2015-11-13 14:39:38 +01:00

98 lines
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* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
/// <reference path="../src/vs/vscode.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="../src/typings/mocha.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="./node.d.ts" />
declare var define: {
(moduleName: string, dependencies: string[], callback: (...args: any[]) => any): any;
(moduleName: string, dependencies: string[], definition: any): any;
(moduleName: string, callback: (...args: any[]) => any): any;
(moduleName: string, definition: any): any;
(dependencies: string[], callback: (...args: any[]) => any): any;
(dependencies: string[], definition: any): any;
declare var require: {
toUrl(path: string): string;
(moduleName: string): any;
(dependencies: string[], callback: (...args: any[]) => any, errorback?: (err: any) => void): any;
config(data: any): any;
onError: Function;
__$__nodeRequire<T>(moduleName: string): T;
// Declaring the following because the code gets compiled with es5, which lack definitions for console and timers.
declare var console: {
info(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void;
profile(reportName?: string): void;
assert(test?: boolean, message?: string, ...optionalParams: any[]): void;
clear(): void;
dir(value?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void;
warn(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void;
error(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void;
log(message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]): void;
profileEnd(): void;
declare function clearTimeout(handle: number): void;
declare function setTimeout(handler: any, timeout?: any, ...args: any[]): number;
declare function clearInterval(handle: number): void;
declare function setInterval(handler: any, timeout?: any, ...args: any[]): number;
declare module 'vs/base/common/async' {
import vscode = require('vscode');
export interface ITask<T> {
(): T;
export class Delayer<T> {
public defaultDelay: number;
constructor(defaultDelay: number);
public trigger(task: ITask<T>, delay?: number): Thenable<T>;
public isTriggered():boolean;
public cancel(): void;
export class RunOnceScheduler {
constructor(runner:()=>void, timeout:number);
public dispose(): void;
public cancel(): void;
public schedule(): void;
declare module 'vs/base/node/stdFork' {
import cp = require('child_process');
export interface IForkOpts {
cwd?: string;
env?: any;
encoding?: string;
execArgv?: string[];
export function fork(modulePath: string, args: string[], options: IForkOpts, callback:(error:any, cp:cp.ChildProcess)=>void): void;
// Needed by TypeScript plugin to avoid code duplication
declare module 'vs/languages/lib/common/wireProtocol' {
import stream = require('stream');
export interface ICallback<T> {
export enum ReaderType {
Length = 0,
Line = 1
export class Reader<T> {
constructor(readable: stream.Readable, callback: ICallback<T>, type?: ReaderType);