2021-11-21 15:12:24 -08:00

372 lines
12 KiB

* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
import * as fs from 'fs';
import * as cp from 'child_process';
import * as path from 'path';
import * as os from 'os';
import * as minimist from 'minimist';
import * as rimraf from 'rimraf';
import * as mkdirp from 'mkdirp';
import { ncp } from 'ncp';
import * as vscodetest from 'vscode-test';
import fetch from 'node-fetch';
import { Quality, ApplicationOptions, MultiLogger, Logger, ConsoleLogger, FileLogger } from '../../automation';
import { setup as setupDataMigrationTests } from './areas/workbench/data-migration.test';
import { setup as setupDataLossTests } from './areas/workbench/data-loss.test';
import { setup as setupPreferencesTests } from './areas/preferences/preferences.test';
import { setup as setupSearchTests } from './areas/search/search.test';
import { setup as setupNotebookTests } from './areas/notebook/notebook.test';
import { setup as setupLanguagesTests } from './areas/languages/languages.test';
import { setup as setupEditorTests } from './areas/editor/editor.test';
import { setup as setupStatusbarTests } from './areas/statusbar/statusbar.test';
import { setup as setupExtensionTests } from './areas/extensions/extensions.test';
import { setup as setupMultirootTests } from './areas/multiroot/multiroot.test';
import { setup as setupLocalizationTests } from './areas/workbench/localization.test';
import { setup as setupLaunchTests } from './areas/workbench/launch.test';
import { setup as setupTerminalProfileTests } from './areas/terminal/terminal-profiles.test';
import { setup as setupTerminalTabsTests } from './areas/terminal/terminal-tabs.test';
import { setup as setupTerminalEditorsTests } from './areas/terminal/terminal-editors.test';
import { setup as setupTerminalMultirootTests } from './areas/terminal/terminal-multiroot.test';
const testDataPath = path.join(os.tmpdir(), 'vscsmoke');
if (fs.existsSync(testDataPath)) {
process.once('exit', () => {
try {
} catch {
// noop
const [, , ...args] = process.argv;
const opts = minimist(args, {
string: [
boolean: [
default: {
verbose: false
const testRepoUrl = 'https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-smoketest-express';
const workspacePath = path.join(testDataPath, 'vscode-smoketest-express');
const extensionsPath = path.join(testDataPath, 'extensions-dir');
const screenshotsPath = opts.screenshots ? path.resolve(opts.screenshots) : null;
if (screenshotsPath) {
function fail(errorMessage): void {
const repoPath = path.join(__dirname, '..', '..', '..');
let quality: Quality;
let version: string | undefined;
function parseVersion(version: string): { major: number, minor: number, patch: number } {
const [, major, minor, patch] = /^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/.exec(version)!;
return { major: parseInt(major), minor: parseInt(minor), patch: parseInt(patch) };
// #### Electron Smoke Tests ####
if (!opts.web) {
function getDevElectronPath(): string {
const buildPath = path.join(repoPath, '.build');
const product = require(path.join(repoPath, 'product.json'));
switch (process.platform) {
case 'darwin':
return path.join(buildPath, 'electron', `${product.nameLong}.app`, 'Contents', 'MacOS', 'Electron');
case 'linux':
return path.join(buildPath, 'electron', `${product.applicationName}`);
case 'win32':
return path.join(buildPath, 'electron', `${product.nameShort}.exe`);
throw new Error('Unsupported platform.');
function getBuildElectronPath(root: string): string {
switch (process.platform) {
case 'darwin':
return path.join(root, 'Contents', 'MacOS', 'Electron');
case 'linux': {
const product = require(path.join(root, 'resources', 'app', 'product.json'));
return path.join(root, product.applicationName);
case 'win32': {
const product = require(path.join(root, 'resources', 'app', 'product.json'));
return path.join(root, `${product.nameShort}.exe`);
throw new Error('Unsupported platform.');
function getBuildVersion(root: string): string {
switch (process.platform) {
case 'darwin':
return require(path.join(root, 'Contents', 'Resources', 'app', 'package.json')).version;
return require(path.join(root, 'resources', 'app', 'package.json')).version;
let testCodePath = opts.build;
let electronPath: string;
if (testCodePath) {
electronPath = getBuildElectronPath(testCodePath);
version = getBuildVersion(testCodePath);
} else {
testCodePath = getDevElectronPath();
electronPath = testCodePath;
process.env.VSCODE_REPOSITORY = repoPath;
process.env.VSCODE_DEV = '1';
process.env.VSCODE_CLI = '1';
if (!fs.existsSync(electronPath || '')) {
fail(`Can't find VSCode at ${electronPath}.`);
if (process.env.VSCODE_DEV === '1') {
quality = Quality.Dev;
} else if (electronPath.indexOf('Code - Insiders') >= 0 /* macOS/Windows */ || electronPath.indexOf('code-insiders') /* Linux */ >= 0) {
quality = Quality.Insiders;
} else {
quality = Quality.Stable;
if (opts.remote) {
console.log(`Running desktop remote smoke tests against ${electronPath}`);
} else {
console.log(`Running desktop smoke tests against ${electronPath}`);
// #### Web Smoke Tests ####
else {
const testCodeServerPath = opts.build || process.env.VSCODE_REMOTE_SERVER_PATH;
if (typeof testCodeServerPath === 'string') {
if (!fs.existsSync(testCodeServerPath)) {
fail(`Can't find Code server at ${testCodeServerPath}.`);
} else {
console.log(`Running web smoke tests against ${testCodeServerPath}`);
if (!testCodeServerPath) {
process.env.VSCODE_REPOSITORY = repoPath;
process.env.VSCODE_DEV = '1';
process.env.VSCODE_CLI = '1';
console.log(`Running web smoke out of sources`);
if (process.env.VSCODE_DEV === '1') {
quality = Quality.Dev;
} else {
quality = Quality.Insiders;
const userDataDir = path.join(testDataPath, 'd');
async function setupRepository(): Promise<void> {
if (opts['test-repo']) {
console.log('*** Copying test project repository:', opts['test-repo']);
// not platform friendly
if (process.platform === 'win32') {
cp.execSync(`xcopy /E "${opts['test-repo']}" "${workspacePath}"\\*`);
} else {
cp.execSync(`cp -R "${opts['test-repo']}" "${workspacePath}"`);
} else {
if (!fs.existsSync(workspacePath)) {
console.log('*** Cloning test project repository...');
cp.spawnSync('git', ['clone', testRepoUrl, workspacePath]);
} else {
console.log('*** Cleaning test project repository...');
cp.spawnSync('git', ['fetch'], { cwd: workspacePath });
cp.spawnSync('git', ['reset', '--hard', 'FETCH_HEAD'], { cwd: workspacePath });
cp.spawnSync('git', ['clean', '-xdf'], { cwd: workspacePath });
// None of the current smoke tests have a dependency on the packages.
// If new smoke tests are added that need the packages, uncomment this.
// console.log('*** Running yarn...');
// cp.execSync('yarn', { cwd: workspacePath, stdio: 'inherit' });
async function ensureStableCode(): Promise<void> {
if (opts.web || !opts['build']) {
let stableCodePath = opts['stable-build'];
if (!stableCodePath) {
const { major, minor } = parseVersion(version!);
const majorMinorVersion = `${major}.${minor - 1}`;
const versionsReq = await fetch('https://update.code.visualstudio.com/api/releases/stable', { headers: { 'x-api-version': '2' } });
if (!versionsReq.ok) {
throw new Error('Could not fetch releases from update server');
const versions: { version: string }[] = await versionsReq.json();
const prefix = `${majorMinorVersion}.`;
const previousVersion = versions.find(v => v.version.startsWith(prefix));
if (!previousVersion) {
throw new Error(`Could not find suitable stable version ${majorMinorVersion}`);
console.log(`*** Found VS Code v${version}, downloading previous VS Code version ${previousVersion.version}...`);
const stableCodeExecutable = await vscodetest.download({
cachePath: path.join(os.tmpdir(), 'vscode-test'),
version: previousVersion.version
if (process.platform === 'darwin') {
// Visual Studio Code.app/Contents/MacOS/Electron
stableCodePath = path.dirname(path.dirname(path.dirname(stableCodeExecutable)));
} else {
// VSCode/Code.exe (Windows) | VSCode/code (Linux)
stableCodePath = path.dirname(stableCodeExecutable);
if (!fs.existsSync(stableCodePath)) {
throw new Error(`Can't find Stable VSCode at ${stableCodePath}.`);
console.log(`*** Using stable build ${stableCodePath} for migration tests`);
opts['stable-build'] = stableCodePath;
async function setup(): Promise<void> {
console.log('*** Test data:', testDataPath);
console.log('*** Preparing smoketest setup...');
await ensureStableCode();
await setupRepository();
console.log('*** Smoketest setup done!\n');
function createOptions(): ApplicationOptions {
const loggers: Logger[] = [];
if (opts.verbose) {
loggers.push(new ConsoleLogger());
let log: string | undefined = undefined;
if (opts.log) {
loggers.push(new FileLogger(opts.log));
log = 'trace';
return {
codePath: opts.build,
waitTime: parseInt(opts['wait-time'] || '0') || 20,
logger: new MultiLogger(loggers),
verbose: opts.verbose,
remote: opts.remote,
web: opts.web,
headless: opts.headless,
browser: opts.browser,
extraArgs: (opts.electronArgs || '').split(' ').map(a => a.trim()).filter(a => !!a)
before(async function () {
this.timeout(2 * 60 * 1000); // allow two minutes for setup
await setup();
this.defaultOptions = createOptions();
after(async function () {
await new Promise(c => setTimeout(c, 500)); // wait for shutdown
if (opts.log) {
const logsDir = path.join(userDataDir, 'logs');
const destLogsDir = path.join(path.dirname(opts.log), 'logs');
await new Promise((c, e) => ncp(logsDir, destLogsDir, err => err ? e(err) : c(undefined)));
await new Promise((c, e) => rimraf(testDataPath, { maxBusyTries: 10 }, err => err ? e(err) : c(undefined)));
if (!opts.web && opts['build'] && !opts['remote']) {
describe(`Stable vs Insiders Smoke Tests: This test MUST run before releasing`, () => {
setupDataMigrationTests(opts, testDataPath);
describe(`VSCode Smoke Tests (${opts.web ? 'Web' : 'Electron'})`, () => {
if (!opts.web) { setupDataLossTests(opts); }
if (!opts.web) { setupPreferencesTests(opts); }
if (!opts.web) { setupMultirootTests(opts); }
if (!opts.web) { setupLocalizationTests(opts); }
if (!opts.web) { setupLaunchTests(opts); }
// TODO: Enable terminal tests for non-web
if (opts.web) { setupTerminalProfileTests(opts); }
if (opts.web) { setupTerminalTabsTests(opts); }
if (opts.web) { setupTerminalEditorsTests(opts); }
if (opts.web) {