
811 lines
27 KiB

* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
import { createHash } from 'crypto';
import { createConnection, createServer, Server as NetServer, Socket } from 'net';
import { tmpdir } from 'os';
import { VSBuffer } from 'vs/base/common/buffer';
import { onUnexpectedError } from 'vs/base/common/errors';
import { Emitter, Event } from 'vs/base/common/event';
import { Disposable, IDisposable } from 'vs/base/common/lifecycle';
import { join } from 'vs/base/common/path';
import { Platform, platform } from 'vs/base/common/platform';
import { generateUuid } from 'vs/base/common/uuid';
import { ClientConnectionEvent, IPCServer } from 'vs/base/parts/ipc/common/ipc';
import { ChunkStream, Client, ISocket, Protocol, SocketCloseEvent, SocketCloseEventType, SocketDiagnostics, SocketDiagnosticsEventType } from 'vs/base/parts/ipc/common/ipc.net';
import * as zlib from 'zlib';
export class NodeSocket implements ISocket {
public readonly debugLabel: string;
public readonly socket: Socket;
private readonly _errorListener: (err: any) => void;
public traceSocketEvent(type: SocketDiagnosticsEventType, data?: VSBuffer | Uint8Array | ArrayBuffer | ArrayBufferView | any): void {
SocketDiagnostics.traceSocketEvent(this.socket, this.debugLabel, type, data);
constructor(socket: Socket, debugLabel: string = '') {
this.debugLabel = debugLabel;
this.socket = socket;
this.traceSocketEvent(SocketDiagnosticsEventType.Created, { type: 'NodeSocket' });
this._errorListener = (err: any) => {
this.traceSocketEvent(SocketDiagnosticsEventType.Error, { code: err?.code, message: err?.message });
if (err) {
if (err.code === 'EPIPE') {
// An EPIPE exception at the wrong time can lead to a renderer process crash
// so ignore the error since the socket will fire the close event soon anyways:
// > https://nodejs.org/api/errors.html#errors_common_system_errors
// > EPIPE (Broken pipe): A write on a pipe, socket, or FIFO for which there is no
// > process to read the data. Commonly encountered at the net and http layers,
// > indicative that the remote side of the stream being written to has been closed.
this.socket.on('error', this._errorListener);
public dispose(): void {
this.socket.off('error', this._errorListener);
public onData(_listener: (e: VSBuffer) => void): IDisposable {
const listener = (buff: Buffer) => {
this.traceSocketEvent(SocketDiagnosticsEventType.Read, buff);
this.socket.on('data', listener);
return {
dispose: () => this.socket.off('data', listener)
public onClose(listener: (e: SocketCloseEvent) => void): IDisposable {
const adapter = (hadError: boolean) => {
this.traceSocketEvent(SocketDiagnosticsEventType.Close, { hadError });
type: SocketCloseEventType.NodeSocketCloseEvent,
hadError: hadError,
error: undefined
this.socket.on('close', adapter);
return {
dispose: () => this.socket.off('close', adapter)
public onEnd(listener: () => void): IDisposable {
const adapter = () => {
this.socket.on('end', adapter);
return {
dispose: () => this.socket.off('end', adapter)
public write(buffer: VSBuffer): void {
// return early if socket has been destroyed in the meantime
if (this.socket.destroyed) {
// we ignore the returned value from `write` because we would have to cached the data
// anyways and nodejs is already doing that for us:
// > https://nodejs.org/api/stream.html#stream_writable_write_chunk_encoding_callback
// > However, the false return value is only advisory and the writable stream will unconditionally
// > accept and buffer chunk even if it has not been allowed to drain.
try {
this.traceSocketEvent(SocketDiagnosticsEventType.Write, buffer);
this.socket.write(buffer.buffer, (err: any) => {
if (err) {
if (err.code === 'EPIPE') {
// An EPIPE exception at the wrong time can lead to a renderer process crash
// so ignore the error since the socket will fire the close event soon anyways:
// > https://nodejs.org/api/errors.html#errors_common_system_errors
// > EPIPE (Broken pipe): A write on a pipe, socket, or FIFO for which there is no
// > process to read the data. Commonly encountered at the net and http layers,
// > indicative that the remote side of the stream being written to has been closed.
} catch (err) {
if (err.code === 'EPIPE') {
// An EPIPE exception at the wrong time can lead to a renderer process crash
// so ignore the error since the socket will fire the close event soon anyways:
// > https://nodejs.org/api/errors.html#errors_common_system_errors
// > EPIPE (Broken pipe): A write on a pipe, socket, or FIFO for which there is no
// > process to read the data. Commonly encountered at the net and http layers,
// > indicative that the remote side of the stream being written to has been closed.
public end(): void {
public drain(): Promise<void> {
return new Promise<void>((resolve, reject) => {
if (this.socket.bufferSize === 0) {
const finished = () => {
this.socket.off('close', finished);
this.socket.off('end', finished);
this.socket.off('error', finished);
this.socket.off('timeout', finished);
this.socket.off('drain', finished);
this.socket.on('close', finished);
this.socket.on('end', finished);
this.socket.on('error', finished);
this.socket.on('timeout', finished);
this.socket.on('drain', finished);
const enum Constants {
MinHeaderByteSize = 2
const enum ReadState {
PeekHeader = 1,
ReadHeader = 2,
ReadBody = 3,
Fin = 4
interface ISocketTracer {
traceSocketEvent(type: SocketDiagnosticsEventType, data?: VSBuffer | Uint8Array | ArrayBuffer | ArrayBufferView | any): void
* See https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6455#section-5.2
export class WebSocketNodeSocket extends Disposable implements ISocket, ISocketTracer {
public readonly socket: NodeSocket;
private readonly _flowManager: WebSocketFlowManager;
private readonly _incomingData: ChunkStream;
private readonly _onData = this._register(new Emitter<VSBuffer>());
private readonly _onClose = this._register(new Emitter<SocketCloseEvent>());
private _isEnded: boolean = false;
private readonly _state = {
state: ReadState.PeekHeader,
readLen: Constants.MinHeaderByteSize,
fin: 0,
compressed: false,
firstFrameOfMessage: true,
mask: 0
public get permessageDeflate(): boolean {
return this._flowManager.permessageDeflate;
public get recordedInflateBytes(): VSBuffer {
return this._flowManager.recordedInflateBytes;
public traceSocketEvent(type: SocketDiagnosticsEventType, data?: VSBuffer | Uint8Array | ArrayBuffer | ArrayBufferView | any): void {
this.socket.traceSocketEvent(type, data);
* Create a socket which can communicate using WebSocket frames.
* **NOTE**: When using the permessage-deflate WebSocket extension, if parts of inflating was done
* in a different zlib instance, we need to pass all those bytes into zlib, otherwise the inflate
* might hit an inflated portion referencing a distance too far back.
* @param socket The underlying socket
* @param permessageDeflate Use the permessage-deflate WebSocket extension
* @param inflateBytes "Seed" zlib inflate with these bytes.
* @param recordInflateBytes Record all bytes sent to inflate
constructor(socket: NodeSocket, permessageDeflate: boolean, inflateBytes: VSBuffer | null, recordInflateBytes: boolean) {
this.socket = socket;
this.traceSocketEvent(SocketDiagnosticsEventType.Created, { type: 'WebSocketNodeSocket', permessageDeflate, inflateBytesLength: inflateBytes?.byteLength || 0, recordInflateBytes });
this._flowManager = this._register(new WebSocketFlowManager(
(data, compressed) => this._write(data, compressed)
this._register(this._flowManager.onError((err) => {
// zlib errors are fatal, since we have no idea how to recover
type: SocketCloseEventType.NodeSocketCloseEvent,
hadError: true,
error: err
this._incomingData = new ChunkStream();
this._register(this.socket.onData(data => this._acceptChunk(data)));
this._register(this.socket.onClose((e) => this._onClose.fire(e)));
public override dispose(): void {
if (this._flowManager.isProcessingWriteQueue()) {
// Wait for any outstanding writes to finish before disposing
this._register(this._flowManager.onDidFinishProcessingWriteQueue(() => {
} else {
public onData(listener: (e: VSBuffer) => void): IDisposable {
return this._onData.event(listener);
public onClose(listener: (e: SocketCloseEvent) => void): IDisposable {
return this._onClose.event(listener);
public onEnd(listener: () => void): IDisposable {
return this.socket.onEnd(listener);
public write(buffer: VSBuffer): void {
private _write(buffer: VSBuffer, compressed: boolean): void {
if (this._isEnded) {
this.traceSocketEvent(SocketDiagnosticsEventType.WebSocketNodeSocketWrite, buffer);
let headerLen = Constants.MinHeaderByteSize;
if (buffer.byteLength < 126) {
headerLen += 0;
} else if (buffer.byteLength < 2 ** 16) {
headerLen += 2;
} else {
headerLen += 8;
const header = VSBuffer.alloc(headerLen);
if (compressed) {
// The RSV1 bit indicates a compressed frame
header.writeUInt8(0b11000010, 0);
} else {
header.writeUInt8(0b10000010, 0);
if (buffer.byteLength < 126) {
header.writeUInt8(buffer.byteLength, 1);
} else if (buffer.byteLength < 2 ** 16) {
header.writeUInt8(126, 1);
let offset = 1;
header.writeUInt8((buffer.byteLength >>> 8) & 0b11111111, ++offset);
header.writeUInt8((buffer.byteLength >>> 0) & 0b11111111, ++offset);
} else {
header.writeUInt8(127, 1);
let offset = 1;
header.writeUInt8(0, ++offset);
header.writeUInt8(0, ++offset);
header.writeUInt8(0, ++offset);
header.writeUInt8(0, ++offset);
header.writeUInt8((buffer.byteLength >>> 24) & 0b11111111, ++offset);
header.writeUInt8((buffer.byteLength >>> 16) & 0b11111111, ++offset);
header.writeUInt8((buffer.byteLength >>> 8) & 0b11111111, ++offset);
header.writeUInt8((buffer.byteLength >>> 0) & 0b11111111, ++offset);
this.socket.write(VSBuffer.concat([header, buffer]));
public end(): void {
this._isEnded = true;
private _acceptChunk(data: VSBuffer): void {
if (data.byteLength === 0) {
while (this._incomingData.byteLength >= this._state.readLen) {
if (this._state.state === ReadState.PeekHeader) {
// peek to see if we can read the entire header
const peekHeader = this._incomingData.peek(this._state.readLen);
const firstByte = peekHeader.readUInt8(0);
const finBit = (firstByte & 0b10000000) >>> 7;
const rsv1Bit = (firstByte & 0b01000000) >>> 6;
const secondByte = peekHeader.readUInt8(1);
const hasMask = (secondByte & 0b10000000) >>> 7;
const len = (secondByte & 0b01111111);
this._state.state = ReadState.ReadHeader;
this._state.readLen = Constants.MinHeaderByteSize + (hasMask ? 4 : 0) + (len === 126 ? 2 : 0) + (len === 127 ? 8 : 0);
this._state.fin = finBit;
if (this._state.firstFrameOfMessage) {
// if the frame is compressed, the RSV1 bit is set only for the first frame of the message
this._state.compressed = Boolean(rsv1Bit);
this._state.firstFrameOfMessage = Boolean(finBit);
this._state.mask = 0;
this.traceSocketEvent(SocketDiagnosticsEventType.WebSocketNodeSocketPeekedHeader, { headerSize: this._state.readLen, compressed: this._state.compressed, fin: this._state.fin });
} else if (this._state.state === ReadState.ReadHeader) {
// read entire header
const header = this._incomingData.read(this._state.readLen);
const secondByte = header.readUInt8(1);
const hasMask = (secondByte & 0b10000000) >>> 7;
let len = (secondByte & 0b01111111);
let offset = 1;
if (len === 126) {
len = (
header.readUInt8(++offset) * 2 ** 8
+ header.readUInt8(++offset)
} else if (len === 127) {
len = (
header.readUInt8(++offset) * 0
+ header.readUInt8(++offset) * 0
+ header.readUInt8(++offset) * 0
+ header.readUInt8(++offset) * 0
+ header.readUInt8(++offset) * 2 ** 24
+ header.readUInt8(++offset) * 2 ** 16
+ header.readUInt8(++offset) * 2 ** 8
+ header.readUInt8(++offset)
let mask = 0;
if (hasMask) {
mask = (
header.readUInt8(++offset) * 2 ** 24
+ header.readUInt8(++offset) * 2 ** 16
+ header.readUInt8(++offset) * 2 ** 8
+ header.readUInt8(++offset)
this._state.state = ReadState.ReadBody;
this._state.readLen = len;
this._state.mask = mask;
this.traceSocketEvent(SocketDiagnosticsEventType.WebSocketNodeSocketPeekedHeader, { bodySize: this._state.readLen, compressed: this._state.compressed, fin: this._state.fin, mask: this._state.mask });
} else if (this._state.state === ReadState.ReadBody) {
// read body
const body = this._incomingData.read(this._state.readLen);
this.traceSocketEvent(SocketDiagnosticsEventType.WebSocketNodeSocketReadData, body);
unmask(body, this._state.mask);
this.traceSocketEvent(SocketDiagnosticsEventType.WebSocketNodeSocketUnmaskedData, body);
this._state.state = ReadState.PeekHeader;
this._state.readLen = Constants.MinHeaderByteSize;
this._state.mask = 0;
this._flowManager.acceptFrame(body, this._state.compressed, !!this._state.fin);
public async drain(): Promise<void> {
if (this._flowManager.isProcessingWriteQueue()) {
await Event.toPromise(this._flowManager.onDidFinishProcessingWriteQueue);
await this.socket.drain();
class WebSocketFlowManager extends Disposable {
private readonly _onError = this._register(new Emitter<Error>());
public readonly onError = this._onError.event;
private readonly _zlibInflateStream: ZlibInflateStream | null;
private readonly _zlibDeflateStream: ZlibDeflateStream | null;
private readonly _writeQueue: VSBuffer[] = [];
private readonly _readQueue: { data: VSBuffer, isCompressed: boolean, isLastFrameOfMessage: boolean }[] = [];
private readonly _onDidFinishProcessingWriteQueue = this._register(new Emitter<void>());
public readonly onDidFinishProcessingWriteQueue = this._onDidFinishProcessingWriteQueue.event;
public get permessageDeflate(): boolean {
return Boolean(this._zlibInflateStream && this._zlibDeflateStream);
public get recordedInflateBytes(): VSBuffer {
if (this._zlibInflateStream) {
return this._zlibInflateStream.recordedInflateBytes;
return VSBuffer.alloc(0);
private readonly _tracer: ISocketTracer,
permessageDeflate: boolean,
inflateBytes: VSBuffer | null,
recordInflateBytes: boolean,
private readonly _onData: Emitter<VSBuffer>,
private readonly _writeFn: (data: VSBuffer, compressed: boolean) => void
) {
if (permessageDeflate) {
// See https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7692#page-16
// To simplify our logic, we don't negotiate the window size
// and simply dedicate (2^15) / 32kb per web socket
this._zlibInflateStream = this._register(new ZlibInflateStream(this._tracer, recordInflateBytes, inflateBytes, { windowBits: 15 }));
this._zlibDeflateStream = this._register(new ZlibDeflateStream(this._tracer, { windowBits: 15 }));
this._register(this._zlibInflateStream.onError((err) => this._onError.fire(err)));
this._register(this._zlibDeflateStream.onError((err) => this._onError.fire(err)));
} else {
this._zlibInflateStream = null;
this._zlibDeflateStream = null;
public writeMessage(message: VSBuffer): void {
private _isProcessingWriteQueue = false;
private async _processWriteQueue(): Promise<void> {
if (this._isProcessingWriteQueue) {
this._isProcessingWriteQueue = true;
while (this._writeQueue.length > 0) {
const message = this._writeQueue.shift()!;
if (this._zlibDeflateStream) {
const data = await this._deflateMessage(this._zlibDeflateStream, message);
this._writeFn(data, true);
} else {
this._writeFn(message, false);
this._isProcessingWriteQueue = false;
public isProcessingWriteQueue(): boolean {
return (this._isProcessingWriteQueue);
* Subsequent calls should wait for the previous `_deflateBuffer` call to complete.
private _deflateMessage(zlibDeflateStream: ZlibDeflateStream, buffer: VSBuffer): Promise<VSBuffer> {
return new Promise<VSBuffer>((resolve, reject) => {
zlibDeflateStream.flush(data => resolve(data));
public acceptFrame(data: VSBuffer, isCompressed: boolean, isLastFrameOfMessage: boolean): void {
this._readQueue.push({ data, isCompressed, isLastFrameOfMessage });
private _isProcessingReadQueue = false;
private async _processReadQueue(): Promise<void> {
if (this._isProcessingReadQueue) {
this._isProcessingReadQueue = true;
while (this._readQueue.length > 0) {
const frameInfo = this._readQueue.shift()!;
if (this._zlibInflateStream && frameInfo.isCompressed) {
// See https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7692#section-9.2
// Even if permessageDeflate is negotiated, it is possible
// that the other side might decide to send uncompressed messages
// So only decompress messages that have the RSV 1 bit set
const data = await this._inflateFrame(this._zlibInflateStream, frameInfo.data, frameInfo.isLastFrameOfMessage);
} else {
this._isProcessingReadQueue = false;
* Subsequent calls should wait for the previous `transformRead` call to complete.
private _inflateFrame(zlibInflateStream: ZlibInflateStream, buffer: VSBuffer, isLastFrameOfMessage: boolean): Promise<VSBuffer> {
return new Promise<VSBuffer>((resolve, reject) => {
// See https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7692#section-7.2.2
if (isLastFrameOfMessage) {
zlibInflateStream.write(VSBuffer.fromByteArray([0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff]));
zlibInflateStream.flush(data => resolve(data));
class ZlibInflateStream extends Disposable {
private readonly _onError = this._register(new Emitter<Error>());
public readonly onError = this._onError.event;
private readonly _zlibInflate: zlib.InflateRaw;
private readonly _recordedInflateBytes: VSBuffer[] = [];
private readonly _pendingInflateData: VSBuffer[] = [];
public get recordedInflateBytes(): VSBuffer {
if (this._recordInflateBytes) {
return VSBuffer.concat(this._recordedInflateBytes);
return VSBuffer.alloc(0);
private readonly _tracer: ISocketTracer,
private readonly _recordInflateBytes: boolean,
inflateBytes: VSBuffer | null,
options: zlib.ZlibOptions
) {
this._zlibInflate = zlib.createInflateRaw(options);
this._zlibInflate.on('error', (err) => {
this._tracer.traceSocketEvent(SocketDiagnosticsEventType.zlibInflateError, { message: err?.message, code: (<any>err)?.code });
this._zlibInflate.on('data', (data: Buffer) => {
this._tracer.traceSocketEvent(SocketDiagnosticsEventType.zlibInflateData, data);
if (inflateBytes) {
this._tracer.traceSocketEvent(SocketDiagnosticsEventType.zlibInflateInitialWrite, inflateBytes.buffer);
this._zlibInflate.flush(() => {
this._pendingInflateData.length = 0;
public write(buffer: VSBuffer): void {
if (this._recordInflateBytes) {
this._tracer.traceSocketEvent(SocketDiagnosticsEventType.zlibInflateWrite, buffer);
public flush(callback: (data: VSBuffer) => void): void {
this._zlibInflate.flush(() => {
const data = VSBuffer.concat(this._pendingInflateData);
this._pendingInflateData.length = 0;
class ZlibDeflateStream extends Disposable {
private readonly _onError = this._register(new Emitter<Error>());
public readonly onError = this._onError.event;
private readonly _zlibDeflate: zlib.DeflateRaw;
private readonly _pendingDeflateData: VSBuffer[] = [];
private readonly _tracer: ISocketTracer,
options: zlib.ZlibOptions
) {
this._zlibDeflate = zlib.createDeflateRaw({
windowBits: 15
this._zlibDeflate.on('error', (err) => {
this._tracer.traceSocketEvent(SocketDiagnosticsEventType.zlibDeflateError, { message: err?.message, code: (<any>err)?.code });
this._zlibDeflate.on('data', (data: Buffer) => {
this._tracer.traceSocketEvent(SocketDiagnosticsEventType.zlibDeflateData, data);
public write(buffer: VSBuffer): void {
this._tracer.traceSocketEvent(SocketDiagnosticsEventType.zlibDeflateWrite, buffer.buffer);
public flush(callback: (data: VSBuffer) => void): void {
// See https://zlib.net/manual.html#Constants
this._zlibDeflate.flush(/*Z_SYNC_FLUSH*/2, () => {
let data = VSBuffer.concat(this._pendingDeflateData);
this._pendingDeflateData.length = 0;
// See https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7692#section-7.2.1
data = data.slice(0, data.byteLength - 4);
function unmask(buffer: VSBuffer, mask: number): void {
if (mask === 0) {
let cnt = buffer.byteLength >>> 2;
for (let i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
const v = buffer.readUInt32BE(i * 4);
buffer.writeUInt32BE(v ^ mask, i * 4);
let offset = cnt * 4;
let bytesLeft = buffer.byteLength - offset;
const m3 = (mask >>> 24) & 0b11111111;
const m2 = (mask >>> 16) & 0b11111111;
const m1 = (mask >>> 8) & 0b11111111;
if (bytesLeft >= 1) {
buffer.writeUInt8(buffer.readUInt8(offset) ^ m3, offset);
if (bytesLeft >= 2) {
buffer.writeUInt8(buffer.readUInt8(offset + 1) ^ m2, offset + 1);
if (bytesLeft >= 3) {
buffer.writeUInt8(buffer.readUInt8(offset + 2) ^ m1, offset + 2);
// Read this before there's any chance it is overwritten
// Related to https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/30624
export const XDG_RUNTIME_DIR = <string | undefined>process.env['XDG_RUNTIME_DIR'];
const safeIpcPathLengths: { [platform: number]: number } = {
[Platform.Linux]: 107,
[Platform.Mac]: 103
export function createRandomIPCHandle(): string {
const randomSuffix = generateUuid();
// Windows: use named pipe
if (process.platform === 'win32') {
return `\\\\.\\pipe\\vscode-ipc-${randomSuffix}-sock`;
// Mac/Unix: use socket file and prefer
// XDG_RUNTIME_DIR over tmpDir
let result: string;
result = join(XDG_RUNTIME_DIR, `vscode-ipc-${randomSuffix}.sock`);
} else {
result = join(tmpdir(), `vscode-ipc-${randomSuffix}.sock`);
// Validate length
return result;
export function createStaticIPCHandle(directoryPath: string, type: string, version: string): string {
const scope = createHash('md5').update(directoryPath).digest('hex');
// Windows: use named pipe
if (process.platform === 'win32') {
return `\\\\.\\pipe\\${scope}-${version}-${type}-sock`;
// Mac/Unix: use socket file and prefer
// XDG_RUNTIME_DIR over user data path
// unless portable
let result: string;
if (XDG_RUNTIME_DIR && !process.env['VSCODE_PORTABLE']) {
result = join(XDG_RUNTIME_DIR, `vscode-${scope.substr(0, 8)}-${version}-${type}.sock`);
} else {
result = join(directoryPath, `${version}-${type}.sock`);
// Validate length
return result;
function validateIPCHandleLength(handle: string): void {
const limit = safeIpcPathLengths[platform];
if (typeof limit === 'number' && handle.length >= limit) {
// https://nodejs.org/api/net.html#net_identifying_paths_for_ipc_connections
console.warn(`WARNING: IPC handle "${handle}" is longer than ${limit} chars, try a shorter --user-data-dir`);
export class Server extends IPCServer {
private static toClientConnectionEvent(server: NetServer): Event<ClientConnectionEvent> {
const onConnection = Event.fromNodeEventEmitter<Socket>(server, 'connection');
return Event.map(onConnection, socket => ({
protocol: new Protocol(new NodeSocket(socket, 'ipc-server-connection')),
onDidClientDisconnect: Event.once(Event.fromNodeEventEmitter<void>(socket, 'close'))
private server: NetServer | null;
constructor(server: NetServer) {
this.server = server;
override dispose(): void {
if (this.server) {
this.server = null;
export function serve(port: number): Promise<Server>;
export function serve(namedPipe: string): Promise<Server>;
export function serve(hook: any): Promise<Server> {
return new Promise<Server>((c, e) => {
const server = createServer();
server.on('error', e);
server.listen(hook, () => {
server.removeListener('error', e);
c(new Server(server));
export function connect(options: { host: string, port: number }, clientId: string): Promise<Client>;
export function connect(port: number, clientId: string): Promise<Client>;
export function connect(namedPipe: string, clientId: string): Promise<Client>;
export function connect(hook: any, clientId: string): Promise<Client> {
return new Promise<Client>((c, e) => {
const socket = createConnection(hook, () => {
socket.removeListener('error', e);
c(Client.fromSocket(new NodeSocket(socket, `ipc-client${clientId}`), clientId));
socket.once('error', e);