
let data = resolverData.get(typeof uri === 'string' ? uri : uri.toString());
if (!data) {
return undefined;
return data.id.get(alias) || data.label.get(alias) || data.identifier.get(alias);
if (workspaceTasks.length > 0) {
if (workspaceTasks.length > 1) {
this._outputChannel.append(nls.localize('moreThanOneBuildTask', 'There are many build tasks defined in the tasks.json. Executing the first one.\n'));
return { task: workspaceTasks[0], resolver };
if (extensionTasks.length === 0) {
return undefined;
// We can only have extension tasks if we are in version 2.0.0. Then we can even run
// multiple build tasks.
if (extensionTasks.length === 1) {
return { task: extensionTasks[0], resolver };
} else {
let id: string = UUID.generateUuid();
let task: InMemoryTask = new InMemoryTask(
{ kind: TaskSourceKind.InMemory, label: 'inMemory' },
{ reevaluateOnRerun: true },
identifier: id,
dependsOn: extensionTasks.map((extensionTask) => { return { uri: extensionTask.getWorkspaceFolder()!.uri, task: extensionTask._id }; }),
name: id,
return { task, resolver };
private createResolver(grouped?: TaskMap): ITaskResolver {
interface ResolverData {
label: Map<string, Task>;
identifier: Map<string, Task>;
taskIdentifier: Map<string, Task>;
let resolverData: Map<string, ResolverData> | undefined;
return {
resolve: async (uri: URI | string, identifier: string | TaskIdentifier | undefined) => {
if (resolverData === undefined) {
resolverData = new Map();
(grouped || await this.getGroupedTasks()).forEach((tasks, folder) => {
let data = resolverData!.get(folder);
if (!data) {
data = { label: new Map<string, Task>(), identifier: new Map<string, Task>(), taskIdentifier: new Map<string, Task>() };
resolverData!.set(folder, data);
for (let task of tasks) {
data.label.set(task._label, task);
if (task.configurationProperties.identifier) {
data.identifier.set(task.configurationProperties.identifier, task);
let keyedIdentifier = task.getDefinition(true);
if (keyedIdentifier !== undefined) {
data.taskIdentifier.set(keyedIdentifier._key, task);
let data = resolverData.get(typeof uri === 'string' ? uri : uri.toString());
if (!data || !identifier) {
return undefined;
if (Types.isString(identifier)) {
return data.label.get(identifier) || data.identifier.get(identifier);
} else {
let key = TaskDefinition.createTaskIdentifier(identifier, console);
return key !== undefined ? data.taskIdentifier.get(key._key) : undefined;
private executeTask(task: Task, resolver: ITaskResolver, runSource: TaskRunSource): Promise<ITaskSummary> {
enum SaveBeforeRunConfigOptions {
Always = 'always',
Never = 'never',
Prompt = 'prompt'
const saveBeforeRunTaskConfig: SaveBeforeRunConfigOptions = this.configurationService.getValue('task.saveBeforeRun');
const execTask = async (task: Task, resolver: ITaskResolver): Promise<ITaskSummary> => {
return ProblemMatcherRegistry.onReady().then(() => {
let executeResult = this.getTaskSystem().run(task, resolver);
return this.handleExecuteResult(executeResult, runSource);
const saveAllEditorsAndExecTask = async (task: Task, resolver: ITaskResolver): Promise<ITaskSummary> => {
return this.editorService.saveAll({ reason: SaveReason.AUTO }).then(() => {
return execTask(task, resolver);
const promptAsk = async (task: Task, resolver: ITaskResolver): Promise<ITaskSummary> => {
const dialogOptions = await this.dialogService.show(
nls.localize('TaskSystem.saveBeforeRun.prompt.title', 'Save all editors?'),
[nls.localize('saveBeforeRun.save', 'Save'), nls.localize('saveBeforeRun.dontSave', 'Don\'t save')],
detail: nls.localize('detail', "Do you want to save all editors before running the task?"),
cancelId: 1
if (dialogOptions.choice === 0) {
return saveAllEditorsAndExecTask(task, resolver);
} else {
return execTask(task, resolver);
if (saveBeforeRunTaskConfig === SaveBeforeRunConfigOptions.Never) {
return execTask(task, resolver);
} else if (saveBeforeRunTaskConfig === SaveBeforeRunConfigOptions.Prompt) {
return promptAsk(task, resolver);
} else {
return saveAllEditorsAndExecTask(task, resolver);
private async handleExecuteResult(executeResult: ITaskExecuteResult, runSource?: TaskRunSource): Promise<ITaskSummary> {
if (executeResult.task.taskLoadMessages && executeResult.task.taskLoadMessages.length > 0) {
executeResult.task.taskLoadMessages.forEach(loadMessage => {
this._outputChannel.append(loadMessage + '\n');
if (runSource === TaskRunSource.User) {
await this.setRecentlyUsedTask(executeResult.task);
if (executeResult.kind === TaskExecuteKind.Active) {
let active = executeResult.active;
if (active && active.same) {
if (this._taskSystem?.isTaskVisible(executeResult.task)) {
const message = nls.localize('TaskSystem.activeSame.noBackground', 'The task \'{0}\' is already active.', executeResult.task.getQualifiedLabel());
let lastInstance = this.getTaskSystem().getLastInstance(executeResult.task) ?? executeResult.task;
this.notificationService.prompt(Severity.Warning, message,
label: nls.localize('terminateTask', "Terminate Task"),
run: () => this.terminate(lastInstance)
label: nls.localize('restartTask', "Restart Task"),
run: () => this.restart(lastInstance)
{ sticky: true }
} else {
} else {
throw new TaskError(Severity.Warning, nls.localize('TaskSystem.active', 'There is already a task running. Terminate it first before executing another task.'), TaskErrors.RunningTask);
return executeResult.promise;
private restart(task: Task): void {
if (!this._taskSystem) {
this._taskSystem.terminate(task).then((response) => {
if (response.success) {
this.run(task).then(undefined, reason => {
// eat the error, it has already been surfaced to the user and we don't care about it here
} else {
this.notificationService.warn(nls.localize('TaskSystem.restartFailed', 'Failed to terminate and restart task {0}', Types.isString(task) ? task : task.configurationProperties.name));
return response;
public async terminate(task: Task): Promise<TaskTerminateResponse> {
if (!(await this.trust())) {
return { success: true, task: undefined };
if (!this._taskSystem) {
return { success: true, task: undefined };
return this._taskSystem.terminate(task);
private terminateAll(): Promise<TaskTerminateResponse[]> {
if (!this._taskSystem) {
return Promise.resolve<TaskTerminateResponse[]>([]);
return this._taskSystem.terminateAll();
protected createTerminalTaskSystem(): ITaskSystem {
return new TerminalTaskSystem(
this.terminalService, this.terminalGroupService, this.outputService, this.paneCompositeService, this.viewsService, this.markerService,
this.modelService, this.configurationResolverService, this.telemetryService,
this.contextService, this.environmentService,
AbstractTaskService.OutputChannelId, this.fileService, this.terminalProfileResolverService,
this.pathService, this.viewDescriptorService, this.logService, this.configurationService,
(workspaceFolder: IWorkspaceFolder | undefined) => {
if (workspaceFolder) {
return this.getTaskSystemInfo(workspaceFolder.uri.scheme);
} else if (this._taskSystemInfos.size > 0) {
const infos = Array.from(this._taskSystemInfos.entries());
const notFile = infos.filter(info => info[0] !== Schemas.file);
if (notFile.length > 0) {
return notFile[0][1];
return infos[0][1];
} else {
return undefined;
protected abstract getTaskSystem(): ITaskSystem;
private isTaskProviderEnabled(type: string) {
const definition = TaskDefinitionRegistry.get(type);
return !definition || !definition.when || this.contextKeyService.contextMatchesRules(definition.when);
private getGroupedTasks(type?: string): Promise<TaskMap> {
const needsRecentTasksMigration = this.needsRecentTasksMigration();
return this._activateTaskProviders(type).then(() => {
let validTypes: IStringDictionary<boolean> = Object.create(null);
TaskDefinitionRegistry.all().forEach(definition => validTypes[definition.taskType] = true);
validTypes['shell'] = true;
validTypes['process'] = true;
return new Promise<TaskSet[]>(resolve => {
let result: TaskSet[] = [];
let counter: number = 0;
let done = (value: TaskSet | undefined) => {
if (value) {
if (--counter === 0) {
let error = (error: any) => {
try {
if (error && Types.isString(error.message)) {
this._outputChannel.append('Error: ');
} else {
this._outputChannel.append('Unknown error received while collecting tasks from providers.\n');
} finally {
if (--counter === 0) {
if (this.isProvideTasksEnabled() && (this.schemaVersion === JsonSchemaVersion.V2_0_0) && (this._providers.size > 0)) {
for (const [handle, provider] of this._providers) {
const providerType = this._providerTypes.get(handle);
if ((type === undefined) || (type === providerType)) {
if (providerType && !this.isTaskProviderEnabled(providerType)) {
provider.provideTasks(validTypes).then((taskSet: TaskSet) => {
// Check that the tasks provided are of the correct type
for (const task of taskSet.tasks) {
if (task.type !== this._providerTypes.get(handle)) {
this._outputChannel.append(nls.localize('unexpectedTaskType', "The task provider for \"{0}\" tasks unexpectedly provided a task of type \"{1}\".\n", this._providerTypes.get(handle), task.type));
if ((task.type !== 'shell') && (task.type !== 'process')) {
return done(taskSet);
}, error);
} else {
}).then((contributedTaskSets) => {
let result: TaskMap = new TaskMap();
let contributedTasks: TaskMap = new TaskMap();
for (let set of contributedTaskSets) {
for (let task of set.tasks) {
let workspaceFolder = task.getWorkspaceFolder();
if (workspaceFolder) {
contributedTasks.add(workspaceFolder, task);
return this.getWorkspaceTasks().then(async (customTasks) => {
const customTasksKeyValuePairs = Array.from(customTasks);
const customTasksPromises = customTasksKeyValuePairs.map(async ([key, folderTasks]) => {
let contributed = contributedTasks.get(key);
if (!folderTasks.set) {
if (contributed) {
result.add(key, ...contributed);
if (this.contextService.getWorkbenchState() === WorkbenchState.EMPTY) {
result.add(key, ...folderTasks.set.tasks);
} else {
let configurations = folderTasks.configurations;
let legacyTaskConfigurations = folderTasks.set ? this.getLegacyTaskConfigurations(folderTasks.set) : undefined;
let customTasksToDelete: Task[] = [];
if (configurations || legacyTaskConfigurations) {
let unUsedConfigurations: Set<string> = new Set<string>();
if (configurations) {
Object.keys(configurations.byIdentifier).forEach(key => unUsedConfigurations.add(key));
for (let task of contributed) {
if (!ContributedTask.is(task)) {
if (configurations) {
let configuringTask = configurations.byIdentifier[task.defines._key];
if (configuringTask) {
result.add(key, TaskConfig.createCustomTask(task, configuringTask));
} else {
result.add(key, task);
} else if (legacyTaskConfigurations) {
let configuringTask = legacyTaskConfigurations[task.defines._key];
if (configuringTask) {
result.add(key, TaskConfig.createCustomTask(task, configuringTask));
} else {
result.add(key, task);
} else {
result.add(key, task);
if (customTasksToDelete.length > 0) {
let toDelete = customTasksToDelete.reduce<IStringDictionary<boolean>>((map, task) => {
map[task._id] = true;
return map;
}, Object.create(null));
for (let task of folderTasks.set.tasks) {
if (toDelete[task._id]) {
result.add(key, task);
} else {
result.add(key, ...folderTasks.set.tasks);
const unUsedConfigurationsAsArray = Array.from(unUsedConfigurations);
const unUsedConfigurationPromises = unUsedConfigurationsAsArray.map(async (value) => {
let configuringTask = configurations!.byIdentifier[value];
if (type && (type !== configuringTask.configures.type)) {
let requiredTaskProviderUnavailable: boolean = false;
for (const [handle, provider] of this._providers) {
const providerType = this._providerTypes.get(handle);
if (configuringTask.type === providerType) {
if (providerType && !this.isTaskProviderEnabled(providerType)) {
requiredTaskProviderUnavailable = true;
try {
const resolvedTask = await provider.resolveTask(configuringTask);
if (resolvedTask && (resolvedTask._id === configuringTask._id)) {
result.add(key, TaskConfig.createCustomTask(resolvedTask, configuringTask));
} catch (error) {
// Ignore errors. The task could not be provided by any of the providers.
if (requiredTaskProviderUnavailable) {
'Warning: {0} tasks are unavailable in the current environment.\n',
} else {
'Error: The {0} task detection didn\'t contribute a task for the following configuration:\n{1}\nThe task will be ignored.\n',
JSON.stringify(configuringTask._source.config.element, undefined, 4)
await Promise.all(unUsedConfigurationPromises);
} else {
result.add(key, ...folderTasks.set.tasks);
result.add(key, ...contributed);
await Promise.all(customTasksPromises);
if (needsRecentTasksMigration) {
// At this point we have all the tasks and can migrate the recently used tasks.
await this.migrateRecentTasks(result.all());
return result;
}, () => {
// If we can't read the tasks.json file provide at least the contributed tasks
let result: TaskMap = new TaskMap();
for (let set of contributedTaskSets) {
for (let task of set.tasks) {
const folder = task.getWorkspaceFolder();
if (folder) {
result.add(folder, task);
return result;
private getLegacyTaskConfigurations(workspaceTasks: TaskSet): IStringDictionary<CustomTask> | undefined {
let result: IStringDictionary<CustomTask> | undefined;
function getResult(): IStringDictionary<CustomTask> {
if (result) {
return result;
result = Object.create(null);
return result!;
for (let task of workspaceTasks.tasks) {
if (CustomTask.is(task)) {
let commandName = task.command && task.command.name;
// This is for backwards compatibility with the 0.1.0 task annotation code
// if we had a gulp, jake or grunt command a task specification was a annotation
if (commandName === 'gulp' || commandName === 'grunt' || commandName === 'jake') {
let identifier = NKeyedTaskIdentifier.create({
type: commandName,
task: task.configurationProperties.name
getResult()[identifier._key] = task;
return result;
public async getWorkspaceTasks(runSource: TaskRunSource = TaskRunSource.User): Promise<Map<string, WorkspaceFolderTaskResult>> {
if (!(await this.trust())) {
return new Map();
await this._waitForSupportedExecutions;
if (this._workspaceTasksPromise) {
return this._workspaceTasksPromise;
return this._workspaceTasksPromise!;
private updateWorkspaceTasks(runSource: TaskRunSource = TaskRunSource.User): void {
this._workspaceTasksPromise = this.computeWorkspaceTasks(runSource);
private async getAFolder(): Promise<IWorkspaceFolder> {
let folder = this.workspaceFolders.length > 0 ? this.workspaceFolders[0] : undefined;
if (!folder) {
const userhome = await this.pathService.userHome();
folder = new WorkspaceFolder({ uri: userhome, name: resources.basename(userhome), index: 0 });
return folder;
protected computeWorkspaceTasks(runSource: TaskRunSource = TaskRunSource.User): Promise<Map<string, WorkspaceFolderTaskResult>> {
let promises: Promise<WorkspaceFolderTaskResult | undefined>[] = [];
for (let folder of this.workspaceFolders) {
promises.push(this.computeWorkspaceFolderTasks(folder, runSource).then((value) => value, () => undefined));
return Promise.all(promises).then(async (values) => {
let result = new Map<string, WorkspaceFolderTaskResult>();
for (let value of values) {
if (value) {
result.set(value.workspaceFolder.uri.toString(), value);
const folder = await this.getAFolder();
if (this.contextService.getWorkbenchState() !== WorkbenchState.EMPTY) {
const workspaceFileTasks = await this.computeWorkspaceFileTasks(folder, runSource).then((value) => value, () => undefined);
if (workspaceFileTasks && this._workspace && this._workspace.configuration) {
result.set(this._workspace.configuration.toString(), workspaceFileTasks);
const userTasks = await this.computeUserTasks(folder, runSource).then((value) => value, () => undefined);
if (userTasks) {
result.set(USER_TASKS_GROUP_KEY, userTasks);
return result;
private get jsonTasksSupported(): boolean {
return !!ShellExecutionSupportedContext.getValue(this.contextKeyService) && !!ProcessExecutionSupportedContext.getValue(this.contextKeyService);
private computeWorkspaceFolderTasks(workspaceFolder: IWorkspaceFolder, runSource: TaskRunSource = TaskRunSource.User): Promise<WorkspaceFolderTaskResult> {
return (this.executionEngine === ExecutionEngine.Process
? this.computeLegacyConfiguration(workspaceFolder)
: this.computeConfiguration(workspaceFolder)).
then((workspaceFolderConfiguration) => {
if (!workspaceFolderConfiguration || !workspaceFolderConfiguration.config || workspaceFolderConfiguration.hasErrors) {
return Promise.resolve({ workspaceFolder, set: undefined, configurations: undefined, hasErrors: workspaceFolderConfiguration ? workspaceFolderConfiguration.hasErrors : false });
return ProblemMatcherRegistry.onReady().then(async (): Promise<WorkspaceFolderTaskResult> => {
let taskSystemInfo: TaskSystemInfo | undefined = this.getTaskSystemInfo(workspaceFolder.uri.scheme);
let problemReporter = new ProblemReporter(this._outputChannel);
let parseResult = TaskConfig.parse(workspaceFolder, undefined, taskSystemInfo ? taskSystemInfo.platform : Platform.platform, workspaceFolderConfiguration.config!, problemReporter, TaskConfig.TaskConfigSource.TasksJson, this.contextKeyService);
let hasErrors = false;
if (!parseResult.validationStatus.isOK() && (parseResult.validationStatus.state !== ValidationState.Info)) {
hasErrors = true;
if (problemReporter.status.isFatal()) {
problemReporter.fatal(nls.localize('TaskSystem.configurationErrors', 'Error: the provided task configuration has validation errors and can\'t not be used. Please correct the errors first.'));
return { workspaceFolder, set: undefined, configurations: undefined, hasErrors };
let customizedTasks: { byIdentifier: IStringDictionary<ConfiguringTask>; } | undefined;
if (parseResult.configured && parseResult.configured.length > 0) {
customizedTasks = {
byIdentifier: Object.create(null)
for (let task of parseResult.configured) {
customizedTasks.byIdentifier[task.configures._key] = task;
if (!this.jsonTasksSupported && (parseResult.custom.length > 0)) {
console.warn('Custom workspace tasks are not supported.');
return { workspaceFolder, set: { tasks: this.jsonTasksSupported ? parseResult.custom : [] }, configurations: customizedTasks, hasErrors };
private testParseExternalConfig(config: TaskConfig.ExternalTaskRunnerConfiguration | undefined, location: string): { config: TaskConfig.ExternalTaskRunnerConfiguration | undefined, hasParseErrors: boolean } {
if (!config) {
return { config: undefined, hasParseErrors: false };
let parseErrors: string[] = (config as any).$parseErrors;
if (parseErrors) {
let isAffected = false;
for (const parseError of parseErrors) {
if (/tasks\.json$/.test(parseError)) {
isAffected = true;
if (isAffected) {
this._outputChannel.append(nls.localize({ key: 'TaskSystem.invalidTaskJsonOther', comment: ['Message notifies of an error in one of several places there is tasks related json, not necessarily in a file named tasks.json'] }, 'Error: The content of the tasks json in {0} has syntax errors. Please correct them before executing a task.\n', location));
return { config, hasParseErrors: true };
return { config, hasParseErrors: false };
private async computeWorkspaceFileTasks(workspaceFolder: IWorkspaceFolder, runSource: TaskRunSource = TaskRunSource.User): Promise<WorkspaceFolderTaskResult> {
if (this.executionEngine === ExecutionEngine.Process) {
return this.emptyWorkspaceTaskResults(workspaceFolder);
const workspaceFileConfig = this.getConfiguration(workspaceFolder, TaskSourceKind.WorkspaceFile);
const configuration = this.testParseExternalConfig(workspaceFileConfig.config, nls.localize('TasksSystem.locationWorkspaceConfig', 'workspace file'));
let customizedTasks: { byIdentifier: IStringDictionary<ConfiguringTask>; } = {
byIdentifier: Object.create(null)
const custom: CustomTask[] = [];
await this.computeTasksForSingleConfig(workspaceFolder, configuration.config, runSource, custom, customizedTasks.byIdentifier, TaskConfig.TaskConfigSource.WorkspaceFile);
const engine = configuration.config ? TaskConfig.ExecutionEngine.from(configuration.config) : ExecutionEngine.Terminal;
if (engine === ExecutionEngine.Process) {
this.notificationService.warn(nls.localize('TaskSystem.versionWorkspaceFile', 'Only tasks version 2.0.0 permitted in workspace configuration files.'));
return this.emptyWorkspaceTaskResults(workspaceFolder);
return { workspaceFolder, set: { tasks: custom }, configurations: customizedTasks, hasErrors: configuration.hasParseErrors };
private async computeUserTasks(workspaceFolder: IWorkspaceFolder, runSource: TaskRunSource = TaskRunSource.User): Promise<WorkspaceFolderTaskResult> {
if (this.executionEngine === ExecutionEngine.Process) {
return this.emptyWorkspaceTaskResults(workspaceFolder);
const userTasksConfig = this.getConfiguration(workspaceFolder, TaskSourceKind.User);
const configuration = this.testParseExternalConfig(userTasksConfig.config, nls.localize('TasksSystem.locationUserConfig', 'user settings'));
let customizedTasks: { byIdentifier: IStringDictionary<ConfiguringTask>; } = {
byIdentifier: Object.create(null)
const custom: CustomTask[] = [];
await this.computeTasksForSingleConfig(workspaceFolder, configuration.config, runSource, custom, customizedTasks.byIdentifier, TaskConfig.TaskConfigSource.User);
const engine = configuration.config ? TaskConfig.ExecutionEngine.from(configuration.config) : ExecutionEngine.Terminal;
if (engine === ExecutionEngine.Process) {
this.notificationService.warn(nls.localize('TaskSystem.versionSettings', 'Only tasks version 2.0.0 permitted in user settings.'));
return this.emptyWorkspaceTaskResults(workspaceFolder);
return { workspaceFolder, set: { tasks: custom }, configurations: customizedTasks, hasErrors: configuration.hasParseErrors };
private emptyWorkspaceTaskResults(workspaceFolder: IWorkspaceFolder): WorkspaceFolderTaskResult {
return { workspaceFolder, set: undefined, configurations: undefined, hasErrors: false };
private async computeTasksForSingleConfig(workspaceFolder: IWorkspaceFolder, config: TaskConfig.ExternalTaskRunnerConfiguration | undefined, runSource: TaskRunSource, custom: CustomTask[], customized: IStringDictionary<ConfiguringTask>, source: TaskConfig.TaskConfigSource, isRecentTask: boolean = false): Promise<boolean> {
if (!config) {
return false;
let taskSystemInfo: TaskSystemInfo | undefined = workspaceFolder ? this.getTaskSystemInfo(workspaceFolder.uri.scheme) : undefined;
let problemReporter = new ProblemReporter(this._outputChannel);
let parseResult = TaskConfig.parse(workspaceFolder, this._workspace, taskSystemInfo ? taskSystemInfo.platform : Platform.platform, config, problemReporter, source, this.contextKeyService, isRecentTask);
let hasErrors = false;
if (!parseResult.validationStatus.isOK() && (parseResult.validationStatus.state !== ValidationState.Info)) {
hasErrors = true;
if (problemReporter.status.isFatal()) {
problemReporter.fatal(nls.localize('TaskSystem.configurationErrors', 'Error: the provided task configuration has validation errors and can\'t not be used. Please correct the errors first.'));
return hasErrors;
if (parseResult.configured && parseResult.configured.length > 0) {
for (let task of parseResult.configured) {
customized[task.configures._key] = task;
if (!this.jsonTasksSupported && (parseResult.custom.length > 0)) {
console.warn('Custom workspace tasks are not supported.');
} else {
for (let task of parseResult.custom) {
return hasErrors;
private computeConfiguration(workspaceFolder: IWorkspaceFolder): Promise<WorkspaceFolderConfigurationResult> {
let { config, hasParseErrors } = this.getConfiguration(workspaceFolder);
return Promise.resolve<WorkspaceFolderConfigurationResult>({ workspaceFolder, config, hasErrors: hasParseErrors });
protected abstract computeLegacyConfiguration(workspaceFolder: IWorkspaceFolder): Promise<WorkspaceFolderConfigurationResult>;
private computeWorkspaceFolderSetup(): [IWorkspaceFolder[], IWorkspaceFolder[], ExecutionEngine, JsonSchemaVersion, IWorkspace | undefined] {
let workspaceFolders: IWorkspaceFolder[] = [];
let ignoredWorkspaceFolders: IWorkspaceFolder[] = [];
let executionEngine = ExecutionEngine.Terminal;
let schemaVersion = JsonSchemaVersion.V2_0_0;
let workspace: IWorkspace | undefined;
if (this.contextService.getWorkbenchState() === WorkbenchState.FOLDER) {
let workspaceFolder: IWorkspaceFolder = this.contextService.getWorkspace().folders[0];
executionEngine = this.computeExecutionEngine(workspaceFolder);
const telemetryData: { [key: string]: any; } = {
executionEngineVersion: executionEngine
/* __GDPR__
"taskService.engineVersion" : {
"executionEngineVersion" : { "classification": "SystemMetaData", "purpose": "FeatureInsight" }
this.telemetryService.publicLog('taskService.engineVersion', telemetryData);
schemaVersion = this.computeJsonSchemaVersion(workspaceFolder);
} else if (this.contextService.getWorkbenchState() === WorkbenchState.WORKSPACE) {
workspace = this.contextService.getWorkspace();
for (let workspaceFolder of this.contextService.getWorkspace().folders) {
if (schemaVersion === this.computeJsonSchemaVersion(workspaceFolder)) {
} else {
'Ignoring task configurations for workspace folder {0}. Multi folder workspace task support requires that all folders use task version 2.0.0\n',
return [workspaceFolders, ignoredWorkspaceFolders, executionEngine, schemaVersion, workspace];
private computeExecutionEngine(workspaceFolder: IWorkspaceFolder): ExecutionEngine {
let { config } = this.getConfiguration(workspaceFolder);
if (!config) {
return ExecutionEngine._default;
return TaskConfig.ExecutionEngine.from(config);
private computeJsonSchemaVersion(workspaceFolder: IWorkspaceFolder): JsonSchemaVersion {
let { config } = this.getConfiguration(workspaceFolder);
if (!config) {
return JsonSchemaVersion.V2_0_0;
return TaskConfig.JsonSchemaVersion.from(config);
protected getConfiguration(workspaceFolder: IWorkspaceFolder, source?: string): { config: TaskConfig.ExternalTaskRunnerConfiguration | undefined; hasParseErrors: boolean } {
let result;
if ((source !== TaskSourceKind.User) && (this.contextService.getWorkbenchState() === WorkbenchState.EMPTY)) {
result = undefined;
} else {
const wholeConfig = this.configurationService.inspect<TaskConfig.ExternalTaskRunnerConfiguration>('tasks', { resource: workspaceFolder.uri });
switch (source) {
case TaskSourceKind.User: {
if (wholeConfig.userValue !== wholeConfig.workspaceFolderValue) {
result = Objects.deepClone(wholeConfig.userValue);
case TaskSourceKind.Workspace: result = Objects.deepClone(wholeConfig.workspaceFolderValue); break;
case TaskSourceKind.WorkspaceFile: {
if ((this.contextService.getWorkbenchState() === WorkbenchState.WORKSPACE)
&& (wholeConfig.workspaceFolderValue !== wholeConfig.workspaceValue)) {
result = Objects.deepClone(wholeConfig.workspaceValue);
default: result = Objects.deepClone(wholeConfig.workspaceFolderValue);
if (!result) {
return { config: undefined, hasParseErrors: false };
let parseErrors: string[] = (result as any).$parseErrors;
if (parseErrors) {
let isAffected = false;
for (const parseError of parseErrors) {
if (/tasks\.json$/.test(parseError)) {
isAffected = true;
if (isAffected) {
this._outputChannel.append(nls.localize('TaskSystem.invalidTaskJson', 'Error: The content of the tasks.json file has syntax errors. Please correct them before executing a task.\n'));
return { config: undefined, hasParseErrors: true };
return { config: result, hasParseErrors: false };
public inTerminal(): boolean {
if (this._taskSystem) {
return this._taskSystem instanceof TerminalTaskSystem;
return this.executionEngine === ExecutionEngine.Terminal;
public configureAction(): Action {
const thisCapture: AbstractTaskService = this;
return new class extends Action {
constructor() {
super(ConfigureTaskAction.ID, ConfigureTaskAction.TEXT, undefined, true, () => { thisCapture.runConfigureTasks(); return Promise.resolve(undefined); });
private handleError(err: any): void {
let showOutput = true;
if (err instanceof TaskError) {
let buildError = <TaskError>err;
let needsConfig = buildError.code === TaskErrors.NotConfigured || buildError.code === TaskErrors.NoBuildTask || buildError.code === TaskErrors.NoTestTask;
let needsTerminate = buildError.code === TaskErrors.RunningTask;
if (needsConfig || needsTerminate) {
this.notificationService.prompt(buildError.severity, buildError.message, [{
label: needsConfig ? ConfigureTaskAction.TEXT : nls.localize('TerminateAction.label', "Terminate Task"),
run: () => {
if (needsConfig) {
} else {
} else {
this.notificationService.notify({ severity: buildError.severity, message: buildError.message });
} else if (err instanceof Error) {
let error = <Error>err;
showOutput = false;
} else if (Types.isString(err)) {
} else {
this.notificationService.error(nls.localize('TaskSystem.unknownError', 'An error has occurred while running a task. See task log for details.'));
if (showOutput) {
private canRunCommand(): boolean {
return true;
private showDetail(): boolean {
return this.configurationService.getValue<boolean>(QUICKOPEN_DETAIL_CONFIG);
private async createTaskQuickPickEntries(tasks: Task[], group: boolean = false, sort: boolean = false, selectedEntry?: TaskQuickPickEntry, includeRecents: boolean = true): Promise<TaskQuickPickEntry[]> {
let encounteredTasks: { [key: string]: TaskQuickPickEntry[] } = {};
if (tasks === undefined || tasks === null || tasks.length === 0) {
return [];
const TaskQuickPickEntry = (task: Task): TaskQuickPickEntry => {
const newEntry = { label: task._label, description: this.getTaskDescription(task), task, detail: this.showDetail() ? task.configurationProperties.detail : undefined };
if (encounteredTasks[task._id]) {
if (encounteredTasks[task._id].length === 1) {
encounteredTasks[task._id][0].label += ' (1)';
newEntry.label = newEntry.label + ' (' + (encounteredTasks[task._id].length + 1).toString() + ')';
} else {
encounteredTasks[task._id] = [];
return newEntry;
function fillEntries(entries: QuickPickInput<TaskQuickPickEntry>[], tasks: Task[], groupLabel: string): void {
if (tasks.length) {
entries.push({ type: 'separator', label: groupLabel });
for (let task of tasks) {
let entry: TaskQuickPickEntry = TaskQuickPickEntry(task);
entry.buttons = [{ iconClass: ThemeIcon.asClassName(configureTaskIcon), tooltip: nls.localize('configureTask', "Configure Task") }];
if (selectedEntry && (task === selectedEntry.task)) {
} else {
let entries: TaskQuickPickEntry[];
if (group) {
entries = [];
if (tasks.length === 1) {
} else {
let recentlyUsedTasks = await this.readRecentTasks();
let recent: Task[] = [];
let recentSet: Set<string> = new Set();
let configured: Task[] = [];
let detected: Task[] = [];
let taskMap: IStringDictionary<Task> = Object.create(null);
tasks.forEach(task => {
let key = task.getCommonTaskId();
if (key) {
taskMap[key] = task;
recentlyUsedTasks.reverse().forEach(recentTask => {
const key = recentTask.getCommonTaskId();
if (key) {
let task = taskMap[key];
if (task) {
for (let task of tasks) {
let key = task.getCommonTaskId();
if (!key || !recentSet.has(key)) {
if ((task._source.kind === TaskSourceKind.Workspace) || (task._source.kind === TaskSourceKind.User)) {
} else {
const sorter = this.createSorter();
if (includeRecents) {
fillEntries(entries, recent, nls.localize('recentlyUsed', 'recently used tasks'));
configured = configured.sort((a, b) => sorter.compare(a, b));
fillEntries(entries, configured, nls.localize('configured', 'configured tasks'));
detected = detected.sort((a, b) => sorter.compare(a, b));
fillEntries(entries, detected, nls.localize('detected', 'detected tasks'));
} else {
if (sort) {
const sorter = this.createSorter();
tasks = tasks.sort((a, b) => sorter.compare(a, b));
entries = tasks.map<TaskQuickPickEntry>(task => TaskQuickPickEntry(task));
encounteredTasks = {};
return entries;
private async showTwoLevelQuickPick(placeHolder: string, defaultEntry?: TaskQuickPickEntry) {
return TaskQuickPick.show(this, this.configurationService, this.quickInputService, this.notificationService, this.dialogService, placeHolder, defaultEntry);
private async showQuickPick(tasks: Promise<Task[]> | Task[], placeHolder: string, defaultEntry?: TaskQuickPickEntry, group: boolean = false, sort: boolean = false, selectedEntry?: TaskQuickPickEntry, additionalEntries?: TaskQuickPickEntry[]): Promise<TaskQuickPickEntry | undefined | null> {
const tokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
const cancellationToken: CancellationToken = tokenSource.token;
let _createEntries = new Promise<QuickPickInput<TaskQuickPickEntry>[]>((resolve) => {
if (Array.isArray(tasks)) {
resolve(this.createTaskQuickPickEntries(tasks, group, sort, selectedEntry));
} else {
resolve(tasks.then((tasks) => this.createTaskQuickPickEntries(tasks, group, sort, selectedEntry)));
const timeout: boolean = await Promise.race([new Promise<boolean>((resolve) => {
_createEntries.then(() => resolve(false));
}), new Promise<boolean>((resolve) => {
const timer = setTimeout(() => {
}, 200);
if (!timeout && ((await _createEntries).length === 1) && this.configurationService.getValue<boolean>(QUICKOPEN_SKIP_CONFIG)) {
return (<TaskQuickPickEntry>(await _createEntries)[0]);
const pickEntries = _createEntries.then((entries) => {
if ((entries.length === 1) && this.configurationService.getValue<boolean>(QUICKOPEN_SKIP_CONFIG)) {
} else if ((entries.length === 0) && defaultEntry) {
} else if (entries.length > 1 && additionalEntries && additionalEntries.length > 0) {
entries.push({ type: 'separator', label: '' });
return entries;
const picker: IQuickPick<TaskQuickPickEntry> = this.quickInputService.createQuickPick();
picker.placeholder = placeHolder;
picker.matchOnDescription = true;
picker.onDidTriggerItemButton(context => {
let task = context.item.task;
if (ContributedTask.is(task)) {
this.customize(task, undefined, true);
} else if (CustomTask.is(task)) {
picker.busy = true;
pickEntries.then(entries => {
picker.busy = false;
picker.items = entries;
return new Promise<TaskQuickPickEntry | undefined | null>(resolve => {
this._register(picker.onDidAccept(async () => {
let selection = picker.selectedItems ? picker.selectedItems[0] : undefined;
if (cancellationToken.isCancellationRequested) {
// canceled when there's only one task
const task = (await pickEntries)[0];
if ((<any>task).task) {
selection = <TaskQuickPickEntry>task;
if (!selection) {
private needsRecentTasksMigration(): boolean {
return (this.getRecentlyUsedTasksV1().size > 0) && (this.getRecentlyUsedTasks().size === 0);
private async migrateRecentTasks(tasks: Task[]) {
if (!this.needsRecentTasksMigration()) {
let recentlyUsedTasks = this.getRecentlyUsedTasksV1();
let taskMap: IStringDictionary<Task> = Object.create(null);
tasks.forEach(task => {
let key = task.getRecentlyUsedKey();
if (key) {
taskMap[key] = task;
const reversed = [...recentlyUsedTasks.keys()].reverse();
for (const key in reversed) {
let task = taskMap[key];
if (task) {
await this.setRecentlyUsedTask(task);
this.storageService.remove(AbstractTaskService.RecentlyUsedTasks_Key, StorageScope.WORKSPACE);
private showIgnoredFoldersMessage(): Promise<void> {
if (this.ignoredWorkspaceFolders.length === 0 || !this.showIgnoreMessage) {
return Promise.resolve(undefined);
nls.localize('TaskService.ignoredFolder', 'The following workspace folders are ignored since they use task version 0.1.0: {0}', this.ignoredWorkspaceFolders.map(f => f.name).join(', ')),
label: nls.localize('TaskService.notAgain', "Don't Show Again"),
isSecondary: true,
run: () => {
this.storageService.store(AbstractTaskService.IgnoreTask010DonotShowAgain_key, true, StorageScope.WORKSPACE, StorageTarget.USER);
this._showIgnoreMessage = false;
return Promise.resolve(undefined);
private async trust(): Promise<boolean> {
return (await this.workspaceTrustRequestService.requestWorkspaceTrust(
message: nls.localize('TaskService.requestTrust', "Listing and running tasks requires that some of the files in this workspace be executed as code.")
})) === true;
private runTaskCommand(arg?: any): void {
if (!this.canRunCommand()) {
let identifier = this.getTaskIdentifier(arg);
if (identifier !== undefined) {
this.getGroupedTasks().then(async (grouped) => {
let resolver = this.createResolver(grouped);
let folderURIs: (URI | string)[] = this.contextService.getWorkspace().folders.map(folder => folder.uri);
if (this.contextService.getWorkbenchState() === WorkbenchState.WORKSPACE) {
for (let uri of folderURIs) {
let task = await resolver.resolve(uri, identifier);
if (task) {
this.run(task).then(undefined, reason => {
// eat the error, it has already been surfaced to the user and we don't care about it here
}, () => {
} else {
private tasksAndGroupedTasks(filter?: TaskFilter): { tasks: Promise<Task[]>, grouped: Promise<TaskMap> } {
if (!this.versionAndEngineCompatible(filter)) {
return { tasks: Promise.resolve<Task[]>([]), grouped: Promise.resolve(new TaskMap()) };
const grouped = this.getGroupedTasks(filter ? filter.type : undefined);
const tasks = grouped.then((map) => {
if (!filter || !filter.type) {
return map.all();
let result: Task[] = [];
map.forEach((tasks) => {
for (let task of tasks) {
if (ContributedTask.is(task) && task.defines.type === filter.type) {
} else if (CustomTask.is(task)) {
if (task.type === filter.type) {
} else {
let customizes = task.customizes();
if (customizes && customizes.type === filter.type) {
return result;
return { tasks, grouped };
private doRunTaskCommand(tasks?: Task[]): void {
const pickThen = (task: Task | undefined | null) => {
if (task === undefined) {
if (task === null) {
} else {
this.run(task, { attachProblemMatcher: true }, TaskRunSource.User).then(undefined, reason => {
// eat the error, it has already been surfaced to the user and we don't care about it here
const placeholder = nls.localize('TaskService.pickRunTask', 'Select the task to run');
this.showIgnoredFoldersMessage().then(() => {
if (this.configurationService.getValue(USE_SLOW_PICKER)) {
let taskResult: { tasks: Promise<Task[]>, grouped: Promise<TaskMap> } | undefined = undefined;
if (!tasks) {
taskResult = this.tasksAndGroupedTasks();
this.showQuickPick(tasks ? tasks : taskResult!.tasks, placeholder,
label: nls.localize('TaskService.noEntryToRunSlow', '$(plus) Configure a Task'),
task: null
then((entry) => {
return pickThen(entry ? entry.task : undefined);
} else {
label: nls.localize('TaskService.noEntryToRun', '$(plus) Configure a Task'),
task: null
private reRunTaskCommand(): void {
if (!this.canRunCommand()) {
ProblemMatcherRegistry.onReady().then(() => {
return this.editorService.saveAll({ reason: SaveReason.AUTO }).then(() => { // make sure all dirty editors are saved
let executeResult = this.getTaskSystem().rerun();
if (executeResult) {
return this.handleExecuteResult(executeResult);
} else {
return Promise.resolve(undefined);
private splitPerGroupType(tasks: Task[]): { none: Task[], defaults: Task[] } {
let none: Task[] = [];
let defaults: Task[] = [];
for (let task of tasks) {
if ((task.configurationProperties.group as TaskGroup).isDefault) {
} else {
return { none, defaults };
private runBuildCommand(): void {
if (!this.canRunCommand()) {
if (this.schemaVersion === JsonSchemaVersion.V0_1_0) {
let options: IProgressOptions = {
location: ProgressLocation.Window,
title: nls.localize('TaskService.fetchingBuildTasks', 'Fetching build tasks...')
let promise = (async () => {
const buildTasks = await this._findWorkspaceTasksInGroup(TaskGroup.Build);
async function runSingleBuildTask(task: Task | undefined, problemMatcherOptions: ProblemMatcherRunOptions | undefined, that: AbstractTaskService) {
that.run(task, problemMatcherOptions, TaskRunSource.User).then(undefined, reason => {
// eat the error, it has already been surfaced to the user and we don't care about it here
if (buildTasks.length === 1) {
const buildTask = buildTasks[0];
if (ConfiguringTask.is(buildTask)) {
this.tryResolveTask(buildTask).then(resolvedTask => {
runSingleBuildTask(resolvedTask, undefined, this);
} else {
runSingleBuildTask(buildTask, undefined, this);
return this.getTasksForGroup(TaskGroup.Build).then((tasks) => {
if (tasks.length > 0) {
let { none, defaults } = this.splitPerGroupType(tasks);
if (defaults.length === 1) {
runSingleBuildTask(defaults[0], undefined, this);
} else if (defaults.length + none.length > 0) {
tasks = defaults.concat(none);
this.showIgnoredFoldersMessage().then(() => {
nls.localize('TaskService.pickBuildTask', 'Select the build task to run'),
label: nls.localize('TaskService.noBuildTask', 'No build task to run found. Configure Build Task...'),
task: null
true).then((entry) => {
let task: Task | undefined | null = entry ? entry.task : undefined;
if (task === undefined) {
if (task === null) {
runSingleBuildTask(task, { attachProblemMatcher: true }, this);
this.progressService.withProgress(options, () => promise);
private runTestCommand(): void {
if (!this.canRunCommand()) {
if (this.schemaVersion === JsonSchemaVersion.V0_1_0) {
let options: IProgressOptions = {
location: ProgressLocation.Window,
title: nls.localize('TaskService.fetchingTestTasks', 'Fetching test tasks...')
let promise = this.getTasksForGroup(TaskGroup.Test).then((tasks) => {
if (tasks.length > 0) {
let { none, defaults } = this.splitPerGroupType(tasks);
if (defaults.length === 1) {
this.run(defaults[0], undefined, TaskRunSource.User).then(undefined, reason => {
// eat the error, it has already been surfaced to the user and we don't care about it here
} else if (defaults.length + none.length > 0) {
tasks = defaults.concat(none);
this.showIgnoredFoldersMessage().then(() => {
nls.localize('TaskService.pickTestTask', 'Select the test task to run'),
label: nls.localize('TaskService.noTestTaskTerminal', 'No test task to run found. Configure Tasks...'),
task: null
}, true
).then((entry) => {
let task: Task | undefined | null = entry ? entry.task : undefined;
if (task === undefined) {
if (task === null) {
this.run(task, undefined, TaskRunSource.User).then(undefined, reason => {
// eat the error, it has already been surfaced to the user and we don't care about it here
this.progressService.withProgress(options, () => promise);
private runTerminateCommand(arg?: any): void {
if (!this.canRunCommand()) {
if (arg === 'terminateAll') {
let runQuickPick = (promise?: Promise<Task[]>) => {
this.showQuickPick(promise || this.getActiveTasks(),
nls.localize('TaskService.taskToTerminate', 'Select a task to terminate'),
label: nls.localize('TaskService.noTaskRunning', 'No task is currently running'),
task: undefined
false, true,
label: nls.localize('TaskService.terminateAllRunningTasks', 'All Running Tasks'),
id: 'terminateAll',
task: undefined
).then(entry => {
if (entry && entry.id === 'terminateAll') {
let task: Task | undefined | null = entry ? entry.task : undefined;
if (task === undefined || task === null) {
if (this.inTerminal()) {
let identifier = this.getTaskIdentifier(arg);
let promise: Promise<Task[]>;
if (identifier !== undefined) {
promise = this.getActiveTasks();
promise.then((tasks) => {
for (let task of tasks) {
if (task.matches(identifier)) {
} else {
} else {
this.isActive().then((active) => {
if (active) {
this.terminateAll().then((responses) => {
// the output runner has only one task
let response = responses[0];
if (response.success) {
if (response.code && response.code === TerminateResponseCode.ProcessNotFound) {
this.notificationService.error(nls.localize('TerminateAction.noProcess', 'The launched process doesn\'t exist anymore. If the task spawned background tasks exiting VS Code might result in orphaned processes.'));
} else {
this.notificationService.error(nls.localize('TerminateAction.failed', 'Failed to terminate running task'));
private runRestartTaskCommand(arg?: any): void {
if (!this.canRunCommand()) {
let runQuickPick = (promise?: Promise<Task[]>) => {
this.showQuickPick(promise || this.getActiveTasks(),
nls.localize('TaskService.taskToRestart', 'Select the task to restart'),
label: nls.localize('TaskService.noTaskToRestart', 'No task to restart'),
task: null
false, true
).then(entry => {
let task: Task | undefined | null = entry ? entry.task : undefined;
if (task === undefined || task === null) {
if (this.inTerminal()) {
let identifier = this.getTaskIdentifier(arg);
let promise: Promise<Task[]>;
if (identifier !== undefined) {
promise = this.getActiveTasks();
promise.then((tasks) => {
for (let task of tasks) {
if (task.matches(identifier)) {
} else {
} else {
this.getActiveTasks().then((activeTasks) => {
if (activeTasks.length === 0) {
let task = activeTasks[0];
private getTaskIdentifier(arg?: any): string | KeyedTaskIdentifier | undefined {
let result: string | KeyedTaskIdentifier | undefined = undefined;
if (Types.isString(arg)) {
result = arg;
} else if (arg && Types.isString((arg as TaskIdentifier).type)) {
result = TaskDefinition.createTaskIdentifier(arg as TaskIdentifier, console);
return result;
private configHasTasks(taskConfig?: TaskConfig.ExternalTaskRunnerConfiguration): boolean {
return !!taskConfig && !!taskConfig.tasks && taskConfig.tasks.length > 0;
private openTaskFile(resource: URI, taskSource: string) {
let configFileCreated = false;
this.fileService.resolve(resource).then((stat) => stat, () => undefined).then(async (stat) => {
const fileExists: boolean = !!stat;
const configValue = this.configurationService.inspect<TaskConfig.ExternalTaskRunnerConfiguration>('tasks');
let tasksExistInFile: boolean;
let target: ConfigurationTarget;
switch (taskSource) {
case TaskSourceKind.User: tasksExistInFile = this.configHasTasks(configValue.userValue); target = ConfigurationTarget.USER; break;
case TaskSourceKind.WorkspaceFile: tasksExistInFile = this.configHasTasks(configValue.workspaceValue); target = ConfigurationTarget.WORKSPACE; break;
default: tasksExistInFile = this.configHasTasks(configValue.value); target = ConfigurationTarget.WORKSPACE_FOLDER;
let content;
if (!tasksExistInFile) {
const pickTemplateResult = await this.quickInputService.pick(getTaskTemplates(), { placeHolder: nls.localize('TaskService.template', 'Select a Task Template') });
if (!pickTemplateResult) {
return Promise.resolve(undefined);
content = pickTemplateResult.content;
let editorConfig = this.configurationService.getValue() as any;
if (editorConfig.editor.insertSpaces) {
content = content.replace(/(\n)(\t+)/g, (_, s1, s2) => s1 + ' '.repeat(s2.length * editorConfig.editor.tabSize));
configFileCreated = true;
type TaskServiceTemplateClassification = {
templateId?: { classification: 'SystemMetaData', purpose: 'FeatureInsight' };
autoDetect: { classification: 'SystemMetaData', purpose: 'FeatureInsight', isMeasurement: true };
type TaskServiceEvent = {
templateId?: string;
autoDetect: boolean;
this.telemetryService.publicLog2<TaskServiceEvent, TaskServiceTemplateClassification>('taskService.template', {
templateId: pickTemplateResult.id,
autoDetect: pickTemplateResult.autoDetect
if (!fileExists && content) {
return this.textFileService.create([{ resource, value: content }]).then(result => {
return result[0].resource;
} else if (fileExists && (tasksExistInFile || content)) {
if (content) {
this.configurationService.updateValue('tasks', json.parse(content), target);
return stat?.resource;
return undefined;
}).then((resource) => {
if (!resource) {
options: {
pinned: configFileCreated // pin only if config file is created #8727
private isTaskEntry(value: IQuickPickItem): value is IQuickPickItem & { task: Task } {
let candidate: IQuickPickItem & { task: Task } = value as any;
return candidate && !!candidate.task;
private isSettingEntry(value: IQuickPickItem): value is IQuickPickItem & { settingType: string } {
let candidate: IQuickPickItem & { settingType: string } = value as any;
return candidate && !!candidate.settingType;
private configureTask(task: Task) {
if (ContributedTask.is(task)) {
this.customize(task, undefined, true);
} else if (CustomTask.is(task)) {
} else if (ConfiguringTask.is(task)) {
// Do nothing.
private handleSelection(selection: TaskQuickPickEntryType | undefined) {
if (!selection) {
if (this.isTaskEntry(selection)) {
} else if (this.isSettingEntry(selection)) {
const taskQuickPick = new TaskQuickPick(this, this.configurationService, this.quickInputService, this.notificationService, this.dialogService);
} else if (selection.folder && (this.contextService.getWorkbenchState() !== WorkbenchState.EMPTY)) {
this.openTaskFile(selection.folder.toResource('.vscode/tasks.json'), TaskSourceKind.Workspace);
} else {
const resource = this.getResourceForKind(TaskSourceKind.User);
if (resource) {
this.openTaskFile(resource, TaskSourceKind.User);
public getTaskDescription(task: Task | ConfiguringTask): string | undefined {
let description: string | undefined;
if (task._source.kind === TaskSourceKind.User) {
description = nls.localize('taskQuickPick.userSettings', 'User');
} else if (task._source.kind === TaskSourceKind.WorkspaceFile) {
description = task.getWorkspaceFileName();
} else if (this.needsFolderQualification()) {
let workspaceFolder = task.getWorkspaceFolder();
if (workspaceFolder) {
description = workspaceFolder.name;
return description;
private async runConfigureTasks(): Promise<void> {
if (!(await this.trust())) {
if (!this.canRunCommand()) {
return undefined;
let taskPromise: Promise<TaskMap>;
if (this.schemaVersion === JsonSchemaVersion.V2_0_0) {
taskPromise = this.getGroupedTasks();
} else {
taskPromise = Promise.resolve(new TaskMap());
let stats = this.contextService.getWorkspace().folders.map<Promise<IFileStat | undefined>>((folder) => {
return this.fileService.resolve(folder.toResource('.vscode/tasks.json')).then(stat => stat, () => undefined);
let createLabel = nls.localize('TaskService.createJsonFile', 'Create tasks.json file from template');
let openLabel = nls.localize('TaskService.openJsonFile', 'Open tasks.json file');
const tokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
const cancellationToken: CancellationToken = tokenSource.token;
let entries = Promise.all(stats).then((stats) => {
return taskPromise.then((taskMap) => {
let entries: QuickPickInput<TaskQuickPickEntryType>[] = [];
let needsCreateOrOpen: boolean = true;
let tasks = taskMap.all();
if (tasks.length > 0) {
tasks = tasks.sort((a, b) => a._label.localeCompare(b._label));
for (let task of tasks) {
entries.push({ label: task._label, task, description: this.getTaskDescription(task), detail: this.showDetail() ? task.configurationProperties.detail : undefined });
if (!ContributedTask.is(task)) {
needsCreateOrOpen = false;
if (needsCreateOrOpen) {
let label = stats[0] !== undefined ? openLabel : createLabel;
if (entries.length) {
entries.push({ type: 'separator' });
entries.push({ label, folder: this.contextService.getWorkspace().folders[0] });
if ((entries.length === 1) && !needsCreateOrOpen) {
return entries;
const timeout: boolean = await Promise.race([new Promise<boolean>((resolve) => {
entries.then(() => resolve(false));
}), new Promise<boolean>((resolve) => {
const timer = setTimeout(() => {
}, 200);
if (!timeout && ((await entries).length === 1) && this.configurationService.getValue<boolean>(QUICKOPEN_SKIP_CONFIG)) {
const entry: any = <any>((await entries)[0]);
if (entry.task) {
const entriesWithSettings = entries.then(resolvedEntries => {
return resolvedEntries;
{ placeHolder: nls.localize('TaskService.pickTask', 'Select a task to configure') }, cancellationToken).
then(async (selection) => {
if (cancellationToken.isCancellationRequested) {
// canceled when there's only one task
const task = (await entries)[0];
if ((<any>task).task) {
selection = <TaskQuickPickEntryType>task;
private runConfigureDefaultBuildTask(): void {
if (!this.canRunCommand()) {
if (this.schemaVersion === JsonSchemaVersion.V2_0_0) {
this.tasks().then((tasks => {
if (tasks.length === 0) {
let selectedTask: Task | undefined;
let selectedEntry: TaskQuickPickEntry;
for (let task of tasks) {
let taskGroup: TaskGroup | undefined = TaskGroup.from(task.configurationProperties.group);
if (taskGroup && taskGroup.isDefault && taskGroup._id === TaskGroup.Build._id) {
selectedTask = task;
if (selectedTask) {
selectedEntry = {
label: nls.localize('TaskService.defaultBuildTaskExists', '{0} is already marked as the default build task', selectedTask.getQualifiedLabel()),
task: selectedTask,
detail: this.showDetail() ? selectedTask.configurationProperties.detail : undefined
this.showIgnoredFoldersMessage().then(() => {
nls.localize('TaskService.pickDefaultBuildTask', 'Select the task to be used as the default build task'), undefined, true, false, selectedEntry).
then((entry) => {
let task: Task | undefined | null = entry ? entry.task : undefined;
if ((task === undefined) || (task === null)) {
if (task === selectedTask && CustomTask.is(task)) {
if (!InMemoryTask.is(task)) {
this.customize(task, { group: { kind: 'build', isDefault: true } }, true).then(() => {
if (selectedTask && (task !== selectedTask) && !InMemoryTask.is(selectedTask)) {
this.customize(selectedTask, { group: 'build' }, false);
} else {
private runConfigureDefaultTestTask(): void {
if (!this.canRunCommand()) {
if (this.schemaVersion === JsonSchemaVersion.V2_0_0) {
this.tasks().then((tasks => {
if (tasks.length === 0) {
let selectedTask: Task | undefined;
let selectedEntry: TaskQuickPickEntry;
for (let task of tasks) {
let taskGroup: TaskGroup | undefined = TaskGroup.from(task.configurationProperties.group);
if (taskGroup && taskGroup.isDefault && taskGroup._id === TaskGroup.Test._id) {
selectedTask = task;
if (selectedTask) {
selectedEntry = {
label: nls.localize('TaskService.defaultTestTaskExists', '{0} is already marked as the default test task.', selectedTask.getQualifiedLabel()),
task: selectedTask,
detail: this.showDetail() ? selectedTask.configurationProperties.detail : undefined
this.showIgnoredFoldersMessage().then(() => {
nls.localize('TaskService.pickDefaultTestTask', 'Select the task to be used as the default test task'), undefined, true, false, selectedEntry).then((entry) => {
let task: Task | undefined | null = entry ? entry.task : undefined;
if (!task) {
if (task === selectedTask && CustomTask.is(task)) {
if (!InMemoryTask.is(task)) {
this.customize(task, { group: { kind: 'test', isDefault: true } }, true).then(() => {
if (selectedTask && (task !== selectedTask) && !InMemoryTask.is(selectedTask)) {
this.customize(selectedTask, { group: 'test' }, false);
} else {
public async runShowTasks(): Promise<void> {
if (!this.canRunCommand()) {
const activeTasksPromise: Promise<Task[]> = this.getActiveTasks();
const activeTasks: Task[] = await activeTasksPromise;
let group: string | undefined;
if (activeTasks.length === 1) {
} else if (activeTasks.length && activeTasks.every((task) => {
if (InMemoryTask.is(task)) {
return false;
if (!group) {
group = task.command.presentation?.group;
return task.command.presentation?.group && (task.command.presentation.group === group);
})) {
} else {
nls.localize('TaskService.pickShowTask', 'Select the task to show its output'),
label: nls.localize('TaskService.noTaskIsRunning', 'No task is running'),
task: null
false, true
).then((entry) => {
let task: Task | undefined | null = entry ? entry.task : undefined;
if (task === undefined || task === null) {
private async createTasksDotOld(folder: IWorkspaceFolder): Promise<[URI, URI] | undefined> {
const tasksFile = folder.toResource('.vscode/tasks.json');
if (await this.fileService.exists(tasksFile)) {
const oldFile = tasksFile.with({ path: `${tasksFile.path}.old` });
await this.fileService.copy(tasksFile, oldFile, true);
return [oldFile, tasksFile];
return undefined;
private upgradeTask(task: Task, suppressTaskName: boolean, globalConfig: { windows?: CommandUpgrade, osx?: CommandUpgrade, linux?: CommandUpgrade }): TaskConfig.CustomTask | TaskConfig.ConfiguringTask | undefined {
if (!CustomTask.is(task)) {
const configElement: any = {
label: task._label
const oldTaskTypes = new Set(['gulp', 'jake', 'grunt']);
if (Types.isString(task.command.name) && oldTaskTypes.has(task.command.name)) {
configElement.type = task.command.name;
configElement.task = task.command.args![0];
} else {
if (task.command.runtime === RuntimeType.Shell) {
configElement.type = RuntimeType.toString(RuntimeType.Shell);
if (task.command.name && !suppressTaskName && !globalConfig.windows?.command && !globalConfig.osx?.command && !globalConfig.linux?.command) {
configElement.command = task.command.name;
} else if (suppressTaskName) {
configElement.command = task._source.config.element.command;
if (task.command.args && (!Types.isArray(task.command.args) || (task.command.args.length > 0))) {
if (!globalConfig.windows?.args && !globalConfig.osx?.args && !globalConfig.linux?.args) {
configElement.args = task.command.args;
} else {
configElement.args = task._source.config.element.args;
if (task.configurationProperties.presentation) {
configElement.presentation = task.configurationProperties.presentation;
if (task.configurationProperties.isBackground) {
configElement.isBackground = task.configurationProperties.isBackground;
if (task.configurationProperties.problemMatchers) {
configElement.problemMatcher = task._source.config.element.problemMatcher;
if (task.configurationProperties.group) {
configElement.group = task.configurationProperties.group;
task._source.config.element = configElement;
const tempTask = new CustomTask(task._id, task._source, task._label, task.type, task.command, task.hasDefinedMatchers, task.runOptions, task.configurationProperties);
const configTask = this.createCustomizableTask(tempTask);
if (configTask) {
return configTask;
private async upgrade(): Promise<void> {
if (this.schemaVersion === JsonSchemaVersion.V2_0_0) {
if (!this.workspaceTrustManagementService.isWorkspaceTrusted()) {
this._register(Event.once(this.workspaceTrustManagementService.onDidChangeTrust)(isTrusted => {
if (isTrusted) {
const tasks = await this.getGroupedTasks();
const fileDiffs: [URI, URI][] = [];
for (const folder of this.workspaceFolders) {
const diff = await this.createTasksDotOld(folder);
if (diff) {
if (!diff) {
const configTasks: (TaskConfig.CustomTask | TaskConfig.ConfiguringTask)[] = [];
const suppressTaskName = !!this.configurationService.getValue('tasks.suppressTaskName', { resource: folder.uri });
const globalConfig = {
windows: <CommandUpgrade>this.configurationService.getValue('tasks.windows', { resource: folder.uri }),
osx: <CommandUpgrade>this.configurationService.getValue('tasks.osx', { resource: folder.uri }),
linux: <CommandUpgrade>this.configurationService.getValue('tasks.linux', { resource: folder.uri })
tasks.get(folder).forEach(task => {
const configTask = this.upgradeTask(task, suppressTaskName, globalConfig);
if (configTask) {
this._taskSystem = undefined;
this._workspaceTasksPromise = undefined;
await this.writeConfiguration(folder, 'tasks.tasks', configTasks);
await this.writeConfiguration(folder, 'tasks.version', '2.0.0');
if (this.configurationService.getValue('tasks.showOutput', { resource: folder.uri })) {
await this.configurationService.updateValue('tasks.showOutput', undefined, { resource: folder.uri });
if (this.configurationService.getValue('tasks.isShellCommand', { resource: folder.uri })) {
await this.configurationService.updateValue('tasks.isShellCommand', undefined, { resource: folder.uri });
if (this.configurationService.getValue('tasks.suppressTaskName', { resource: folder.uri })) {
await this.configurationService.updateValue('tasks.suppressTaskName', undefined, { resource: folder.uri });
fileDiffs.length === 1 ?
nls.localize('taskService.upgradeVersion', "The deprecated tasks version 0.1.0 has been removed. Your tasks have been upgraded to version 2.0.0. Open the diff to review the upgrade.")
: nls.localize('taskService.upgradeVersionPlural', "The deprecated tasks version 0.1.0 has been removed. Your tasks have been upgraded to version 2.0.0. Open the diffs to review the upgrade."),
label: fileDiffs.length === 1 ? nls.localize('taskService.openDiff', "Open diff") : nls.localize('taskService.openDiffs', "Open diffs"),
run: async () => {
for (const upgrade of fileDiffs) {
await this.editorService.openEditor({
original: { resource: upgrade[0] },
modified: { resource: upgrade[1] }